What I Eat To Get Shredded (Grocery Haul For Fat Loss)

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before we head out I should take a quick look at what we've got thing is I actually like rarely get that much groceries like if if I'm on a fat loss phase which I am right now I try to keep my cupboards somewhat bare on purpose just because then the temptation isn't there but we're gonna go to the book store anyway let go so in this video we're gonna be doing a grocery haul an actual real one this time I promise it's not a troll' so a couple months ago you guys know I posted that video with bro Jeff going through and spewing all his nonsense and a few people commented on that video and we're like oh I'm a little disappointed I wanted to see an actual grocery haul like what you actually get on a trip to the grocery store so that's what we to do in this video my primary goal right now is fat loss so I have entered a bit of a caloric deficit my calories are just about 2500 calories a day which actually does have me slightly losing now I think I'm more active now than I've been in the past like rashon and I are playing basketball like all the time now so I'm a little bit more active but I'm happy to be losing very slightly on that caloric intake and because my deficit is relatively moderate or really quite small my training performance in the gym is still really good and I feel like I'm really in a groove with both my training and my nutrition I go in the gym give it my honest best effort and then I almost feel like I owe it to myself to be accountable with my diet as well it's almost like I'm putting in all that effort in the gym then I better make sure that my nutrition is on point as well when it comes to optimizing your approach you can do it intuitively especially if you stick to you know the same meals for the most part every day but ever since the new year came around I've been pretty meticulously tracking for me that just means tracking my caloric intake and setting a protein minimum so like I said I'm at 2,500 calories and a minimum of around 200 grams of protein per day and then for carbs and fats I actually don't track those too closely at all but I do make sure I hit a fat minimum of around 60 grams per day and I try not to let it go over around 80 grams but other than that I kind of just let them fall where they may another thing I have been doing is just building consistency with my meals one way I've been doing that is having the exact same pre bed meal so I know that no matter what I've always got this last meal before I go to bed to help me finish my macros so I won't have to go to bed hungry or anything like that so I'll probably share some more details on that when we actually get in there and I'll check in with you guys over the grocery store let's go then you see the coin this is one way to not draw attention to yourself without a coulis although okay hold it in like that and clamp it in between your thumb so when you look at it like that it looks like it's gone see that but it's actually in there so it's like you're like that you know anything okay I've got a few bananas I wouldn't say I eat a banana every day but I probably eat one every other day so I'll get three two that are quite ripe and one that isn't quite right yeah they look like clementines but in the pink it looks like a grapefruit false marketing but yeah clementines usually have these like pre-workout I always have some kind of fruit pre-workout and how you eat a lot of fruit in general I'm not like the biggest veggie guy in the world like I know vegetables are really important and I eat my kale salad every day but I try to eat more fruits than most just because they're super nutritious as well and really high fiber and a lot tastier so I usually stock up on some blackberries and some raspberries blackberries are actually a really great source of fiber like I think per gram out of all the berries blackberries is the highest in fiber so I'll have these before I go to bed sometimes just because they're super filling for such a low caloric value blueberries included those in my video on superfoods always stock up on those and occasionally I'll just get some mixed fruit just to switch it up so today I'm gonna get cantaloupe cantaloupe is a really great source of vitamin A just in general you want to get fruits and vegetables of a bunch of different colors you know throughout the week so cantaloupe is one of my favorite and I like to get this prepared just because if I get the whole melon all honestly probably just be too lazy to cut it up and they'll go back [Music] slim pickins here at nighttime Honeycrisp is my favorite type of Apple at the moment so I'll get a couple of these again I switch up my fruit sources a lot but I always eat some kind of fruit pre-workout and then usually a bit more before bed so I just stock up on a mix every week this is another fruit I love I don't think I'm gonna get it today because they look a little bit like a little sketchy to be honest just put Asian pears have you ever