What I Wore: Patrick Vieira

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so our son called me they said i'm going to arsenal do you want to come yeah i follow you i'll go with you i don't know where i'm going but i'm following you um i've got i've got your man your guy that's why i put my hand in my pocket i don't want to handle that so that's why i put my hand in the pocket [Music] it's patrick nice to see you good to see howie i'm good yes um so this is what i wore so basically it's a show where we basically have a collection of shirts to tell your life story so before we start in honor of you i had to bring this out to bring this out i want to slap it on the chest just the way you did that will help you to be much better yes you're feeling good looking good you're looking good i want to know i want to know before we start why did you do that why was the vicks on the chest a thing for you because you made it iconic i don't know if it's iconic or not no it is you're not going to feel sometimes you know you're getting really tired and that helps you to breathe much better so that is what that was my uh small things to help me to to recover i was a little bit more quicker but i don't know if it worked but it was good to worry too great great great start so we're going to talk about obviously born in senegal when you see this shirt here yeah just talk to me when you see this shirt what was that upbringing and how did you first fall in love with football what memories bring out to mine when you see the shirt and childhood when i seen the shirt of course is uh growing up in in dakar where this is the place where i kick the ball for the first time playing down the street and having a good time with friends from next door and um and this is the place where my mom bored my grandparents born so that is a country that meant a lot to me yeah when you see this shirt like what's your memories of your early playing career when you put this on for the first time as a professional watching all of these shirts and like thinking like oh can be a footballer one day you put one on and you actually are what was that what was that this is when i believe that i make one step to the professional level i moved to khan and khan was promoted from ligue 2 to league one and and the manager of a scan was luis fernandez who was one of one of my idol he was part of the career magic so going to cannes and playing my professional level at la scan was was a dream come true because i wanted to play in iguana i wanted to be a professional so the club gave me that opportunity and uh and i still really related to the city right so then obviously you make the big move to as you're saying to syria in these shirts here i remember the show 3d around ac milan we spoke about the importance of platini bringing like the french flair to italy when you finally get the opportunity to move to such a giant club in that obviously iconic um black and red straps like what was that feeling like when you first put that shirt on do you feel the weight of that you feel the weight but you feel the weight when uh when i entered the dressing room you know because we were talking about ac meal and we're talking about costa costa barresi maldini you're talking about george we are marcel dossay was there as a french player as well so that was the the team and the players that i was watching on tv you know so you're watching and you're dreaming that one day you will be you will be wearing one of those shirts so i remember the first day when i get there and i opened the dressing room and i seen all those players over there i was like wow so now you make the move to the premier league this shirt here 96 right i'll give you this shirt here um i'll take this jacket out as well before we get into the shirt you like this before we get into the shirt now i want to talk about you you've played in europe at this point you come to england for the first time come move to london what is the cultural shift before you even wear the shirt like what is shocking to you what what are you like to be honest when i came to england i really didn't know what to expect okay i really didn't know what to expect because the french culture is quite a bit closer to the italian one so to adapt myself was quite really easy so coming to england i didn't know what to expect culture wise never been to london before never had any kind of english friends i would say it but he was like curiosity at the same time and coming to arsenal i i find myself what we said meaning like straight away when you put the shot on the first time you felt it straight away you just knew it this is why you need to be the first day in training the first time i wear the shirt the first time that i played at highbury i knew that was the place that will allowed me to express myself and to maximize my potential as a player well and it was was it because of the man that wore this like wenger is it because of him like coming in because obviously at the time he was the reason why okay i came to arsenal so arson called me they said i'm going to arsenal do you want to come yeah i follow you i'll go with you i don't know where i'm going but i'm following you and uh and the rest is history really so now you come in the next year you win you win the double you win this shirt this is the way from that year and obviously you beat these guys um in the final yeah what was that like first you know big trophies wearing these shirts representing this badge like this is this is one of my all-time favorite shirts this one yeah this one yes because this is where everything started you know and uh and of course 98 making the double uh winning the league and then going to win the fa cup this is when i realized how big football was in this country this is when i realized that there is something really special in this country because of the celebration more than when it was in italy yeah more because when i was in france when i was in italy i was quite still really young i didn't really know what is the professional professional level and and being in england for this first trophy and where i express myself i play with with passion you know all these kind of red cards and all these kind of files and all this stuff this is part of who i was as a player you know so i remember like it was yesterday that was the the um the final against uh against the newcastle of of alanshire you know so the celebration the the passion from the fans and and what that mean to to the players um around by winning winning the double it was it was a a really good year for sure now obviously when you come in and you win the double it's a you're you're doing that against another big team i would say these guys yeah so i need to pull out these shirts obviously this was the massive rivalry when you pull out these two um i've got i've got your man your guy that's why i put my hand in my pocket