What I’d Do If I Was Broke...

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hey what's up life masters this is Stefan James from project life mastery and today I'm going to share with you exactly what I'd do if I was broke if I was struggling financially and had zero money my bank account I'm about to walk you through the steps of exactly what I do if I was starting over to get myself out of that financial situation of struggling to the path towards financial freedom and financial abundance there's once a time in my life where I was broke and I was struggling financially and fat doesn't credit card debt I was living on my friend's couch I had to sell my car I had to humble myself a lot and sacrifice a lot to get myself out of that situation and to work my ass off and a lot of what I did and what I'm gonna share with you is what I did to get myself out of that situation towards where I am today a financial freedom and abundance so if I can share this with you and help you out if you're struggling right now if you have no money this is what I do and this is something that you can take action with as soon as you finish watching this video so the first thing that I would do number one is understand and ask myself why am I broke you know why am i struggling financially there's got to be a reason for that and the really the most important thing for you to get from this and what I now know is this external results of money and a great job and maybe a great business or a house in the car and money in your bank account those are all external results that's it that's the outside world but you first got to understand what creates this outside world is your inner world your inner psychology your mindset is what manifests what's outside here so a simple way of looking at this is that if you have a tree and you want to plant and grow this tree and this is a tree which is a great career or investments or a business and this tree is providing fruits for you ok also known as money or results you first got to understand that what creates what's above-ground is what's underground your psychology your mindset so there's got to be some roots which are also known as your belief systems and your values and your psychology and your habits the roots this is the foundation that lays for the success the money everything that you want and so most often people they blame the outside they try to change the outside the fact that don't have money by working harder or getting a new job or maybe starting a business but that's not the right solution that's part of the solution that's not the first thing you do because you got to understand that if you don't first change what's up here your mindset your psychology your beliefs the inner conflicts the fears the anxieties the things that are holding you back there could be great opportunities for you there could be a great investment opportunity a brand new business opportunity a great job but you're gonna find a way to sabotage it you're gonna find a way to go back to where you were before you're not gonna be able to sustain it okay you see a lot of people for example that win a million dollars or ten million or a hundred million dollars in the lottery and they end up losing it all because they didn't have this psychology they didn't have a foundation to support the money that they won in the lottery right in the same way people can get you know they're overweight they can do liposuction they can lose a hundred pounds 200 pounds by doing a surgery but sure enough they gain the weight back because they haven't changed what's here they haven't changed their habits around what they put into their body in their lifestyle to be able to support the new body that they have so you got to understand it's what's underground the psychology that's the first place that you start and really that the key here is you have to take full responsibility for your existing life you've got to take full responsibility and ownership of your life the way it is the fact that you are struggling and broke that means you've got to humble yourself you got to have a little bit of humility and say you know what there's a reason why I'm in the situation and the reason is not because of my boss it's not because they fired me it's not because of the government it's not because the economy is but not because of my ex-husband my ex-wife it's not because of you know this business partner this person screwed me over it's not because of all of that because as long as you do that you're deflecting responsibility you're looking for someone else to blame and that gives you no power no control to change your life so you've got to look at what's the common denominator and all of those experiences and the answer that is you it be me so I would take responsibility for that and say you know what I put myself in this situation I'm the one that made the choices that I made in my life the decisions I got into that relationship with that person and I didn't see the red flags or I didn't have the experience to know but they screwed me over but that is my fault my responsibility because I could have done this differently or that better there's other options and choices that I could have made so now at least I can take responsibility I can learn from those events and experiences I'm now in a position where I have power in my life where I can move forward okay the key here is to move forward it's not to live in the past and the reasons and stories about why you're struggling why you're in that situation as long as you remain as a victim then you'll never become a victor okay we have to get out of the victim mentality let that go let's learn and grow from the past and let's now focus on the solution really what this video is about so we got to work on the mindset the psychology now there's a mindset in psychology of people that have money people that are millionaires multimillionaires and even billionaires they think differently than most people do right so I would look at there's got to be some sort of flaw some limitations in my psychology maybe it's fear maybe it's a fear of failure a fear of success a