What Happened to THESE 10 Characters AFTER the Deathly Hallows ? (Part 2) - Harry Potter Explained

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to another installment of harry potter theory in today's video we're going to once again be discussing events that transpired in the harry potter universe after the books and films ended this is the second part in this series so if you're wanting to learn about 10 more characters in addition to the 10 featured in this video then i'll leave a link in the pinned comment as i mentioned last time with the latest fantastic beast film on the way the secrets of dumbledore we can expect to learn even more information about the wizarding world before harry ron and hermione embarked on her journey at hogwarts however what i want to hone in on today are the events that happened afterwards let's find out number one umbridge umbridge is arguably the worst character in the entire harry potter story and she first makes her mark when she infiltrates hogwarts and makes life at the school a living hell probably an understatement that is until she's tricked into traveling to the forbidden forest by harry and hermione only to be met with a horde of angry centaurs who carry her off after this she's saved by dumbledore and sacked from her headmistress position after it's revealed that voldemort had in fact returned amazingly however umbridge still found herself with a job after leaving hogwarts in fact the ministry accepted her back in her previous role of senior under secretary to the minister of magic also at this stage the ministry had a new minister rufus skringer despite a brief appearance at dumbledore's funeral the next we hear of umbridge is in 1997 following voldemort's takeover of the ministry in addition to her primary position of under secretary umbridge also became head of the muggleborn registration commission where she conducted trials that were effectively designed to prosecute muggleborns umbridge doesn't appear much more in the story after this as there are bigger problems in the wizarding world lord voldemort however with voldemort's eventual downfall the ministry once again came under the control of normal witches and wizards expunging all of voldemort's followers from positions of power the ministry of magic essentially underwent a reformation led by a new minister for magic fully aware of the type of person that umbridge was and the crimes she had committed during voldemort's regime the new minister had umbridge rested tried convicted and given a life sentence to the island fortress of azkaban where she lived out her days 2. cornelius fudge cornelius fudge order of merlin first class self-appointed was the 32nd minister for magic serving from 1990 to 1996 spanning most of the years harry attended hogwarts fudge exhibited some very questionable behavior during his time in office the most questionable being his persistent denial of voldemort's return which in turn caused fudge to meddle in all kinds of affairs in the wizarding world including the management of hogwarts school when it was eventually proven that voldemort had in fact returned it cost fudge his job and rufus scrimga took over his position at this stage however fudge wasn't out of the ministry entirely as he was kept on in an advisory capacity communicating news of the second wizarding war to the mughal prime minister if scrimgar was unable to when the war eventually ended fudge was relieved of this position as well fudge's fate is exactly what can be expected when a foolish and ineffectual person is given too much power in the end fudge was scorned by the public and unemployed quietly living the rest of his shameful existence out of the spotlight take the steps i've suggested and you will be remembered in office or out as one of the bravest and greatest ministers for magic we have ever known fail to act and history will remember you as the man who stepped aside and allowed voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have tried to rebuild albus dumbledore 3. lockhart in the chamber of secrets lockhart is forced by the boys to come down into the chamber with them and this is where things really went south for him hoping to take control of the situation lockhart grabbed ron's broken wand and attempted to perform a memory charm on them the adventure ends here boys i shall take a bit of this skin back up to the school tell them i was too late to save the girl and that you two tragically lost your mind at the sight of her mangled body say goodbye to your memories obliviate however given that the wand was well broken it backfired on lockhart instead the faulty wand sent him flying into a pile of rubble and subsequently caused him to lose all of his memories complete amnesia he was no longer the brave troll conqueror and dragon tamer in fact he didn't know who he was lockhart is later saved by forks and brought to mcgonagall's office at which point it became apparent to staff and students alike that lockhart had completely lost his marbles with dumbledore instructing ron to take him to the hospital wing after careful inspection it was decided that lockhart wouldn't be able to operate in society in the state that he was in and he was subsequently sent to the jainus thickey ward in st mungo's hospital for magical maladies a war dedicated to those suffering from permanent spell damage during christmas in 1995 harry ron hermione and ginny saw lockhart in the jainus thicky ward and despite the total loss of his memory he seemed just as lockhart as ever offering up autographs and the like he'd regained just enough memory to remember writing in cursive teach me did i taught you everything you know i expect did i well how about those autographs then shall we say a round dozen you can give them to your little friends then and nobody will be left out sadly lockhart never got many visitors but he still got fan mail from a witch named