What happens when you age Poplar for a year?

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hey guys welcome back to the meal this morning uh it's beautiful Monday morning don't have my coat on that's a good thing uh we were talking about the benefits pitfalls you know the Good Bad and the Ugly whatever of Aging your logs so we got uh different species up here today popper we're going to talk about we'll be back just a minute [Music] okay guys if you saying Matthew's thumb for this video is just a big old pile of old logs uh couple weeks ago we had a customer brought five triaxle loads of old Timbers I don't know how long they've been down but in excess of a year uh last week we saw up all the oak it's all over here ready to go this week we got this last pile we're going to work our way through I know for the fact that it's got popper sweet gum Hickory Maple Pine and a couple pieces of Ash and we made find some surprises beyond that well this log land on the ground and 90% of his bark fell off and the ends turned brown now this is clean cuz we sawed off the length but sometimes it's hard to tell uh here in the South an old sweet gum and Old Hickory and old popper looks almost the same laying on the ground with a barart falling off it there's a few characteristics that may lean you one way or the other but until you open it up you're not 100% sure uh this log was pretty well sure it was a popper and it is the one land in front of me uh we think it's a maple we trimmed end off of it uh I'm probably about 75% sure that it's Maple but until we cut it open I wouldn't bet money on it now let's talk about aging this Lo what's the benefits or what's the pitfalls popler it does okay you know with an asterisk let it get a little bit old out there on the pile now if you got it up off the ground in the semi sunlet area not shady not damp for sure it will age okay you can give it 6 months and it's not going to really deteriorate a lot this logs went a lot further than that uh it's not rotten so I assume it was either in a Sunny Spot or up on the pile now what it has done it has grown some colors this log wasn't this color when it was cut it was green it was anywhere from white to light green to dark green but Matthew get the camera close I hope you can see the the variations in color from uh blue to beige to Blue to to Rose color back over here to gray uh it's not Rainbow by any means but it has color it's it it improved the value of the wood to me if you're looking for color now if you're just looking for popper for framing siding whatever then no it didn't increase the value but if you going to make this sighting yes it increased the value you could you could sell it as a prettier than just a white green popper uh deterioration not that bad to be honest with you the cambium layer out here is a little rotten uh it's not rotten it's soft it needs to come off uh this Top Cut here we could easily get a good uh time we Edge the cambium off this side and off this side get a good solid 6 in board uh we go down another inch we can probably push that up to 8 in board now we're looking for tens that's what the customer wants the mainly tens but all in all not too bad if you look here you can see where Matthew grabbed it with a tractor you know that outer couple inches it's just doy it's not rotten but it's it's Doty so I guess if you're looking to agid your popper for color value that's all you're going to get you're not going to age it for any other reason but that being said if you have to set on it for 6 months get up off ground it'll be just fine it's not going to Rod away and deteriorate some of the other species will we'll cover them shortly we're going to bust this open and see what it looks like inside we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] okay guys uh well back uh if you're still watching we greatly appreciate it we're going to wrap this up we saw two good siiz popper logs they were 14 16 in on the small end U if they had been smaller we' have had a lot more waste the goal of this video is is it beneficial to agid your popper uh no with an asteris no it's not going to get any better structurally it may gain some color uh this has got a little bit of rose color on both ends a little bit of color in the middle but not much but it has lost a lot of its structural strength I wouldn't I wouldn't want to use this for sighting personally uh it feels a little light feels feels like it's lost something laying out there being wet and that can happen um this customer didn't AG these intentionally it just worked out that way took so long to get them up off the ground get them here but for your benefit I don't think you're going to gain anything by aging your popular other than a little bit of color now if you've got a log that's already if you look at the butt cut and it's already got some signs of color not maybe solid black but just some sponses it probably would hurt to leave it out there up off the ground in a not a wet spot but maybe a shady spot so it don't get baked in the Sun but not you know damp either and yeah you can probably gain some color and not lose too much in your structural ability if you stay within 6 8 months year time frame but uh if you're sewing your popular for strength the sooner the better you know it's not going to gain any strength with age so if you got any questions comments about this uh drop them in the comments below uh we'll talk about what you've seen what you've experienced with different species there's plenty of species of logs out there that we don't see in the Southeast but uh we're going to do a couple videos on this the next one coming up is probably going to be popper or excuse me Maple Hickory sweet gum somewhere in that range cuz we got some of those in the mix and we'll cover those guys we greatly appreciate you watching if you would uh take opportunity to check out Solomon's uh YouTube channel third beard fishing as always we're saw this wonderful Lumber with h wood meiser turbo7 saw blades we love them they're good allaround saw blade uh we we buy those from Joe Main and industrial cutting tools if you hadn't tried a turbo 7 I'd highly recommend it um it's a good mix between a hardwood blade and a soft wood blade I find the the dependability of the cut to be great plus it evacuates a lot of sawdust um anything Matthew we missing no we show our grateful for Springtime weather I'm tired of wearing multiple layers every day had quite got my shorts out yet but but it it won't be long guys we appreciate you watching and appreciate you liking subscribing uh we love all the comments keep them coming we'll see you back at the meal thank you for watching here's a video selection and a playlist suggestion click here to subscribe for more great content we'll see you at the maill [Music]
Channel: Bearded Lumber
Views: 40,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawing, WoodMizer, sawmill, EG100, caterpillar, Husqvarna, milwaukee, oak, log, lumber, sawmilling lumber, sawing lumber, splitting logs, Woodmizer lt35, lt35 sawmill, how to sawmill lumber, how to make boards on a woodmizer sawmill, how to operate a woodmizer sawmill, how to use a sawmill, sawmill operation, bearded lumber, yard tree, red oak, white oak, aged logs, spalted oak
Id: q3ZWV8wgxYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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