fear of rejection okay well if I don't really solve that then I'm gonna stay stuck I'm not gonna have the right roots to create the tree that I want maybe it's maybe it's limiting beliefs around money that have been imprinted in you or me and I know I had lots of that when I was a kid because my parents didn't have much money growing up my parents went through a bankruptcy a lot of the fighting and arguments my family was around a lack of money so there was some sort of negative disempowering beliefs around money that I know that I had I'm not sure about you that was keeping me in a scarcity mentality just keep it was limiting me for making money maybe there are some disempowering habits that I'd have right so I'd really look at that what are my existing habits what am I doing with my time each day am i spending my time playing video games am i lazy am i procrastinating I'm not making any progress in my life well you know if I don't change that then there's no there's no opportunity I'm not gonna take advantage of it unless I change that so I look at what are some new habits that I could cultivate in my life and I'd try to first learn and model people that are already successful people that have money they have financial freedom I'd find out what they're doing that they all have in common and I start doing that I start applying that in my life okay so really step number one is mindset in habits now how do you learn this how do you cultivate this well if you have no money okay if you have no money then obviously and I'm assuming that I'd have no money my bank account so I can't you know go to Amazon and buy books or I can't go to the book store to buy them so instead there is an incredible miraculous place called the books of the library rather maybe you've heard of it but they still do exist I would go to the library I'd get a library card I think the library is one of the coolest places in the world because there's thousands if not millions of books there of other people think about this other people that are further ahead than you can achieve success they've become multimillionaires they've become incredible at all walks of life they've solved most of the problems that you and I can face in our lives they've they've spent 10 20 30 40 50 years of their life solving that and they put it in a book that you can go and rent out for free at the library and benefit from you can benefit from other people's experience and knowledge for 10 20 30 40 50 years you can extract that and apply that to yourself so by feeding your mind with with this information the mindset of people that are millionaires and multimillionaires that will automatically start to shift things in your mind okay your mindset the way that you think will change from that okay it's kind of similar to if you had 10 friends around you if you're in a mastermind of 10 people and they're all millionaires and multimillionaires their thoughts their beliefs their values would automatically rub off on you just through osmosis you start to think and act and behave the way that they think and act to behave okay automatically so it's the same thing by reading books you're filling up your mind with their mindset and you're gonna benefit from it so what are some books that I would read I'm gonna give you a list of books take out a pen and paper take a something to write these down with or pause this video you can go back to it if you want but I'm gonna give you some of my favorite books and the ones that I'd read okay so one first one would probably be thinking real rich by Napoleon Hill okay classic book that's really about your mindset your psychology in terms of attracting and creating financial freedom so thinking will rich I'd read the richest man in Babylon by George claisen I'd a Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki I'd read cashflow quadrant also by Robert Kiyosaki and I'd probably read all over Robert Kiyosaki's books when I was a dating coach in my released twenties and I had this one client that I was coaching as an older man in the 60s and he was multi Multi multi millionaire E and multiple homes around the world and I never I said to him I was struggling at that time in my life financially I said his name was Bob it said Bob what what would you recommend that I do to change my financial situation he said have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki and I said yeah I'd read Rich Dad Poor Dad said great I just recommend read all of his books all of his books that's gonna lay a great foundation for you the right mindset so I listened to what that guy Bob said and I read a lot of Robert Kiyosaki spokes I actually interviewed Robert Kiyosaki on my channel recently as well so subscribe to my channel or look for that video my youtube channel to benefit from that too anyways I'd also read the book the automatic millionaire by David Bach I'd read the book the wealthy barber by David Shelton I'd read the secrets of the millionaire mind by T Harv Eker I read you are a badass at making money is the name of the book and read The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco I would read probably you know even like the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss but I really liked a lot of books on money okay the psychology and the mindset of money that's just a whole list if you have more by the way I'd love for you guys to comment below what are some of your favorite books when it comes to learning about money psychology around money oh another one is uh the science of getting rich the science of getting rich that's another great book but I would immerse myself in that okay I listen to audiobooks if I could I'd read them I'd spend a habbit every single day at least 30 minutes a day okay because again this is gonna build the roots every book that you read and of course you want to apply it as well you want to extract habits and apply that to your life as well but you would start to cultivate and build this because that's gonna lay the foundation for everything else that I show okay number two the second thing you'd want to do this is what I would do rather if you want to do it