A day running my pizza truck volume 2 (wedding service)

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yo I'm going to do a wedding come with me let's do it van is warming up let's jump inside let's have a look yeah we're warm we're ready we're ready to go everything's loaded let's do it okay so uh it might be a little bit loud with I'll close the door it's generally pretty loud in here hopefully you can hear me um yeah we're just cruising on the way to this wedding uh I'm going a bit fast actually slow down a bit um yeah as you can see the van the van's left hand drive uh cuz it's American it's a Chevy it's got quite a bit of get get up and go it's very loud in here um usually I'm booming some tunes but uh I'll flip you around show you the front let's have a look F there we go driving along just cruising down the Mean Street of uh St Al in Hartford sh and uh the wedding wedding's uh down the road it's about only about 6 miles away 5 6 miles place called redborne seem like a hotel I've I've never done a gig of this one before so I don't know what to expect it's a little bit windy today as well the weather's looking good but it's a bit windy so um hopefully it won't be too bad I've got the I've got the full outdoor set up today but I might we might be a to we might if the wind's really bad me and Ben might have to both be in the van and be serving from the hatch um cuz setting up outside in the wind can be a bit awkward but um yeah we we'll see how we get on hopefully it's going to be a good one it's a wedding for 110 people I can do this completely solo uh the making and the baking I just need someone at the front of house and Ben is like my expert he's been with me for for years now just keeps everything super super clean Super tidy tip toop he's too he's actually too tall to fit in the van he's like 6'4 um and as you can see when I'm in the van my head pretty much touched the roof cuz it it was like made to measure yeah so um yeah it's really it's we haven't done a gig together for months as well so it's really good to have him but yeah like I say I I'll do all the making and baking um and I'll show you how how we serve like 100 plus people buffet style a wedding evening evening food so stay tuned okay we're going some now we're doing 50 52 M hour hammering along woohoo I love this van so much it's uh it's such a beast 4.1 L straight 6 absolutely Thunders along the road um yeah it's so badass start started first time he loves it when it's a little bit warmer and it's like what 16 17° something something like that today so um yeah absolutely stun it along yeah we're almost there a few minutes out okay we're here people are people are gathering outside I've had to level the van a little bit but yeah this this is the oak Suite they're in there it's like a nice little wedding venue little walk around of the van that's all right that's all right no no that's all right I'm just doing a bit of stuff the light up in the a let's go up it goes how long you been doing this long time couple seven years not not in this vehicle but uh yeah I started started with a bicycle there you go actually I'm going to pinpoint that down a little bit to L A Pizza Oven in a in a van it was pretty hard on a bike yeah so let's go inside right it's probably a bit of a mess in here you can see I need an extra few bits uh got my rack and start got an extra table table top so yeah it's quite quite cramped in here just going to open up the top and we're going to we're going to get ready I like to come to places let me flip around so I like to get to places like quite early so I'm not serving it's like it's like half six now I'm not serving till about 8 half eight I like to be prepared so you know I don't know I've never been to this place and I I like to turn up um give myself extra time make sure I do like a meet and greet uh figure out where I've got to go make sure if you know if I've got to level the van or you know move Vehicles out the way stuff like that it's always good to get to places early be well prepared so um yeah let's I'm going to set this thing up and then I'll show you how I how I set up for this event and um hopefully it's going to be a good one okay just lightting the ovens place them get them lit there we go we're on oh no almost okay flame on getting Set uh I've set up the table out the front I'll show you that one in a minute uh but just need to make sure I get everything nicely set up so what I'm going to do going to do what I call Rack and stack so kind of hi hi sounds what it is basically I rack pizzas and I stack them so for an event like this just going to close this up sorry guys a lot of people walking P the back where I've parked it's not the best cuz it's a bit of a walkway but I'm going to be blocking it off in a minute um so yeah for so what I do is rack and stack so I've got these these are like uh racking systems they're going to go on the back when I open up the back doors and what I do is I I pre-bake so I'm going to bake off like probably about 25 maybe 30 pizzas before we start service but they're like 20 