i don't want to handle it so that's why i put my hand in the but what was it like this this rivalry in particular these guys going to battle against it when you see this shirt because i uh interviewed paul skulls and as soon as he picks up the arsenal shirt he says i want to get my boots on where's vieira bring him now so like when you see this shirt what is it that springs to mind they were the best team they were the team to beat so if you wanted to win the league you have to be above united so that was passion that was comptiveness and i don't want to use the word hate no but it was a love and hate because what's key when i think of arsenal united rivalry it epitomizes between you and king right so i don't need to ask you out of all these shots that you see here what was your favorite shirt in when you had a fight with keane is it this one the grappling is it this one in the tunnel like what is your funnest memory when you think i i'm beefing i will choose this one because what i mean about this one is that from the first game i knew straight away that it will be uh he will be a fight in every single game so um i love the way he was on the field you know respect there it was it was a massive respect and and he was a leader he was a captain of the team he was the one who who was driving the team and the players to to compete at the level he was challenging the players and and i admire him as a captain and and i knew that of course that will be one of the battles to [Music] to try to win yeah when you are on the did you know if i if i overcome him we probably win the game yeah and it happened really often yeah so you you better than him much better [Laughter] i would say much better than that yes all right so we're going to talk about some massive achievements obviously you did the double again but when we think of you in an arsenal shirt it's this shirt i'm wearing here the invincibles yeah talk to me about let's start that whole year like when you put this on for the first time did you know there was something special we're going to do something special here in this show no not not at all i'm 100 sure to be honest the only one who was believing that we could go through the season in dating was awesome but he never mentioned anything to us for us we go through the season and we wanted to compete our best to win the league we knew that we were good enough to win the league but we never thought about going through the season and beating and of course you're building that kind of belief you know you play well in each game the confidence the belief you managed to win the title and these couple of games left and you said okay we may gonna do something special here and then of course he take you know like a togetherness that was a really strong generation of players that we were living well together yeah so when you talk about those players obviously i got on ree here burkham your guy petite like there's so many there's so many players that added to that yeah you know that error of money was it manipurity was part of those players who built and allowed us to go through the season and beating you understand what i mean because he was part of the first foundation exactly so of course all those players who wear the arsenal shirt who help us to believe more in ourself and play next to petty at arsenal allowed me to be a better player but then you got i would say in the invincible season yeah are you talking about burkamp and uh and chiriari and of course you have to mention those players because you will not gonna go through the season and beating without those two players because even when we were going through a difficult period in the game we were losing or we knew on the field i've got these two that can we knew that they will create something that allowed us to score goals to create chances and we were going to game and in our mind we have to defend well we have to be solid because we know that denise will some magic some magic somewhere and cheery with with that period because cherry at that time and that period was i believe one of if not the best striker in the world and uh and those two make make difference and you will not gonna go through the season beating without these top class players and then you win the league your other rivals uh 2-2 draw you scored in this game as well what was that like against obviously this shirt is horrible as well ty and that like what was that what was that when you see this shirt and you see your memories of tottenham and those games as well i think you know there's you know when you think about the best period and of course winning the title and all the stuff like that invincible is fantastic but there was a moment to was a bit sweeter than the others and winning winning the title over there okay so it was this is this one sweeter than this one at old trafford talk to me patrick old trafford is it was really betw the reality you know like uh keane wenger with alex ferguson he was the pirates the wheelchair against the navy london he was like a comptiveness and and to win there it's um it's like us to tell them now we did it to you grant you know it's like players to players you know what i mean it was more but this one what make it really sweet is the fans here's the fans involved it's it's a massive reality and and to win it there and we take time to to stay on the field and to really make that moment really special the fans stayed there for a while we was there on the field for a while we celebrate over there for a while and all of that can make it make it sweet cherry on top when you see these shirts the event is in turn then obviously you're a last time at city lot springs to mind like what shirts come to mind and what shirts do you like feel like significant in the last part it is really difficult to choose because every club that i went was quite really special juventus i went there where um and i stayed there for just a year when you wear this shirt you go back to highbury yes we uh we face arsenal in the um in the champions league it was and over two lakes and the first lake was at at arsenal and he was really strange really strange because after nine years at arsenal moving to italy and we were playing juventus against against arsenal and it was a strange game strange game because you seen all the players that you spent years years and years and the manager and you're going back to highbury and you've seen all the people that you've been working around you for the last couple of years and and emotionally it was it was challenging it was different it was a tough challenge yeah it was tough it was tough so i want to talk about international what was it like you put this because you mentioned earlier your dream is to place your friends like more than anything you want to put on this shirt with these colors what was it like you slap it on for the first time your debuts against um