great but I would get a job trying to get a job see if I was broke financially I gotta get a job I mean I've got to get some sort of stream of income so that I can survive so that I can you know at least support myself and and actually be in a situation comfortably where you know I can actually have some money to have a roof over my head and maybe have a means of transportation be able to get access to food but I'd have to get a job for that because a job is the only way that I could start making money immediately you're creating your time for money okay you put in a certain number of hours you add value to an employer they're paying you based on the number of hours that you're putting in okay I would not try to start an online business okay an online business is something where you are giving a lot of time okay you're putting a lot of time into something but you're not seeing any immediate return from that you're not getting paid for the time you're putting in you might be putting in 40 hours a week but the only time you're gonna get paid from your business is you're building an asset you're building something that potentially is gonna bring you money in the future so a business is a long-term play okay it's not a get-rich-quick it's not like I'm you know you're gonna do it and start making money within 30 days a business it's gonna require time and money you're gonna invest that you've got to plant those seeds those roots got to grow before it's gonna grow the tree which is gonna take time so a lot of people they look for an online business as a solution to their financial problems and it's not you first got to get a job you've got to get a stable source of income okay something that's consistent that's providing you money for you and when you're broke if I was broke you got to understand that beggars can't be choosers I would take whatever job that I can get ok whatever job that I can get that whatever person would give me a job I don't care for us working at McDonald's I don't care us being a janitor I don't care if it's washing cars whatever means of making money that I can do I would start with that but it also at the same time simultaneously as on working on my mindset my habits and making a little bit of money I'd also be looking for new opportunities I'd be looking for better jobs that can pay a little bit more because you know as long as you have a minimum-wage job you're only gonna make so much okay you've got to find ways to leverage your time even more for one hour of your time if you're getting paid 10 bucks an hour we got to figure out how we can get to $15 an hour $20 an hour 30 dollars an hour and slowly work your way up and so while you have a job you can't get too complacent you can't get too comfortable especially if it's a minimum-wage one because that's gonna keep you stuck and broke that's what a lot of people do they just get a job and then and that's it they're not they're not growing and upgrading their mindset and their psychology because this is really what's gonna allow you to think bigger in your life and to have more confidence to pursue new jobs and opportunities that show up so I would start with whatever I can get but really what I'd be doing during this time is as on you know alleviated I guess some of my discomfort of you know being broke and got some money coming in also during this time I'd sell crap that I don't need my TV video games things like that - I'd also do that to make immediate money so there's a lot of things that people have that we waste time and money on that aren't providing money for us it's not helping us so I'd try to eliminate that as much as I can so I want to mention that too but also what I be doing is I would preferably be looking for an opportunity to work for someone online to work for an online business or to be an online freelancer because I would know my long-term goal and vision is financial freedom and abundance right so if that's my long-term goal and vision then I'd want to build an online business to get there but I don't I don't need to start an online business right now okay that's that's gonna come later on in my path first I got to get my mindset right and I got to start making some money but if that's my long-term plan then I would try to be a freelancer online or work online for other companies so I can get paid at least to work from home okay I has more potential and opportunity for me to make money long term with that but also I'm also developing skills that we beneficial and useful for my online business and that can make me more money over a period of time okay so for example some of the skills that I think are really valuable that would support me my long-term vision of being you know building an online business is sales so I might look for some sales jobs where because you know I'd have hunger and drive and a lot of the minds that inhabits I'd be developing would give me a lot of motivation so I would use that and I know I could do well at sales even though I might have never done it before I start learning stale sales and studying sales learning about influence and persuasion and about marketing and I'd find jobs that would pay a common Chinn based on every sale that i generate so it might be working at a car dealership it might be I don't know being a high ticket closer or might be something where I'm doing sales for a company and I I'm not just getting paid for my time but now I'm getting paid based on the results that I'm generating right so that will motivate me because then I can make as much money as I want the more that I hustle and grind the more calls that I make the more doors that I knock the better that I get I'm betting on myself to make as much money as I want so sales would be great and also that skill set would provide for me the ability to make more money long-term because that's always a great skill to have I'd also probably maybe learn some internet skills like maybe social media marketing right there's a lot of businesses that need help with their social media and if I can learn that and develop a base skill set I could then approach those businesses and offer social