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hey everybody Adam here with Hometown Acres welcome back we are back out here at my parents Airbnb on con Lake in Pennsylvania if you guys caught the last video they had to have a giant white oak tree taken down because it was encroaching on their deck we've since brought the eastate AIS out here and got all of the firewood that was left behind cut up split and stacked and today we're going to try to get this big butt log out of here for the Sawmill and my plan of attack might be a little crazy so here's one more look at this butt log we've mentioned before that it is 27 in in diameter on the big end and 26 in in diameter on the small end and it is about 11 ft long and if you put that into a log weight calculator for White Oak this log weighs roughly 4,200 lb and what we're going to try hauling it out of here with is our log Arch behind the back of the F-150 all right so whether or not this uh log Arch is going to be beefy enough for this job is to be determined we're going to be kind of testing this out and see how it feels but as you can tell this driveway is extremely narrow and backing anything up in here is kind of a challenge so getting my dump trailer over to the log from the driveway is just not possible between this being a crew cab and a 6 and 1/2t long bed F-150 plus a 14t dump trailer I just can't swing around this corner it's just too tight right here uh the nice thing about this log Arch is it's light enough that I can unhook it from the truck and take it right over to the log get it centered on there and then back the truck up by itself and rehook everything back up and then we can start seeing if this log Arch will pick that log up off the ground and if it'll support its weight under travel now I mentioned earlier that this log is 27 in in diameter and before I even decided to bring this out here I had to go and measure to see what the opening width on this log Arch is and it is 29 in so this is going to be a tight squeeze to get this on the log Arch here and right here I've got a knot or a bow in the tree that's actually a little bit wider than 29 in so hold please we're going to figure out how to get this the rest of the way down one two okay um Wiggle uh right about there we're there there we go cuz the log can't go up any further than this point right here all right so we've got the log Arch centered over the log what we need to do now is back the truck up over here hook it back up to the log Arch get a battery on the winch and then get the log lifted up in the air up off the ground you got it yep Ready yep okay all right so now that we've got the log arch up on the hitch we actually have this up high enough now that we can actually start to lift the log uh I don't think I mentioned it before this log Arch is made by easy Boardwalk but this is not how it comes neighbor Doug actually did some modifications to this we did a whole video on it neighbor Doug did a video on it about how he lengthened it took off the manual winch added an electric ATV winch on here uh but because we did that we do have to have external power so we've got these alligator clamps and we've got an an external battery up here in the truck that we've got to hook up now my biggest question on this or the biggest unknown is is that 3500 lb winch going to be enough to lift that log up in the air so that's what we're going to find out here in just a second so we've got our battery hooked up and we're going to go ahead and give this a lift and see if it'll do it or not what do now so we are bottoming out the winch and we pretty much don't have any travel left so plan B since we were out of travel there maybe we can try picking up the back end of the log with plenty of travel left we can pick up the back end of the log that'll make fishing under the front end of the log a lot easier all right the winch will not lift it all right since the winch is just barely not quite enough to lift this log up in the air I thought we could probably help it out a little bit by adding a ratchet strap we'll see if this can give us enough leverage to lift and it actually is so let's so between our electric ATV winch the ratchet strap and a little old school mechanical Egyptian leverage here we're able to get this log up in the air and now what I want to do is get some chains on it because we don't want the weight of the log being supported by this winch it'll absolutely destroy that 3500 lb winch uh so luckily when Doug remodified this entire log Arch he did add an extra set of chain hooks on here um I probably wouldn't feel comfortable Towing this down the road with just one set of hooks and one chain but the fact that we do have uh two chain Hooks and we can run two sets of chains gives me a little bit more peace of mind so what we'll do is once we get this hooked up I'll show you how that Spud bar is working to lift this log so so what we'll do now is we'll use this Spud bar with a fulcrum point there and as you can see when I push this all the way down to the ground I'm actually able to lift that log another 2 or 3 in so what I'll do is I will pick the log up up take the weight off of the winch and then we'll continue to work our way up link by link on the Chain uh until we have no more weight on that winch and then we'll go ahead and do the same thing on the other side one two 3 yeah if we let the winch down we should put all of the weight on these chains now okay all right so now we'll go ahead and take these log tongs off and we'll now that this end of the air is up in the air we don't need to use that fish tape to go underneath this side of the log we should be able to feed that under can you grab that now pull it back over here yep and then hey it lifted it on this side all right we need to get some chains on there Pronto all right so to lift this the last little bit of the way we're going to try the uh old ratchet strap method again all right so we've got it all hooked up that took probably an hour hour and a half to get that set just because it's so massive and so heavy uh between using the Spud bar and the mechanical leverage and the ratchet straps it was a lot of screwing around I don't have any other equipment out here at the lakeh house uh to get this hooked up so took a little bit of time but the setup we've got here is we've got two chains on the back one two we've got a ratchet strap there holding some additional weight we've got another chain on the front and another ratchet strap and we have no weight on the winch I do have it set however that way if those other five pieces of uh weight supporting material gave way at least we do have some kind of additional backup uh I'd rather blow up the winch than have this log start rolling on the road I don't think that's going to happen um I've got my parents who are going to be following me on the way home we are going to be heading all back roads on the way home uh probably not traveling faster than 20 20 M an hour and with them behind me they're going to know to hey you know definitely stay far back keep keep aware keep your eyes peeled for anything going wrong uh so I'm not just going to have some random person fallowing me behind me that this could catch them off guard if it were to get away again I don't think that's going to happen we're not going to be traveling any faster with this than we would be if we were hauling It Out of the Woods [Music] all right so we made it home and that went way better than I could have imagined that was a very smooth ride home the log Arch did amazing uh I was kind of expecting this to be maybe a six or seven out of 10 on the uh sketch level scale but uh honestly it it was probably a one or a two on the way home had it in here nice and tight really didn't bounce around too bad and we got it home and now that we are here we've got some additional mechanical equipment to help us get this thing unstrapped and unloaded so my plan is I'm going to go ahead and take the weight off of the straps with the forks again this log is 4200 lb but if I'm just lifting one side of it I should be only be lifting half of that amount of weight this tractor will lift 2600 lb so I should be able to lift up just a little bit get these straps off lower it down come around to the backside lift the backside up get those straps off lower down and pull on out of here and well guys we got the log home and the thing that I'm most excited about is that we got it home in one piece I was originally thinking with this thing weighing as much as it does 4200 lb we were going to have to cut it in half bring the tractor out load it up half by half in the dump trailer and bring it home that way uh we asked for people's opinions on the best way to get it home without having to cut it and a lot of people said mount a winch or a cal or something inside your dump trailer tip your dump trailer up and then start winching it up into the dump trailer like a ramp and that would have worked if one I had a come along which I don't or a winch mounted to the inside of the dump trailer which I don't or if I could have even gotten the dump trailer over to the log which I think this video probably showed you more of how tight that driveway was weaving back in to get to where the log was but honestly this log Arch did an incredible job it was the perfect tool for the job it was the cheapest simplest most economical lowest impact to the yard and everything over at the Airbnb it just worked out well and got this thing home perfectly I can't imagine getting any bigger of a log on that log Arch and uh you know that is an ATV log Arch I can't imagine Towing this log with an ATV or a UTV doing something like this would definitely be truck or you know a larger tractor only but yeah I'm excited we got it home in one piece 11 ft long this is going to make some beautiful Lumber hope you guys enjoyed this one if you did give me a big thumbs up click that subscribe button and we'll catch you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Hometown Acres
Views: 115,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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