How I Built 5 Income Sources That Make $42,407 Per Month

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I mean four million dollars on Shopify dropshipping this month click the link down below alright yeah guys um no I don't actually even do Shopify not that everything against it so I think in this video I'm gonna break down some of my income sources from last month show you kind of what's going on I don't know how many more of these we're gonna do in the future but I had a lot of people asking questions about it so I thought we just go through it and I'll show you guys kind of breaking down some of the income sources there's really kind of five primary ones from the last month I know just a lot of people are curious about it and it's definitely weird to talk about personal finances or like my personal finances I know this channel is primarily discussing personal finance that's the topics of it but talking about like my specific finances does get a little bit weird so I think this could be the last of the sort of income update videos but it was last year when I made a video that discussed some of my income sources of how I was making like seventy two hundred dollars a month it was exactly a year ago since then has grown about six fold in the past twelve months is that going to continue in the future I don't know I'm not really planning on making a whole lot more money than what's going on right now I'm just kind of doing this for fun but you know let's just kind of get into this video and I hate that I have to say this every time but I'm not selling you anything there's no like online courses so you don't to worry about like just getting like 100 emails per day from Nate O'Brien just trying to get you to like buy my courses there's none of that okay so if you want to see more videos like this make sure you subscribe the channel drop a like if you find any value in it and let's get started here alright so let's talk about the first income source that is not actually very regular I don't see this very often but it is one that comes up from time to time and that is when I actually sell stocks or securities so as you guys probably know if you've been subscribed to this channel for some time I do quite a bit of investing and there's times where I'll buy a bunch of stocks sell a bunch of stocks maybe mutual funds ETFs right and so in the past month in January I did sell quite a bit of my Facebook shares and I did this for reasons that we're not gonna get into too much in depth in this video because you didn't come to learn about why I'm not as bullish on Facebook as I once was but so that was about 2,900 I think there's 29:59 a total profit from that and I don't really wreck nice my gains until I actually sell stocks or securities and I don't do that because I don't pay taxes on it until I actually sell those stocks so yeah that that was a total profit from that now keep in mind that this is from many years of having money in facebook stock this is a couple years of Facebook stock growth so I did buy in about 150 dollars a share sold it for a little bit over 200 so my total profit was like 55 or 60 dollars per share but that was over multiple years of investing and look I'm not the best investor like there's there's plenty of times where I lose money on different companies different stocks but the markets have been going up in the past couple of years so there's sort of this saying that you could be a monkey in throw darts at a dartboard and you could have made money in the past like 10 years from the stock market so I don't think that in any way I'm any better of an investor it just happened that it was a good choice to buy Facebook stock at the time and I'm glad that I did sell it and make a little bit of profit from that so that's one of the first income sources that I wanted to share with you if you're interested in investing I do have a number of videos on this channel related to it of course I'm not a financial advisor I'm just a random dude on the internet talking to a camera here so please make your own financial decisions I'm not a financial advisor guys okay and so that is the first income source that I wanted to share with you so my second income source is something that a number of people are very much interested in I get asked this question all the time and because I have shown in the past I'll just show you guys now again and that is YouTube ad revenue from this specific channel so this is kind of a weird one because for the longest time I always just made this assumption that people on YouTube don't make very much money you might say one or two dollars per thousand views and I've even googled it and you can look up articles about how youtubers are broke they work at 7-eleven even though they have a million subscribers and I can just tell you that in a lot of cases that's that's not true I know a number of youtubers who have 1/2 million or million subscribers and they're doing extremely extremely well with their finances or at least bring any money and some of them buy like Lamborghinis and stuff and just blow all their money but the point here is that I think people on YouTube kind of make more money than what people might sort of expect obviously it depends on the niche you're in so from YouTube ad revenue I'll pull this up but it was thirty thousand four hundred thirty one dollars and eighty two cents in January alright so I'll just I'll just quickly quickly show you here this is the YouTube app February hasn't actually been as much so you can see like february i'm can't redo something looking at it backwards it was like twenty three thousand dollars or in the past twenty eight days wait i just got a hold so you can see it and then if we look at like january this is the one that was thirty thousand and if you look at the month before that in december it was twenty four thousand so yeah so so it definitely fluctuates it's been going down a little bit just because february hasn't been as good of a month as january was partially because i was on vacation partially just because i haven't put out as many videos and it you kind of see that effect going forward so in january i only put out i think four or five videos so that's why so far my february revenue has been down because it's kind of reliant on the videos that i put out the month before now january was along your month there's 31 days so might be lower in february but okay couple things going on here first of all this is a really good month for my channel this isn't always what happens sometimes it's it's less than this by 50% or more but look from this it looks strange because you see $30,000 from 2.9 million views that just sounds off it just sounds weird but let me explain this because i think a lot of people just sort of don't think about the fact that there are so many companies now dumping billions of dollars into