What Happens When You Put a LINE-X EGG in a Vacuum Chamber? (LINE-X EGG EXPERIMENT)

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pressures going down the video back with a vacuum chamber do it I don't know do that well maybe maybe I'll do it but I need to do a little research front maybe we can get one of those scuba helmet oh yeah know the ones that like pressurize underwater yeah you guys want to see me do that and then make a bigger one and then I'll go inside it match that like button I will actually do it you see this this is a custom vacuum chamber who else has one of these okay no youtuber is rocking a vacuum check hey there's some youtubers that have vacuum chamber but none like this this took so long to make this cost literally over a thousand dollars custom made you got a pressure gauges yeah yeah who is right look how big this is inside water one I can fit my head I'm sure like that you know this jar were they called contortionists oh yeah they can like get in the box that would be terrible do you want to try it I'm not a contortionist if you guys want me to get a contortionist that girl that girl she's always the local Falls video she's small she shoots the arrow oh yeah with a foot with her foot she can get in here I wouldn't do that to her she I'm sure she's a nice girl but she probably could so guys on the huh vacuum chambers work see that down there well that's the vacuum pump it takes the air from inside this tube tucks it out and does some type of science II I don't really know what it does it depressurizes it mmm yeah it makes small things big and then when you let the air back in big things small why don't we just show that no let's just show them now to show you guys what science does that work here we take this water bottle and you know what there's air in it and we don't want to wear in this whoo that wasn't that good now close the cap drop it in let's turn it on close it pressure's going down pressure is going down we're at negative 5 atmospheres oh my God look at the bottle it's starting to inflate Jeremy who is that the bottle is that the bottle cracking for the glass it's the bottle is the bangle is it the bottle oh my god we're at negative 15 oh let me just say I'm sweating me too but um sometimes sometimes I wish I I wish I wasn't as smart as I am you know yeah yeah a lot of you guys are probably out there saying I'm not that smart did you build a vacuum chamber no you didn't yeah that's probably the smarter thing to do though not build a vacuum chamber we got a full bottle now the roof is caved in a little bit okay I should have made this thicker I should have made the walls thicker okay we're gonna let the air out ready we're gonna let the air back in oh my man 3 2 1 pretty good pretty cool pretty good yeah okay but that was only with a small bottle and I built this thing big for a reason let's try with a big bottle mmm with a big bottle will then read a big bottle big bottle are you doing mmm I don't like wasting water Chuck Chuck oh well I tried whoa what are you doing there's better ways to crush it then you know just twisting it like who does that [Music] let's get it I see a fully inflated water bottle you guys know Star Wars right myth it be with you well I'm gonna use the comment down below if you know what I'm talking about ready you think I'd be on the dark side or I think you'd be on the dark side that crashing water bottles is fun well we're not actually we're not crashing we're compressing our week we're decompressing the kind of crushing yeah crushing water balls is fun and all but I got a whole lot of stuff over there let's get it goby ah yes I chose to go with the big marshmallows I think these could be a little bit bigger what do you think yeah they can be bigger let's make them bigger oh they're growing they're definitely growing - 17 psi all right we stopped it at minus 20 psi they're way bigger than before I know this whole thing is really big so you guys can't really tell but these are really big marshmallows we're about to shrink them down here we go ready three two one whoa look at them they're all like shriveled up kind of like current this is like the raisin what a grape is - of what a raisin is - a grape yeah this is - a marshmallow amazing Museum Masons all right now next up we got a little bit of a science experiment on its own okay so we got some bags of chips here I don't even know what what kind of chips on our own I bought them because I thought it said co2 snacks as in like when dogs dine here I thought like you know we kind of relate it to your video it could work go to snacks not that great and next up they're not chips they're not crackers there don't say it they're gonna let me know down below I need to poke a tiny little hole in the chip bags so there's only one way to do that with a harpoon cuz I mean I didn't have a smaller pokey tool and I actually I'm pretty sure this hole is way too big and I just ruined the entire experiment why did you why did you why did you let me do this maybe I'll eat some too now hope might have been too big I may have messed up the entire thing oh is it - yup it is it's filling up even with a hole in it oh my God look at that oh look at that whoa it's a good one I don't know is I let go keep keep it going wait he's gonna pop Rob bleep oh my god if we kept going the bank probably would've pop it I want to show you this instead ready here we go three two one laughs the whole day nevermind if you kind of thought it was supposed to shrink the bags let's try popping it [Music] I just realized because because we we put a hole in the bag they're not they're not gonna pop well yeah the holes in it are definitely stopping it from popping but it's not stopping it from doing this you know what I'm saying thumbs up the video I speak oh oh well that's what it means so smells like fresh bag of chips but give some to them there you go here just wanna just go right in the bag all right now we may not be able to pop the chip bag but guarantee you these ladders my toys are looking at already yeah everybody quiet on set but there's no one here I'm trying to act like I have a big production team and and I'm telling everyone to be quiet [Applause] tomorrow squishy videos they're not really for me someone's I can I'd like maybe stroking for an eating maybe but this like this is an alien egg to me [Music] and how does it just go back maybe it doesn't or maybe it does no this needs to be destroyed a little bit try back I suggest you leave now let the video run and smash the like button we'll only be a second [Music] why isn't it doing anything I think