My $3.5 Million Stock Investment Portfolio 💰 How I Generate $8000 Per Month Passive Income

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hey everyone this is stefan from and today i'm gonna share with you guys my stock investment portfolio I'm gonna be very transparent I'm gonna pull aside the curtains and I'm actually gonna show you guys I'm gonna log into my brokerage accounts and actually show you my entire stock investment portfolio I'm gonna sure if the entire value of everything what I own would I buy the dividends I receive on a monthly basis and this my overall approach mindset and strategy when it comes to investing so that hopefully you guys can benefit and learn a lot from this I'm not doing this to try to impress you or anything like that but to hopefully educate you I know for myself when I first started off as an investor I wish that someone would share behind the scenes of a multi-million dollar stock investment portfolio I think there's a lot you can learn from that no I will mention that two years ago I did a similar YouTube video than this where I shared my 1 million dollar stock investment portfolio that video did really well get over 160,000 views on YouTube and a lot of people have asked me since then to share more of an update and I do share my goals reports my my net worth updates and my income updates and things like that so I thought it'd be useful to kind of share with you guys where I'm at today with my investments now also I will mention that 1 million dollars is Canadian dollars I live in Canada my brokerage accounts are Canadian brokerage accounts although I do invest in the US markets as well and I share with you guys that but anyways since then over the last two years less than two years now actually I've been able to grow that to over three and a half million dollars Canadian which at the time of this and recording this of May of 2018 is about 2.7 to 2.8 million dollars u.s. which is still a significant amount of money now going from 1 million to 3 and a half million is not from capital appreciation or a gain so I want to make that clear I wish that I could turn a million to three and a half million in two years that fast fortunate doesn't work that way obviously I've been earning more of my businesses I invest more in two different stocks and I've been building it up that way and I've also been getting a great return from my investments as well and I also earn a get a dividend payments from my investments on a monthly quarterly or at or annual basis to now a few things I want to mention for you guys just to kind of explain my overall approach in mindset before I share few guys my brokerage accounts I got it started investing when I was 18 years old I read the books the wealthy barber by David Shelton the richest man in Babylon all those kind of you know classic investing books and it really emphasized and taught me the importance of paying myself first that no matter how much money you're making you always take 10% of that you put it aside you save it and you invest it and if you're just investing that over time what happens is that compounds and when you have time on your side over ten years twenty thirty four years 50 years a small amount of money can actually turn into a significant amount of money and so I've always kind of believed in that and so my overall mindset is I'm a long-term investor I'm also very conservative I use my businesses to online businesses that I have primarily to generate cash flow because business for me at least is the easiest and fastest way to generate a large amount of cash and then with that I take that and then I invest it in a more conservative investment vehicles like stocks that can grow and compound over a period of time I do have some risky investments but for the most part ninety percent of what I do is more conservative okay now I don't just invest in stocks I believe in being diversified I also own a real estate property that I've been renting out for many years I own cryptocurrency I've done loans I own different types of investments like that too so I believe that's important but the majority of my wealth I invest it in different stocks and everything and the reason why I like stocks is you can get a lot of diversity from that I think a lot of people have a misconception where they thinks all stocks are risky and it's not true yes there are certain stocks that are risky but there's also a lot of blue chip companies on stocks that you can own and have a piece of that been around for for decades and will continue to be around for decades moving forward so I like to invest more in blue chip stocks I like to invest in bank stocks for example the Bank of Montreal in Canada spit you know has never missed a dividend payment in over a hundred years and is most likely and it's been through processions and Russians and things like that it's going to continue to be a very secure Bank and everything - so I don't need to worry about losing everything by owning a bank stock typically I can also own index funds where I can own a stock that's diversified in a certain market so for example I can own an S&P 500 index fund where I own pieces of the top 500 companies in the United States on the SP index so that's very diversified that's gonna go up and down based on the overall market it's not putting everything into one stock where you know you could lose all your money from that I like owning real estate but I don't like managing real estate so oftentimes I prefer if I want to be involved in the real estate market I can