How To Eat To Build Muscle & Lose Fat (Lean Bulking Full Day Of Eating)

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[Music] all right what is going on guys so today I'm going to take you through a full day of eating on a lean bulk so I'm gonna show you guys every meal the nutrient breakdown of those meals and the rationale behind the food choices meal timing distribution and so on and for the last few months I've been following a strict body decomposition approach to my nutrition following the guidelines in my new body recomposition guide that i'm excited to say is finally available for pre-order on Geoff nipper comm how many of you guys know I've been working on this project for the last six months or so with my good friend a nutrition researcher Chris Erica and it's the exact protocol that I'm gonna be following for the rest of my lean bulk so the book is gonna be 30% off for the pre-sale and if you pre-order you'll get two chapters sent to your inbox right away and then as soon as it launches you'll get all 15 chapters which includes sample meal plans pre and post workout nutrition examples full supplements list a chapter on training skinny fat and even a guide for recovery factors like sleep and stress and I'm also offering a customer service with this if there's anything you don't understand in the manual there's a support email that you guys can contact and if you guys pre-order the nutrition book you can get 30% off any training program as well as a bundle so if you guys are interested in taking your nutrition to the next level I'll have the new nutrition guide as the first link in the description box down below as a sense Steph and I have been back here in Kelowna we've been kicking off every morning with a morning walk so I'll wake up I'll usually weigh in and then I'll drink some water and we'll walk to Tim Hortons where we get a coffee there isn't anything really special about doing that walk fasted that just helps kind of wake me up and get me ready for the day okay guys we just got back from her walk I'm gonna get some breakfast ready first I'm gonna show you guys what my macro targets are gonna be for today I've got 225 grams of protein 75 grams of fat and 300 grams of carbs and that will give me an approximate caloric target of 2800 calories per day a couple months ago I was more around the like 2600 calorie range but since then have gradually increased that number up and over the next three or four months try to increase that number further to somewhere around 3200 maybe 3400 or more calories per day while maintaining the amount of fat that I have on me so my goal is to build as much lean mass as possible while minimizing the amount of fat mass that I gave now some people will note that that protein figure is really high from my body weight I'm only 163 pounds however I do think it's better to go too high on protein than too low especially when your goal is recomposition there's at least four reasons for that the first is that extremely high protein intakes have been shown to improve a body composition in the literature even as high as 3 point 4 grams per kilogram so that's just over 1.5 grams per pound which is super high for protein intake also protein is the most satiating macronutrient it also has a higher thermic effect than carbs or fats and also I think you have nothing to lose by going higher on protein and very high protein intakes have been repeatedly shown in the scientific literature to be safe for bone health the kidneys in the liver so I think a simple cost-benefit analysis is going to show you that it'd be better to go too high than too low and then I set my fad at around 25 percent of my total caloric intake and then just fill in the rest with carbs and I should say I don't always track macros and sometimes I will take more of an intuitive approach depending on the day and I have been tracking for like I don't know a decade so I have a really good idea of what's in foods now but since I've been focusing more on body recomposition I have been tracking more diligently so we're definitely gonna do that today all right let's get breakfast so for breakfast just to be doing the usual here I'm gonna do some scrambled eggs some turkey bacon some goat cheese on the eggs Kiwi of course do that every morning and what else oh and some hashbrowns or well potato patties technically oh yeah how about you that looks like a good just to me people always give me a hard time for this breakfast they're like why why are you eating those foods well I the hashbrowns and you know most of it for this meal most of it just comes down to it's a high protein meal it's relatively low carb which I like to do because I like to partition my carbs more around the workout and later in the day when my appetite picks up and other than that it's just an enjoyable breakfast with foods that I like so guys I'm gonna put the macros for this meal up here on the screen you guys can pause if you want to check it out and also I'll have to fish oil capsules and three well it's actually just one serving of a multivitamin I do try to have one or two servings of fatty fish per week but I'm not I don't always go through in that so I just take two of these just to be safe and I think of a multivitamin kind of as like a nutritional insurance I think you should always try to max out your whole food options first and if you do a good job with that you probably don't need a multivitamin I like a quote from Alan Aragon he says a poor diet with a multivitamin is still a poor diet but I think in the case of athletes where it's really common to have nutrient deficiencies it does make sense to supplement with with a multivitamin for no real downside so anyway that's why I do that I'm gonna dig in enjoy this meal and I'll catch up with you guys in the next one alright guys up next we're gonna be doing at our pre-workout meal now I would say the pre-workout meal is the most important meal of the day because ultimately it's gonna be responsible for fueling your training which is what's gonna drive your body recomposition progress forward so I would say for most of the other meals the actual timing of the meals isn't so important but for the pre-workout meal that's one that I definitely would pay much more attention to alright so guys for the pre-workout meal I've got a chicken sandwich here I've got some fresh chicken breast some shredded cheese Mayo some spinach and a little bit of mustard on some ancient greens bread which is my favorite bread and then I've also got 100 grams of blueberries over here a banana to go along with that I'm so for the pre-workout meal