Walmart Prepping Haul

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some might say that I'm loner but I just call it being free I am my heart's only owner or at least I used to be cuz now wild fire is Raging deep inside and my heart strings are pulling like the T and the match that Drew a spk was a single stolen kid and if that ain't love I don't know what it is hey everyone I'm Calvin with Southern country living and I'm Mar and we hope everyone's having a great day for today's video we're going to do something a little different that we haven't done in quite a while and a lot of you that's been following our channel for several years you know that we uh we always like to be prepared and we do prepping and um I did have several videos two or three years ago about prepping and being prepared for you know any kind of emergency that might come along and I'll leave you a link in the description below of uh one of the videos that if you had seen it before I think you need to you need to definitely go watch it but so what we're going to do this morning um we normally keep a certain level of canned goods in our pantry area and since my surgery we have not restocked real good have we marray and so uh we're going to go this morning and we're going to try to restock some of the canned goods that uh we're running a little bit low on and this is not our complete prepping supplies but this is just it's going to be a restock and I estimate that we're probably going to spend somewhere around $200 to $250 today and uh so y'all come along with us and we'll show you what we're going to buy and how much uh each individual item cost and I was looking at some of the prices when we were in Walmarts the other day and they're definitely more expensive now than what they were when last time we did them oh yes and so what we'll do do uh I'll try to throw a picture up here and show you what our pantry used to look like and I'm not going to show you one right now because I'm too embarrassed to show how it looks now yeah it's quite a mess but we've had some things going on the last several months but uh we're planning on getting it all straightened out aren't we yeah it's starting to get spring it's going to get a little bit warmer and uh we'll be getting out doing more but I'll get our pantry area all straightened up real good and I'll show you another picture of it then okay so anyway we're head to Walmarts and we'll see you when we get there okay we're here at Walmarts and Marie was able to find her an electric cart so we're going to go in here and get started okay we're here in the caned meat department to get started and I do have my list here with me of things I want to get and the first thing I'm going to get is some canned chicken they got a lot of talking and a lot of music going on the canned chicken is 872 for four cans and we're going to be getting a toal toal of 20 cans okay and the next thing I'm going to get is some canned tuna and it is 352 for four cans and we're going to get eight of them okay the next thing on our list is a Denny Moore beef stew and is $312 cents a can and we're going to be getting 12 cans we got a box right here so I just get this whole box of 12 okay next I'm going to get some Castle berries brunswich stew and it is $298 a can and we're going to get six cans of it today okay we got six cans of brns Stew uh what's next on our list next thing on our list is a chili and we're going to be getting four cans of the Great Value chili it is 192 a can and we're going to also be getting four cans of the oral chili and it is18 of can so let me go ahead and gather these up and get them put in the bat okay next we're going to be getting hot dog chili salts and we're going to get five cans of this and it is 78 cents a can picture of a bab coming up okay next we're going to be getting some uh sliced peaches and we're going to get six cans of these and they are $148 a can so let me get these put in the buggy okay next we're going to get fruit cocktail and we're going to be getting four cans and they are $148 a can for fruit cocktail okay next we're going to be getting beef with vegetable soup we're going to get six cans and they are $168 a can these are the bigger cans they're 18 o cans okay correction on the beef with vegetable soup uh all the cans that are back in there are bent so we was only able to get four that were not bent so uh you have to be careful when you're shopping at Walmarts because they have a lot of bent can sitting on the shelf if you do a grocery pickup they will put those on your order too but if you contact them you can get it taken off okay next we're going to be getting cream of chicken soup we're going to get six cans and they are 68 cents a can for these okay next we're going to be getting uh green beans and we're going to be getting eight cans of these and they are 64 cents a can Okay the cart is starting to get pretty full hopefully this cart will hold the rest of what we got to get today Marie how do you enjoy shopping like this with a a card attached to you too um I'm much D to be walking and pushing my own buggy but um I'm just glad that they have these cards yeah okay it's working that's what counts okay next we're going to be getting six cans of mixed vegetables and