30 DELETED Harry Potter Characters You've NEVER Heard Of (CUT from the Books!)

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hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're delving into the realm of unused characters elusive figures that were mentioned by Rowling but never made an appearance in any officially released material whether it be books or films while we have been enthralled by the likes of Harry and Ron there exists a treasure Trove of characters lying dormant in the scribblings unpublished drafts and words spoken by JK Rowling during interviews some were scrapped in the editing process others lost to the ever advancing plot and the rest just weren't quite Harry Potter material today we'll be delving into the sketches interviews and whispered rumors to uncover these intriguing yet unused characters discussing their Origins powers and the roles they may have played if given the chance from a lost Weasley family member to a Hogwarts toad ghost to a professor named pettigru this list has it all I've managed to piece together 30 characters in total which does already seem quite a lot but if I missed any please let me know in the comments and I'll address it in a future video for organization's sake I'm going to be listing them in alphabetical order anyway I won't Babble any longer let's dive in bath sheida babbling Professor bath sheida babbling was a witch and a professor of the study of ancient runes at Hogwart School of of Witchcraft and Wizardry she was never mentioned in any officially released material and has only ever been mentioned on a draft release on JK Rollings website the Black Knight was an unused ghost of Hogwarts while not much info has been disclosed about the Black Knight it would appear that Rowling had already introduced enough ghosts and simply didn't have any use for him he is mentioned in the Poore article entitled Hogwarts ghosts Elsie bones was a character and intended Order of the Phoenix member who was kidnapped in an early draft of the Harry Potter books entitled the red-eyed dwarf given her surname she is a possible relation of Amelia bones celebrated head of the Department of magical law enforcement Susan bones Hogwart student and Edgar bones brother of Amelia and fellow Order of the Phoenix member after Voldemort Was Defeated during the Battle of Hogwarts she was said to have been returned she's mentioned on page 176 of a history of magic Steven cornford one of the original 40 was a pure blood wizard in Harry's ear at Hogwarts the original 40 which is mentioned a reasonable amount in this video is best described in Rowling's own words two of my most prized possessions are a pair of small notebooks which contain my very first scribblings about Harry Potter much of what is written in them was never used in the series although it is startling to come across the odd line of dialogue that subsequently made it verbatim to publication in one of the books is a a list of 40 names of students in Harry's year including Harry Ron and herione all allocated houses with small symbols beside each name depicting each boy or girl's parentage there isn't much info available on Steven but we do know that he was either in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw his existence was revealed by JK Rowling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribblings Gavin Entwistle another of the original 40 was a student in Ravenclaw house at hogw School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry's year there was also an Annabelle an whistle in one of the video games although he never appeared in any of the books or movies his existence was revealed by JK Rowling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribblings in very early drafts of the books our beloved Hime Granger actually had a muggle sister that we only know as Miss Granger the reasoning for this was unclear and because she didn't really have any relevance to the plot Jak decided to remove her roling first mentioned Miss Granger in an interview does hmane have any brothers or sisters no she doesn't when I first made up herion I gave her a younger sister but she was very hard to work in the younger sister was not supposed to go to Hogwarts she was supposed to remain a muggle it was a sideline that didn't work very well and it did not have a big place in the story Edmund grub was another unused ghost at Hogwart school he lived in the Victorian era and died in the doorway of the Great Great Hall at Hogwarts Castle after ingesting poisonous berries after his death he returned as a ghost to haunt The Castle sometimes stopping people from getting into the Great Hall out of spite JK rling has expressed that she rather regrets leaving Grump out of the bugs he's mentioned in the Poore article entitled Hogwarts ghosts Megan Jones another of the original 40 was a hpff student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts it's possible that she's related to other members of The Jones Family gck Jones esta Jones Peter Jones and Stuart Jones if that's the case then we can reasonably infer that Megan was a half blood her existence was revealed by JK rling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribblings Oaken hearnshaw also Oak in hob day was a character that JK Roland considered making the defense against the dark arts professor in Harry Potter's fifth year instead we got Dolores Umbridge as the data Professor his existence was revealed on JK Rollings website in one of her early drafts Wayne Hopkins another of the original 40 was a Hufflepuff student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts it's possible that he's related to KL Hopkins which would make him a half blood his existence was revealed by JK rling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribblings suie another of the original 40 was a Ravenclaw student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts her existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me a Christmas television Special by BBC broadcast on the 28th of December 2001 mafalda was a long-lost Weasley family member and the daughter of the second cousin who's a stock broker mentioned in the philosopher stone there's actually a lot of info on her mafalda was the daughter of the second cousin who's a stock broker mentioned in philosopher stone this stock broker had been very rude to Mr and Mrs Weasley in the past but now he and his muggle wife had inconveniently produced a witch they came back to the Weasley asking for their help in introducing her to wisting society before she starts at Hogwarts the Weasley agreed to taking her for part of the summer including the quiddit well C but regretted this almost immediately Mrs Weasley suspected that mafalda's parents simply wanted to get rid of her for a while because she turns out to be the most unpleasant child Mrs Weasley has ever met unfortunately however mafalda had to be removed due to a lack of planning on Rowling's behalf the first three books my plan never failed me but I should have put that plot under a microscope I wrote what I thought was half the book and a huge gaping hole in the middle of the plot I missed my deadline by 2 months and the whole profile of the books got so much higher since the third book there was an edge of external pressure and what exactly was that gaping hole all about I had to pull a character there you go the Phantom character of Harry Potter as it turns out mafalda was the original ret sker or at least another R sker type she was also very intelligent a rival to herione she served the same function that Rita ska now serves Rita was always going to be in the book but I built her up because I needed a kind of conduit for information