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you need to be fast right here take a look at this pizza welcome back from my studio Capelli today it's a crazy day we are serving 1 300 people everywhere people look at this people there people there show the pizza please directly give you a door everywhere I'm going to show you how to make 1000 people maybe how to serve 1 300 people I prepare 1 000 pizzas guys everything by myself I can't wait to show you and also we did two catering so after this I'm going to the second one so please guys watch into the end smash the like and go ahead and subscribe enjoy this video for my sweet chocolate and of course I'm going to show you and teach you how to make the pizza dough of course in this channel everything it's a free no secrets and of course guys voila it's about 7 p.m and now is the right time to go ahead and buy some more ingredients of course I got already almost everything ready we got all the cheese we got all the ingredients we got parmesan some pepperonis we got already all the cheese cut this is fresh mozzarella I got a really uh cut in a location because it was way too much 1 300 people tomorrow so it's gonna be tough let me go ahead and buy some more ingredients and then we're gonna go ahead and prepare some Polish for uh tomorrow because the polishing needs to be ready the day before so today tomorrow is going to be a super interesting day it's so here we go my favorite store to make for grocery shopping for the catering let's go [Music] look at this nice clean they have big portion at the good price let's go and let's get everything oh my God guys I'm so excited that finally for the first time in America look finally mooty brought the big the big one we got the big one finally thank you so much my favorite sauce now available for the catering business I used to get always a lot of small but now this is the this is the best so I'm gonna get a bunch of those foreign with one of these you can make about 45 pizzas so we're gonna make a thousand pizzas for eight let's say 50 let's say 50. guys go ahead one one two three four five six good job my favorite one is that this let's get more of this here we go guys now we have everything we also got the wood because this is something it's super important to find a store they also have a wood let's go paint and see what's next [Music] get a nice espresso before we start the day [Music] here you go guys my foolish is here right now it's 8 A.M I have to make eight times the dough so to be able to make all these thousand pizzas plus we have another caterings at night it's gonna be tough day so I'm gonna get just the important part of this journey I'm gonna use this polish that I made yesterday with a total of five liters so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go ahead and use a quarter each dough so just a little bit as East to be able to to use this at 3 P.M because the the catering starts at three because we're gonna do eight pizza dough I'm gonna put it all in order I'm gonna I'm gonna increase the salt each Dough because the salt slows down the fermentation let's make the first dough I got a lot of things to do so here how it works open up the machine let's go ahead and let's add the flour that we need so I'm gonna make eight liters and then of course I go buy highs because I have experience on the how much flour goes in a liter so may you make sure to scale it because uh to be honest I don't have time right now to go and scale everything a little bit of Polish it's good done now we have the Polish and the flower let's go ahead let's mix up everything one second [Music] okay so now in this Dough because it's the first we're gonna increase the salt so in this case we're gonna put 380 grams of salt mix everything up and let's add 8 liters first always super cold water let's integrate the flour with the water a few minutes now we wait that the water and the flour and everything gets together now we're gonna add another extra four liters little by little and then we're gonna save uh one liter for the really end of the dough so this whole process is gonna take about 15 to 20 minutes I'm gonna show you just this dough how how I make it and then of course I'm gonna go ahead and do speed up the things because uh you know everything by myself is super tough so hopefully you enjoy this smash that like please share it's totally it's totally free and by sharing you support to my channel thank you so much guys because we're making eight times the dough the time when it needs to be ready it's gonna be different so what we are doing and the last one I'm increasing I'm decreasing the hydration and increasing the sound this is gonna slow down the fermentation by a lot that is my experience of my knowledge of uh 30 years of experience I don't have any fridge so luckily today is not a super hot day and we are good here you go water is a sword now let's go ahead and let's add the last little water super little by little so we're gonna add like a just a little bit and then wait that the dough absorbs the water and then we go ahead and add more oh here we go guys number one it's build uh it's built it's ready and now let's