THE DEATH STAR in Tears of the Kingdom

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welcome back to Mr a game everyone we're playing some more of the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom we're in the skies above Accola and I want to go to the next death star look at that it's Return of the Jedi there's a shrine nearby oh no I see what's going on it's one of these where's the sky Crystal give it to us where's the crystal where is it oh it's uh it is it's in the Death Star ah I kind of blow this wide open let's see what's here oh beautiful now is there anything of value here a homing cart oh it's my little buddy fire when ready oh okay yeah we're firing when ready okay it is in whole hello oh there it is now what is good I like that what is the what's moving just gonna move it just just a tiny little bit over as well here we go there's they've set this up for us that's very kind of them I guess we just grab this and uh we hope for the best this is it we're going together see ya complete there's the other dead stuff I can't believe that it landed right on the ledge like the luck the blessing the blessedness that's happened oh what can I say hashtag blessed I've told you guys that I'm just Ultra blessed in this game it's really coming to fruition isn't it so there's that Death Star there and there's another one up there also today I guess we should kind of figure out our plan for the day I want to go to the Tech Lab I want to get the travel Medallion thing as well so that's on our list of things to do today can we even make it there get the fan take out one of these take out one of these how many Rockets we got I would take out one of these as well simple monstrosity here don't take me away all right we're going up to the are we even do we even have enough battery power for this I feel like my plan is about to fail this if I just use one of these I'm just using one of them now [Music] my plan is going ahead whether we like it or not this is a glorious day for Hyrule oh no please please we're nearly there I need to land this no not like that hold on I'm gonna send no no I missed it this is falling apart at the worst time please just let us let us live let us live we're close we're close oh surely oh we're gonna make this easily we're making this well we've made it oh we did it that was a close one oh man the scenes what a win what's going on here what is this there's two things there's a shrine there there's this thing oh that's it Oh okay that's great very good what's going on let me do the thing okay just all the elements all at once okay all right cool beans cool beans oh wow that's all the way up that is okay I guess that's why they want us to use this then because it's it's going to shoot us straight up like that oh my gosh oh we're flying oh we're way up going to the next Island over here look at that oh yeah flying hey man how you going it's me again please don't shoot me with a rocket oh well that one's out of there oh look at this Sunset glorious day oh my gosh all right now what is happening here there's the crystal so that's great what's going on with Death Star number three this is just a giant doodad thing too light I need to move this thing tonight can I move this out of here get this out of here I don't need that okay see you move that go away all these wonderful well-placed blocks it's like they're calling to us beckoning there's no way this is surely there's there's no okay well that one's oh wow that's that's out of there oh boy is that guy at it there imagine if this is like the perfect shot and it goes right in here we go just gonna lay it on here up we go oh my gosh this is the best I know it's too far to the left wiggle that over there there we go that's good next block just off we go see ya [Music] for round three this is it well that's not on properly you're joking this is the one here we go off we go see ya how this is the one this is the one I believe I believe with all my heart well done like yeah here we go we are in oh that was beautiful I can't believe that that was it went straight in the hole that was phenomenal I don't even know what this does open that oh my gosh okay we're going out we're leaving that was great death star is rotating death imminent is that it here we go let me in here oh this was oh this was like one of the chest things this is Sage's will again [Music] even better I don't know if I just want to drop it like I'm not sure like how how far out is this is this gonna fall like a sack huh oh no we're good this is great what what a win two shrines two crystals imagine if I get blessed again and that's just that's too much blessing I need to stop I need to give some blessing to you guys look at that what I tell you two of them two in one day haven't even made it to the Labyrinth I haven't even made it to the lab this game we're never gonna get anywhere and that's the best part about it people are like oh we want the fire temple you can wait six months we'll get there eventually all right we get there when we get there we're very high up so if we fall we fall downwards oh I should put on my energy saving pants we're falling now this this great we're going to be just fine gonna be just fine at least we're high up now even if we fall we fall with style all right there we go look at that see what I tell you easy gonna make it this is not low gravity then there it is that's beautiful yeah oh what a win courage to jump oh yes I love this just grab yourself any vehicle this one will do perfect let's go let's go for a ride oh my gosh just like the end of Halo take the jump well done we're going we're doing it gonna take The High Ground going this way we're going to the left you can shoot all you want it's too bad buddy oh that's a jump quick run him over got him sorry oh no okay that's okay it's all good there we go we're free and a chest okay you found the puzzle found the bonus thank you will this rocket even do anything I think my Shield's gonna break lucky we picked that one up here we go yeah got it oh no we're gonna do all the jump oh yeah what a win oh that was sick top three that's one top three shrines oh man that was great I was banking up shrines now wait I oh yeah I have to do the bottom one first don't I bottom top yeah go to the Labyrinth of the land deep within its corridors are Dragon Ring sleeps awaiting the one who will wake it all right let's go down we go there we go into the land all right hello how are we look at this oh it's water is there acorns and stuff lying around oh there's a hot desk there is there's something going on this way Acorn over here these labyrinths are a billion times better now that someone's already been here and we don't have to find the answers ourselves like they really got all of the small complaints about breath of the wild and like you know what no worries we'll make it easy for you I remember this from breath of the wild surely we have to be getting close now we've done the whole Labyrinth almost here we go this is it we found the ladder of Injustice here we are ah lovely