outside the school originally this girl fulfilled this purpose mafalda was supposed to convey certain information about the Death Eaters to Harry Ron and herione because as a nosy eeve dropping Slytherin who likes to impress she does not keep her mouth shut when she overhear their sons and daughters talking unfortunately however bright I made her there were obvious limitations to what an 11-year-old closeted at school could discover whereas R ska whom I subsequently built up to fulfill mafalda's function was much more flexible her existence was revealed by JK Rawling in an interview Roger Malone another of the original 40 was either a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts his existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me and a Christmas television Special by BBC broadcast on the 28th of December 2001 Angus and elsabeth mckinin were Order of the Phoenix members that were captured in a very early and unused chapter entitled the red-eyed dwarf both he and elth appear to have been merged into the character of marleene McKinnon they are mentioned on page 176 of a history of magic Mildred was a muggle woman who supposedly engaged to Jacob Kowalski she left left him and handed him back her ring after hearing that he didn't get a loan for his Bakery Lily Moon another of the original 40 was a student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts it's possible that Lily may have been an early version of Luna love Good's character her existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me mopsus was originally intended to be one of the Divination professors at Hogwarts mopsus was the name of a famous sear in Greek mythology which seems fitting he has only ever been mentioned on a draft released on rink's website mopsy the dog lover was a highly eccentric dog loving old witch who lived on the edge of hogsma during fourth year she looked after Sirius whilst he was in his dog form thinking he was as stray she was cut because she added nothing to the plot although never explicitly stated it's highly likely that mopsy the dog lover and mopsy fleeber the author of animal ghosts of Britain are the same individual Enid Petru was the name of a possible defense against the dark AR or divination Professor that didn't make the cun she would have been installed as da professor in Harry's fourth sixth or sth year or as divination professor in Harry's 3D year it's likely that this character would have been related to Peter Petru AKA wormtail her existence was revealed by JK rling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribblings PES was a servant of Voldemort who was intended to meet Sirus Black in front of The Potter's House he is mentioned in an interview by Rolling other drafts included a character by the name of pures whose name means Fool's Gold he was a servant of Voldemort and was meeting Sirus in front of The Potter's House Peres too had to be discarded though I quite liked him as a character he was a Dandy and wore white silk gloves which I thought might stain artistically with blood from time to time Argo PES was a wizard Alchemist and the author of alchemy Ancient Art and Science he's mentioned in an early drama of the philosopher stone so this Flamel bloke found the stone said Ron no he made it said Harry he was an alchemist which means someone who turns Bas Metals into gold said hmane she had that old proving I know more than everyone else look on her face the other two noticed of course I read about this in alchemy Ancient Art and Science by Argo PES I miss that one myself muttered Ron Oliver Rivers another of the original 40 was either a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts his existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me Sophie Roper another of the original 40 was either a Hufflepuff Gryffindor or Slytherin student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts her existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me rorn was a Hogwart student in Harry's year and possible relation to Albert rorn a Ministry worker that Harry impersonated runcorn surname is visible on the small portion of the second page of JK rling student list shown on the BBC Christmas television special Harry Potter and me Mila Sylvanas was a potential defense against the dark arts professor in Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts the name Sylvanas was later reappropriated as the given name of Sylvanas kettleburn professor of care of magical creatures Sally Smith another of the original 40 was either a Hufflepuff Gryffindor or Southern student in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts on Poore Rowling revealed that the character's given name was originally Georgina but that this was crossed out and replaced with Sally her existence was first revealed in Harry Potter and me Mr Thomas was a wizard and the biological father of Dean Thomas during the first Wizarding War Mr Thomas abandoned his muggle wife and young Dean in an effort to protect them from the Death Eaters he was soon after murdered by the Death Eaters when he refused to join their cause his existence was revealed by JK Rowling on her website where she shares some of her original Harry Potter scribbling the toad was an unused animal ghost of Hogwarts School who was known for leaving ectoplasm all over the Hogwarts classrooms the toad is mentioned in the Poore article entitled Hogwarts ghosts trokar was a vampire professor at Hogwarts that was cut by Rolling looking back through my earliest notebooks however I found that on my very earliest list of staff there was a subjectless vampire teacher I'd forgotten called trokar a trokar is a sharply pointed shaft inserted into archeries or cavities to extract bodily fluids so I think it's a rather good name for a vampire evidently I did not think much of him as a character though because he disappears fairly early on in my notes for a long time there was a persistent fan rumor that snake might be a vampire while it is true that he has an unhealthy palar and is sometimes described as looking like a large bat in his long black cloak he never actually turns into a bat we meet him outside the castle by daylight and no corpses with puncture marks in their necks ever turn up at Hogwarts in short Snape is not a revamped tro car he is first mentioned in an interview by JK Rowling as we reach the end of our journey through the depths of JK Rowling's early drafts interviews and scribbles I find myself absolutely intrigued by the sheer number of unused characters that lay hidden beneath the surface of Harry Potter while the information about these characters may be limited we're always free to start using our imaginations and it's fun to take what little we have have and embark on our own Adventures weaving tales and constructing vibrant backstories for some of these omitted individuals as JK Rowling once said whether you come back by Page or by the big screen Hogwart will always be there to welcome your home and indeed it is comforting to know that the Enchantment of the Wizarding World extends far beyond what was officially released that's it for today if you enjoy the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 103,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, history of wands, grindelwald, dumbledore, hogwarts, deathly hallows, voldemort, snape, weasley, hidden details, easter egg, theory, folklore, death eaters, spells, behind the scenes, half-blood prince, patronus, bellatrix, elder wand, horcrux, dementor, azkaban, history, powerful, plot, hole, mistake, draft, deleted, scene
Id: 0Sp82r_MiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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