go ahead and let's stick it out and I'm gonna go ahead and start more okay now that we put the first dough on the counter let's go ahead and let's put the extra virgin olive oil on top try to put olive oil everywhere this is gonna create a nice layer so now let's go ahead let's create a bowl imagine I'm gonna make eight of this and I have only one hour one hour and a half to make it so I'm gonna go ahead and make the second one and then I'm gonna boil it and then I'm gonna make the third one I'm gonna go ahead and cover up this and now we let it rest for about uh well we don't have one hour so about 30 minutes the time the to make the second and the third [Music] guys the current situation is that I'm done with the number three so in the meantime I'm making some couple of balls that want to show you really quick let me finish this we got this though there's number two that is done this though that is about to be done this is number two these are the ball that I made this is the dough that's our elastic it is a whoa that's what we want [Music] okay guys so of course we don't have space for one thousand balls so how we do this pay attention because if you make a lot of pizza this is important so there we go we have a container like that you're gonna put it in the container so a little bit of olive oil in the container grab the dough that you have make it a bowl this is the more are the one so now a little bit of olive oil on top keep in mind this because I'm going to tell you what to do and how and how to manage this though uh one once we made we are making the boss because well I explained to you when we get there I think we are ready to get everything ready and put it in the car so let's go ahead and let's fill up the car yeah okay okay guys we are ready uh just take a shower because we fill up the car crazy insane have we got the oven already of course right there like you can see we got the tent we got all the dough box that's the cheese the cooler for the ingredients tables more dough more wood I mean everything car is fill up that's for the second catering we got the gas also we got a second oven like you can see there is the second pizza oven we watch Until the End please invest your time because this is gonna be insane everything right here let's get this pizza over [Music] it's 11 42 and the first catering starts at uh 3 P.M and I think we have time and we have to do the second the second one a six story p.m start we're gonna try to serve 1 300 people so we are gonna serve 1 300 guests today ready yes are we ready let's do it we'll see four people well you guys couldn't come before and helped me to make these balls man let's get to 1 million subscribers let's go [Music] we made it we made it it was tough but we made it yeah baby let's go let's go do this setup we were really late it's like 1pm and we have two hours to make this happen 1 p.m guys it's so much truck every time in L.A my God look at this 1pm and look okay guys the first thing to do here is fire up the oven because it's already super late before we do the setup before making the pizza you need to go to 700 so we have two hours but we have two hours to bring this pizza oven to 700. let's go ahead let's fire up [Music] papa papa [Music] finally made this beautiful setup everything is ready how much supercharge what time is it what is my phone just don't even we are 10 minutes away from 3 P.M that the event is gonna start and let me show you where we are the most important thing is the pizza oven so what happened right now it's up it's about a 600 and we are waiting to get to 700 to go ahead and clean and move the wood clean it up and they're ready to go ahead and make pizza let me show you this is the pizza dough it's a it's about to be ready actually it is ready to use voila then of course come with me this is the pizza dough that we're gonna go ahead and make the balls when we finish the dough so as soon we use one boom we're gonna make more dough so let's see how it is it's not ready yet this is because I made the dough with more less hydration with more sauce so this is going to be ready in about one hour and so I can't wait to Serve the People 1 300 people okay guys the oven is about 700 now we go ahead and clean up everything so I move all the wood in one side and now with the wet towel we go ahead and clean up the bottom of the oven flip it over flip it over voila and now we clean up on the side [Applause] so we have to clean up really good the side where we're gonna put the pizza and in this event we're gonna make a lot of pizza so we have to clean up the oven really really good [Music] there we go so this one we save it where is the hot spot because we're gonna go ahead and throw it away so super important you go ahead and put a piece of wood on the side voila this way the oven is always hot and up and running so let's go ahead and let's make a few pizza and see how it comes up guys make sure to check out the mind master class see you can go ahead and get the phone right now and scan good now you scan you get a nice uh discount price link below for a professional Master Class let's make some pizza we have a old ingredients Gap pecorino fresh