own stocks that are known as reads real estate investment trusts that can own real estate and I don't have to manage it you know I've got a rental property I've had for many years and it's a lot of work you know there's repairs there's issues with tenants they move out you can lose a lot of logistics with that that if you have a property manager that's great but when you own a REIT I can own commercial real estate residential real estate and a variety of different things in different marketplaces and it's also more liquid - I don't have to try to sell the real estate property one day it's just a lot easier to sell a stock and so you can liquidate your assets a lot easier that way - what it's the beautiful thing about stocks is that you don't have to be an entrepreneur you don't have to run a business because running a business is a lot of hard work you know I don't have to build Amazon to a multi-billion dollar one the biggest businesses out there I don't have to do that and I don't want to do that I you know I'd much rather instead I don't have to be Jeff Bezos I can invest in Jeff Bezos and own shares of Amazon and benefit from his expertise and his brilliance and genius and I can benefit from that I don't have to build Tesla I can invest in Elon Musk and invest in Tesla and and and benefit from that I don't have to be Mark Zuckerberg I can invest in Facebook and invest in Mark Zuckerberg and benefit from that so it really allows you to leverage yourself in a lot of really amazing ways by leveraging other people's expertise knowledge and and things of that nature and that's the beautiful thing about it now I should mention to my ultimate goal when it comes to investing you've got to always make sure you've got to know why you're investing for me it's for income my ultimate goal is I want to build my stuff my investment portfolio to a certain level where the income that that provides for me the passive income that that provides could then pay for and support my entire lifestyle okay so the way that I kind of look at it is like my investment portfolio is the golden goose that's laying the golden eggs and the golden eggs are the income that I can then use to support my lifestyle that for me is the ultimate source of passive income you can make passive income in a business but it's hard to make long-term passive income in a business because with business you have to actively manage it you've got to be involved in all the decisions there's ups and downs you've got to adapt a competition to the marketplace all that sort of stuff and you can maybe make passive income for a while but oftentimes if you're not actively managing or growing that then that passive income slowly goes down because the internet the world of business changes so fast if you don't adapt to it you're gonna get left behind stocks on the other hand I don't have to really manage that that much especially with my approach of my my philosophy of everything being a long term okay I can set it and forget it I can buy and just hold and benefit from the dividends from that so for me that's the truest form of passive income and then usually given a dividend income at least here in Canada you also get taxed tax the best on eligible dividends so there's certain tax benefits as well there's a few other things I want to share with you guys before I share my screen and go through my different accounts with you what I'm going to show you guys is two different accounts two primary brokerage accounts that I have one is with RBC Direct Investing okay another one is with Scotia I trade now they're also one of the reasons why I'm sharing with you guys is accounts is because I'm actually transferring all my stocks and assets to more of an international brokerage account I've yet to decide what that is yet so I can be more transparent with you guys because by the time this video is out all my stocks are gonna be on a different brokerage account because I'm actually leaving Canada pretty soon and becoming a non-resident and there's actions I saw a whole different story anyways I got to different accounts one is for my holding company okay I've got a holding company that holds a lot of my assets and I invest out of and once a personal account okay now the reason why I have a holding company and why a lot of wealthy people do this is because primarily they earn a lot of their wealth from their business and what they do is they don't want you don't want to invest out of your operating business because when you have an operating business like project life mastery I'm dealing with a lot of customers that in the event that any one were to sue me they could then go after those assets that would be within that company the operating company so instead what you do is you build a holding company now holding company then owns your operating company and then the money goes up to the holding company with the holding company that's what a lot of a lot of the wealthy people do in order to invest in on other businesses buy stocks real estate all this sort of stuff there's no liability with that or at least a lot less liability and and that's typically the way that they do it and the reason why that they won't take that money from their company and then pay themself and invest is because oftentimes you'll get double taxed so you get taxed on the corporate level and then once you take the money out to pay yourself you also get taxed on the personal level too so that's why a lot of business owners they leave the money in a holding company and they invest out of