tried these bro yeah I love Asian pears they're super juicy not the most nutritious fruit but they're really filling but now I'm gonna leave those for today oh is that what I think it is it is not so I'm looking for Kiwis I don't think I don't think they have any here this isn't the grocery store that I normally shop at and it's it's nighttime so it looks like things have been picked over a bit but I normally do include sungold Kiwis here I've been eating sungold Kiwis lately just because the regular green ones are at a season right now so we're going with the sungold ones but they don't have any here so I'm going to go to another spot for those yeah I definitely don't seem a little offended let's keep them moving so this is the salad I usually get so I get the sweet kale salad mix with the poppy seed dressing and pumpkin seeds and then I just mix in a little extra spinach get a little extra green action in there remember from like an old Greg Plitt video rest in peace - Greg Plitt by the way he gave the advice I think was Greg Plitt that you should spend the majority of your time in the grocery store on the outside so like don't spend too much time going down the aisles and stuff because that's where you're gonna hit all the processed food I actually think that's pretty good advice when I come to the grocery store you know I send - I tend to start with fruits and vegetables then go to the lean meats and then kind of work my way down the frozen and the aisles after nothing wrong with that stuff is just you know that shouldn't be the focus that shouldn't be the place to start as far as meats go actually wouldn't say either of meat I probably have maybe one meal per day that's that contains meat and usually it's ground turkey or ground chicken so I haven't eaten red meat in quite a while like I'll probably only have it maybe two or three times a year for ethical reasons as well as health reasons so I do try to somewhat limit my meat intake but I haven't been able to totally limit it altogether but when I do get meat I usually try to go for the free run or free-range options in which I'm not seeing here so hopefully I'll have some luck so ground turkey it's not the leanest ground turkey in the world 420 grams of protein 8 grams of fat which is okay you can get leaner stuff in the States but I'm gonna get this for now I just find with the lean turkey also it's a little easier to prepare than like cold turkey breast I just find with this I can throw it in the pan mash it up and then throw it in a Tupperware and I've got it for you know three or four days worth of meals and I just put this together with rice which we'll get in a minute and that's a super easy high protein and satiating meal [Music] Atlantic salmon so I usually have one or two servings of fish like this per week so I just fry that up and that's a great meal with some healthy fats very satisfying I love salmon if you guys have been watching for a while I'm a little bit repetitive like I tend to stick to the same foods but I think that is a big part of your success as well like you need to have stable components to your diet and also flexible components and it's the flexible you know 20% that I'll swap it in and out with whatever foods I happen to crave or want that week I'll usually get a couple carton cartons of these free-range eggs maybe you guys can tell me I feel like someone in my comment section will know would it be considered more ethical from like an animal treatment perspective to go with free-range eggs or is that just like a marketing ploy that I've been falling for because I'm trying to look at you know my ethical contribution with regard to my diet and I figured eating free-range eggs is better than just getting normal eggs so I've been getting them I do happen to find them to be higher quality as well so it works for me but I'm just curious if like anyone has any articles or anything that I could read on that obviously the the best thing to do would be to cut them out altogether but eggs or such have been such an important part of my diet that I I am finding that difficult so maybe that's good as like a first step in the right direction I should say I don't eat that many eggs a week I separate the yolks and the whites so I'll have one yolk and usually four whites every morning but I still get the whites from the free-range ones just because I don't personally like the consistency of the curtain'd egg whites that's just me but that's why there's two cartons of eggs [Music] so so this is my new obsession chocolatey chip echoes these are so good it's only a hundred calories well 200 calories for two waffles you can put some like zero calorie syrup on these it's the perfect snack like if you're craving something sweet sit down eat it like a meal 200 calories piece of cake all right so this is a big part of my bedtime meal I was saying earlier that one of the meals that I kind of have locked into place is my bedtime meal so that will be a half of one of these of cottage cheese so that's one cup of cottage cheese which