seconds from being finished so they're fully risen they're just not fully colored um and I just do a selection of what's on the menu uh so we're going to run a five Pizza menu we'll have boards so I'll be in here you you'll see this in a bit I'll be just you know stretching slapping them out baking them and then I'll I'll I'll rack and stack the first like like say 25 30 pizzas ready for the service and basically that's essentially they they're made they're made fresh they're made on site it's only like half hour 45 minutes an hour before service um and basically then they get flashed in the oven uh as a second bake and to be honest they're kind of better when you when you do that for for serving a big crowd for like um what's it called for like buffet style because they they they get a little bit crisper on the bottom which which actually makes it better for the buffet style service so uh each pizza then get sliced into eight slices so I'll slam it on the boards here Ben will be out the front he'll be like he'll be slicing them he'll be serving them uh people just grab a plate they grab a napkin and we just keep the pizza flowing so I use like these these plates these are uh like 9 in by degradable plates uh made of sugar cane actually really sturdy people will grab a couple of slices and we just keep the Pizza flying for like a couple of hours or until it's like dyed out until people aren't eating anymore and then at that point what I'll do is I'll have boxes we'll bait any dough left will get baked boxed and then I'll leave them with a massive stack of pizzas so usually they get like 10 to 15 maybe even 20 pizzas at the end of the night which I'll put inside the room so I'll I'll be finished service service by like 10:00 um and then I'll just leave them with a massive stack of pizza so sometimes people take it home with them sometimes like the bride and group we'll have one for tomorrow or a couple um usually it gets probably probably gets slammed by like midnight so yeah oven's already up at 180° I only lit them like a few minutes ago so I'm going to get prepped I will come back and show you once it's all set up and ready to go right still prepping you got a hold one yourself I like it when people walk past people walking past the van and uh they're like oh it smells amazing I haven't even started cooking yet I think it's just what the van smells like and like the the smell that it gives off so uh one thing I'm pre I'm prepping some garlic right now I'm prepping some garlic a lot of people ask me about this knife so this is if you have a look at this got on it this is a German cut see there German cut so this is a custom German cut blade uh Paul from gy uh in Germany actually gifted me this I did a 3-day event called spoga last year and um and yeah they uh he gifted me this knife surprised me with it whilst I was making I was making dough in the back of a Transit van on an industrial estate um something like 40 odd kilos of dough in a mix mixer in the back of a Transit van i' I'd literally been in Germany like a couple of hours and then I had to I had to do that and it was totally random it was like 30 odd degrees as well really hot but um yeah he gifted me this knife which was amazing um it's an incredible incredible lovely blade and um yeah well chuffed um and it's become my van knives basically so um yeah it's uh it's an awesome bit of Kit don't know if you can get them custom made like that I think they do custom etching but if you know it's probably I don't know if you'd have to speak to or not but yeah it's it's sick so yeah it's really nice really really sharp um so I'm just at the moment I'm just prepping my garlic um what I'm actually doing cuz I've got one on on Border called the ultimate garlic um it's just a pizza Bianca so there's no sauce on it it's just cheese uh loads of garlic which actually actually I put in oil here so I just freshly cut a load of garlic stick it in the oil here and uh then I'll spoon a little bit of that on the pizza uh this one gets it gets a load of peino uh get some a field mozzarella gets uh some of the garlic and then it gets baked a little fresh Rosemary as well gets baked and then we finish that one with a little balsamic it's actually got a little truffle oil on it as well that one um and then it gets finished with a little balsamic drizzle um we call that one beer Munch it's uh once people pop on that it's they just can't stop it's um yeah it's an absolute winner and you know what once everyone's eating Garlic who cares everyone going to be a bit stinky and garlicky so uh yeah just waiting on Ben to arrive and I'm going to start baking some pizza and racking and stacking we're at what time is it it's like half 7 I've got an hour till service so better get wiggle on Ben's here say's Ben Ben hello this is Ben he's uh he's front of our house officer um he's Northern so you got to get used to that but let me my lighting is bit it's a bit harsh there isn't it and it's a little bit har go hopefully you see that all right right I'm going to start racking and stacking it's like