What Happened to the Jeep Comanche?!?

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so we have three days to get the Comanche ready to go to Easter Jeep Safari this year but there's only one problem and that problem it's pretty big one let's pull into the shop [Music] that's right I forgot to tell you guys I blew up the transmission [Music] so you guys are probably wondering what happened to the Comanche why does it probably have a blown up transmission so back in October when I was actually working on this and putting a lift on putting four-wheel drive and everything there was a family camping trip and I didn't film it because it was with my family but I brought the Comanche I thought it would do fine and everything but it started acting up a little bit and I didn't think much of it we went out riding all morning and I parked it came in ate a sandwich got back in it started it and it didn't move so here's what I think happened I think one of the shift solenoids or all of them went bad so it was stuck in like third gear or overdrive and uh it was really straining on everything I just didn't catch the signs early enough and it went out so everything was like seemingly fine came back checked it and like didn't find a lot wrong it just wouldn't move anymore but we need to get back on the road because I like it and it doesn't deserve to just sit I got it on the lift we'll put it up and start looking at some things okay so I'm just gonna start by removing Drive Lines I'll pull the front and rear drive line and then we can get a better look at things foreign [Music] somebody did a good job with those time is ticking do you feel the pressure yet because I feel it I should not be doing that this should be in four wheel drive right now so look at this so right here is the Fred Driveline output shaft and it's just clicking so when I spin this front one the back one should also spin but the fact that it's not is concerning to Me Maybe it's not a bad transition after all maybe it's in the transfer case that would be an easier fix because I got an mp231 out there I've got a slip yoke Eliminator kit for it should be good I'm gonna get this rear drive line pulled off and then we'll play with it a little more and see what the problem is that would be awesome if it was that easy of an issue all right I just put it into four high that does not sound good we'll get this transfer case pulled out let's have a look at it before we decide to pull the whole transmission that's that's really weird if it is broken it feels like it's only the front so technically it still should have had two wheel drive unless there's something more going on in there we'll see all right before I get stupid I'm just gonna drain all this fluid out yeah there we go that explains a lot empty that probably explains everything where did it all go okay let's slide it out okay it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be it was really weird because I was driving around like normal I parked it came back to drive it and it didn't even move probably because it was out of fluid yeah I'm gonna get this torn apart real quick and uh I'll show you the Carnage [Applause] [Music] oh all right there's actually a hole see that that goes down into the cage right down in there oh some Carnage for sure that's probably where all the fluid went look at that it just couldn't be put in four-wheel drive because the shift oh my gosh the only thing that's really not making sense to me is uh how I was driving and then it just stopped driving that's the weird part I don't even know if this is the problem I mean obviously this is a problem but my dad can confirm I drove into Camp parked it never moved again yep that's what happened foreign this is the shift fork and this is what selects it into four-wheel drive two-wheel drive or neutral or for low even and it just like broke off like I don't know why I don't know why it broke off it just did and then it because it fell off it just wreaked havoc inside the case it busted a hole inside that's probably where all my fluid leaked out of until it accidentally popped its way into neutral and that's where the problem is now also known as it's broken it's broken it's broken so it turns out the transmission wasn't bad I guess so I was wrong had all the symptoms of being bad though I would have never guessed the transfer case but because of what I saw I'm going to assume that the transmission is good still I do have a spare transmission I'd rather not swap it in it's going to be easier we could probably get it done today if we just do the transfer case so the transfer case in that jeep won't work transfer case in that jeep is gone the transfer case in that Jeep back there is being used transfer case in that Grand Cherokee is what's out of this thing right here oh actually the transfer case out of the Jeep clear back there is in the Rubicon right now ooh transfer case in your Jeep okay fine so red Jeep off limits I wonder where we will find another transfer case bam right there you know what that is it's another stinking project another project so you may notice this with another Cherokee but it's actually not it Just shares almost every single part with the Cherokee but it is a Wagoneer limited it's a 1987 Wagoneer some of the key features to make note of are the Dual stacked headlights as well as the special Grille there's a couple interior pieces that are a little different as well but yeah ultimately it's pretty I want to say it's a pretty rare Jeep I don't actually know the like production number of them but a lot of people don't like them because of the double stacked headlights and a lot of people do like them because of the double stacked headlights that's why I like it so I got this for 500 bucks I am planning on putting it back on the road but I need the transfer case and or transmission out of it to put in the Comanche so that we can get there on time