What Happened To The FIRST Female Team in League of Legends? | Team Siren

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two years ago i created this video about an all-female professional league of legends team who lost 38 games in a row you may have seen it and aside from comments featuring the word kitchen there were a lot of comments mentioning team siren wait wasn't team siren the first competitive pro league team specifically comments stating that the real first all-female professional team was team siren however that's not really true so let's address these comments first who or what was team siren team siren were a group of five women who met in solo queue and came together to become professional gamers on the 30th of may 2013 they posted a promotional video for their league of legends team which would go on to go viral for all of the wrong reasons mostly for the fact that it was kind of cringe and the goals presented in the video were unrealistic i'll bait you and outsmart you at the time this video got a lot of attention if you were at all involved in the league of legends community during this time you would hear some sort of reference to this video everywhere you went uh we said that losing is not an option so we decided to pay them and outsmart them and although the video on their channel obtained 2.7 million views it also gathered 41 000 dislikes funny enough i recorded this footage before youtube removed the dislike counter if you go on the video today you may think it was positively received but alongside their announcement a video making fun of the entire situation uploaded by the popular commentator video game donkey accumulated almost 9 million views so if you've just consumed any of this content and just moved on with your life without looking any deeper you would think that this team was actually a real thing and just went on to embarrass themselves and fade away similar to vae victis i literally just got like astrix however to answer the comments i mentioned earlier no team siren was not the first professional female team because they never actually went pro and in fact the team only stayed together for a total of 18 days after uploading their announcement video now like i said this viral event took place over eight years ago and back then if you put five gamers living under one house with gaming sponsors well that sounds like esports to me my point is that anyone could have done the setup that they had and claimed to be an esports team and i bet many did but team siren got so much attention because one they were a team of girls which was and still is an underrepresented demographic in esports and two their promotional video was unfortunately for them very cringe the competition is fierce with millions of dollars this is bigger than us the worst part about the video was that it seemed that the team members weren't actually involved with the production of it their top laner uni even stated that she didn't watch the video until it was already uploaded personally i didn't watch it until the whole thing came out i saw it like once i saw like part of it and i was like whatever and i just kind of like closed it because i already knew what was going to be in it because i knew what they made us do but just because the video was cringe and they were off to a bad start in the public that doesn't mean that that should be the end of the world what matters most here is that they're saying they want to be pro gamers so are they good at the game yes you may have thought i was going to say no here but no allegedly all the members were somewhere between platinum and diamond which was a key point when the mid laner jenny decided to make this team she specifically wanted to recruit players that were somewhat high elo however although platinum and diamond is above the average player rank that's surely not enough to compete professionally and it wasn't during their short run they would play ranked fives together ranked fives was basically what ranked flex q is today except it would exclusively pair your team with another group of five pre-made players in this queue they weren't so successful only reaching gold after playing almost 50 games which is fine congratulations to anyone who is in gold but you're definitely not joining the lcs and winning worlds which seemed to be one of their aspirations presented in their announcement video jenny would later state that in the end they aren't ready to be pro gamers how do i respond to the hate i don't have anything to say because it's irrelevant um do i think we're gonna go somewhere someday i think we're five girls who love playing together and who love being a team and we'll have to start and try hard but that doesn't mean that we're ready for lcs right now or whatever accusations people have for us [Music] while they figure out the whole being professional thing they would be twitch streamers in the meantime which on the surface seemed to be a good move as initially the players would get over a thousand concurrent viewers but a big percentage of those viewers were people who wanted to send hateful messages and troll them today these streams have been deleted but you can get a pretty good idea of how their chat behaved when you look at the comments that were left on their youtube videos team siren sponsored by tampax when will you get your first blood i will say that there were also positive comments from viewers who supported the team but there was certainly more hate than love for example at some point someone hacked their twitter account it's still up to this day and it was just used to further troll them but anyway what's left to ask here is where are they now the original team siren consisted of five players but their adc christina left the team early on due to personal reasons a replacement was quickly acquired for teamwise tina left for personal reasons not because of the video for she left before that so she left for personal reasons when she was like homesick and like there was like some other reasons too and then we have a new a.d carrie her name is alexa um she is currently a diamond 180 carrie she's pretty good she's really cute however she would later disclose her actual reason for leaving team siren disbanded not because of the bad publicity but because of how negative jenny was towards the team i actually left before the video got released i left because jenny was a very toxic and terrible friend slash leader whenever a bad match ended she told us to mute all of our streams so she can bash on every little mistake when she did not acknowledge hers her calls were terrible most of the time and would not let anyone else try to make calls she pretty much tried to replace everyone on the team at one point it was hard living under the same roof as someone that hates you as of today out of the six total members only three are actually active online two occasionally stream on twitch and one is currently offering thirty percent off only fans if you're interested in the end similar to vivictis team siren was a failure and misrepresented female pro gamers a member of the team later stated that the whole ordeal was an embarrassment to all female players and apologized for team siren ever happening unfortunately 8 years later representation of females in pro league of legends has not really progressed in our previous video we mentioned a player named meiyumi who was a positive example of how a female player would integrate into an already existing team but although performing well in her one match her professional career was cut short as her team later did not intend in using her in matches moving forward she would appear to remain permanently as a substitute additionally due to her viral success on social media the org wanted to solely focus on using her for promotional work mayumi has since moved away from being a professional gamer and is now just a content creator assigned to tsm due to her unique situation it's hard to say what would have happened if she continued being a pro gamer as her rise in popularity definitely took her to a point where just being a social media person would be more financially beneficial than chasing an esports career i think something to consider today when asking why there aren't female gamers in pro gaming is to note that the barrier of entry for being a pro player in general regardless of your gender has become more challenging than years in the past currently in the lcs there is a player who is 17 years old today you don't just wake up grind on league at the age of 18 and become a pro player in two years it's possible but from a quick observation of players being signed in recent years we're talking about young people who are unironically prodigies they start young and at the same time are incredibly skilled at the game in the end whether it's a situation like team siren vavitis or miumi the main factor that needs to exist is a skill level that can compete with the current competition but as i mentioned before the successful integration of a female pro player will not come from an all-female team gimmick instead just a very skilled player who happens to be female
Channel: Nicolai
Views: 905,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends, LoL esports, Team Siren, Vaevictis, Worlds, LCS, LEC, TSM, League of Legends news, riot games, LoL, Mayumi, Female esports, Girl Gamers, reddit, Nicolai
Id: Qo8e7vjUlXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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