Grocery Haul on a budget(Low Income)

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good morning everyone it's Emily I am back with another grocery haul so today I went to the store this morning and I spent $150 yeah so my grocery budget was 130 and I went over 20 extra dollars and so let me show you guys what I got cuz I did get some things that I um probably wouldn't have normally got if they hadn't have been on sale let's start with this here first so that I can get it in the refrigerator cuz it's been sitting out for a minute but um Walmart had these on clearance for a dollar you guys so head over to Walmart um and get them while they're still in stock I guess this is a part of there after Christmas clearance I got the holiday vanilla Christmas tree ice cream bars and it's four in the box so like I said they were marked down to a dollar I believe they were about $3 before and then so I got two boxes of those and then I got two boxes of these holiday gingerbread vanilla ice cream sandwiches so and this had these have four in it as well so I'm I'mma go ahead and put these in the um freezer y'all before I show y'all the rest of my food and then we'll talk about my refrigerator too while I'm over there so let me walk y'all to my refigerator Please Don't Judge my refigerator y'all cuz it's not really organized okay so I'm just going to stick these in my freezer and as you can see I have a I have two bags of shrimp um a cauliflower pizza up there and I have some meat now the reason why I'm showing you guys that because you will see that and I'm going to have to come back and compact this and really like get this all organized you guys this just m right now but I just wanted to show you that down here at the bottom of my refrigerator I do have some meat already so you won't see a bunch of meat in my haul I think I only bought one pack of meat only because I already have meat just fix this here but uh yeah I already have meat as you can see in my freezer and so I'm just adding to what I already have and as you can see over here I have some green fine green be already have some cauliflower so I'm just adding to what I already have y'all we got some pork and vegetable dumplings that come from my daughter I have some crispy Crown seasoned potatoes um for my daughter I have some rice CL cauliflower um garlic and herb for myself two bags of these sweet potatoes um and then I have this here which is from sugar snap peas Cy and I'm not going to just show y'all everything that's in there but I just wanted y'all to see that I already had some things that was already in my uh frigerator and then I have two packs of meat down there that I got to cook today so y'all don't judge me and uh I know some of y'all was looking at these place mats in here I put the place mats in my refrigerator to kind of keep it keep spills down and so that like when something do spill I um it's easier clean up I just wipe the mat off and keep pushing it don't generally drip down to the to the next level like that if I can catch it in time okay so back to the video y'all so I went to two different actually went to three different stores I went to Walmart today Aldi's and Dollar Tree so what I have over here on the table is from do uh Walmart and Dollar Tree so I just put those ice creams in the refrigerator and so I got a lot of frozen food this time because I that's what I need stock up on obviously and my do I'll be going back to work next week coming off of Christmas winter break for two weeks so I got some things for my daughter to prepare after she get home from school so I do get some frozen foods for her so I did pick up three of these mozzarella cheese sticks for her that she can have after school as a snack sometimes she'll just eat that as a dinner um just whatever she finds in the house that she's able to cook in the air fryer or the microwave okay so I'm going back on my healthy kick myself after splurging for the holidays um so I got I picked up a lot of uh fruit for my smoothies so I got mixed fruit here grap value pineapple strawberry peaches and mango okay I picked up two bags of these sliced Peaches I love these y'all they're really really good I like peach smoothies a lot um then I picked up another bag of green beans um I do not no longer do canned vegetables I do either fresh vegetables or canned uh fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables just to cut down me on the amount of sodium that I intake okay then I got uh a bag of sweet potatoes and I know that uh some people will probably rather just get sweet potatoes and peel them and cut them but I started doing this just for convenience cuz I am a busy busy Mom okay single mom at that all right so I told you I didn't get a lot of meat but what I did pick up uh was I picked up this small pack of ground beef to go with a pack that I already have so we're going to make hamburgers tonight and that's what we're going to have I'm going to have bonless hamburgers Burg so I'm just going to have lettuce my burger wrapped into a lettuce um for those that don't know I do a little carb and keto lifestyle so I will uh Slash keto L I'm not really strict on the keto but I'm more low carb than anything okay so I got a pack of this 80 lean 20% fat ground beef chuck I got two p uh two packs of the 12 oz Great Value Hickory smok bacon this is my favor bacon of choice um I usually buy these so got two packs and this food will last me for more than two weeks but I shot for two weeks at a time that makes sense um I got three of these uh broli garlic Alfredo please excuse my nails y'all I still need to go to the nail salon and I will be getting there at the top of next week so um anyway so I got three of the boli garlic alfredos I will be making some uh chicken alfredo for me and my daughter I'll be making hers with pasta and I'll just be making mine with broccoli okay um I picked this bag up a 2 lb bag of Tyson chicken nuggets like I said this stuff comes in handy when I am working a lot and I do work a lot of comp time and overtime so this is something that she can prepare for herself in the air fryer I have to cook I picked up this we'll probably eat this tonight for dinner cuz I have to go to the laundry mat tonight and I know that I'm going