Starting Out as a One Man Pizza Band | THE PIZZA SHOW

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i'm heading over to pizzeria bedia this is a pizzeria of many quirks jobadia is a one-man band he only makes 40 does per day every single person like it's not gonna work they like didn't understand what i was trying to do because it was like a little bit different i guess in order to get one of those limited pizzas you better be ready to line up hours before they open joe does mostly everything himself so when i headed over during the morning prep hours he was busy at work this man doesn't stop for anything how long has it been now joe you been open uh just over four years what was that process like opening here i used to brew beer at yards which is like probably the largest brewery in the city so i knew a lot of people so when i was opening the pizza place you know a good amount of people knew about it and it was just so busy right away that um i was like we're not gonna i'm not gonna plug in the phone i was like who's gonna answer the phone we're like we're busy i would go up to new york and go to three pizzerias in one day i mean default was really my favorite i was remember eating it and i was like laughing and like almost crying i was just like i can't believe like what is what is this it was like magic or something and um one batch of dough will make how many pizzas uh this is a 40 pound batch so i do 40 does a night your place here is unique in the fact that you have a quick service walk-up place but you only sell pizzas by the pie yeah i've never seen that before anyway yeah yeah i feel fortunate that i came to this style of pizza because you know wood fire pizza place you make good money you make 100 pizzas in an hour or something where it you know i make 40 pizzas in five hours yeah yeah it seems kind of counterintuitive but it's not about me it's not about you it's about the pizza is there a specific way can i jump in and help but you want nobody else touching the ducks well uh yeah just give me a minute but yeah it's real wet it's real wet i feel like this is gonna exist as it does now until it doesn't exist and then the next thing will be just different you know different yeah i have this like idea that i'll just like vanish and i'll be like in some vineyards somewhere and be like what happened to joe he's like nobody knows [Music] doors just opened a pizzeria padilla there's all types of people online here local philly people people that have come from afar it is ten after five and i've been here since ten of four so my 30 year old son is a stalker of his came down about a month ago was in line and they sold out before he got pizza i told him i'd if i could find a parking spot i'd try to get him some pizza this is maybe like the fourth or fifth time i've had it it's like it's kind of a special occasion thing every time i've had pizza here it's kind of been you got to get lined at 4 30. or else you're not going to get a spot [Music] it's like 10 to 6 how many pizzas you got left how many do you celery uh i don't know so 33. wow yeah almost there almost there
Channel: VICE TV
Views: 214,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Viceland, vice, vice tv, documentaries, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, vice magazine, vice videos, The Pizza Show, Philly, Philadelphia, Pizzeria Beddia, Joe Beddia, Munchies, Best Pizza, food porn, italian, Frank Pinello, munchies, best pizza, pizzeria, birthplace of pizza, pizza slice, rectangular pizza, pizza review, wood fried pizza, fast food, margherita pizza, cheese pizza, fast food pizza, pizza dough, Detroit pizza, deep dish pizza, pizza
Id: IMnRelD4zlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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