is 30 grams of protein and then I have a full bag of low-fat popcorn and usually like some blackberries and some crackers so it's just like the most filling satisfying meal and it'll also have the added benefit of getting a slow digesting proteins for you're not overly catabolic while you sleep I've been talking about this for a while but lately I've really been consistent with it occasionally I'll throw one of these in the microwave so I like the chicken Fettuccine Lean Cuisine 300 calories 20 grams of protein if it's a night I'm not really feeling like cooking anything up or if I'm just being lazy these are actually pretty decent on the macros oh yeah if you're on limited calories this is the best Ben and Jerry's chocolate milk and cookies it's so good I actually think it's just as they're almost just as good as any of the other ones you've got bits of cookie dough you've got bits of brownies vanilla and chocolate ice cream and it's only 150 calories per half a cup so in between meals or after a meal for craving something sweet this is another really good option is way better than like a halo top or something like that just because it's so much more textured even though it is slightly higher calorie it's totally worth it for me for rice I just get this this Minute Rice just for convenience sake so I'll take this put it together with the ground turkey some salsa and sour cream and shredded cheese which I've already got all those at home oh and for Raja I'm putting that on everything lately I'm obsessed with it I always make sure I get some kind of diet soda so she's getting ginger ale for now die ginger ale definitely good for eating with meals helping keep full Stephanie actually did a really good video on artificial sweeteners if that's something that you're worried about or not sure about so I can link that down below along with a couple articles that I've found to be pretty helpful in terms of weighing out like the cost benefit of artificial sweeteners but not something I'm personally particularly concerned about me to get something for intro workout so lately I've been going with Gatorade but I like to use like the one of the single-use bottles of Gatorade just because they're easier to grab on the go so I need something that can sub in for that or in for workout what are you feeling what do you think for some 5-lakh rule 5 Alive is good let's check it what's the ingredients filtered water fruit juices from concentrate and glucose fructose that's all we want sugar perfect but seriously but am i realistically going to pop out the juice box in the gym and sip I think I will glucose and fructose you can use multiple transporters I think I'm gonna go with a 5 a live on this pretty bedtime meal where are we popcorn this has been a definite staple for my pre bed meal so you get a ton of volume that takes a long time to eat and pick at it while you watch the TV or whatever if you go for the low-fat option it's a super high volume meal for very low calories and super filling great source of fiber definitely add this to list if you haven't already [Music] alright guys we made it back home this is the grocery haul so this isn't everything I'll eat in a week for sure but we did still have some stuff so I didn't get like condiments or bread or whatever another thing that I just realized that's a huge staple for me that I didn't include in this grocery haul is beans and legumes and stuff that's because my mom takes care of that for me so she'll make me a big pot of chili with like kidney beans and chickpeas and ground turkey and it's absolutely delicious super filling meal I have that at least five days a week as for me I'm gonna grab a quick pre-workout meal and then we're gonna go smash a full body workout it's super late it's 9 p.m. normally I wouldn't train this late but I try to go to the gym when it's not too busy for filming and I try to go to the grocery store when it wasn't too busy so sometimes I just gotta suck it up so normally wouldn't have caffeine this late but I am gonna have some pre-workout because I said I wasn't gonna use filming as an excuse not to push myself as hard as I should be so I'm gonna make sure I get an awesome workout we're gonna fire up an edit hope you guys really enjoy it and I'm gonna finish with the edit so I'll see you guys in the next one let's go [Music] funny we're just listening to that
Channel: Jeff Nippard
Views: 1,579,621
Rating: 4.9071193 out of 5
Keywords: fouad abiad, muscleandstrength, muscle and strength, grocery shopping, grocery shopping tips, bodybuilder grocery shopping, bodybuilder grocery list, nutrition, iifym, clean eating, macros, budget grocery shopping, bodybuilding diet, pro bodybuilding, how to build muscle, bodybuilder, dieting tips, healthy eating, grocery shopping with pro bodybuilders, muscle building foods, what to eat, how to grocery shop, jeff nippard diet, jeff nippard grocery haul, jeff nippard shredding
Id: KTga7Hp0y70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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