media marketing services for them and they can pay me every month to run their Instagram or to run their Facebook right or maybe it's learning some customer support skills and how to be able to build you know to be a great customer service rep might not be able to make as much money from that but that could still be a useful skill and a way that you can work from home maybe it's learning you know email marketing or copywriting or web design or graphic design but I would try to learn some skills that are high demand online because here's that here's the reality is that you don't necessarily need to have an online business to have a great lifestyle in fact for a lot of people you've been having an online business is not the right thing for them you know a lot of people they want to build an online business so that they can have freedom that's the number one reason for it and so you know you don't have to have a business for that because running a business is hard it's stressful there's a lot of responsibility there's some risk involved in it so you know for example you can work for companies as a freelancer and I I'll share with you how I do that exactly but you can work for companies as a freelancer and be able to work from home or anywhere in the world and so you have the freedom to at least work from anywhere that you want which is the greatest benefit of even having an online business so that's something that you can get without having to start a business and just working for someone else right and that that's that's great you can also work for a company that you enjoy that you're passionate about and you're learning some great skills and you're part of a great team as well so that can check the box on a lot of things that an online business can provide for you without even having to start an online business so how would I do that specifically is I would I'd go to a website called up were calm okay up work and this is a website where you can set up your own profile be a freelancer this is actually a website where I hire a lot of people from in my online business and so what you can do on this website is I'd set up my profile and I would just start browsing around and all the jobs are available so if I'm a business owner what I do is I post a job that I'm looking for someone to help me with research I'm help looking for a virtual assistant I'm looking for a web designer graphic designer I'm looking for a social media marketer whatever I'm looking for I can post that on top work and then people from around the world can see that and they can apply for that job they can bid on it each person has a profile where they're gonna have you know I've been about them their experience or expertise people can rate and review the profile as well so you can actually develop credibility with your profile you could do you know certain testing and side-up work to provide more credibility you can have a portfolio if you'd like to show some of the work that you've done but what I would do is I would set up my up work account set up my profile probably even create a video of myself on my profile because video is always more powerful if you're trying to get a job because people can relate and connect it to you a lot more and seed that you know they're gonna be more likely to want to interview you and hire you because you're actually putting yourself out there more so I'd create a video for myself I'd really optimize my profile and work on that I'd probably study other people in out work that are making a lot of money from it and see what their profiles are and model that and try to get ideas and how I can improve my profile and then I'd spend probably you know an hour or two a day just seeing what jobs are out there what's in high-demand what kind of jobs out there our business is hiring for okay what are the most popular ones and I'd start working on myself to develop some skills that I can potentially start you know applying for these jobs as well on up work and so once I'm you know kind of found what my niche would be in terms you know maybe it's being a virtual assistant or maybe it's doing research for companies or whatever it is once I know what that be I would start applying for jobs every day on up work so as I've got my janitor job and as I'm building my habits my mindset I'd be on up work every day I'd probably apply to at least ten jobs every day the way that I'd apply for the jobs is I'd really take the time to to write something personal and maybe even create a video that I'd send to that business owner okay because you really want to differentiate yourself and stand out so I don't want to do what everyone else is doing then I'm just gonna you know fall into the crowd so instead what I do is when I find a job that I'd on the ground you know I'd love to work for this company I can do this for them is I'd go above and beyond because companies are looking to hire people that have have high standards they're driven and they're gonna over deliver on the values so I would apply for these jobs and I would first do some research on the company I'd research more what they're looking for and then what I do is I apply it to that job and tell them hey here's how I can help you here's a little bit about myself but I'm hard-working I'm driven all that sort of stuff that everyone else says but you've got to make it more about them than you okay because the worst thing is when you're hiring someone and there's talking about themselves but the business owner doesn't care that much about that they want to know how can you help them how can you serve them how can you add value to them and help them get results when you're in alignment with that you're much more likely to be hired so I try to communicate and sell them on why they should hire me and I'd show and demonstrate specifically how I can help them in their business okay it's so much more powerful when you're specific than general if you just say oh I can help you make more money I can do this or that whatever but if I'm very specific and I say I can help you you know here's what you're doing right now on your Instagram here's what I would do