I recommend a soft minimum of one gram of carbs per kilogram of body weight so for me that amounts to about 75 grams of carbs and you also want to prioritize choosing carb sources that are going to utilize multiple transporters for absorption Yorn tromelin was nice enough to send me a copy of his PhD dissertation and as part of this thesis he recommends Co ingesting glucose even fructose to fuel performance as they use different intestinal transporters for absorption so the simplest way to do this is to just combine a starchy carbs source like bread with fruit source which is high in fructose so for any food workout meal I always recommend having at least one food source like a banana and I also like to include some berries so these are the macros for the meal we've got 46 grams of protein 13 grams of fat in 82 grams of carbs which is going to make this my highest power of meal of the day and so for a meal of this size generally I try to eat it about one hour out from the workout itself and then about 15 to 20 minutes before I leave for the gym I start sipping on my pre-workout and I try to turn that to be about 30 minutes before my first working set in a perfect world and that's when you're gonna get the most benefit out of the caffeine so I'm gonna dig in eat this meal let it digest a little bit start sipping on my pre-workout and then we're gonna hit a workout let's go home all right guys we're about thirty minutes into the workout and at this point is usually when I'll have my intro workout nutrition now I wouldn't say an intra workout feeding is mandatory but I would advise it under any of the following five circumstances now so the first one is you're really trying to optimize your training performance second of all you have plenty of carbs affair so you're not on like a lower carb diet you don't want to waste them just by like drinking them or eating into a workout third your workouts last longer than an hour if you have relatively short workouts I don't think it necessary at all you've trained fasted so you didn't have a pre-workout meal probably a good idea to get some carbs in and finally it's been three to five hours since your pre-workout meal that's more similar to fasted where you might want some extra nutrients to keep energy a little too high I'm so for me what I've been doing they just pop them back shoot these fuzzy fuzzy peaches so the main idea is you want to have a fast digesting carbs or just for continued energy through the workout and as a general rule you want to have about a half a gram of carb per minute of training starting around thirty minutes into your workout so say your workout lasts for an hour you'd start at 30 minutes have some fast digesting carbs source and you'd have about 15 grams of carbs so half a gram or a minute after that first 30 minutes and so for me 15 grams of carbs it's just like five or six of these top back like a few of those throughout the rest of the workout and that's really all there is to it sometimes I'll go for a liquid carb source so I'll just like mix up some kool-aid or tang or something like that lately I've just been going with the fuzzy peaches so anyway we're gonna crush the rest this workout check me guys back home alright guys just got back from the gym we're gonna have our post-workout meal now whenever I finish up a workout my appetite isn't the strongest and so I don't really try to rush to get protein in as quickly as possible my rule for timing your nutrients post-workout is that it's much less urgent than pre-workout like I said earlier I think pre workouts the most important meal for the post-workout meal I think you should try to get some protein in as quickly as you conveniently can so that means slamming a shake after your workout perfect that's great if you don't have much of an appetite like me it's perfectly fine if you wait until you get home and have a meal and I would say according to the best evidence that we have on this the general recommendation is to not space your pre and post-workout meals by more than four to five hours so for me I went to the gym I don't know a my pre-workout meal at 1:00 so I would want to make sure if I'm trying to optimize everything that I have my post-workout meal in by no later than say 5 maybe 6 p.m. the wider that window gets around the session the more likely you are to potentially taeju recovery or miss out on some potential gains because the muscle is most sensitive to amino acid uptake after resistance training and then it starts to go back down so there is some anabolic window it's just that it's much wider than people originally used to think so anyway with all that said we're gonna get a meal ready over here it was kind of like a quick and easy snack more or less like I said I don't have like my biggest meal post-workout but I do like to have yeah it should be 1 serving of oats this is select protein for oats now you don't need to use this kind of protein powder but I like it because it does mix really well and it also a way casein blend and actually like blended proteins post-workout I'm according to one of my favorite books on nutrition of all time the protein book by Lyle McDonald combining casein and whey post-workout may have a benefit compared to consuming either one in isolation of course we're talking about like the tip of the iceberg here but there's 10x left to go there so I'll stick this in the microwave for a minute I'm so anyway here are the total macros for that meal we've got 34 grams of protein 4 grams of fat and 25 grams of carbs and even though I think a lot of people make a big deal out of carbs in the post-workout period I think that are more important pre-workout where they're actually gonna fuel training and where my appetite is a little lower after training a 10 - like I said earlier prediction more of my carbs toward later meals in the day it's just for simple adherence purposes I'll have a little bit lower carb intake post-workout um so yeah I'm going to finish up this meal and I'll check in with you guys for the next meal alright guys it's been a couple hours since my post-workout snack so I'm gonna have another meal so it's kind of interesting because now my appetite is really starting to pick up that it's later in the day this is always when I get the hunger juices around like between 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. so I'm gonna have a huge meal right now so this is a big Tupperware full of chili that my mom made for me so but my mom will do is she'll cook for me pretty lucky in the sense either Sam or spaghetti or chili like three or four nights a week and just give