that and then they own the holding company okay for me a lot of that's changing because I'm I'm moving to a new country and is there's a lot of tax advantages and stuff as a whole different video for hit different times and I'll share with you guys but that's I just want to explain that to you why I have two different accounts I will also mention two years ago when I did that last video that was primarily out of my operating company I didn't have a holding company yet so since then I've actually got two brokerage accounts I've got one for sorry I actually have three accounts I'm gonna show you guys ones from an operating company which I don't really invest in all I do is for an exchange type stuff with that the other one is my holding company the other one's my personal company the holding company is new probably confusing you guys a lot apologize for this but anyways that returns that you're gonna see inside my account are more recent returns they're not over all the returns had over the years that I've been investing okay so I want to just kind of make that clear too even though I'm still getting good returns at the time of this video the markets been very volatile there's a bit of a correction so earlier this year as well with that being said guys I'm gonna dive into this I'm gonna flip over my screen I'm gonna show you guys login to my accounts be very transparent with you guys hopefully guys can benefit and learn a lot from this and let's begin okay so right now I'm at the RBC com website RBC is Royal Bank of Canada now which is one of the top banks in Canada they have RBC Direct Investing which is their brokerage accounts most banks have brokerage accounts so if you want to set up your own brokerage or trading account to buy stocks talk to your local bank you could also do research there's also international brokerage accounts out there as well I'm setting up an international brokerage account because I'm actually leaving Canada there's restrictions on this account once I leave Canada and also with RBC Direct Investing you can only really buy in the US and Canadian markets and I want to be able to buy more international in Mexico and Europe South America all over the world so that's why I'm setting up more of an international account and transferring everything over today is May 18th okay as you can see there's two different accounts that I have here this one is for my operating company I primarily use it for foreign exchange and maybe that's another video I'll do at another point on how you can get the best exchange rate when you're transferring u.s. to Canadian dollars and vice versa this is from a holding company okay so this is the main account that I'm going to show you guys and I'll also show you my my personal account as well the total value of in Canadian dollars including the cash is about 3.4 million which ends up being about 2.6 2.6 million u.s. dollars based on this exchange rate okay so let me show you guys I'll show you guys my Canadian holdings and also my US holdings as well my whole approach is you know you want to diversify on both but I benefit as a Canadian right now I've benefitted throughout the years on because I mainly make US dollars in my business and exchanging that to Canadian dollars so I primarily have invest in the Canadian markets a bit in the US markets - only about 250,000 in the US market but primarily Canadian because I do I just know the Canadian market a lot a lot better than the US market but I am as I mentioned going more international as well right now my trailing 12-month return in this account is three point 15 percent which is honestly not really that great the markets been volatile up and down but it doesn't really reflect the true return that have gotten from investing over the years because as I mentioned before I didn't have this holding company this this holding company counts two years ago and so I was primarily investing before out of my operating company but when I set up my holding company I had to sell my stocks and then rebuy them and transfer them to this new account so I've gotten you know over more than twelve months a much greater return than this but as I mentioned before I'm not really investing for that one thing that a lot of people don't fully understand I think is whether your stocks go up or down it doesn't really matter until you sell okay it's not until you actually sell that it really matters so I have certain stocks I'll shoot I'll share overall them up but I have a lot of stocks that I'm down that have lost money thus far but that's okay because when you have that long-term approach and you've done the research behind what you're buying you're not that affected when it's down because when it's down you just look at that as a buying opportunity to buy the those stocks at a discounted price because you're in it for the long term and you know that long term those stocks aren't gonna correct and they're gonna you're gonna end up getting a great capital gain and appreciation but again all that only matters is if you sell what I prime primarily after my entire not my entire but most of my approach is after the dividends the income that my stocks provide for me and all sure if you guys a little bit more about that what that is because regardless of whether the stocks are up and down I still get the dividends the dividends is the income that they're paying out to me either every month or every quarter every every year based on the stock so that's how I look at it I also look at it as because I'm a long-term investor