Everything I Wish I Knew About Dieting 10 Years Ago (Avoid These Nutrition Mistakes)

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all right what is going on guys so in this video I'm gonna be reacting to my old diet from ten years ago so the other day I was cleaning out this old filing cabinet over here him I discovered this notebook so this contains my first ever bodybuilding diets the one I want to go through is this one from 2010 exactly a decade ago I'll just put a posing clip up here of what I looked like when I was preparing for this show and I'll put a little side-by-side from my latest posing update from just about a week ago for comparison's sake I'm so I will say I think I look pretty good here in 2010 but just because a diet worked doesn't mean it's the most effective or efficient way to go about getting lean or getting muscular maybe I could have gotten even better results if I had set this diet up a better way or maybe I could have gotten the same results without having to suffer quite as much and I think after I go through everything in detail I'll do a final diet rating out of 10 so you guys can stay tuned for that alright so other than the comic sans ms font I'd say the first thing we'll notice here is that this is in fact a meal plan that would eat exactly these meals at exactly these times every day with no exceptions it's interesting because back then I actually didn't even know or care what the macros or the calories were I thought that there was something special about these foods eaten at these times that would get me shredded whereas now I think if I was to redo a contest prep diet the first thing I would do is figure out what the calories and the macros are now but I was curious so I did before recording here just tally up the macros of this diet so I'll put them up here on the screen for you guys now what stands out to me with these macros first is just how high the protein is eating 265 grams of protein is just overkill to say the least and the fats here are particularly concerning only 13% of calories are coming from fats I like to set fats at a minimum of at least 15 to 20 percent of total calories and the reason for that is lower fat intakes have been associated with reductions in testosterone which is obviously not good for overall health they're also not good for retaining muscle generally I'm somewhere in the like 40 to 60 gram range on a contest prep diet as for the carbs in calories I would say the carbs could be a little bit higher but this might just be a necessary evil of getting shredded that isn't something I'd broadly recommend but if you want to get shredded that might just be something that you have to do and I would say the goal wins your calories is to keep them as high as you can while still losing at the appropriate rate so you want to be losing about one percent of body weight per week while keeping calories as high as possible but like I said at a certain point you're just gonna have to increase that deficit as your metabolism adapts all right so I already mentioned that this is in fact a meal plan meaning it's not a flexible dieting setup but I do think that this diet would be strengthened just by adding a bit of flexibility so for example if I wanted to sub out you know the oatmeal in one I could easily replace that with a slice of toast and that wouldn't affect my progress in any way and adding flexibility like this to the diet is going to help in two ways first of all it's gonna make the diet more enjoyable you're not being confined to only these foods as long as the diet lasts and secondly I think it's better from a nutritional perspective because you're less likely to run into nutrient deficiencies if you have a variety of foods that you're swapping in and out from day to day and I would say overall the main thing that I find with meal plans is that people tend to only stick to the diet as long as they can stick to the meal plan so unless you plan on staying on the meal plan forever what are you gonna do once you come off it and so I would say to start by calculating the macros calculating the calories so then you know how to adjust your nutrition once the the diet is over all right so let's quickly go through this meal by meal so the first meal here you'll see eaten at 7:00 a.m. after 30 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach so at the time I wrote this meal plan I obviously thought there was something special about fasted cardio when it comes to fat loss I don't think that's true anymore research shows that even though you do burn more fat when doing cardio fasted whatever substrate you burn more of during the cardio session itself you'll burn less of over the next 24 hours in the latest systematic review that we have on this has pretty much written this off as a myth so I think you should just do cardio whenever it best fits your schedule or when you feel like you have the best energy and if that happens to be first thing in the morning on an empty stomach then that's totally fine but there's nothing particularly special about doing it at this time of day all right so overall there's a pretty standard bodybuilding breakfast you've got egg whites oatmeal and I would probably get rid of the whey protein powder that's a bit more protein overkill there and I would probably replace that with a piece of fruit an apple or something the whole flaxseeds here I find this really interesting because I totally forgot that I used to do this I used to take a tablespoon of whole flax seeds and just pound that back with my protein shake but I think I used to think that there was something special about flax seeds that they had this unique fat-burning power or whatever that's definitely not true but I also can't hate on flax seeds because they are extremely nutritious they're a great source of omega-3s high in fiber just an overall nutritious food however the thing is if you're eating whole flax seeds the shell that surrounds the seed itself isn't easily digested so if you're gonna eat them whole you want to make sure that you're really grinding the seed down or you can just buy them ground to begin with now if I'm being honest I would probably replace these flax seeds with a different fat source at this point so I could replace it with like say a whole egg or some avocado even some nuts or nut butter or something like that you know you could leave the flax seeds in once or twice a week but you could easily rotate those food sources in and out okay so the next meal here we've got a scoop of whey protein and a hundred grams of broccoli really Jeff broccoli and whey protein what's wrong with that so 10 a.m. was when my lecture would start I was in university at the time I was so stubborn that I wouldn't eat this meal at like 9:57 it would have to be exactly at 10:00 a.m. so the professor would get up and start lecturing I would take out the protein shake shake that up glug glug glug and then I would start chomping down on the raw broccoli in retrospect I think there's nothing necessarily wrong with this meal it just doesn't need to be eaten at exactly that time I would probably replace the