to be on the go so I won't be cooking but um and I just said we're going to make hamburgers she'll probably have hamburgers tomorrow but uh I picked this up for tonight this is the Great Value rising crust pizza y'all this Pizza is pretty good for $4 and some change basically $5 Pizza it's really good and we always add mushrooms to it so you'll see the mushrooms I'll add to it in a minute it's really really good you guys for five bucks basically okay I picked up some drinks for myself I drank these These are the pineapple orange uh clear American uh sparkling water drinks so I picked up two of these for myself okay then I picked up two of these for my daughter she drinks a lot y'all I probably spend more in drinks for her than anything and I have to push water on her cuz she don't like to drink a lot of water but I picked up two of these Arizona mucho mango fruit juice cocktails and these are basically on they're $2.98 right now so I thought that was a really good deal so anyway there's a second one there okay let's go back into the inside of the table um we're going to be doing a shrimp bowl like a seafood Bowl um probably next weekend or the weekend after that so I picked up another bag of shrimp this this is the raw shrimp peeled extra large shrimp basically was like I think it's like $5 a bag but I peel I picked this up to go with the other two bags that I have and then I picked this up for myself this is usually what I do for meal prep for myself the Italian style me meatballs I put these in a crock pot with some minced garlic some uh beef broth and some minced garlic and some onions y'all it be so delicious so I made this I picked this up from meal prep for uh probably next week and then I let me make my way around the table here I picked up a 16 pack of B and cheese and we do have some cheese already but my daughter really loves cheese a lot so I got this for her she can make some ham and cheese sandwiches after school sometimes as well this is what I got for the pizza some sliced baby Bella mushroom to go on the pizza tonight okay um I got these for my daughter the two of these pizza roll SN rolls for her and then I purchased this little meat lovers lasagna that she can have one night with a side salad so and she can probably get two servings out of that so that'll be two meals for her all right and the reason why I say that is cuz I'm eating a little bit different from Ashton I'm eating more a low carb I'm not eating a bunch of pastas and stuff like that and bread so um let's see what else I got from Walmart I picked this up for my wings I like to have a lot of air fryer wings or bait wings so I picked this up for my party Rings this is the gar Gar Great Value parmesan garlic wing sauce yeah I never had this kind before I've had the Wild Wing Sal Parmesan sauce and I've had the version that AI had so I can't wait to try this sauce let me know down in the comments if you've ever tried this particular sauce before all right and then I believe oh one more thing from Walmart I got these here y'all these are very very tasty so for the most part I drink water but when I want something besides water um I'll drink those I'll drink these here okay and then if I want a special little treat then I'll drink some of the zero uh Sun kiss here this is a zero sugar Sun kiss so this is just for a treat and there six of them there so like I said for the most part I'm drinking mostly water okay so that is all the things that I purchased from Walmart okay so from from Dollar Tree the Dollar Tree haul is next Dollar Tree I went in there just to get pretty much snacks for for my daughter and I got a couple of things for myself um oh I forgot to show y'all this I got this from Walmart as well this is the Lemon lemon pepper seasoning from Walmart Great Value $112 it's it's amazing how these seasoning used to be 50 c y'all and now they're a112 inflation baby inflation okay so back to Dollar Tree so I got some gum for my daughter because um my daughter has ADHD and she likes to chew on objects from time to time uh and that can be very dangerous so I try to get gum for her and she does have a chewing necklace as well but I picked up these double bubble dreamsicle [Music] um gum gum drops her she's 12 but she has like a oil fixation she has to have something in her mouth and she has to be chewing so I I would rather her chew on this than chew on random objects um it's kind of scary and I don't know if anybody else have a children that like to chew on like tops of water bottles plastic just any kind of foreign objects and so her doctor recommended to me to for me to get gum and for me to get that chewing necklace for her so I did pick up two packs of the gum for her I picked up some BO Chicka Pop sweet and salty CER corn popcorn I put up two bags of this for her okay I picked up some seasoning salt cuz we were out of seasoning salt and I've never tried their brand I'm I'm usually a lowy seasoning salt type of girl and I try not to use a lot of salt because I'm trying to um you know stay off the high blood pressure medicine so uh yeah so well that will last us a while cuz I don't really cook with a lot of salt or seasoning salt okay so then I purchased these here for her one Cherry Pie and one apple pie and she will not get all of these snacks so it seemed like yeah I bought a lot of sugary snacks and stuff but I ration her her snacks over a two we time period And once these are gone y'all she won't have anymore so yeah and I'm sure other homes probably have more snacks than this but you know a lot of people like to come on your videos and point out what's not healthy but for for myself I am doing a healthy lifestyle but I still have a 12y old and she gets fruits and vegetables but she's very I have a you know she has ADHD and OD and she's very P picky in particular about her food so with her vegetables and fruits I have to put them in a smoothie because she will not just eat them um and then like the the chicken alfredo I will put broccoli in there for her to get and then we'll do like salads and stuff but yeah so she I have to sneak her fruits and vegetables and things cuz she's very picky y'all okay so I picked up some extra creamy cool wh to go on top of our hot cocoa that we're going to have