One Week Budget Shop for Family of 13 | Large Family Grocery Haul

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I'm lyanna mom of 11 from Melbourne Australia and this is my latest shopping [Music] haul hi guys I need to be quiet because my youngest is sleeping behind me I just wanted to introduce this video because I hadn't done so yet this shopping Hall is a bit smaller than usual it's been birthday season and we just didn't end up eating as much like fruit veggies normal food so I had quite a bit of that sort of thing left over from previous shops so in this shop I've just done basically a bit of a fill in Saving a bit of money in the process too now coming up I've had a few questions about the foods that I purchase people wanting a bit more information because Australian foods specifically um people don't tend to get overseas and so people are wondering um what you know custard is and what wheat bcks are and that sort of thing so I thought I'd do a fun video where I bring Anthony who's my husband on board and we open products and show you how they're prepared and at the same time I can give some Australian trivia because I don't tend to include any real Australian culture in my videoos so I thought that' be a bit of fun and something to look forward to so look out for that video subscribe if you're not already so you don't miss it and hit the bell and in the meantime enjoy this video okay one week 13 people this is a nice simple shop where I simply got the things I really need um I spent around $380 I'll leave the exact amount below that's Australian dollars so that ends up being more like0 and something us for instance so to start with I got 10 3 l milk two boxes of cocktail spring rolls and they're a weekend thing it's it's cold weather at the moment so we're going to enjoy those on Sunday when we watch a movie or something I got two blocks of cheese that is for recipes that I'm doing for dinners two packets of salami I'll leave my meal plan below but um that will be for pter bread pizza some beans and peas for when we have roast pork one night I got um two so to make sure there's enough and we can always use leftovers for lunch or whatever one spreadable butter we've already got some and I just want to say here in Australia and I only learned recently that this is not well it's pretty much Universal it's Universal but for in the US apparently we we butter our bread when we make a sandwich and it would appear that Americans do not tend to do so and I cannot imagine having an unbuttered sandwich that just sounds so dry to me and it just makes the bread it brings out the flavor in the bread cuz there bit of salt in the butter it's just gorgeous and I I just I wouldn't even bother having a sandwich if it wasn't butter to be honest but so tell me do you butter your bread when you make a sandwich okay cream cheese that's for we're doing vegetarian pasta and we like to put some cream cheese through one of the meals we're doing is f for yourself night so I'm just making sure we've already got plenty of eggs did not get eggs um uh one of my sons has requested tomato soup I haven't purchased this in years and years but I got some good old Campbell tomato soup that is something he'd like um so I got a bunch in case other people want it made sure we had plenty of baked beans and some um spaghetti uh and as I said we've already got eggs so there's options uh some Greek yogurt that's a 2 L or 2 kg tub some wheat bcks pretend wheat bcks knockoff wheat bcks 12 little tins of tuna for lunches and snacks lovely on a sandwich of course I got three packets of the pitter bread for the homemade pizzas and eight loaves of bread I've still got a couple of loaves of bread in the freezer as well and then I just got toilet paper cat food one laundry liquid I already have some and just some disinfectant one right we still have uh a decent amount of fruit and veggies so I got one pumpkin for when we have the roast already have potatoes I got bananas cuz we go through those within about a day uh I got some mushrooms for the pter bread pizza the capsicums are half of them are for the pizza the other half are for the vegetarian pasta carrots should go in a few different things already have some carrots too and a nice big bag of oranges then we have five pastas cuz we go through about 2 and 1 half now as a family so I got five for two meals then these are for kids just to have as a treat with their lunch once or twice and these again there's 12 smaller packs within each of these boxes so they're for the kids to enjoy a couple of times during the week and they're just the uh digestive biscuits and then five large tins of diced tomatoes I'm doing a lentil soup one night so that's for those as well as the vegetarian pasta two Pata sauces and three tomato pastes one will be for the pet bread pizza the others are for the vegetarian pasta some olives for the pizza some applesauce for the roast pork some vinegar that's mainly for clean CLE and then four packets of butter popcorn and two chocolate digestives and when this is all away I'll give you a look through my pantry and fridges because I haven't done that in a while so we'll get this all away okay in the pantry messy Pantry bit messy not too bad okay baking stuff is up there we've also got some popcorn there bit of cereal so a lot of this stuff we already had as you can see we already have a couple of very much open packets of Wheat baks and then herbs spices condiments that sort of thing we already have peanut butter veg Mite nuts and seeds oats bread we already have lots of coffee and tea and then all the canned stuff and Rice Kitchen fridge again bit messy not too bad though already have a bit of kid yogurt already had some other Greek yogurt some Jam that sort of thing these are um in the foil is garlic butter that I made for a couple of recipes parmesan this is full of broccoli that I have to use potatoes sweet potatoes coconut milk an empty Apple thing um this has got lots of veggies in it still got orange juice left um and they're my sons that he got for his bir birthday some chocolate milks uh garage fridge one and we don't have a huge amount of stuff we got the new the new yogurt there some dairy products we still have a couple of dips left over this is leftover Curry that I made the other night we've got heaps of it left over as well as in this one so that's what we're having for dinner tonight more eggs left over lots of milks meat more leftovers so yeah lots of stuff left over in this freezer we've got I've just got lots of meat that I haven't used yet ice cream already had plenty of ice cream so that's homemade stock in here we've got some that's veggies and blueberri that we already had ice cream already had Icy poles and in this fridge Lea just took a thing of apples out and we've also got lots of mandarins um celery already had lots more eggs that we already had lots of milk and the oranges and the bread and the bread freezer so we already had um three breads cuz two are in the pantry so yeah and we've got lots of a few of crumpets few packet of crumpets there and a packet of crumpets there and throughout the freezers we've got leftover B ice cream birthday cakes any leftovers of the ice cream birthday case just go in the freezer and it's for whoever's birthday it was thank you so much for watching you take care bye-bye
Channel: Feed a Tribe
Views: 869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: large-family, large-family-logistics, feed-a-tribe, large-family-life, family of 13, large grocery hauls, mega grocery hauls, feeding a large family, family nutrition, budget for a large family
Id: c2O1okURcBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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