The Only Way To Brace A Gate

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hey does this look like your gate I think we can all realize that the gate needs to sit here and the best way to do that is to add a brace now the question is is do we add a brace like this or do we add a brace like this or should we do both well let me show you really quickly here we'll go this way okay so we put that brace in there and that's good that looks good right yep this way is the way that would would be intention this is what we do with trust rods right I really thought that was going to work maybe go back to physics school I never oh that's that explains a lot so this is what we do with our chain link gates this would be intention and so we would need something that could hold the tension as it's trying to pull it apart and when you brace a gate this way the only thing that's holding that tension is your Fasteners that's it it's all you're relying upon now however without a single Fastener by simply switching this brace this way and all of a sudden we haven't even added a Fastener yet dude that's that's magic not only that I can take this and add it and we're still good what what no way yah way y way so that is the difference between tension which would be this direction and compression so if you're building a wood gate this is the only thing you need to do the other thing I will see people do is they'll put a middle horizontal in here and they might run this one in tension and then this one in compression and all that's doing is putting undue stress on this particular right here where these Fasteners are and that middle rail is for no reason whatsoever so since you did it I want to try it well that that does work I feel like there's a problem with that no I I did exactly what you did mhm I you told me to do compression I did compression what's yeah yeah I agree it's wrong he he still thinks he belongs on the show but we'll get him corrected okay thanks they say it's wrong I did exactly what you did but we we missed one thing can I see your do I see you have a square there can I borrow that you are a square so what we have here we have an angle that is less than 45° right okay so we could actually go all the way up to 45° and that still will do its purpose now what you have over here I have a compression brace no you you have exceeded 45° you have a compression brace but you've exceeded the 45° angle we need to keep that less than 45° otherwise we change the physics of that particular angle so that even though does work my Gate's going to be weaker because it's going to put more stress on the Fasteners it's no different than if I put my arm clear out here and ask it to hold a whole bunch of weight or if I put it all the way out here and I ask it to hold a whole bunch of weight I can do more close to me than I can all the way out there and so that angle not being greater than 45° is critical okay so what if hold on what if we do this we're still going to do a compression brace what if we add another middle vertical so what if I put this right here o I'm I'm getting some strength right there and then what if I what if I do two compression braces ooh right there I'm getting some oh what if I did something like that now we've we've stayed less than 45° which is critical so if I was doing a longer gate and I had to keep into consideration the 45° rule this is what I would do if you're going to do a longer gate T so we saw an anti-ag kit and there will be a link to that in the description down below that if you have a gate and it's already sagging it already has gate dysfunction there is another way to do this so maybe your brace is running the wrong way like so well guess what we can add a tension brace to that that will solve that problem so now I've added a tension brace to the back side of this and if we take this away you can see that that brace is actually not any longer needed because now we have this piece of wire that it has strength and we can actually again and the gate stays what no way so if you're going to run a tension brace this is what you would do and you just need something that's strong and then you need a strong way to fasten it the weakest point on all this stuff is definitely going to be your Fasteners the anti-ag kit will actually come with a corner brace that kind of wraps around the corner of your gate right here and then I think up here too yep and then you tighten the cable and it has a cable that can take that tension and straighten up your gate if you don't want to have to complete complet rebuild your gate and you need to suck it back up so that it can stand at ATT tension that's how you do it with ATT tension brace if you're trying to get a little bit of play out of your gate the other thing you can do is remove one of the Fasteners out of every picket and you can also get some more play there mhm and then put them back in yeah and then put them back in so that way you can rack that gate it's really hard to Rack it when you have two Fasteners in each picket but if you remove one of those it gives you a little bit of room to Pivot um as much so as there is gap between the pickets now if the pickets are already tight you'll have a very tough time trying to roack it even a little bit I hope that answers all your questions about how to solve your gate this was fun look at what we did we didn't do it you did this okay look at what I did yes you're very proud of yourself aren't you I'm Mark with swi I'm Dan with s and if you'd like to see more videos about how to build Gates check this video out over here if you'd like to see a video on how we build our vinyl Gates check this video out right over here we hope you have a good dang day stolen you stole it that's my saying that's my saying I so did steal it hey don't forget we are Wyoming Fence Company
Channel: SWI Fence
Views: 2,385,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gate bracing, tension brace, compression brace, truss rod, anti sag gate kit, anti-sag kit, anti sag kit, how to brace a gate, how to build a gate, gate construction, fence gate construction
Id: s18JHq7gBhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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