and a shrine come on be a blessing three in one day do we get the hat trick unbelievable he's done it Patrick for Mr a gained three blessings I know thank you all don't know what to tell you guys look if you two would like a blessing make sure you like And subscribe oh yeah there's the whole dead oh my gosh the hole the hole hold on let's open this first for you who conquered this Labyrinth of the land I the ruler of dragons have unlocked a door find it on the south side of the Labyrinth of the sky oh thank you oh okay very good there's a shrine over there as well that's for Ron later on waiters oh wait I can go to hold up hold up oh no there's no Guardians here oh no oh no oh no of course they are that makes a lot of sense oh no please don't kill me ow okay they don't need to kill me kill them myself all right here you go yeah blow the gust away here we go blow him up come here please [Music] hey region can you come here read you nope oh no I'm in the Gloom I'm in the ick there we go that's the one I want okay no here try that on oh my gosh that's all I need no I don't want Phantom Ganon not you all right I'm gonna need health we need health for this I need all of it right give me everything you've got yeah that'll do hey Gannon how are you oh my gosh he's got a big Club oh my gosh he's got a huge Club quick get him [Music] all right he's fine it's all good Reggie I need your help but please don't try this one on yeah ow he just kicked me quicker get him down oh my gosh it's a no from me I'll take the Balloon Club though that's a big Club read you honestly I expect a lot better from you getting out got whatever this is a big battery that was it I came all the way down here for a big battery shame on you next one we quickly do this we go into the depths do the one down there let's have a test of wisdom yeah okay all right straight in let's have a look wait hold on let's have a look what's on the map here okay I see those little terminals there there there there's one and there's one here as well let's put a star there this is sick like I love this just the fact that I can do this and double bounce myself in the sky here we go up we go yeah yeah where am I going oh here we go this is nice excuse me hello how are you cool thanks we're getting close here we go should be kind of just around the bend here wait where am I oh wait hold up a second I found something in here here we go here's a little entrance Point here we go this is it nice thank you all right that's one I have a feeling I'm gonna have to go in through the back let's go in through this section here oh hold up a second it's chest here hello chest well it's free chest may as well take that another another one if I am correct and I'm pretty sure I am we should be coming right through on to the next thing oh my gosh okay two there it is okay [Music] oh they have it on the oh I've just realized that the quest has it on there so I don't need to waste my pins jump in here nope Runway it should be right here there you go another one oh boy great well looking we're close by see it's it's nearby I reckon if we have a oh that was a lot easier than I thought it would be I thought it would be like tucked in somewhere it was just around the corner lovely ready for a dive straight down oh I'm so Keen you who have traversed this maze Mark well my words I have pulled apart the bars in The Labyrinth of the land that obstructed your path below ground from high above to Far Below prove your Courage by diving into the depths of the Earth this is it we straight down like a pin oh boy this is it that's what you're using it first hole second hole oh boy drop one of these how far down is it okay not so bad this is great hello Roblox man it's gone for the pound hey how are you just take that nope wrong one grab the leg thank you thanks all right let's get him well done tool and Tool and Shawn is worth beautiful no you missed all of them where is he he's up above okay yep get on this very good you know what time it is it's rewind time oh there's that thing there that's that's cool very good all right now what have we got that's big you know we could I'm gonna do it I'm gonna use the Gloom Club just for this there we go wow that that really is that's really using the Gloom isn't it here we go I'm doing it that was sick that was amazing apart from the fact that I'm nearly dead also just here there we go great amazing thank you Gloom Club you nearly killed me but it's fine it's okay don't worry about it I have the fierce deity sword I could I'm gonna do a fierce deity flux construct Three core joyous let's see what's here oh beautiful what did we get last time I'm pretty sure it was the Ganon armor like the the evil stuff yeah the evil spirit armor let's go from here to the tech lab we jump down grab the travel medallion and take it to Robbie here we are look at you well first of all there has to be a korok on top all right there's no korok pack it up for rock hello you're not a korok or anything butter coroc here yeah I know this game give me that okay yeah thanks hello let us in what is it wait yeah that's link get ready for battle all right here we go I'm gonna use my Fierce deity stuff big stuff no no nice drive here just Club him down there we go you're gone there you go and just while we're here there we go hello anyone here hi oh hey how are you look I'm sorry okay I'll make your little uniforms without any more complaints I swear hold up hey hey Superstar you're not with the yoga Clan are you please tell me you're here to rescue me fantastic I've been cooped up in here forever if I ever saw one of those tacky Rags again it'll be too soon in fact you should take the Jaeger armor I just finished burn it toss it do what you want just get it away from me thank you this was good oh wait oh it stops right here look at the link artwork there there's the Prototype [Applause] Robbie we're here hello hey you we have more work to do wait do I detect the unmistakable odor of my old home on you yes what then you already have it there we go let's grab them grab that medallion beautiful that's what you want that's that's the good music I wonder what I could do if I even had more data however I suspect I could add two more gates then it hit maximum capacity so I can create a link between the pattern and a second oh I need 10 map data locations what you got the oh sick I do I've got 10. [Music] I've got two travel medallions foreign
Channel: Mr A-Game
Views: 147,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mragame, mra-game, mr-agame, mr-a-game, mr a game, mr-a game, mr a-game, no swearing, family friendly, the legend of zelda, tloz, botw, tears of the kingdom, totk, no spoilers, the sky islands, ganondorf, the demon king, full playthrough, botw sequel, breath of the wild, totk memes, funny contraptions, korok crime, funny moments, main quest, akkala sky, death star, sky crystals, lomei labyrinths, akkala tech lab, travel medallion
Id: y75TeBF8cJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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