and what I would help you with specifically right or hey you know what you're not doing this on your Instagram so here's how I can help you with this and I would implement this for you so now we were actually showing and demonstrating value just through your job application and you're demonstrating that you're proactive you don't just need to be told what to do they're actually providing ideas and value before they even hired you before they even interviewed you okay even better if you record a video you send that to the owner you say hi my name's Stefan you know I came across your job I think you've got a great company I'm totally in alignment with your vision and the values that you guys have and let me share a few a little bit about myself real quick I my name is Stefan and I'm driven I'm hungry you know I work on myself every day I love marketing and here's how I think I can help you and I was looking at your website and here are some things I think we could do better I was looking at your instagrams here's some things that you know I could maybe help you with that you could maybe do to get better results and I just try to add value just for a few minutes on the call and I say listen I'd love to do a an interview a call with you share see more about myself and how I can help you so you do that you send 10 videos a day each videos 5 or 10 minutes you've sent to each each person you're applying to you're bound to get a great job from that you know because you're standing out you're going above and beyond and that's part of the mindset and the habit you need to have that you'll learn from all the books that I shared that will make you successful right so I would definitely do that and not just on at work but I'd probably even find like a neat like how I can help business owners maybe it's like yeah maybe it's being their virtual assistant or their social media just as an example but I would find companies that stay on Instagram or Facebook or that that need help with their social media you can just it's obvious that they're not optimizing enough and then I'll just find the email address or send a message to the business owner or send them a video a customized video okay for each one I'm not I'm not just copying piece in the same video but I'm actually setting in each a separate video to each person okay and I would just you know do that every single day and you do that for a month to three months you're gonna make money from that you're gonna get a better job and you're gonna get a job that can allow you to work from home that you're gonna learn some great skills and develop yourself with and that's gonna lay the foundation for you long term okay so it's being willing to do what most people aren't willing to do okay that's what's going to separate you from everyone else successful people do what the failures won't do so the broke mentality most often is what are you gonna do for me I'm not gonna give an ADD value you got to give to me first that's the wrong thinking the right thinking the successful person thinks the rich person thinks I'm going to add value first upfront and then just by adding value then then if I receive if you want to hire me great in fact one thing that I'd probably do as well is I might even approach some companies and say listen I'll work for you for free for the first month don't pay me anything let me prove myself to you okay if I deliver if I deliver for you and over-deliver and you know you're happy to keep you onboard great then you can start paying me and this is how much we can you know determine how much I get paid if not then fine you know I was a great experience I did what I could I learned from it we both learned from it and I can move on and find something else so betting on yourself and having that level of confidence and certainty that's really what's gonna make you stand out and allow you to to get a better paying job especially if you're always upgrading and looking for something that could be a lot better for you now that would be the second thing that I do but the third thing okay as I'm doing this and trying to be fairly detailed for you guys but the third thing I do and this is a really important one this can actually really make and break things is I would learn money management okay I'd learn how to manage my money cuz now I'd be in a situation where I'm making some money right I'm making some money from a job whether it's my janitor job or maybe an online job that I get which would be a lot more ideal for me but now as you're making money it's not what you make its what you keep and it's what you do with the money that you make okay all successful people all wealthy people they're great money managers okay that's one of the most important things you'll learn as you study wealthy people they're all great at managing their money so whatever amount of money that you have coming in or that I'd have coming in rather always bring that back to myself of what I would do right so let's say that I you know found a way to start making 2 grand a month or 3 grand and well let's just say is $3,000 a month ok I got to a point like that in my life okay that's what $36,000 a year okay if I'm making that amount of money one thing I have to be very careful of is upgrading my lifestyle okay you've got to learn number one to live below your means okay live below your means so if I'm making $3,000 a month coming in I don't want to be spending $3,000 a month on my expenses and lifestyle because otherwise I'm just living paycheck to paycheck I'm not really getting ahead financially I'm staying in that broke mentality so instead if I'm making 3,000 bucks a month then I gotta find a way to only live my expenses my lifestyle maybe $2,500 a month in $2,000 a month okay and that might mean at the beginning you gotta sacrifice again you might have to sell stuff you might have to live with your parents you might have to get some roommates right you might have to do things like you might have to take the bus instead of have your own car but those are sacrifices that I'd make in the short term because the positive cash flow that I'd be able to save every