tonight um we're still like celebrating the holiday season so we'll be doing some activities tonight and we'll probably have some hot cocoa and we'll put this on top so I I was very surprised that this is a125 in Dollar Tree y'all check them out um I got some Golden Oreos for her okay now this is what I bought for myself to snack on I like uh like to Graves a little bit myself so I picked up some sunflower kernels here these sunflower kernels are good source of fiber it says and you get 5 oz I like to put these on my salads as well y'all because I've opted to trade out croutons I love croutons on my salad but now I'm not doing as many carbs y'all so I'm trading this the croutons out for this so and then I picked me up some now this is mine I picked me up some sugarfree low calorie juicy gel Jello-O and it's got two orange and two strawberries five calories per serving so I picked up two packs of that now last but not least let's start with the AI haul this was supposed to be with the Ali stuff so I'm just going to show you I got a loaf of bread for my daughter I don't eat bread now unless it's keto bread so this is my daughter's bread for her to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or ham and cheese sandwiches all right then over here is where excuse the dirty dishes in the sink um over here is where I have my AI haul so I went to Aldi's and I spent 45 about $45 in there now over at Walmart I spent 90 at Dollar Tree I spent 10 so that's 100 and then I ended up spending 45 so I spent about $150 all together with tax um so this is what I got from Aldi's and for the most part I you know I usually shop mostly at Aldi's but today I shop mostly at Walmart so I didn't get as much for my money today just because I had to buy um I had to buy some things that a don't carry and I'm going back to the table because my daughter does not like the AI brand chicken nuggets for instance she did not like those so I had to go back to name brand Tyson if I can get it cheaper at all y'all I would I'll get it I'm not a name brand person but like I said I have a daughter and she can be picky sometimes she's 12 so I got a thing of a 12 pack of large eggs peanut butter for myself and for my daughter and I also do the pb2 peanut butter as well I got three cans of this this is the chunk light tuna so we're going into more the things that I eat so I I usually make me a big thing of of tuna and I eat that um I picked up some fruit for my daughter now she will eat these I picked up the 100% fruit juice dice pears okay I picked this up for her as well she likes these um mini muffins It's like four in a pack or whatever so I picked up this she likes these um then I picked up a pack of Italian dry seasoned salad dressing and seasoning mins I like to put this in my crock pot with my chicken and let it cook and it it tastes really really good along with some other things that I put in there I picked up some real bacon bits for our salads okay then I picked this parmesan finally shredded cheese up to go on my um chicken alfredo I'm doing this chicken alfredo bake in the oven and it said to use parmesan cheese on top so that's what this is for this is mine as well a pack of four protein vanilla shakes these taste pretty good compared to the Premier Protein um brand and I used to get Premier Protein but these are $64 9 at um aies and I believe the pr Premier Protein or you get four for about $9 at Walmart I don't drink regular milk I drink almond milk so this is the unsweetened almond milk 30 calories then I picked this up for to add inside of my daughter's uh smoothies this is 100% apple juice okay and then we're coming to the end of my AI haul I picked up a bag of sharp cheddar cheese that I will using eggs scrambled eggs and put it in salads and stuff I picked up chicken broth for me to use in my chicken that I cook in the crock pot okay I make lemon pepper chicken thighs in a crock pot y it is really really delicious and that's what I do as part of my meal CP and then I picked up some beef broth that I add to those meat balls and I cook that into in the crock pot and it's really tasty as well I picked up this here for my salads instead of me just getting salad mix now I usually get this and add it to add what I want to it and um so this is the three remain hearts and actually I thought there was four and there but it's three so this is the three remain hearts these last a good bit of time too before they go to bag I picked up this for my grazing here this is a more healthier snack for me this is seed and raisin trail mix almonds raisins Papas uh peanut sunflow kernel and cashews this is a snack for myself and then I picked up some R ratoni ratoni for the broccoli Alfredo for my daughter so it's just a smaller bag and this will be for her for her so I I'm going to make two different batches hers I have pasta and mine I just have broccoli all right so that's it you guys and I think I forgot to show you that I purchased two cucumbers for our salads okay so that's it you guys that is my grocery haul for two weeks uh my budget was1 130 I actually went over $20 so this is $150 worth of food I did forgot to show y'all one item here I did pick pick up a 24 pack of water okay so I hope you guys enjoy my video if you like other videos like this please subscribe to my channel check out my Dollar Tree haul before this video and I will have another Dollar Tree video posted after this video and so this is just you know what I like to do y I like to show yall how to shop on a budget uh I am a lowincome earner I am a custodian for the state of South Carolina and I do not receive any child support or food stamps so I partic you know I usually put myself on a grocery budget and So lately groceries has been costing me more so I've had to up my budget from 100 every two weeks to about 150 now for two weeks so that's that you guys thank you for watching my video and I will talk to you guys later
Channel: DiaryofaSingleMom2017
Views: 7,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food Stamps, Child Support, Single Mom, Single Mom 2023, Grocery Haul, Grocery Haul 2023, EBT, Aldi Haul, Walmart Haul
Id: Sqj7Bjp0rBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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