when there's a correction every year it has a great buying opportunity recently we had a bit of a correction in the market great opportunity to buy more at a discount if there is a recession which typically throughout history has happened every ten years or so I think we're due for one pretty soon if there is one it I mean it's it sucks for a lot of people though that they lose their jobs and things like that but when you have time on your side and you're a long-term investor that's a great opportunity to buy more at a discount you know when I in 2007-2008 I wish that I knew what I knew now because I would have bought a lot of those stocks at a discount knowing that you know they would go up so much to where they're at today so that's why I don't really worry too much up and down but overall you know the unrealized gain has been $146,000 Canadian this is just for my Canadian accounts and I'll show you guys I'm not gonna went to every stock what I do recommend is if you guys want to do more research on some of the stocks you guys can pause this video if you'd like look them up if you like as well but I'll sure if you've got some of my favorite ones usually I like to sort everything by the change of what's down because usually I'm not I'm not looking to sell stocks I'm usually looking to buy and when I can see what's down for example like these are the stocks that are down today I'm usually looking to buy those ones if it's a significant enough drop but all organized things for you guys right now based on the market value just to show you some of the biggest stocks first as I mentioned I really love bank stocks Bank especially in Canada not not all countries because some countries the banking banking system is not that good or secure Canada has one of the top banking systems in the world and they pay great dividends okay so all the bank stocks in Canada usually pay really great dividends and they've been around for decades and will continue to be around for decades as well for example Bank of Montreal has never missed a dividend payment in over a hundred years so so you know you know it's a pretty secure long-term investment okay so that the biggest holding that I have in terms of bank stocks is Bank of Nova Scotia as you can see of you know I've benefited from capital gain and appreciate but again that only matters if I sell but what I'm really after is the dividend so Bank Nova Scotia pays a really great dividends which is still low okay so you can see it's about $80 per share but mainly what I'm looking at is the dividend okay so this is what the dividend is based on the share they do if the frequency is every quarter and then the yield okay the dividend yield is is one of the most important things and then what I often deal with the stocks to because I don't need that income that it provides so this is gonna pay me a different dividend based on how many shares that I have every quarter okay so every three months because I don't need the money I have it on a drip a drip is a dividend reinvestment plan so basically the money that would get paid out it just goes to buying more shares and that's how you really get that compounding effect over time because it just continuously keeps you know buying more shares and then I the more shares that I own the greater the dividend I get as well so that just keeps growing over a long period of time which is really great okay let's go back here so make a Nova Scotia I like TD Bank as well I like as well that's gone up 18 percent so that's great you know Royal Bank of Canada Sun Life Financial National Bank of Canada Bank of Montreal now I also have some of the communication companies so these are like communications in terms of internet cable TV cell phone services so that the some of the biggest ones in Canada are Shaw Communications and tell us so I own them Shaw's actually down tell us has been up but Shaw pays a monthly dividend which I like I'm not sure if you guys hear that sound in the background that was actually my washing machine making that noise okay yeah so they pay a monthly dividend which is great so a great source of income for me so even though they're down you know even though I've lost almost five grand I'm not that affected by it because every month I'm getting a dividend that's buying more at this discounted price right so there's like dollar cost averaging this happening where sometimes it's going to buy more when it's higher and lower but over time it bill over a period of time you know CIBC is a bank and this a variety one one that I like here is not a dividend paying stock which is Shopify this is actually the one I've gotten the greatest return from as you can see it's gone up a hundred and fifty nine percent and Shopify you can buy on the Canadian and the US market but because I'm involved in online businesses I also like to invest in what I know and I kind of just kind of know I know Shopify no Amazon and no those kind of because I'm involved in that business every single day and I work with people with that but Shopify has been blowing up big time so you know I'm only gonna profit from this when I sell it but eventually I will and I just believe long-term again this is going to continue to go up or that Shopify might get bought out by Amazon I mean I'm pretty diversified across a lot of different sectors and industries some stocks have been getting into that are a little bit more risky have been cannabis stocks especially in Canada so this is a canopy growth this is like marijuana cannabis I'm sure you guys are aware of