what what did you say what you say time to say it was 10 to8 uh yeah so uh you have a blue Roll Just underneath there if you roll that up there should be one there you might want to clip that up somehow or sort out however you want oh so what we do is we start to get some dough out and we're going to start thundering through a box of dough and um making some pizzas ready to be re blasted in about 30 odd minutes so I'll just see how many I can make in the next 30 minutes before it's go time it's good to have you back man it's been yeah so Ben hasn't we haven't done an event for ages Ben is like my number one front of house man I've had a child yeah he's had yeah he's had a child who is now how old how old's wer uh he is 6 months and about one week so they you go I have done a few private events since then but just not with Ben cuz he's been busy so um yeah so let's do it we'll start with some margaritas but the good thing is about having Ben here he knows the score he knows what he has to do he knows his job and he just gets on with it which is nice all right running at 450 is uh one one thing the cheese I use for this one it's a slightly drier than my usual one it's a cubed mozzarella uh it's the lateria Santina one um same fi same same cheese just it's already cubed the reason I use this one is it's ever slightly Dyer so when I'm doing like a buffet style like this it um it's it's not it's not as moist my street food style is more classic so this one just isn't so wet right let's see how these are baking first blood in the oven let's go fine get on the beers son would you like a a cold beverage you know what I will take if they have it like a just a I'm going to go full fat Coke cuz I've been a good boy yeah man if they' got a full fat Coke I'll have one of them if in a glass bottle you win extra points if it's in a glass bottle you get extra points nice Ben's just uh getting prepped he's just cleaning boards at the front making sure everything's nice and clean ready for service oh you know what first one look at that hold on no no Sizzle a doom on that one that one's a destroyed one first one in the oven sometimes happens are you yeah so I'm I'm racking and stacking on the on the rack at the back um and then we'll yeah I'll fill the boards just before so I'm just going to thunder through as many as I can for now so there you go look it's it's pretty much cooked just not fully colored so we're going to go with these ones the veggie ones go up high and we put the meat ones on the underside so and we'll just Thunder through as many as we can um before it's go time back in that oven one down then what I'll do is just before service starts B basically at halfast 8 I'll aim to have fresh pizzas all on the boards I'll have like some on the boards here on the on the side a couple on the boards on the side I'll have as many as I can in the rack system just there and I'll have a couple ready to go in the oven so within the first sort of 20 minutes I technically can serve like 100 people Pizza in like 20 minutes um or at least a couple of slices each so cuz we cut these are 12 12ish in pizzas and we we cut them into uh eight see you guys another one one full back coat not in a glass bottle did it come out of a machine was it the mix thank you Ben uh what's the time again what's time Ben uh 52 52 okay so it's 20 past 8 we have a load of pizza racked up probably about almost 20 kind of wanted to do a bit more but it's fine um and I'm just basically filling the boards at the front now getting ready for the first part of service which is in like 10 minutes you hyped up and ready Ben huh you hyped up and ready uh yeah I'm a little bit cold I'm cold be all right beer I'll be fine Margarita that one I want C you huh oh Ben's admiring the scenery who's this love is [Music] this is that a band in that's not a band is it yes no Ben yeah have they got banned or is it DJ in there tonight band you got banded you recording yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah right all right you set them up however you want yeah you know the menu you know the score we got the the the pesto goes on the veggie you do uh I I'll try to but if not if you notice it needs it then if you can do it um what else we got we got we got the balsamic on the garlic right these ones are all going to get an extra little flash can you just sort it out give me a bit more space yeah there you go thanks sir are you just going to keep the boards clean you're not bothering with the liners or uh yeah all right [Music] cool FL I wasn't meant to do this pepperoni but it's fine it can join the the stack what's time Ben um 20 CL 20 plus yeah oh W okay cool so at any point it can go from like not to 100 um worst thing that can happen a thing like this is the DJ suddenly goes oh guys all the pizza's ready and then suddenly you're like oh crap yeah bu is open buff is open and then you have like 100 people there all at the same time you know we're designed for like little and often you know 5 to 10 people at a time is is where it's at for us but we can handle it we're