holland against holland in uh park de prince the holland of of denise burkham and uh proper players like what was it like you put this on for the first you feel how you feeling are you feeling good you feeling you feeling proud because you play the game as a kid that you want to be a professional you want to play for the local team you want to play professional level and then you grow and you become quite really ambitious you want to touch the sky you understand what i mean first it's just you just want to be a pro you just want to approach and now you want to be part of you want to play with the best you know so wearing the shirt will say that okay you are there competing against the best player in the world so is a moment of proudness you know for myself for my family and my friends and all the coaches who helped me to to succeed and to be the player that that i was and and there's this kind of ego you know like proud about yourself that you managed to to wear the shirt for the first time and when you wear it for the first time it's just one step forward but what you want is to to keep your number to remain and every time to go back and go back again so it was um it was a it was a good game of of football of course and and especially against holland against dennis burkham that we yeah playing and together so he was uh he was a really good parent yes and then we moved to naie this shirt here the most probably the most iconic french show because of what it is the yes it is the obviously the favorite one being in france this shirt you're in probably like the peak french you've got such a great teams of dan yourself petites in that team you play against these guys who are like i like another iconic team what was that whole experience like the world cup playing in the world cup in your home like country like it must have been crazy like the memories that that sparked to mind when you are kids and you are involved in football and you asking kids which team do you support nine out of ten we say brazil nine out of ten we say brazil so for us as a french you play a final of the world cup against brazil can you imagine how players we are feeling at that moment because brazil is is brazil and look at the number of stars they have on the shirt all the big players this is football football is brazil brazil football so for us and this is a one lifetime chance to i don't know if you will have that it will happen again you may gonna have a france brazil in the world cup but it's not going to be in france it's not going to be in front of our our own people you understand what i mean so that was of course a special day a day that we as a player we always going to remember and and beating brazil in the state of france and and it was really important for us because that was the period where in france it was a lot of racism going around and as a team to win the world cup and show to people what france is all about about diversity and there was a really strong message that we made a statement wanted to send because winning the world cup was fantastic but to show to people that france was about diversity you know we were proud to play for the french national team regardless where we came from that's amazing can we just talk about this one here because i would like to talk about city because i was at the end of my career and moving to city they allowed me to be who i am today as a coach okay yeah talk talk about that in one way in a way that i play for city and i was the end of my career and and it was a time where city was growing as a football club and and they offered me a pathway for the after career to use my experience and to to do something with them but we never find out what was what was the thing the thing yeah and they gave me the opportunity to spend two years in every department in a football club and after this two years to find out what i really liked because they wanted to keep me part of the city family involved in football how difficult was the transition from being a player in a shirt to coaching players and shirts like what was that transition like it was tough it was tough it was very difficult because when you play you always think about yourself you know you are a player you come in you do your things and then you go and and when you're a manager and you decide you have to think about 25 players you have to think about your staff you have to think about so many different things around and then after you think about yourself and obviously now you're here um here at palace i've got some classic palace shirts here which one which ones are your favorite and what what is it what is it like managing such a club that has so many iconic shirts and moments and stuff like that like being here it's a privilege and to be honest i'm quite really really proud to to manage this football club because it's not just a football club it's about what it means to staff of london it is bigger than just a football club is the relationship and how this football club can make south london proud and then can give hope to people to achieve something of people who need support and and this is why i'm i love this this place patrick before we leave i've got one more question right okay it's called burning building one more question building so basically you have two shirts you're in a burning building you have two shirts right wow now you have to save two of them so one is based on your best memory in a football shirt and the second one is based on the best looking shirt here style so me and you i and you are going now what shot you're picking right so we'll start with the first one best memory in a football shirt it's going to be hard to pick because you've got it's going to be really hard to picture and this is always going to give trouble you understand what i mean so i love this one of course last one last arsenal shirt nah i would go for that one the first one first one over everything over the world cup over invincibles like that's the one because that helped me to win the world cup that was you know i arrived at arsenal at 19 20 years old i was a kid really and i left the club as a man and as a a professional accomplished accomplished player so that is the one that that i will wear okay cool so now we're going best looking shirts i would go for the french one i like that that's two that's two solid choices i will go for those two yeah yeah two sort of like the color i like that very nice you can wear that every night out with a pair of trainers i think it really looks good that's it thanks so much thank you appreciate you having a pleasure thank you thank you very much
Channel: TNT Sports
Views: 150,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bt sport, bt sport official, arsenal, what i wore, crystal palace, patrick viera
Id: ZD42aOWpC2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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