this has been going up and right now I think these are it's more risky because it's based on government and laws that come out but right now things are at least moving along the track record of getting legalized in Canada but also in different states in the US and also different parts of Europe as well so that provides a great opportunity that even though you know some of these cannabis stock can be a little bit more high risk I'm willing to take that risk with a small percentage of my portfolio because I believe that five 10 years from now not even next year or the next two years but like five 10 20 years from now cannabis and marijuana is gonna be legalized and it's gonna be a huge market and that these stocks that have bought now even though it's gonna up 21% eventually is gonna be worth significantly more but I mean I buy different energy stocks technology stocks so a variety different you know financial stocks and whatnot to so I'm not going to explain each of them - this is another cannabis stock this is an energy stock this is a communication stock PCE is like bell communications Manulife is a financial one Rogers this communication stock so as you can see now I have ones that have gone up I made money of lost money you know this is a cannabis knock this down 29% this is a Cineplex which is this was actually a bad purchase I do make some some bad purchases once in a while - and you learn from them of course but Cineplex is like entertainment company they have movie theaters and things like that in Canada and really I mean they're kind of movie theaters are kind of dying long you know in the future because now people are just watching things on Netflix now and there's not as much reason to go to a movie theater as there once was but yeah I'm just going to slowly scroll through here I'm not gonna explain each one to you but as you can see this in terms of these Canadian holdings it's up 6% so about 96 thousand dollars now let's go to etf's ETFs are exchange-traded funds so these are usually the index funds that I was referring to so the biggest one that I have here is the iShares fun but I like to diversify across a lot of different ones so this one is the SP 500 and the the TSX so those are the US and Canadian exchanges and basically what they do is they're they're very diversified across these different sectors right so at different times you know based in the market you know the energy sector might be down or financial services might be up or communications might be up or down but when you're diversified in this way then you don't have to worry that much about it because it just kind of evens itself out it's kind of replicating the market so I like ETS for that reason and these ones also pay a dividend okay and they're also on a drip as well so I've got a variety here mainly you know like the sp500 some of them are bonds so this one for example is a short-term bond index this one is an aggregate bond index excuse me this one is an index fund for the cannabis and the marijuana market also pays a dividend which is great so sometimes I mean in it for example investing in one individual marijuana or cannabis stock is more risky versus buying in an index fund that owns all the different marijuana or cannabis stocks in the market right because that way if one goes under you don't lose all that money but it's more diversified in this index this is like a global all capital so this is like a global market index of the entire world I'm actually not sure if it's an entire world but I'm sure some of the biggest countries in the world total market funds so it's not just the top 500 companies in the S&P 500 it's the total US market emerging markets yeah some of these I'd have to explain a lot more in depth with but overall you know this has also been up by six point three one percent thirty four thousand dollars if I were to come down here these are trust funds that I have so usually these are real estate investment trusts that I buy so for example Chartwell is a retirement residence because right now a lot of baby baby boomers are retiring and so I see that as a good opportunity right now because they're gonna need a lot of senior housing Rio kin which has been down they buy I think they buy a lot of commercial real estate shopping centers for example so I can own you know I don't have to buy a shopping center and you know be a real estate investor I could buy something like this a real estate investment trust that owns they have a portfolio of real estate of shopping centers which is really cool so that's one of the reasons why I love REITs for example this one owns American hotels which has been down but overall you know I've got a variety of different trusts and real estate investments this portfolio has actually been the smallest for me thus far it's barely up and it's been struggling a little bit okay now let's go into some of the u.s. holdings mashing down overall in the US market today so some of the biggest ones are so that's been going up significantly about 22% I sell on Amazon I know in Amazon I understand I know how big they are growing and how internationals are growing as well so that's why I think owning Amazon if you're an Amazon seller you should also consider owning some of the stock - I don't think this pays a dividend you pull it up here no so it does not pay a dividend a lot of the tech stocks in the US don't pay dividends but I like to own them again anyways and my strategy again around that is that I would eventually sell them when I sell them that's when I'd benefit