gladys gudjin and developed a close relationship with his carer miriam strout though lockhart never made a full recovery he did sign autographs for the rest of his days and it has been expressed that he was happier that way blissfully ignorant but more than happy to reap the benefits of his illustrious fame to this day no one knows if he ever properly left saint mungo's 4. phillius flitwick flitwick hogwarts resident charms expert and dueling champion was largely responsible for casting many of the most effective defensive enchantments surrounding hogwarts during the great battle at the end of the second wizarding war these defenses kept the death eaters at bay for a considerable amount of time and if it weren't for his charms expertise then the battle may have gone very differently as it allowed the good guys to get better prepared flitwick is thought to be one of the most talented charms teachers to ever teach at hogwarts and following the battle flitwick continued his tenure as charms master diligently educating the next generations of witches and wizards on the topic 5. filch argus filch squibb went on to assume the role of hogwarts caretaker succeeding the previous caretaker napoleon pringle in 1968. throughout the books and films filch gives the trio among many others their fair share of grief but when the battle of hogwarts came vilch was quick to oversee the safe evacuation of most of the school students he may have been foul tempered and bitter but filch took his job seriously which is why you won't be surprised to hear that he continued on in his position of caretaker after the war had ended immediately after the battle vilch was seen sweeping near the great hall vilch is likely still punishing students and arguing with peeves to this day 6. ollivander ollivander first named garrick operated olivender's one shop in diagon alley one of harry's first stops before beginning his first year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry ollivander revolutionized the way that one making was approached and before he took over his father's one shop it was common for wizards to use a broad variety of wonder cores during the second wizarding war ollivander was tortured perhaps more than anyone else this is due to ollivander's knowledge of ones and voldemort's obsession with the elder wand after recovering at shell cottage for some time ollivander traveled to muriel's house where he remained until the end of the war fortunately olivander ended up making a full recovery and returned to work at his one shop shortly after voldemort had been defeated serving future witches and wizards for decades to come 7. kingsley shacklebolt kingsley shacklebolt was a british pureblood wizard order of the phoenix member powerful aura and later minister for magic kingsley was a later addition to the order and joined during the second wizarding war kingsley was an immense help against voldemort and the death eaters during the wizarding war and after helping to oversee the capture and containment of death eaters and voldemort supporters after voldemort's defeat when the dust had finally settled he was properly appointed as the 35th official minister for magic he was previously just caretaker minister in this role among other acts kingsley helped to rid the ministry of corruption banned dementors from guarding azkaban appointed harry as head of the aura department and along with hermione eradicated pro-pureblood views 8. pomona sprout pomona sprout was a british witch that taught at hogwarts for many years she served as both the head of hufflepuff house as well as the head of the herbology department pomona proved to be instrumental in helping the good guys fight off the death eaters during the battle of hogwarts tentacular devil snare and snuggle off pods yes i'd like to see the death eaters fighting those after the war sprout remained teaching at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as herbology professor and when 2008 rolled around she was joined in the department by former pupil neville longbottom who taught alongside her 9. arthur molly weasley let's start with molly molly tarot actions during the second wizarding war earned her quite the reputation and she became quite well known as the witch that defeated and killed the notorious death eater bellatrix lestrange arthur continued working with the ministry of magic and fought to improve muggle rights with the help of kingsley shacklebolt other than that molly and arthur lived out the rest of their days quietly enjoying the company of their dozen grandchildren 10. percy weasley though percy had drawn down a rather dubious path for most of the books and films he did eventually make up with his family during the battle of hogwarts percy survived a battle but like the rest of his family was significantly affected by the death of his brother fred after the war percy returned to work for the ministry as a high-ranking official under the new minister for magic kingsley shacklebolt he married a woman named audrey and had two daughters molly and lucy molly was of course named after his mother and that's it for this video if you want to check out 10 more characters check out part 1 which i'll link in the pinned comment as always if you enjoy the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 852,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, fantastic beasts, top 5, hermione granger, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, the weasleys, sirius black, death eaters, dumbledore, grindelwald, longbottom, ollivander, secrets of dumbledore, most powerful, sacred 28, snape, deathly hallows, after the war, battle of hogwarts, voldemort vs dumbledore, hagrid, the dursleys, luna lovegood, voldemort, neville, draco, the malfoys, umbridge, lockhart, fudge, flitwick
Id: eqKaqec0RoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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