youtube ads so for example on my videos i make money every time that you watch an ad before video starts during a video maybe I'll just place one right here or something and then after a video ads my play every time an ad plays I get fifty five percent of that revenue YouTube takes forty five percent last year YouTube made nineteen billion dollars from YouTube ads okay I didn't make 19 billion I made a hell of a lot less than that trust me I wouldn't be making these videos if I did make 19 billion so look here's the point companies ten years ago when people thought about you know maybe you make a dollar two dollars per thousand views on YouTube companies weren't putting that much money into ads online they were still using billboards radio ads magazines TV commercials on on cable television and I think just in the past ten years there's been such a shift in where companies are dumping the bulk of their money so they used to dump it onto these physical things where I can't remem I was in a car I was sitting in the passenger seat I came out the last time I was looking at billboards reading billboards who does it anymore people look at their phones they're on their phone all the time they're not looking at billboards or at TV commercials or at magazines who uses that I don't know I certainly don't and so because of that companies are dumping so much more money onto platforms like YouTube like Facebook like Instagram rather than dumping it on to those traditional media outlets so that's why this ad revenue is way higher than what I would expect it to be especially if I was thinking about this a couple years ago and if you actually tracked the ad rates over the past couple of years of my youtube channel which I've been on YouTube for about three years now they've been going up every single year they've been going up and up and up and up so when I first started three years ago I was only making maybe three or four dollars per thousand views and it's gone up significantly since then now it also relies upon the niche that you're in so for example the niche that I'm in I talked about money I talked about finance and guess what there's a hell of a lot of money in finance think about banks and how much they are willing to pay to acquire new customers this is why banks will offer you a two hundred dollar account opening bonus you'll see those those things all over the place where maybe a brokerage firm offers you a hundred dollars to sign up for their brokerage firm that's how much money they're willing to pay somebody to get a new customer right and so I'm getting a piece of that cut because they're running so many ads on my channel and they're competing against each other so I'm just gonna take some random brands here and say that Ally Bank might be running ads and maybe say chase JP Morgan American Express they're all trying to run ads on my videos right and so if they're doing that they're bidding against each other that that's the way that ads work on YouTube they bid against each other to get that ad spot and so they bid each other up to a certain price point that's why that's the the analytical response to why the ad rates are definitely higher than what some other people might get on YouTube so some of these days were about let's see the highest one here was about thirteen hundred thirteen seventy three in mid-january and then it kind of tapered off towards the end I think this is when I was in Mexico it was just a tad bit under six hundred dollars in ad revenue from this channel now there's a number of other youtubers who kind of show their ad revenue as well so if you for some reason don't believe me you obviously don't have to nobody's forcing you through but I think Graham Stefan Ryan Scribner there's a number of people there's dozens of people who have kind of showed their ad revenue and kind of how those ad rates fluctuate and really does depend on the videos I've had videos that have literally made me over twenty thousand dollars from a million views and then I have other ones that have gotten over a million views that only made me three or four thousand dollars it really just depends on the content that you're putting out the title of it for example any video that I put out related to minimalism doesn't get that much money I don't make much money from minimalist videos and that's because who would want to run ads against a minimalist video where in the video I literally tell people to stop buying stuff right nobody wants to run ads on that and so that's why from my minimalist apartment video going off the top of my head I think I probably only made maybe four maybe five thousand dollars from one and a half million views versus other ones where I talk about money more that are going to make a lot more money from those ads now a couple things that I want to bring up here first of all look I'm not in any way talented or special or smart and so the point here that I want to make is that if I can do this anybody can do this and I literally mean that because a couple years ago when I started this channel and you can go pack i I don't want you to go back and look at my old videos because most of them are actually deleted but if you go back and look at my early videos they were absolutely horrendous they were terrible I couldn't put two sentences together and so over time I just kind of get better at speaking and learning how to talk and communicate with people I'm a big time introvert I'm not a natural speaker I think if I took an IQ test I would hopefully maybe score 100 which would be average but then again I guess stupid people don't know that they're stupid so I don't know where I'd score but I hope that I would be at least average but my point here is that I literally like there's nothing about me that's that's smarter than anybody else so the point here is that if I can do it anybody can do it and also I noticed one thing that I was kind of nervous about starting a channel in the beginning because I thought you know people aren't going to take me seriously I was 18 when I started my channel I'm 21 now and I thought who the hell is gonna take an 18 year old Siri when he talks about personal finance when he talks about saving money or how to invest and I was kind of nervous about that but I said you know what let's just put out videos anyway and I realized that most comments are generally pretty good I would say for every 100 good comments I'll get one bad comment where someone will just say something really really mean but usually kind of funny actually it cracks me up a lot of times but look so if you're concerned about anything like your reservations about like putting yourself out there on the internet I would argue to just go for it I think it's fun it's definitely kind of fun like when you bump into somebody who watches your videos and they like what you do or you get messages