professionals aren't we Ben we are we've done this before six or seven months ago yeah you feeling a bit Rusty yeah no I'm uh I'm feeling good feeling good right just need the garlic up there yeah uh you done two Ries have I done two oh is there two ronies there oh yeah I did and gar okay cool cool cool well roony always goes first anyway doesn't it so wait up tell you what let's get over the rush and then we'll we'll dive on in you can grab a slice once it's sliced and then we'll yeah I got loads today there's going to be plenty I need to bring one home for the wife like uh 60 66 so we're rocking for 110 people usually from experience 66 which is more than enough uh apparently 110 so usually at these kind of things people will average about half a pizza per person and just take a few slices go back have a boogie you know they have just have had a pretty substantial meal um you know know once the beer starts flowing I'm going to stick that roning on that shelf there once the beer starts flowing and they have a little boogie they get a little bit hungry so is it cold a little bit you're wearing you're not wearing shorts are no I wanted to know I did you temped what do I just need then do you uh yeah all right cool oh yes that garlic one so was amazing don't finish them yet cuz they're going to get a quick flash don't finish on them don't finish them yet so usually like I said before we would be playing some tunes but um YouTube don't really like it too much you brought your speaker I've got the speaker yeah I've got the big boy in the front as as well um which I was tempted to put on if if if if the music was rubbish we'll we'll we'll Pummel some tunes pedling a fing a f [Music] yep so the bride and groom they like uh pepperoni with hot honey ooh apparently it's one of their favorites um so there is plenty of Honey there so if they ask for that oh you got the uh Sr the Sriracha one um yes yes uh yeah I think I've got is that one is the reddish the reddish part yeah no no I've got the scratch one it's like the yellow yellow with a slight tint of orange yes yeah I've got that one r one is the go go yeah you got to keep the the SR one I think that's stay in the fridge I think is it good it's lovely yeah man good stuff yeah I need to get J doger bottle wild to be honey best in the business absolutely many varieties of hot honey the be hot honey coming to a deli near you what's the time Ben uh 24 right I'm going to quickly show you this check this out so I'm going to just spin you around so right there's Ben and let's have a look down here so this is what we're rocking so this is all going to be on the table just out there we got pepperoni we got the UA endu is there the veggie pedler that one's going to get the pesto ultimate garlic little balsamic and a margarita so yeah that's what to expect banging huh right let's put you back over here smells good yeah okay right uh H pum out another another quick margarita and then I'll keep actually I'll keep I'll keep stacking cuz might as well yeah before we serve yeah what time is it now 25 still got five minutes okay okay right uh going to flash him right let's flash him [Music] then so these are the two finishing ones first okay that's your garlic yeah uh can you finish that with the drizzle yeah terrible terrible what was it oh that's yeah what the hell is that they pretty much ready for every to come out now yeah in literally about 60 seconds I need to slice him I think people start know yeah yeah yeah bit juicy that one think some of the people vegetarian din oh do they not oh well they won't get much pizza either remember hot honey on the endu year you have yeah I've done it I'm going to put two of these up the top there that one should be free flowing right let's keep going all right [Music] norace windy tonight are they both done yeah yeah man good to go yeah yeah ma'am whenever you are you know what it all is B don't you hello mate help aseri helpself girl later on later right okay piz in I'm going to put another m in right not Mar that was the one I was up from the start very good yeah with very you're welcome Ben another Mark pepperoni bit Rusty that's [Music] right got remember to tell you what's yeah yeah just shout I mean I I'll constantly I'll constantly be looking but yeah sure grab play Help Yourself I've been waiting let's get [Music] garlic think [Music] it's yeah it looks like the whole thing that's mine there you go [Music] Garlic's coming oh here comes the Rush's up hello give give us five minutes and I can do just vegetarian or I'm I'm a vegan one of those okay cool yeah yeah yeah cool um I can do you something I got some nice Home roasted Peppers some nice red some red onion some lovely olives yeah H up can I not have the olives absolutely everything else I'll Jazz it up I'll put it in a box if you want to give us five minutes just to get through this glass no [Music] worries lers Ben liners Ben what you need Mar's there what's going in this away I'll hold it [Music] [Music] there the winds a killer what you need Ben [Music] sure coming up [Music] uh [Music] yeah no