they are 96 cents a can you can either get the mixed vegetables or you can get what's called mixed vegetable medley personally I like these best for making soups and that's what we use these for quite a bit so I'm going to get six cans of mixed vegetable medley for 96 cents a can Okay next we're going to be getting the Bruce's yams we really enjoy this particular brand we're going to get five cans of these and they are $154 a can let me get these in the bie next we're going to get uh diced tomatoes we like the Italian style we're going to get six cans and they are 96 cents a can Okay next we're going to get some original diced tomatoes with green chilies these are the same thing as the Rotel tomatoes and we're going to get five cans of these and they are 96 cents a can okay next I'm going to get tomato sauce and how many cans maray we're getting four cans of these and they are 96 cents a can Okay next I'm going to get some pasta salts in the can we're going to be getting four cans and they are $1.34 a cans and the buggy is starting to get very full on us okay next we're going to be getting some Eagle brand milk and we're getting two cans of Eagle brand it is $258 a can and we're also going to be getting six cans of the grap value sweet and condensed milk and it is186 a can and so let me get these in the bagy okay we didn't have this on our list but we are going to go ahead and pick up two uh bottles of vegetable oil and these are 48 o bottles they are 3.97 each okay next we're going to get the canned pumpkin we're going to get three cans and it is $147 a can Okay next we're going to be getting evaporated milk we're getting 11 cans and it's $126 a can they always put the good stuff down on the bottom a make it hard to get to okay I had to pick up some of this and two other items that we need for a recipe that we're going to be cooking later this evening and this is not part of our prepping this is just something extra and the buggy is slightly full it's fcing I don't know if it's going to pick it up okay our total for today is 24656 and that's about what I guessed it was going to be okay I got everything packed in the trunk drunk that was a pretty good haul so when we get home we'll set up on the counter and show you what we actually end up getting okay we're here at um Bojangles and uh we just got through on doing our shopping at Walmart and boy that took a while so we're tired and we're just going to stop here and um get uh get us a chicken biscuit and then go on home and put this on the table and show you what we got and so we'll get back with you in the little plow hope everyone's having a great day today hey everyone we're home from uh doing our shopping at Walmarts today and like I said earlier this was not a grocery H this is a prepping H and I think every item on this table here we've already got it in our pantry out there the only thing that we was 100 % completely out of was peaches and the peaches have just been hard to find around here lately hav they maray for me they have yeah and so but everything we've already got this is just adding to our supply we try to keep a good Supply in case of an emergency and uh we just felt like it was time to load up again uh we hadn't done a you know a lot of prepping since I had my surgery right and so we're just trying to get caught back up we also use this food when we're doing cooking videos we'll be pulling it out and using a lot of it too cuz we have to keep it rotated uh our total today we spent $246 but now about $6 is in this bag right here and this is for a recipe that we're going to be making later this afternoon you probably won't see that recipe until Monday uh in fact you may see that recipe before you actually see this a hul and just depends on how we schedule our videos but let me show you what we were able to get today and we're pretty proud of what we got but right here this is four cans of uh chicken breast and you notice we use this a lot in recipes don't we yes and also our Walmart store was good and stocked up on can goods this they were they were good in stock today but we got total there's four in each pack we got total of 20 cans of chicken breast here we got a total of eight cans of tuna fish U Mar and I both love tuna fish we make sandwiches with it a lot don't we and tuna Castle Ro and we weren't planning on getting these but we picked up two the other day extra and Mar said we need a couple of more so I got two more uh containers of vegetable oil here we've got think we 12 cans of denimore beef stew now this is something we love we'll take this mix it with one can of petite diced tomatoes and it makes a complete meal for Mar and I both and that's good and economical and good for you okay we got six cans of Brunswick stew this Brunswick stew has chicken and beef in it you can buy the individual cans of beef and you can buy the individual cans of pork and make your own but it's going to cost you a a whole lot more than what it does to just buy it like this and in case of emergency this is a good way to have it in stock okay next we got some chili I'm not going to pick up every one of these cans but we've got four cans of the Walmart brand chili that is one of my favorite Brands I enjoy that and we also got four cans of oral chili