Someone Put SUGAR in My Gas Tank!!!

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that's definitely sweet fuel should not taste like that okay today we have to get my 88 Jeep Comanche back on the road running right there's something wrong and I cannot figure it out I spent almost every day last week trying to figure out what was wrong with it I replaced sensors checked wires check grounds I went through pretty much everything I could think of but today we're gonna figure it out and I think we're going to start with the fuel system and then go from there because it's just not running right so we'll get a pulled into the shop and probably drain some of the fuel out and see what it's uh what it looks like [Music] wow I pulled some of my fuel out to look at it and this is what's in it wow that is not what fuel is supposed to look like at all the amount of sediment and debris is insane there's a little more I just cycled it and that's what's coming out there's like physical debris in there that's incredible so I let the fuel sit for a little bit and kind of settled that is not what you want to see and uh in there and if I'm being completely honest it looks like sugar I think somebody put sugar in my gas tank I don't know that makes me nervous not only am I going to blot the lines I'm also going to pull my fuel pump out and kind of inspect that because that is a ton of residue [Music] [Music] I think someone poured sugar into there there's a bunch of like crystals on the roof of the gas tank I'm gonna stick my finger in there and uh kind of I'm gonna taste it I'm gonna see there you can see I got it on my finger that's definitely sweet fuel should not taste like that that explains a ton if we go over here on to this you can actually see there's some crystals forming on this housing well that explains everything all of my headaches and problems that explains a lot yep so I'm dropping the tank I'm gonna get the tank dropped and get it all cleaned out and maybe tomorrow we'll be able to take it for a real Drive [Music] [Music] oh I don't know how well you can see in there but I think I got it pretty clean so no more sugar crystals and then cleaned the fuel pump out I took it all apart sprayed it all down put it all back together and now I'm gonna put the fuel pump back in while the tank is out that way I can just like put it back up in the Jeep and put some fuel in it and call it good so I do want to take apart the fuel filter and see what damage is in there because I mean a lot of that goop that I was that I had in that water bottle earlier came actually directly out of the fuel filter I'll get the fuel pump and everything put back into the tank and uh and then I'll get all my lines sprayed out and we'll crack open that fuel filter and take a look inside foreign so I've got the fuel filter in my Vise I'm just going to pry it apart just because I'm curious I want to see how much it was stopping so if one side's clean and the other side is dirty I know it's just a clogged filter but if both sides are dirty I know I know I probably have other issues [Music] all right oh yeah okay that's a good sign clean in there you can't see it let me put it up more foreign dirty clean that's incredible you're on a sledge that's in there all right so I'm pretty happy with what we did find so far from putting put back together it's currently 1am so I will see you in the morning good morning so I'm back at the shop I have a new fuel filter and some seafoam because it works and boom crazy that was in there oh crap I just realized I left the key on all night long so hope it's not good I'm gonna get the lines blown out really quick with air and uh and we'll throw the tank back in put some fuel in it and listen to that engine purr man I hope this works all right Moment of Truth it's not good apparently I didn't do this clip right okay everything hooked is hooked up uh battery's dead that sucks but there we go that water pump is definitely bad we're gonna take us for a drive though watch this here we go [Music] oh she rips thank you oh man I am so happy oh my gosh I am so excited boy I feel so good we should celebrate chocolate milk and chicken in a Biscuit let's go to the store and I'm coming along man [Music] [Music] all right let's go back to the shop okay so I got a little carried away and yeah I removed the seat in the carpet so that I could get a four-wheel drive shift lever in there properly there's the carpet all nasty uh I'll probably want to get that cleaned up before it goes back in but now I need to remove this plate I think drill these holes out right here so that I could get this shift lever right here in there so I'm also thinking about going to bucket seats but we'll see we'll see anyway so yeah just the long process [Music] [Music] oops thank you okay so just as a basic test what I want to do is I want to put some sugar in to some fuel and we'll see what it does so I'll just you know gotta get some fuel in the jar a little science experiment so that we can compare results we are in a ventilated area by the way just so you know I'm actually more concerned about my spoon when I stir this because this is not a good one for this so there's a couple reasons why these look different I think and I think the biggest one is that whoever did this obviously didn't care what was going into my tank anyway so they like I don't know could have thrown rocks and dirt in there but I know there was actually a couple things that shouldn't have been in there so it could have been different sugars I also know that this was sitting a lot longer than this one was at the end of the day I taste tested it this one has some nasty uh it did not taste good but it did taste sweet so that's uh that's a thing but you can see some granules on the side of the bottle here um and then obviously the the thing in the bottom but yeah a friend of mine mentioned that they like coat the inside of those gas tanks with like zinc or something so I think a lot of the residue could even be from that but the fact of the matter is is sugar did end up in my tank someone doesn't like me I guess so luckily sugar in the gas tank doesn't actually ruin the engine all it does I've seen from this test here is it plugs up the fuel filter and as I showed earlier none of it was getting by the fuel filter so I'd say we're good and I'm pretty happy that we finally figured it out I was not expecting that it was kind of the last thing on my mind because I just barely went through the fuel system not too long ago and so I kind of ruled that out early on but after enough of you guys commenting and everything I decided to check it out because it wasn't going to hurt to look at it so here we are now we know someone out there doesn't like me that being said we're gonna have to take we Comanche out and test this four-wheel drive for real and thanks for watching wait what about the part where you show them the seats interface no let's go show you the Secret side effects let's go right now all right so these are what the seats look like at the Comanche um carpets all back in everything's back in a nice headliner so that's what it looks like and uh obviously it's not entirely put together right um but it's enough to get me back on the road so officially thanks for watching
Channel: Rudys Adventure and Design
Views: 358,643
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Id: -CS4I_p8Mjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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