Is a resaw/edger necessary to have a sawmill operation?

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on Lumber Capital logyard as many of you know we are a smill here in Pennsylvania and part of our Sawmill operation is this resaw but you know there's been some confusion about how it really benefits the whole operation and I really want to break it down for you today so that you can see how we feel that it is necessary as a sawmill to have one of these so without further ado let's get into [Music] it is a Resa necessary if you want to start your own Sawmill business no not really but as soon as you start really trying to produce a lot of lumber that's when this machine comes in handy now we have a real steel there are many brands of Resa wood meiser has her own Resa I'd love to check out sometime there are some things about this machine I think could be better but in the end it's worked for us for quite a few years and it's going to work for us a lot longer I have made a video in the past about how we changed the blades in there um the saw which has really helped because we completely DED out those um those blades that were in there so with the brand new ones on that just made a big difference I think pretty soon we're going to have to change them out again I don't know maybe not pretty soon we we'll see but anyhow that's besides the point what does this machine do for us well for one it takes the so-called flitches um which are the boards that come off the mill with bark still on the edges so it looks like a piece of lumber but it still has bark on the sides and it just edges them right off so we also call this machine the edger it's really called a Risa but you'll hear me refer to it as the edger as well um I usually call it the edger over the resop but trying to be professional just just kidding so um we have a stack of pine over there a whole stack of flitches that we're going to move over here and then we're going to start this machine up and you can see it work in a little bit in action here um you can see it's a really simple really really simple to operate and it's it's worked for us so let's check it out [Music] that was a ridiculously tight squeeze it's kind of not the best setup under this roof because of just the simple fact that it doesn't fit but we make it work we seem to somehow every single week make it work come Friday when we have a ton of freaking fledges to do and we're like oh shoot this again right ah well now that the pile is here we can actually get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah coffee what would we do without it my love for coffee or I guess a more accurate term would be addiction uh has basically led us to have our own coffee brand um this is it right here I think that just I'm just really excited about the whole thing I think that it looks amazing the bag's great this right one right here is a Colombian one which is my favorite of his beans U we also have a simatra which I just I grew up drinking simantra and we also have another one so if you guys haven't you know kind of went out and tried some different copies lately I'd recommend trying this stuff I was really impressed with it the first time I ever had it I've been drinking um just the whole bean Sumatra from Starbucks and it's definitely a whole different ball game that's for sure so right now we have a sale going on that if you buy four bags of coffee you get a bow cap for free so make sure to jump jum on that offer I have a link to our merch shop down in the description and that's where you can find the coffee as well as these awesome handmade Pottery mugs which is just something else I've been really excited about I use this cup every day now literally every single day I had to take it out of the dishwasher dirty this morning cuz it had been used and not cleaned because I use it so much okay too much information anyhow let's get back to work now after my coffee break that was my coffee break [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the Rea has shown to be useful in more than one way it's useful in the sense that you can take the flitches and turn them into salable Lumber instead of doing it the what I call oldfashioned way of uh actually using the mill to do that you have to stand the board up on its end it's a tricky process and with any high production Mill that just doesn't work another thing that it has shown to be useful for is filling orders that would otherwise be trickier to fill so for instance today we cut literally all 1x3s and because this is Pine we don't even really inventory 1x3 so this is considered um a custom morar but we have this huge pile of flitches and I can just cut all 1x3s out of them um which is just really useful the one thing I wanted to mention though that I don't know if I have in the past is that this machine cannot do 2 in so that would be one downfall of this resaw I don't know if all resaw are like that or if it's just this one but it's mainly only does 1 in it can go a little over 1 in but because we inventory one and 2 in there have been times that would have been like wow you know we could we could definitely uh we could definitely use a machine that could cut 2 in but it's more of a rarity for that to be beneficial to us anyhow it's not that big of a deal but that is something I wanted to mention if you're wanting to Edge thick stuff that's not going to work so um yeah let me know what you guys think um let us know also in the comment section whether you have a Resa for your Sawmill operation or not um yeah other than that I think that that about wraps it up if you enjoyed make sure to give it a thumbs up as always don't forget to check out our coffee and our merch shop lumber capital. shop it's in the description other than that we'll see you back here next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lumber Capital Log Yard
Views: 74,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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