month is gonna benefit me long term so you've got to get yourself in a position where you're saving money every month okay ideally at least 10% probably even 15% or more to be honest with you if you really want to get ahead financially so I would find a way to sacrifice where I can save 10 15 20 percent of whatever my income is and I'd put that money aside okay and what I do with that money first is I'd build a reserve I'd build an emergency fund that would be the equivalent of three to six months of my income or expenses so again if I'm making three grand a month that would be $18,000 is say maybe maybe nine thousand the $18,000 that I'd save up okay that I can then put aside and that would that be based on my income but if it's based on expenses then maybe it's a bit less but I'd put that money aside okay not let's say $10,000 I put it aside in a bank account I don't touch it that's for emergencies that's for if hits the fan if you lose your job if you get banned on up work if something happens in your life okay that is that that is the net that will protect you and keep you safe that you can live off that money you know something does happen for you so that will give you peace of mind that will give you a sense of security you don't take that money you don't spend it on a new opportunity or a new investment or new business that's money that you don't touch unless it's a rainy day and you absolutely have to okay now as I save that up I wouldn't stop there okay I'd actually continue this habit of saving money every month okay and ideally maybe making a bit more money in my job if I can but some jobs there might be a limit to it you might not be able to make much more from it so that's where it really come is as I'm saving money and being smart and I'm now in a better financial situation then the next thing that I do is that starting online business right cuz none of my business is really what's gonna give me the ultimate freedom that I want now not everyone again an online business might not be for everyone you got to know yourself you know you got to know whether or not you won't take a risk and how much you value security for example you got to know you know do you want to maybe take on that responsibility of starting your own business it's not for everyone like I said you can have a great job at lifestyle something you're passionate about and something you enjoy you can do that you know as a freelancer or work for a great company and that's fine you know sometimes you know my employees on my team have a better lifestyle than I do because they get the benefit from working from home and you know working from their laptop and traveling and growing and learning and being in a cool environment you know I have that too but I also have the added stress and the responsibility that sometimes come comes by having your own business and so this would be the path if really if you really want to create financial wealth financial abundance the highest level of financial freedom so an online business is one of the best ways for you to do that because it's it's a lot easier to start and less expensive to start than a traditional business there's a lot of opportunities that are available whether that's selling on Amazon publishing books or physical products or doing affiliate marketing where you promote other people's products creating your own courses there's a lot of opportunity I know for me though again coming back to me what I would do probably is I would start project life mastery because that's my mission I start my YouTube channel and I start sharing with people I start sharing the things that I learned right because think about it I mean if you have been developing your mindset and habits which I did and I went through this process and I'm learning about money made all these things that I've gone through that is now an asset that I can start sharing that with other people on YouTube or on my blog and I can help other people with that you know I can share what I've learned along the way and I can also share my journey on YouTube and that for me knowing what I know now that's my true mission in life my true purpose what lights me up and fulfills me is being of service to other people teaching and sharing that's what I love I've done many different things online but I always come back to that because that's really what gets you in the most fulfillment so I would start project like mastery I start sharing all the things that I'm learning and growing I wouldn't have to think that I'm perfect I don't know all the answers but there's value in things that I've learned and I'd tell people that you know I was once struggling and broke now I've got a job I can share with you what I did here's the things that I've learned I'd share that with people and I'd build a following from that an audience from that and as I continue to grow and evolve I'd share my journey share my growth of people I come across great products and books and resources and courses that I invest in to grow and become better and I'd share that with people and I'd share it as an affiliate marketer right so as an affiliate marketer I don't have to create my own products I don't have to create my own courses I don't have to really be the expert I can just share great quality products that have benefited me if there's an affiliate link or affiliate program I can share that and then I earn a commission if people buy purchase that through me okay so that's essentially one part of my business of what I do today you know and I love it because as I grow and evolve and get better I can I have something to share with other people and I can share great products and programs that benefit me and whatever benefits me I'm passionate about I want to share that and I know that can help other people I feel that's my ethical obligation to help other people and share that with them and not just keep that to myself you know so that's what I would do is I'd probably do a Philly marketing because there's not much expenses involved in that YouTube is free you know and I'd probably maybe invest into a camera or use my phone if I can get one but I