basil tomato sauce fresh mozzarella so because we're gonna make a lot I'm gonna go ahead and put three to start voila voila okay now let's stretch I'm gonna make it super quick and fast of course not too much crust with the pizzas press on the side and voila there we go take off all the flour the Mumbo make sure it's not sticky and now let's go ahead with the tomato sauce we're gonna start with the three Margarita so one scoop of a nice fresh tomato sauce all the way on top guys I'm gonna go fast here I cannot really explain now nice and full of pecorino Romano voila fresh base or under there we go and now fresh mozzarella on top let's say nice there we go there we go extra voila now a little bit of extra virgin olive oil voila let's make one with mushroom roasted mushroom of course and now let's go in the oven let's go ahead let's put the pizza in the oven nice and big one two and three let's fix it up voila boom now let's cook it okay pizzas are almost to be ready I'm gonna go ahead and switch it up a little bit [Applause] cover this in the front this in the back let's turn it let's put the white part on Top it's back in the oven this is ready left sooner the goal is stick it out all together one two three this is ready phone one [Applause] let's say number two two and three so right now we're gonna place it bye we're gonna place it here on the table one two three hola so what do we do now now we got it two six one two six one two three and this one a little bit smaller for the kids and now what we're gonna do is uh put it there two and three already people start to line up bye ready guys ready yeah Mushroom and Cheese Pizza for now and then we're gonna make more so grab as much as you want great thank you amazing see that's what they're gonna do see already people line up so guys I'm gonna put a little bit of uh time lapse if I can I'm gonna start to make a lot of pizzas right now I have to do the test look how light is the dough nice oh hello here we go oh my God outstanding Pizza hello [Music] let's see what they think the people what do you think of the pizza thank you let's keep going if you know don't play around with the camera you know we have a lot of things to do [Music] [Music] you remember the number two though and then we didn't have any box so right now we finished to make 200 pizzas and we have some dough boxes so in the meantime when we see that it's a little bit slow we go ahead and make some balls so this is the dough we place it right there and we go ahead and we make the balls well like you can see the dough is full of air nice and we in the meantime remember when it's low you go ahead and make the balls so now go ahead and place it nicely in the Box try to get it all if you have space this is that's enough we can go ahead and make same thing so that's how you go hopefully this was a good explanation let's go ahead let's finish up this I recommend when you have a lot of pizzas to make you have to have at least two Pizza makers at least by yourself it's gonna be so hard okay guys I'm Gonna Leave You Because here it's getting busy and uh I'm gonna get back to you when we're almost done okay guys we're done with the dough so what we're gonna do here we're gonna do it I'm gonna put it upside down again the one that we made there you go I close it and now a little rest for about 30 minutes and the dough will be ready so voila that's all you're gonna do so guys quick update we got late here and of course we have another party to do so what I did take a look at this hour how I set up the thing here so what I did that same sending my main Pizza YOLO Pinot which is also my camera guy and uh uh with uh with a different Pizza Oven the pizza dough and all the second and double the ingredients to do the setup at this second catering and then this guy is gonna drive back we're gonna close everything here and go run to the second catering to help Pino so he's going to set up for me and uh hopefully you guys gonna have uh so much fun this because this is just the beginning of the night I'm going back to make the pizzas of course guys no more spatula because he needed the spatula and we're gonna go ahead and keep moving here because we still have the line so we're gonna go with this that's how important is the spatula so three done hold on let's make the pizza sweat away so now for real I'm working everything by myself I think I'm gonna make another 200 250 pizzas I don't know how many we made so many I'm gonna get the count at the end of tonight and then hopefully you guys are still there waiting for me I will give you a nice update stretching the pizza tomato sauce fresh mozzarella bye bye so guys quick update here I just got uh the notification that we can leave now so what happened I called back these guys I thought to come back because we have to go together to the second Caterers we can go together so right now we have to close everything the boss told me told me that I can close everything how was the event yes that's what I'm talking about thank you so much I got I got it well done one and two done so we can go ahead and close everything enjoy this time lapse six o'clock starts the other catering is uh it's 17. 