What Happens If You Take Mattison Back To Tarrey Town? (Tears of the Kingdom)

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okay hang on I want to see if I could send do you think I can send my beautiful lovely wife period here in the space you think that's something I could do there's gonna there's gotta be a way to do this you know what Pier is an angel and I'm gonna send her back where she belongs in heaven not Hal like the Clorox okay this is a test flight let me let me test this I I think she's just gonna fall right through I don't think I got her close enough but this is test flight number one okay okay temp number two no at least she's not harmed in this at all it's completely safe when people say women in stem they mean Pura and the science I'm about to perform with her oh oh look she got her heel on it you think she's standing on it okay PIRA shall we do this he's like please please don't uh once again all alone on my date think again damn it all right how could she possibly fall off now how could she possibly not get into this I know yonic can fly how did someone else do this God I have an easier time launching Horatio okay Jonah Jonah I notice there's a hole in my spaceship like there's a hole in my heart why can't things just work why can't things just work what about what about an uh someone who walks around like this this kid because the kids walk and run all the kids on it I think the kid might be on it Hey kid we're going to space [Music] okay okay okay I've got plans I've got child it's okay Hey kid kid You're Gonna Wanna Get on this okay this is the ride of the century now wait stay right there whoa what happened to the kid what what [Music] happened how how are you alive [Music] oh my God yes yes yes yes we have a friend oh lady where are we going we did it the kidnapping is complete oh my god let's go we stole his Aura from Zora's domain how to get yourself a girlfriend step one kidnapper um uh oh we got trouble up ahead we got trouble look alive girly first date ideas oh my God hey come on this is not a three-way date don't third wheel here oh oh now we're actually in much bigger trouble now um we actually have a lot more problems on this date honey you want to go to Applebee's I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid don't worry honey this is just part of the experience it's like we're at the aquarium oh he hit her he hit my date thank you never mind we're good thanks mineral I got you some flowers um and uh and a crab because you guys like crabs right here you go no mineral those aren't for you no mineral no those aren't for you Tona she's gone she she left but our date was going so well okay let's go we're gonna try to connect a Gerudo next take Madison back to our dad oh my God wait that'd be so funny wait wait which one's Madison again [Music] there oh yeah of course how did I how could I forget that haircut we should we're gonna take medicine all the way to tearing sound but we're gonna need to stock up on batteries okay that should be two batteries oh Madison's awake [Music] I forgot the rocket wait the most important part I forgot the rocket we're gonna need the rocket for sure foreign not as intended does anyone know where Madison hangs out during the day okay what time do you wake up Madison God damn it where you going Madison that's not to class actually for Real where are you going okay we got her we got her we got stuck on the tree all of that planning okay we can salvage this come on link get out of here what are you doing no where's she going does Madison not go to school oh come on kid yes run run away leave Madison that's good that's good oh hi Madison okay you think it's gonna work damn it do you think Hudson will notice if I take back the wrong kid I got her I got a kid oh my God no the the fans in the wrong spot though I didn't think about balance kid sorry we're gonna crash real quick kid can you just wait right there for one second can you just wait for one second child it's gonna be fine child just wait for one second please it's gonna be great it's gonna be great okay it's it's a little heavy This Plane might not work as anticipated she's pretty chill about this actually like she I think there's even almost a smile on her face kid it's not that bad kid kid kid it's pretty bad kid it's getting kind of kid you're on your own kid this doesn't wake them up okay oh Madison stay asleep I have to go do something okay okay what no Madison yes that's good that's good I think she's on I think she's on I think she's I believe she's on Madison why are you the heart Ison I don't know what to tell you I just want to see if this works lady you're not the real Target oh wow that worked so well [Music] that works so well Madison is the strongest NPC in the game holy does she not cooperate she's on she's on we have Madison to Tarrytown we did it we finally did it now we just have the extremely long journey to Tarrytown it's gonna be a long trip though so uh everyone get comfortable our in-flight movie is um Terminator 2 with the frizz no way cruising on down Main Street you're relaxing feeling good how do you plan to land that thing I got some ideas I we got a long trip I'm sure I'll think of a landing concept by the time we get there oh wait wait hang on hang on hang on we're under attack we're under attack Madison's not combat ready I know they're terrifying just it's okay what the we're going too much East we need to go a little more North but I just don't want to hit one of these waterfalls you can almost see Tarrytown actually I think you can that's Terrytown right [Music] what's that we're going up we're going up two hour now it's getting crazy no Madison we lost her how did you do it kid I dropped you off off a plane to your parents how did you get back here no you're not um what the wait ah yes okay all right yeah all right yeah uh-huh my best invention yet work ladies and gentlemen we got him taking her home back to Tarrytown well the last flight's movie was Terminator 2. so to keep it you know on the same page um it's gonna be Finding Nemo Hey kid look a shooting star oh that killed someone okay we're almost there now this is the hard part The Descent no no no no oh um how did this happen I mean she's at Terrytown right yeah I can hear the music playing she's in she's in Tarrytown she's stuck that might be good actually hang on that's good all right we begin the long journey again I hope everyone's comfortable wow get a room yeah get we're above [Music] no we got her we made it guys your daughter she's right here she's right here come on whoa what huh I talked to him two two people came out of her what but that's how old people say it so sleepy we'll do it tomorrow I'm I'm sorry [Music] says sleep you should go to bed you have my permission oh this is the most unexpected result this is so strange like like they're split apart this is called Madison mitosis yo yo wait mom get over here your daughter she's here uh great job coming home I'm Matthew here I hope you stay a while if I uh let you out of my sites you're not going to despawn right [Music] sorry but the construction company is still using that one wait no she took the daughter the mom took the Donner uh uh mom well I guess that's the end it was nice to see Madison again but she had to go home that or I don't know she was reduced to the molecular level destroyed ripped apart her atoms torn from her body who's to say you'd have to go back to Gerudo tell the check hey guys thanks so much for watching this video if you made it to the end I appreciate that I hope you enjoyed the video and thank you so much to my patrons over on patreon for supporting me you guys are the best as always and of course a special thank you to my horations over on patreonic here at Daniel air to be Helen Joe Chris Lexi matcha latte Megan Regan tolani Teresa and William thank you guys so much and a huge special thank you to my Champions over on patreon and a banana Carolina Claire Dory Hannah Malone channa Caba Kinsey Mandy section Matt still plays games Mega Megan Mike Allen Nikki and naobi thank you guys I love you big shout out and thank you to the Hylian royalty velvet thank you for all you've done for this channel I love you very much and of course last but not least the Triforce Captain Clarice thank you for all your huge huge support thank you so much and yeah that's about it I hope I get to catch you guys in the next video stick around see you later bye nerds
Channel: dannydinosaur
Views: 200,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dannydinosaur, totk, tears of the kingdom, botw, breath of the wild, zelda, legend of zelda, nintendo, direct, switch, how to, guide, let's play, walkthrough, funny moments, speedrun, glitch, dupe, duplication, pointcrow, world record, link, ganondorf, riju, secret, easter egg, dlc, sidon, yona, playthrough, scary, depths, gloom, phantom ganon, where, new, gameplay, ending, cutscene, opening, ost, temple, dungeon, sky island, rauru, theory
Id: 6o6w_xJRZqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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