from the capital capital gains and appreciation from it Facebook now Facebook actually went down significantly because of the whole camp verge analytical situation but again if you're a long-term investor that's an opportunity to buy more so that's exactly what I did Facebook does not pay a dividend but if I come down to the charts here they had this huge dip so everything was going good with Facebook going up boom something happens huge dip again if you're a long-term investor you're buying it cheap now you're buying it from 150 to 160 dollars per share and then sure enough it's gone back up so that's what I look for as all buying opportunities at least is I like to pay attention to the markets a little bit not not every day but for the most part when certain things like that happen I know I can go in there and buy more at a discounted price Google Apple Tesla so a lot of these companies are more than ones that you guys are gonna probably recognize Netflix of course so Tesla's been down for me so far but I believe long term in the vision of Elon Musk and that technology Alibaba Johnson & Johnson Intel Shopify Wells Fargo says some US bank stocks known as well store Capital Bank of America Salesforce Connect Canada actually has a better banking system than the u.s. is more secure than the US but I like to own some US banks as well because even during the recession we saw like for example Bank of America during 2007-2008 got hit really hard but you know again it recovered and often the u.s. - the government will kind of bail out banks if maybe JPMorgan Chase Berkshire Hathaway this is owned by Warren Buffett pharmaceutical companies Spotify I think Spotify I she recently recently went public let me just check I think it did that's why I bought it yeah so they went public in April which is really cool so Oracle I have some US cannabis dogs which we're not doing well because it's it's more up in the air especially in California right now Adobe MasterCard Visa PayPal Microsoft so the US market there's more companies that that most people are gonna be more aware of and learn more about but the reason why I haven't invested as much on the US exchanges as I have a Canadian side because I can benefit from the exchange rate as a Canadian changing US dollars to Canadian dollars and I get immediately a 25% to 30% return just on that okay so yeah so that that's for the most part that account as I mentioned this account here I primarily just use for foreign exchange a strategy called orbits gambit that I might do another video to share how you can get better exchange rates for transferring US dollars to Canadian dollars and vice versa because it a lot often the banks won't give you really bad exchanges but if you know the norbit's gambit strategy you can get much better returns let me go now to my Scotia I trade I use this for my personal investing so this account is a lot less 172,000 Canadian okay I primarily invest out of my TFSA which in Canada we call the tax-free savings account which basically you get a limit of five thousand or fifty five hundred dollars a year they could put into that and then anything you make out of that is 100 percent tax-free so pretty much everything that I buy here is actually all similar to what I have on our DC Direct Investing now I didn't go into the dividends yet I'll share with you guys that let me just show you guys this first so for the most part I'm up overall here I'm up by 26% in this TFSA account and again you can see a lot of these are all Canadian stocks that I mentioned so 26% which a total is up $15,000 which would be totally tax-free here with Scotia I trade they actually show you income you're generating from it so for example your to date about a thousand dollars in dividends that I've made thus far from this account and then I can see here you know what the yield is and what the annual income soar example Bank in Nova Scotia this year is gonna pay me about six hundred and fifty six dollars okay income Chartwell retirement it's gonna pay me 117 dollars throughout the year and then I've got the other account here too which is just a cash account and again very very similar holdings okay so very similar to my RBC Direct Investing this one's been up 23% and $18,000 is what's been made so far from that so let me actually just go back here to my Direct Investing account to show you the dividends that I receive so this is I like I said my favorite source of passive income that that you can make so let me just go back to April starting actually April 1st so for the month of April I made $11,000 I got paid $11,000 dividends that's pure passive income and right now from this investment account it's not always eleven thousand is like I said some of them you get paid quarterly some other every every month and others annual but overall it's about eight thousand dollars a month so that's a hundred thousand dollars almost a hundred thousand dollars passive income okay that I earn just from this stock portfolio account and hold on what is not showing everything no I'm gonna go the other account so a hundred thousand dollars pure passive income dividends so that's my my favorite thing about it so as you can see here as I showed on my other account you know this stock 14 dollars not much [Music] you know teeny bank two thousand dollars okay so I paid out a two thousand dollar dividend that I got and because it's on the dividend reinvestment plan you can see here it just went to to buy more so this amount of money went to buy more stocks you know so some of the stocks