we do a lot of smoke for that machine then we should bring it by the door I'm sorry to think it's because those toys didn't actually have that much air Annette you know has a lot of air in it never liked those toys anyways but what I do like is some styrofoam and to be honest that glass looks like it's starting to crack so I'm gonna I might wear this for the rest of the video and and Jeremy is gonna this is sad Jeremy guys go just get a follow let's let him know I say thank you alright yeah BAM next up we got a pool noodle Oh usually I have like swords and I can like go to but I don't have swords today no that tastes like the store don't one floor of the store you know now we could just put that in but well jelly filled donut whatever shape that comes out of there in either way I'm probably gonna eat it you want you won't have yeah but let's find out what happens first [Music] I'll be rich I said I was gonna heat this yeah now it's you that was gonna take half oh that's more than that's more than half oh yeah there you go no thanks sharing sparing chairs to Louise just keep filming the video yeah after this donut yeah did you see that the elastic just slapped on my hand trying to put this way and I blew it too big luckily we got smaller balloons I tell ya I don't even like balloons you don't know I did something about pop in and I just don't like balloons mm he's about to get a whole lot happier trying to make happy even happier let's get it Jeremy I got a better idea cuz you know the balloon may get so big that it doesn't even it's too big for this mmm so we put attack mmm yeah when I want to break something he gets broken here we go oh god it's getting close it's getting so close so much there wait oh you move from the side let's take this close oh here we go three two one [Music] why was that so satisfying it's literally just like completely disintegrated well that was fun yeah what's next all right now this next thing has to work cuz well it uh you know it is what is it you see I just did I shot one at you but one was put one was pointed at me man I think it's boiling it what is going on and a harder yeah I got an idea we got some shaving cream if this doesn't work I don't know what will we're in trouble here we go let's give it a shot [Music] hugging huh it's bugging it is fogging it's hard to tell but it's growing a lot so though I come on [Music] oh you're my good this is all we got left oh now as you guys can tell that was it and by a little bit of an accident I mean a huge accident the thing x-bow didn't explode it and actually imploded but it was so crazy that it just pulled luckily I'm okay Jeremy's okay Jeremy's not here right now it's another day and he was busy now I got Mitch but in case you guys didn't know before we do this for you guys if that wasn't worth smashing the like button for I don't know what is thankfully we got ourselves a brand new vacuum chamber my brand new vacuum camera I mean this is wolfies vacuum chambers a little smaller but it's professional we are showing you what happens to shaving cream in a vacuum chamber let's keep doing that oh look at that Wow oh my god you're watching that how big is he gonna get oh my god I'm sure I'm sure kosher find that beat up they watch this starting to think this vacuum chamber is better better than my vacuum chamber it might look better functionality oxygen we got some water or boy I think it supposed to boil I'm not sure give it a shot oh it's on your bubble actually don't I just thought why do with water we got coke and Fanta I'm not sure what good truth I'm not sure I can't speak I'm not sure which one is better this is a big debate and drive with the J's video these are the last two standing comment down below whether you think fence is better or coke you saying me yeah I'm going with coke okay let's see what happens yeah I'm mixing them I feel like no one ever does that but imma do that anyways it's starting to bubble a lot oh here we go okay boiling water I think that's all that's gonna happen to Happy's right turn it off feeling that was gross to start off with now it's not even carbonated oh yeah next next thing I don't even know what's next next thing alright so you know why the kiddos are a little bit like gas station foods we have the coke we got the Fanta now it's time for another delicious gas station well that's not just a gas station but you know I'm talking about Twinkies might be better in a vacuum chamber now the only major problem I see about Twinkies well one I think they could use more filling but too just not big enough let's make them bigger oh well said it won't work I've worked a little but I always say I wasted Twinkies did you even get a bit probably well you weren't we're gonna make it fit let's see oh my god it's sucking down it's gonna like cover the thing flavor that's very dangerous we're gonna move on to what you guys have all been waiting to see the line ax AG yeah that was an egg it's not broke well maybe it's broken let's go find out my grandma's here thinks he's good at baseball thinks he could break the eggs or not take - this is the one that breaks it give a shot ah see I'm not break a blank it's it find something I'm breakable unbreakable line-x egg let's put in the thing it's got something from the ceiling I'll put in the vacuum chamber I learned a trick about line-x you can drill into it so we drilled a little tiny hole into this one and then this one's fully intact we're gonna put both inside and see what happens whoa look at this my cover see this stuff coming out of that one oh right there yes that one starts pulling you out of the hole right away oh you can't see and I was literally like pouring out fast come on oh it's coming out it's coming out okay no I can't I can't take it anymore this video is honestly way too risky but guys make sure you go show some love of Kate Chopin like on the video boom boom there - even more destructive videos for you guys right there and as you guys know whether I risking it all on vacuum chambers or not I always like to leave on a high note [Applause]
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 814,330
Rating: 4.8843088 out of 5
Keywords: line-x, line x, vacuum chamber, line-x experiment, line-x vs vacuum chamber, vacuum, line-x egg, vacuum chamber vs, experiment, line-x car, line-x wall, line-x ball, giant, line-x vs, line-x spray, unbreakable, testing line-x, line-x test, flex seal, justdustin, advertising, indestructible, grammarly, family friendly, kids
Id: i_y6OFy5Yd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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