from people who just say like how much your content has helped them it's definitely a great feeling and I don't regret any of that so I think that's enough from the YouTube side of it from the ad revenue side of it but let's talk about some other revenue sources here and the next source of revenue is from affiliates and sponsors now look I can't take you into the exact details of this hopefully you can understand I've signed contracts with companies so I can't go into detail on like the exact earnings from this but I can tell you that it was over $8,000 from affiliates and from sponsors this is something I've been dropping a lot lately I haven't been doing a lot of affiliates or a lot of sponsors and I just do that because I don't really like to recommend a lot of products so for example brands and companies they will offer to pay me money for mentioning them in a video or sometimes you'll see that I will leave a link to certain products or things down below in the description so if you click them on the the read more or you click on the description button there down below on this video you'll see maybe I'll put a couple links one follow me on Instagram and another maybe for like get up 1.75 percent interest with this bank account when you click on that link and then you sign up for that bank account I might get a kickback of say $100 or $150 for every time somebody signs up for an account like that so you can just kind of do the math there that if you get $100 per sign up and you're getting hundreds or thousands of people to sign up for it through that link it can definitely add up so it's sort of the separate affiliate marketing revenue source and sponsor source that comes from these videos and it's definitely something that's nice to have to sort of diversify a little bit so that I'm not reliant on revenue specifically because there's something called the ad pocalypse which has happened in the past and it might happen in the future where brands don't put as much money onto YouTube ads for whatever reason there's a number of them so kind of this affiliate revenue or the sponsor routes or nicely go as well to kind of diversify but with all that said it is still kind of all reliant on my YouTube channel at the moment so it's not the best it's not the best having all these sources reliant on this specific channel there's a couple more here that I wanted to discuss that we could really bring up here they're not massive income sources but I think this is something that anybody can do with you know if you have five dollars or if you have no desire to create a personal brand or make videos or anything it's something that people can do so one of those is from dividends so I've talked about dividend stocks on this channel before in the past so from dividend payments I think was about seventy one dollars in the past month from dividends so companies will pay dividends or essentially this little like bonus think of it as four for investing into those companies so if you buy coca-cola stock or you buy Apple stock they'll have these little dividends that might be a dollar two dollars three dollars that they might give you every three months every quarter for just kind of owning the stock as like a little thank-you or a piece of the revenue that they're kind of giving you for you for owning that stock okay let's wait to think about it and I actually have videos on dividend stocks so if you're interested I'll try to remember I usually forget this but I'll try to remember to link a video maybe like up here or down below probably down below in the description if you want to learn about how to start making money from dividend stock and then the final one here that is bringing some money it's just from bank account interest I think this is kind of a no-brainer it's one of the safest routes to go it's insured by the government so for example I get about 1.7 percent interest on my bank account through online savings accounts right and so from this it's about one hundred fifty dollars a month at the moment and obviously fluctuates depending on how much cash I have in certain accounts but what's nice from this is that it kind of is sort of like inflation protection so 1.7 percent it protects me against inflation it's gonna be a couple thousand dollars a year i would argue that i'm kind of cash heavy at the moment just because i'm looking for new investments new places to put my money at the moment which i no problem with holding a little bit of cash at certain times when you want to kind of really think about where to put your money next so that's something else that kind of just keeps up with inflation but because I do pay taxes on it I do count it as income so those are my income sources I think between all of them they add up to a little bit over $42,000 from this past month I'm gonna be honest going forward I don't know if we're gonna do these these these income update videos in the future just because it's been can it's been getting kind of weird talking about income personal income on this channel you know I think it's a little bit different when it was like a lot lower and the channel is smaller now it's just kind of personal and I think it does feel a bit we're talking about like revenue and income and everything related to that so this might be the last time that we're doing this specific video but maintenance this channel is primarily based on personal finance and helping people kind of save more money invest more money just put themselves in a better financial position will always be discussing those topics in the future so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do that if you found any value in this make sure you drop a like and thanks for supporting the channel guys it really appreciate it make sure you follow me on Instagram - I'm posting a number of things on there maybe you might do a couple of meetups in the future I think we're london sometime next month maybe this month I don't know and maybe a couple other different big cities and I'm gonna try to do some meetups I don't know how that's going to work I don't know like the logistics of that could be a little bit overwhelming maybe underwhelming if like two people show up but either way yeah okay let's just end this video they still watch and they feel support everybody and I'll see everybody next time
Channel: Nate O'Brien
Views: 1,166,693
Rating: 4.8988395 out of 5
Keywords: earning passive income, how to create passive income, how to make money, how to make passive income, how to make passive income on the internet, how to make passive income online, make money online, make passive income, making passive income, nate obrien, passive income, passive income ideas, passive income online, nate o'brien, make money
Id: 2xSKCAtWIyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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