or I might save a bit of money through my job and put that aside so that can actually start my business the right way and really go for it you know and then maybe from there wants to make money from that I might branch off into some other internet opportunities and then start investing my money so I might start buying some index funds and stocks which would be more the long-term financial wealth and freedom because an online business you know it's great you can create a lot of wealth through that but we don't really know what it's going to be in ten years or 20 years or 30 years technology's always changing so that's why I want to diversify my money my investments I put money into my business but as I start making money for my business I start putting money into some other investment vehicles as well and I just continue that process and I think this foundation here of what I shared is really gonna strengthen a really allow whatever tree that I want to build I mean if I want to build a massive tree make millions of dollars then that's gonna come from a strong enough foundation so the more that I'd grow and read and learn and I wouldn't just read books but it also find coaches and mentors and courses and seminars and everything I possibly could because the more that I learned the more that I earn okay the more that I learned the more that I earned so I would recognize that and have some money that I can then invest into the foundation of the future success that it have does this make sense as it's helpful for you I really hope it is I mean this is exactly what I would do and I can't say that this is the right path for you or not maybe there's some things here that I think are universal that you can apply but I don't know you I don't know your exact situation you know and now you know I think definitely this thing is applicable to everyone getting a job whether it's online or something this is I think where a lot of people are stuck you know even the money management piece as well and really learning that but online business I mean for me that's my mission in life with project life Master I know that now cuz I tried many things you know to get to where I'm at today and to really know what my mission is and so you might have to go to that journey as well right and so you could try different business opportunities because everyone's different you got to know what that is and that really is what self-development and the journey allows for you is to learn more about yourself and you find things that are your passion over time it doesn't happen overnight sometimes you just gonna try different things you got to go through the buffet and try different opportunities but every one you learn you grow because you know for me it's not like I just stumbled across the Philly marketing and became successful I tried many different things and had to learn a lot along the way so me knowing myself now I know that would be the one for me that I'd start with and branch out from I don't know about you but if you do want to learn more about how to get started online if you're at this position right now we're looking for a business opportunity I did create a quiz that could benefit you I'll link to that below if you go to WWF a string comm slash quiz ok project life mastery comm slash quiz head on over there there'll be some questions that we'll ask that will help you determine which is the right business model for you right based on really what your drive is are you made you want us build a business for money or for your passion or for impact how much money do you have how much time do you have to get started with there's certain ones I can wreck man for you based on that quiz so check that out otherwise if you want to do a Philly marketing like what I would do then go to projects re WWF elite marketing mastery com that's a free masterclass that I put together that shows more about how I do affiliate marketing and what I've learned and how I built my business as an affiliate marketing business so that could benefit you at affiliate marketing mastery com otherwise what I'll do is I'll think about more books as well and link those below this video to so they'll be in the description for you you know that would be a great place to start if you can find them at a library great if not buy them on Amazon or in Kindle or whatever it might be but I'll share with you some of the books that have helped me and I'd love for you to comment below share some of the things that have helped you you know I'd love for you to share otherwise thank you so much for watching listen if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up here on YouTube if you want more videos like this more for me then subscribe to my youtube channel by clicking the button below make sure that you turn on notifications so you get notified of other videos that I put out I put out a lot of videos on online businesses and online marketing and money and mindset and how to improve and master your life really is what I want to serve people with so subscribe for more videos like that otherwise thank you thank you thank you I'd love to hear from you if you actually apply this and if this helps you that's really what my goal is so feel free to reach out and let me know how it goes for you because I'd really like to you to see you turn things around for yourself financially and create that freedom thank you I'll see you again in the next video you
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 411,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what Id do if I was broke, broke, what Id do, personal growth, motivation, inspiration, success strategies, how to make money fast, how to make money if youre broke, change your life, broke and struggling, financial abundance, get out of the rat race, start an online business, manage your money, get a job, shift your mindset, get creative, make money online, successful, build wealth, resourceful, freelance work, advice, motivational video, debt, no money, why people are broke
Id: rrBohkoZIBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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