broccoli with like a low calorie fruit something like a peach palm or a pear or even a Kiwi just make the meal more enjoyable and you could add some nuts or something like some salted almonds to this meal to make it a little bit more well-rounded okay so after that we've got two meals of pretty much just chicken and broccoli there's some fish oil in there I think I'm gonna save the supplement stuff for another video so I have my full supplements sheet here as well it's a doozy so if you guys would like to see me cover that I can do that I've got nothing against the fish oil caps I think they fit in there decently well the main issue I have with this is the pre-workout meal other than the fibrous carbs from the broccoli there's no carb source here that can be used to fuel training I think this is the biggest violation so far other than the comic sans font this is the worst part of the diet so far if you look you'll see in meal five I've got 180 grams of sweet potato so what I would do is just take that sweet potato and either cut it in half and put equal amounts of carbs in the pre and post-workout meals or just take all of it and lump it in the pre-workout meal because in my opinion that pre-workout meal is the most important meal of the day because ultimately training is what's gonna get the anabolic machinery going and help you preserve or build muscle while diet and the fact that I only eat chicken and broccoli just isn't a good choice and also I would probably just get rid of that broccoli altogether because that can give you kind of bloating or gas or just general discomfort during training which is not ideal for performance either and there's no need to have a fibrous vegetable like that before training all right so after that it looks like I would have a scoop of whey protein again now I think this is totally redundant the best evidence that we have on Perry workout nutrition says that the anabolic window around training is probably about four to five hours in length so if I ate my pre-workout meal at 5:00 p.m. and then I've got my next whole food meal scheduled for 7:30 the amino acids from the pre-workout meal from the chicken breast are still going to be in my bloodstream so to throw some more amino acids at the bloodstream right after the workout is pretty futile I would say to just wait until that post-workout whole food meal and that'll have all the bases covered when it comes to post-workout nutrition so when it comes to that post-workout meal this is probably my favorite meal of the day I think this is a good well-rounded meal I like the two cups of mixed veggies so it's not just broccoli I've got some peppers I used to have some yellow peppers red peppers and green peppers onions and mushrooms and the tilapia is a fine choice it's a very lean fish it's interesting because at the time everyone thought tilapia was like a special bodybuilding food like it somehow had these properties that would allow it to really thin out your skin or really dry you out that's just bodybuilding folklore there's no truth to that so you could easily replace that tilapia with any other fish or really any protein source for that matter I would probably replace it with salmon just because I think the healthy fats from the salmon would kind of negate the supplementation of fish oils you wouldn't have to eat that every day but it is a more appetizing fish in my opinion as well okay and then the last meal I also quite liked so I like the casein protein powder I think a slow digesting protein source before going to bed is a good idea I would probably replace it with cottage cheese just because the cottage cheese is gonna have more naturally-occurring nutrients and will probably be more satiating because you actually get to eat it with a spoon and I like cottage cheese so it's more appetizing than just pounding back another shake I don't know if I would include the tuna here I hate tuna I probably thought it was a special food but back then I probably would take some carbs from breakfast and put them in the pre bed meal just because I find I can sleep better at night if I have some carbs in the pre bed meal and there's no reason not to have carbs before you go to bed I used to think that if I eat carbs before bed they'd just be instantly stored as fat but that's a complete myth I did another whole video on that if you'd like to check it out overall I would say I would give this diet a light to decent four out of ten I do think it got some things right so it gets points for including a lot of vegetables it's got enough protein it's got too much protein but I think it's better to have at least a sufficient intake than an insufficient intake so we'll give it like half a point for that I also like the fact that it's not criminally low on carbs or calories I've seen a lot worse on contest prep diets and it doesn't completely cut carbs which a lot of contest prep diets do and so I get some points for those things but it also loses some points so it loses a couple points for not being nearly flexible enough so it's too rigid when it comes to the actual food choices and the timing of those foods I think it's way too low on fat I'd add at least another 10 to 15 grams of fat per day I really am NOT a fan of the suboptimal pre-workout nutrition with no carbs and the broccoli they're not so much a fan of the fasted cardio it's not really a bad thing it's just again not necessary I definitely like to see some more fruit so there's no fruit in this diet probably because I thought sugar would be instantly stored as fat but that's definitely not true and I'd like to see more variety in general so I'd like to see some beans and legumes some nuts and maybe some other grains like some breads or cereals or what have you think that would just make the diet much more nutritionally complete and I think I'm going to leave it at that for this one if you guys would like to see my thoughts on all my supplements list I'll put it up here just comment down below and let me know if there's enough people interested I'll do another video like this on that also I'll put a button over here to my ultimate guide to body recomposition that lays out my full stance on your true calculating macros supplements sleep everything in there is covered in so much more detail than what I've ever done on a channel so if you'd like to check that out hit up the button over here I'll also link it down below don't forget to leave me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys all here in the next one hmmm this is perfect this is great what's wrong with that
Channel: Jeff Nippard
Views: 1,216,222
Rating: 4.9438629 out of 5
Keywords: iifym, science, abs, diet, jeff nippard diet, old diet, workout mistakes, nutrition mistakes, mistakes working out, fitness mistakes, fitness fails, fitness advice, how to workout, best workout, workout tips, best fitness tips, fitness tips, working out, nutrition, workout and nutrition plan, athleanx, athlean x, jeff cavaliere, jeff nippard nutrition, vegan, jeff nippard vegan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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