that I have that are smaller I'm not making it that much I mean seventy three dollars $24 $140 it depends on how many short shares that I own four hundred dollars you know Bank of Nova Scotia paid out twenty nine hundred our dividend to me from that amount of money that I have which I think was around two hundred fifty thousand dollars right so every quarter I get twenty nine hundred bucks from that two hundred fifty thousand dollars that I have which is pretty cool so yeah as you can see the most part all these are different dividends this one's also a zero but yeah that's the ultimate goal so my goal is to continue to build my portfolio to be able to provide my entire lifestyle now $100,000 a year is an amazing amount that you know it's more than enough for a lot of people to live off of but that's the ultimate goal that's money that you can totally retire off of and as long as those investments stay intact and they're secure blue-chip secure stocks that will continue to pay that dividend then that for me is true financial freedom in the purest form more than you could ever make financial freedom from a business because business changes a lot more and and you're more diversified in this way than you are in your business so anyways hopefully this video helped you guys a lot I didn't want to go too long with it I mean I could have gone more in depth into all the different things but I just wanted to gotten to show you guys what it looks like to have an investment portfolio like this behind the scenes because transparent as possible with you guys with everything sure if you guys what I bought what I've invested in my approach my mindset my strategy I think one of the biggest things to take away from this for you guys is just start small start with whatever you got I mean when I first started the first investment that I made when I went as 18 years old was 500 bucks that was an ax mutual fund and I'd I mean I've had mutual funds for years I don't own any anymore because I learned about the Fiza mutual funds and I just became more of a sophisticated investor and I I think index funds are a lot better than the mutual funds because there's not any very very very small fees for index funds but that's how I started five hundred bucks and then you know from there I just kind of every month kept paying myself and I just put you know 10% of whatever I made and I just slowly kind of start putting that into into buying more and then as I started accumulating larger sums of money for my business and things and my job at the time as well I would just have to use more of that to invest and I think the best starting point for people and again is index funds and you know you're gonna have to do some research but I recommend like an S&P 500 index fun's okay kind of be able to replicate the u.s. the US exchange in the US market an economy that's probably a good way to start otherwise you can look locally where depending on where you live different opportunities there as well but I think index funds is like the staple the foundation to start with and then investing in more individual stocks that you you at least have you know it a little bit okay so you don't often want to invest in things you don't know invest in things you do know so you know if you've got like an online business for example or you're in you're involved in like technology and stuff like that you could probably you know you know more about Amazon or you know more about Facebook or you might know about Google and things like that and it might be more sense for you to invest in those first because you're in that industry you know it you know the future of it you know all the changes on what's going on in it and those are gonna be some of the best places for you to start as well as maybe even considering bank stocks or things like that but starting off with what you know and then kind of branch and go from there as you gain more experience and like I said for me my approach is more long-term but your approach is going to be different than me it's gonna be based on your goals of life it's gonna be based on your age you know if you're 60 years old and getting close to retirement maybe you can't make certain riskier decisions that someone like myself would make at thirty two years old right because I have a lot of time on my side versus if you're 60 or 70 years old obviously your goals and your what you're going to try to accomplish is gonna be much different than someone in my situation so anyways I'm gonna wrap this video up hopefully you guys enjoyed this benefited a lot from it leave a comment below I'll try to answer some questions that you guys might have and of course subscribe to my channel and will learn more from me more videos on different ways that you can improve and master different aspects of your life thank you guys talk to you again soon you
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 640,523
Rating: 4.8603449 out of 5
Keywords: stock portfolio, stock investment portfolio, stock investment, investment mindset, dividend growth investing, dividend investing, cash flow, long term investment, passive income, stock market, dividend stocks, how to invest, financial education, how to make passive income, real estate investing, investing for beginners, stock investment for beginners, stock investment 101, brokerage accounts for beginners, transparency, money, financial freedom, lifestyle, diversification
Id: -b14sQzhUis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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