that to me in Tupperware with the macros what I'm saying with the macros so basically just makes it really easy for me to track so I'm gonna eat all this this is a three cup serving of chili and in here actually I'm gonna heat it up first I'll show you what we got so and I don't know like if there's nothing to input because obviously my mom made the chili I don't want to put in everything individually I'll just add it like in MyFitnessPal just go protein macro you can search for that and then I'll just add 62 grams of protein for that meal and it'll just add fat macro carbon at across because my mom you know does up these macros so if you have a recipe and you know the content you can just put it individually like that it needs to be fall a little bit but you can see we got some chickpeas in here we got some kidney beans ground turkey some peppers garlic in there it's just super healthy meal probably probably my most healthy meal of the day super high fiber and I'd like to have fiber later at night one gonna help me feel more satiated and two is gonna slow the rate of digestion a little bit so I tend to have a bit of a longer overnight fast like it'll usually be maybe 10 or 12 hours that I go without eating so I try to cram a lot of fiber in eat slower digesting sources of protein later in the day so anyway gonna heat this up again and enjoy a little taste test I mean I also added about 15 grams of shredded cheese on top and that makes it taste so much better mmm that's so good I forgot to sail so my mom I think got this recipe online so I'll put the link to the recipe in the description if you guys want to make it for yourself after this I think I'm gonna go play a bit of basketball of them playing in like a little men's league here in Kelowna so I'm gonna go shoot some hoops this is a huge meal so I tried to time it about like an hour before I go play see I'm gonna down this do a bit of work and then go shoot some hoops so I'll put the macros for the meal up here on the screen if you guys are interested in that super high protein and also very high fiber meal and I'll check in with you guys for my last meal before I go to bed just got back from basketball for whatever reason when I run full court basketball it absolutely kills me so I'm feeling so tired right now I ran for well it's quarter to ten now so it was a couple hours a couple hours um so we got one more meal to go before the end of the day here now so there's gonna be our last meal I was gonna point out to you guys I've been reading through this this thesis I showed it earlier from yawn and another one of his main points in the book he's actually written about this for a while but he's kind of big on pre-sleep being potentially important being window so he says here an important in missed opportunity to consume a high protein meal in well-trained athletes is before going to bed and I do think it's an underrated time of day because it's when you're gonna go the longest without eating again so you have you're basically at the greatest risk of catabolism when you're fasting so when you go to bed so anyway I've been trying to really optimize this now I'll show you get you're gonna go with cottage cheese so cottage cheese is a very slow digesting protein primarily from casein basically forms a clump in your stomach and then it takes time for those amino acids to be digested and absorbed so we're gonna go with some of that and I've been eating that with some of these weekend's over here so get a few of these crackers dip it in the cottage cheese don't knock it until you try that it's actually really good oh and forget little good old kale salad with a ban I actually love Cottage cheese's this is a treat I love it soon as the chili I'll add a little bit of cheese on top I typically we just eat these as a snack when I'm watching the TV so lately I've been reaching the Breaking Bad series and I just started season five and I'm convinced that Breaking Bad is the greatest show of all time re watching it gave me such a deeper appreciation for it cuz I watched it when it first aired and now re watching it I just I feel like I appreciate the show so much more so I haven't seen the movie that's out yet I want to finish the fifth season first but yeah if anyone has any show recommendations that you think that you think is better than Breaking Bad comment below but I personally don't think any good I'm gonna watch that these are tough potatoes they're kind of like rice crisps but obviously I guess but they're really low carb per serving really high volume so it just makes for like a really nice light snack so yeah I love these you haven't tried them I don't know if they're available everywhere we have them here in Canada so I'm gonna put the macros for this meal up here on the screen we got 40 grams of protein 23 grams of fat and 72 grams of carbs for 630 calories so I'm gonna enjoy this last meal I'm gonna flick on an episode of Breaking Bad over here but if you guys are interested in checking out the new nutrition guide make sure you hit up that pre-sale link at the first link in the description box down below also I did want to say that in this video I did focus on some of the finer details of nutrition which I actually find most interesting and that is the tone that we take in the book however we do also cover the basics where basically if you wanted to get you know some of the results are probably most of the results you could just focus on hitting your calories hitting your macros and we go through all the details in terms of how to set that up in the book but then also go several layers deeper and explain all the complexities of nutrition in there and so I think it's a really great resource if you're interested hit up the button over here next to my head I'll take you to the pre-order link you leave me a thumbs up if you enjoy the video subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys all here in the next one
Channel: Jeff Nippard
Views: 8,912,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, vlogger, iifym, science, bodybuilding, arms, chest, back, build muscle, jeff nippard, christian guzman, summer shredding, lean, ripped, abs, diet, lose weight, fat, fitness, flex, biceps, shredded, gymshark, alphalete, physique, natural bodybuilding, full day of eating, lean bulking, body recomposition, FDOE, jeff nippard bulking, bear mode, bulking, cutting, meals, all meals shown, gain muscle, lose fat, meal plan, jeff nippard diet, jeff nippard nutrition, nutrition
Id: 8BKbu_s8p1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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