and I've been liking the oral chili lately but same thing what we'll do here is we mix a can of tomatoes with it and it makes a complete meal we enjoy it that way okay next we got some cans of hot dog chili and next we got some cans of vegetable beef soup now these are the large cans we the other cans we got on the Shelf are the real small ones and I've never seen these large cans on their shelf in there before and so I wasn't sure about the price but we went ahead and got them cuz that' be good you can also add the can of tomatoes with that and make it longer make it go further sure enough and then we got uh six cans of Crea chicken soup we use that a lot that goes in all kinds of recipes we didn't get any Crea mushroom soup because we've got too many of them already on the Shelf we've got eight cans of green beans we got six cans of diced tomatoes and then we got five cans of the rotail tomatoes and I'm hoping that the camera is focusing on this good enough that you can see it and tell what we've got we got six cans of the mixed vegetable medley and like I said I like these because they go good in soups because it's got some green beans in it chicken pot pie a lot of things yeah it goes in a lot of different recipes we like that then we got five cans of yams we've got got yams on the Shelf but we didn't have very many and this can here's got a little bin in it and as hard as I tried I still I've seen two or three cans it's got little dents in it and it's it's easy to get them and there on the very end we got three cans of tomato puree cuz sometimes around fall it's hard to find those cans of tomatoes to make the fall recipe is I mean I said Tomatoes of U pumpkin to make those recipes for five so we picked up three of those okay we got four more cans of hunts pasta salts we use that with spaghetti on the evaporated milk I said that we bought love cans but I just went ahead and picked up another one so we got a total of 12 cans of evaporated milk and we use this all the time don't we Marie because we don't actually drink milk out of a carton that much and so when we do need milk for recipes we'll use evaporated milk and you can mix it half evaporated milk and half water and it's basically the same as whole milk okay we got this is back here in back you can't see it but we got some cans of fruit cocktail and we also got some cans of peaches on the fruit cocktail we had four cans of that we got six cans of peaches marce said the day is want to make a peach cobbler with that new U cassero dish you bought yeah and so we may try that one day soon coming up we also picked up the Great Value brand sweet anded condensed milk and we like this for just general recipes I think we got six cans of this and we got two cans of the Eagle brand now there's certain recipes that Marie makes like her cherry cream cheese pie and when she makes it she's got to have Eagle brand to make it turn out real good so we got a couple of cans of that we got four cans of tomato salts and we didn't get any tomato paste cuz we got tomato paste on the Shelf already and we also it's not in this Hall but we got um 12 cans of double Q salmon yes we picked them up just a couple of days ago and we like to use that too don't we we do in our recipes the double Q salmon we that on sale over at Piggly wigglies for $2.99 a can and at Walmart it is I think it's $4 14 cents a can so we went ahead and picked up 12 cans of that to have some extra in stock on that okay so that's everything we bought uh for today and I'm not going to lie to you I'm tired uh just going through the store and putting everything in the buggy then getting up to the checkout and we were lucky we were able to get a per person that checked us out so they could change quantity and they got us checked out a little bit quicker uh but then had load everything into the trunk of the car then when I got home I had to take everything out of the trunk car and bring it in here and so I still got one more stealth all this is got to go into our pantry and uh as of right now our pantry is a little disorganized so it may be a day or two before we get everything put into the pantry but as soon as I get everything in the pantry and get all cleaned up looking good I'll show you a picture of how it looks now um if you watch some of our older videos I've showed pictures of how it looked before hav we yeah okay so that's all we're going to do for this video here it was just a little prepping haul hope you enjoyed it hope you enjoyed going with us and Marie since you're in here with me I'll let you close it out sweetie okay all right so y'all do what you love and love what you do and we'll see you on the next video and hope everyone is having a great day bye we were young and we were free and running never bed about what could be coming every we daned in life was smiling we were young and drunk and love a few years later I started thinking if it's just every glass I'm drinking we're like one without you I'm sinking I'm always shining next to you oh I got you there's no R Chas in pavement
Channel: Southern Country Living
Views: 58,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y221Maq5dw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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