let's get into it I guess foreign [Music] and I'm gonna need a rag now you can take my lucky rag the lucky rag yeah what that means I know anyway I don't know if I want it um I have a new idea do you want to get me the smaller everything of this 9 16. all right trip number from inside the shop out to Rudy it's going great the short one a little slide off break my arm oh that makes a lot of sense they glued this together there definitely should have been blood dripping out of there there should be no way in heck there's this much fluid in here that's why I had to glue it if you want to go get the drip pan yeah that's that black thing right yeah and more Rags I I don't even know what that is why does it look like tomato juice why is there tomato juice in here there should be no fluid I'm gonna taste it I don't know what that is it doesn't taste like any fluid I've ever had before from an engine it doesn't taste like anything it tastes like water it does not look like water though why is there so much of it I have so many questions okay here it comes oh it's just pouring out of the back of the transmission all right this is a mute clerk I'm micro and this is Dirty Jobs sorry micro no disrespect so we finally got it out with a whole bunch of mystery fluid you don't even want to see the inside of the Jeep it's full of stuff but uh time to bring it into the shop and put it in the Comanche and see uh see how she does I don't want to kid it on me [Music] [Music] go so what I'm doing right now is putting this crappy transfer case back together just so I can contain the parts in case somebody needs a part or if I need a part in the future it can kind of stay clean so I'll just throw everything kind of back together on it just gonna do a preliminary scrape off and look at all the gunk on it just make sure there's nothing nothing wrong holy cow come on look at this look at all a black silicone I came off of the threads that is this explains why those bolts were so hard to get off so I think this got like a rebuild on it not too long ago so we got the transfer case kind of cleaned up and everything just went over it make sure we weren't putting in junk again everything seems to be okay with this one I shifted it through the gears they all feel good it is full of fluid right now so we might want to drain that before we get going but yeah I'm ready to put this thing back up in there oh that feels way better that's how it should feel not um I'm just gonna put three on right now and we're gonna lower this thing and I'm gonna run it through the gears and see it's the transmission's good smart gonna suck if it's not if it's bad tomorrow we'll be figured out then so we pretty much have the bare minimum hooked up simply so we can see if the transmission works because if you remember we don't know we know the transfer case was screwed up that should be a two-wheel drive right now we'll be able to tell okay now look under there is that front output shaft spinning that is a really good sign all this time it was just a transfer case this thing's loud huh like a tractor okay now we can put everything back together and uh go for a test ride you know the test ride that we never got to do before because I screwed up and blew it up foreign so we're going for a ride and it's going pretty good actually we're just gonna go down to the gas station get a drink and be on our way back it's dark now so no cool rollers feel the horses driving pretty smooth it actually is well I'm gonna pull into the shop in a minute [Music] that's a problem it's too late tonight though to fix it we got to get all the other stuff ready for Easter Jeep Safari and I I don't know why this is doing that this is kind of why I thought the transmission was going bad but uh I don't know it doesn't seem like a transmission issue anymore when it warms up it gets kind of funny and Idol's normal but it like pops out the intake and stuff so uh I don't know I guess this is why no one likes the renex Jeeps oh what do you think higgy that's how I feel so I'm gonna try to do a couple things we'll see if any of it works alrighty so you can see oh yeah that's a flat tire we're gonna ignore that though but you can see that the Comanche is not on the trailer but uh that's because we could not get it running properly so yeah we're on the way to Moab and unfortunately the Comanche was having issues running and I couldn't fix it so obviously I'm not back at the shop and that's because I was at the shop preparing to leave until 3am so I literally had no time left to get it working let me know what your thoughts are because I tried everything there's nothing it was right it's running super rough super weird let me list off everything I've replaced so I've replaced throttle position sensors a crank position sensor the map sensor the idle air control valve um all the injectors all the wiring check the continuity freshened up all the grounds was having zero resistance and any of the wiring wasn't a heat related issue change the coolant temperature sensor everything I could think of I replaced the computer the ECU well that wasn't bad that wasn't the problem there's no clock spring in the steering wheel I found that out after I took the steering wheel off so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have Andy who is back at the shop show you what the Comanche is doing okay Andy do your thing foreign [Music] so even though we didn't get the Comanche two Easter Jeep Safari this year I'm still out kind of a loss for words or feelings for why it doesn't run because I've done everything that I know to do so anyway thanks for watching thanks for watching
Channel: Rudys Adventure and Design
Views: 294,173
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Id: cTbC6waWFPM
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Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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