59. the oven is still Smoky well okay let's go six o'clock exactly on a clock let's call her the the customer I'm gonna tell her that we are coming a little bit late hello sir this is Vito for the pizza hey pizza guy how's it going it's good yeah I think we got lost a little bit uh we got an exit wrong so we're gonna be there about uh 20 minutes okay sounds good um the driveway is open so you can park in the driveway and while you unload and stuff darling thank you so much so thank you bye-bye okay I told him uh 20 minutes versus 27 minutes Italian style but uh we're gonna run a little bit we're gonna run a little bit late see we made about 850 pizzas and because we finished early like about 30 minutes early in the meantime that's uh my favorite food your tacos what we're gonna do that's the life of a restaurant guy I'm gonna eat it now on the way that's the only time that you have restroom no restroom today the status invest wow 6 35 hopefully this lady's now mad I think I'm gonna give them a discount because they we are late I never late usually everything is live here yeah that's the birthday right there go check it out with the customer what are you saying hey smile to them man you know smile [Applause] we're gonna go ahead and set up this pizza oven [Music] that's it boom voila thank you and of course guys here we go the first thing to do here is uh we have to fire up this pizza oven again it's still warm so it's no problem I think we're in about 15 probably 15 20 minutes well honestly so probably 15-20 minutes oh that is hot one piece of wood because still hot I'm gonna go ahead and leave it there warm up so close about 10-15 minutes and then it's going to be easy to fire up so let's go ahead and get all the ingredients out uh now when the oven gets to temperature like you can see they fire up right away and uh be careful your face when you do this because it gets inflamed so quick now we wait about 700 and we're ready to make the pizza I feel tired right now wow voila let's make the first pizza for the second party voila voila stretch you want to make a little bit more fancy which is uh whipping cream as a base mix up with this amazing Sabatino truffle powder and then do like a DJ did it voila fresh mozzarella caramelas onions not too many some roasted mushroom voila little bit of white truffle oil some pecorino Romano that's it no let's go in the oven with that voila let's cook it in the center wow one two three that's it take a look of this pizza smells good but I still smell a little bit of truffle so what we're gonna do here we're gonna add this uh chunk of truffle under oil just to give a nice flavor wow these onions still really tastes good so a little bit of this truffle like that jungle trough is going to give a nice flavor if you're interested on this uh this product check out the link below on the cross guys that's it done this is the pizza the first pizza of the day let's see if sound soft and crouchy that's a yes that's what you're looking that's what we're looking for mother you can go serve this pizza this is a truffle Pizza more pizzas are coming for the kids there I'm gonna add the camera nobody knows thank you okay guys now I have to go back to work we're gonna get ready with a lot of uh pizzas because these kids are super hungry so let's go ahead let's make some pizza guys almost forgot I didn't show you the all the ingredients see this is different we got zucchini mushroom a bunch of uh fancy ingredients we've got aragu pepperoni of course fresh Mozart potato we got some prosciutto some with all these fancy ingredients here I just want to show you really quick the pizzas take it out take it up you know oh nice that's the goal that we want on the pizza look at this nice soft that's the quality that we have here the quality is potato and the copata we got a veggie pizza nice crunchy soft in the same time take a look the bottom perfect cook outstanding Pizza foreign guys we keep going welcome guys I want to Quick show you how the door holds did you see this this is no Easter no no fridge just polish did you see the dough it's crazy perfect so this is perfect timing guys oh my God I'm a super super tired done so many things to do here this all the dough that all the boxes of dough that we made today so today we we finished we run out of everything this is the left two pizzas that we made it's a 11 o'clock night the time that we go home is gonna take about two hours so maybe we get home or one and I'm super tired so guys hopefully you like this video smash the like we made this a thousand pizzas was not at a thousand maybe it was a 900 pizzas but guys thank you so much for watching hopefully you learned something today and tell me in the comments if you like this type of videos I'll see you on the next one thank you so much bye
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 790,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, 1.000 pizzas, pizzas for 1.300 people, neapolitan pizza, neapolitan pizza dough, 1000 pizza vito, best way to make pizzas, i made 1.000 pizzas
Id: 0ed5EgVz2bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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