wor it's too much H [Music] [Music] SP coming [Music] up Ben and do you I need another board buddy uh actually so I'll stack this one Rooney sure [Music] thing small amount I'm baking fresh as well so just to get through the initial rush so they're like 40 second they're like 20 seconds from being finished so like just just to get through the initial one and then um and then as it slows down they're actually better for it CU they get a little bit of a crispier base for for serving butter slice R tell me what you need when you need ited veggie let's go with a veggie there's one got the head down hustle this one [Music] talking to each other what you [Music] need it's ultimate yeah yeah it's got balsamic dressing on it as [Music] well damn it's windy what you need Ben what' you need jeez wind wind took her plate are the napkins all right Ben are the napkins okay okay keep an plates and napkins for me as well put away way we're ditching the liners it's uh too windy Mar is in fresh how's it all right yeah all right enjo Hello Ross how are you you done speeches and stuff yeah [Music] nice just a little bit stay for the rest right I'm going to go and then I'll come back in a okay so we're 20 minutes in service and I've already served over 30 pizzas that's how uh quick you will be with this kind of hustle it's mad and now I've pretty much done all the stack I'm having to bake fresh and the people they just keep coming but this is where we go turbo [Music] speed what do you need Ben what what you need [Music] [Music] everything [Music] got a margarita and a garlic coming up then and then I'll do the meaty ones coming as well we is it vegan p no no no no no no no about 10 minutes just give give it five minutes sorry yeah give it give us a give us a few minutes and then I mean grab a plate and grab help yourself or if you want if you want I we'll just box you one we'll um what do you want so I'll make you one in a minute a whole pizza and we'll box it up no man Arian one yeah all right give us give us 5 minutes yeah cool give us 5 minutes Ben Ben will bring one [Music] in where got a sort out the bar stuff and the waitresses these [Music] things that's just just a war thank you thank you very much up then coming up and do your pepperoni [Music] yeah Garlic's [Music] there I need a be yeah I know vegan one's coming in a few [Music] minutes right that wind is a killer yeah you that's why you put B on the bottom it just flew away huh Jesus [Music] around [Music] [Music] cheers man see you later have a good one see okay just four do left we're baking and uh boxing it's been a wild one we're not boxing we boxing we're boxing pizzas yeah boxing them up the old uh towards the end yeah a bacon box and just stack up box loads of pizzas inside just a selection of what's on offer or what's left so they pretty much as thought had eaten about 100 or pizzas um I mean they they eat they' eaten about 50 pizzas so about half Pizza per person um but I've baked what 60 60 64 for them messed up to um but that happens and uh yeah happy customers yeah abely yeah this is how good I am at figuring out my SAU it's my last [Music] Scoops chatting about the weather on the customers going now what we do you want to just ch the cou the side for us of course well what do you want tell me what you want one one the onions the indua yeah I'll do one of them we won't slice it I'll go in one one of these and what about the other one pepperoni and indua yeah cool let me know where go and put them somewhere that nowhere else we've had that before people have like tucked piz away and someone else has taken them Bri and green one piz heal how many have you got I'll come literally we're down these four so you got boxes boxes there plus these four so two two of them these two are yours to your room ni got to put Basel on so chatting going get your you're not mine we might be getting a piz oh yeah we don't actually have a guard it better it better be as long as it's a we're fine well we're one bed flat ground floors we can't actually use it but fair enough I mean you could sorry you could take it around somebody else's yeah well her you don't even need to make you D you can just buy mine online all right fair enough probably not that's fine I've been making a bit C lately nice one and do do yeah yeah for them yeah and then this this pepperoni is for them as well this one's your thank one pepperoni I see could be on there in a don't worry about the hot honey I'll lash it on tomorrow I've got yo so that's it I hope you enjoyed it uh full service in the van I got 1% battery left so I'm going to sign out uh we served like 60 OD pizzas everyone's happy it's time to clear down so um yeah let me know in the comments if you want to see anything new anything exciting and um yeah have a good day what
Channel: Peddling Pizza
Views: 140,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza, Streetfood, gozney, Neapolitan pizza, pizza van, foodtruck, pizza truck
Id: IZ3wtjIX60k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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