What Happened To The All Female League of Legends Team?

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this video is sponsored by expressvpn the year is 2011 and Riot Games is hosting the first ever League of Legends World Championship the event only had a couple hundred spectators present but garnered over 200 thousand viewers watching live and the prize pool of such event was 100 thousand dollars one year later these numbers would become insignificant the eSports viewer base increased dramatically and right went from paying their players thousands of dollars to now millions of dollars and the rest is history as the years went by League of Legends never slowed down and only kept growing however as the scene became bigger some people started having questions about the participants because although eSports had evolved in every way possible one thing did stand out why are there no girls this made people wonder if there was literally something in the rules that stated women couldn't compete in League of Legends eSports but the answer was no gender was not an issue to be a participant in the LCS all you had to do was be over a certain age depending on your country instead the simple answer to why there are no females in professional League of Legends is simply that there are no female players at the level of the professional players but we're gonna put a pin in this for now and come back to this topic later because the exclusion of women in eSports actually ended up spawning teams that would entirely consist of women the goal in law of these teams is to prove that girl gamers are just as good as the boys this is their words not mine but how could they prove this when some of these teams would barely compete in anything as professional players these teams aren't participating in any established leagues or tournaments instead taking a look at a team like panda cute an all-female team from Hong Kong sponsored by Razer they specifically only competed against other random female teams at no point with these all-female teams be able to prove any thing but all this would change in 2018 with the victus esports a team who participates in the LCL the Russian equivalent of the LCS this was just a regular eSports team it was entirely comprised of male players but at one point it seemed that the organization was struggling to fund their professional team they dropped all their players and put up their franchise lot up for sale going once going twice no one bought it this would force the org to still participate in the league despite the fact that they already threw away all their players so apparently the only logical solution was to create a brand new team consisting of female players now regardless of how bizarre this situation was this decision would create a dynamic which until now had never existed for the first time ever a team fully comprised of female players would be competing in a tournament officially organized by Riot Games this meant that despite how unlikely it would be there was actually a statistical chance that an all-female team could make it to Worlds the highest level of competitive League of Legends spoiler it obviously didn't happen but in some alternate universe faker is crying because he lost to a player named triggered the story of a victus plays out like a movie or a show that starts off by telling you how the story ends you just don't know how they're gonna get there and I say this because after participating in two splits of the LCL they were officially removed from the tournament so let's rewind and ask the big question what happened let's begin on day one February 16 2019 the inaugural match of the all-female VAE Victis eSports they lost twelve to one however tomorrow they play again and we'll have another chance at proving themselves post match thread the victors esports vs. vega squadron 31 minutes 37 seconds 52 to 2 I've seen people get a 14-day suspension for less me and the boys smurfing an iron if I had this KD a in a ranked game I would be banned my girls almost had them dropped with slightly off but it's a good progress next time for those who aren't entirely League of Legends savvy a score of 52 to 2 is horrible with no exceptions with a disaster his opening game VAE Victis gaming instantly became a meme within the League of Legends community the english-speaking world would generally have no reason to care about the Russian professional scene performances in Russia would barely ever get traction on the League of Legends subreddit but there would be a thread created for each and every single match of VAE Victis gaming now of course not all of these threads were that popular after the first couple headlines people got the message there's a pro team in Russia consisting of all female players and they suck so overtime this became old news and people moved on until one month after their infamous debut they would make headlines again this time because they victus eSports broke a record the record for the fastest defeat in the LCL on March third of 2019 VAE Victis esports lost a game of professional league of legends in 13 minutes to put that into perspective an average game of League is about 30 minutes long additionally in order to surrender the game requires you to have played at least for 15 minutes this event would unfortunately completely solidify the victors eSports as a joke also if you know anything about League of Legends you know that the objective of the game at its core is to take down towers and destroy the enemy teams Nexus well despite this literally being the objective of the game bay victus gaming would go on to destroy their first ever Tower in their 11th professional match to put their performance record further into perspective I want to ask you if you follow any traditional sporting teams on social media because basically every team's Twitter or Instagram will make some sort of neat graphic at the end of each match announcing whether they won or lost often times showcasing the best player of the night on a win and then on the flipside leaving a will get him next time sort of feel on a post announcing a loss and as of recently eSports teams have taken to this trend as well and they victus gaming were no stranger they ended up posting a total of 11 back-to-back graphics all of which were announcing that they lost it took 11 games in a row for whoever was running their Instagram account to decide that okay this whole winning thing isn't gonna happen is it and it really didn't the team ended their competitive career on a historic 28th match lieu streak they actually also participated in a midseason summer tournament there they played six games and lost them all as well so if you include those they actually ended on a 34 match lose streak and by the way that's the magic number 34 it took riot games in Russia 34 games to officially remove a victus gaming from competing in the LCL now you might think that this was a complete disaster for the VAE Victis organization and I don't know the companies logistics but some would argue that it was actually a success sure these girls embarrass themselves at 34 different events but if the company at all beliefs in any publicity being good publicity then they succeeded because believe it or not this team actually acquired fans remember those Instagram posts I talked about earlier well while looking through them I found a lot of encouraging comments coming from they victus supporters now of course some of these dudes were straight simple but others appeared to be just fans who wanted to support the underdogs in this case as these fans were supporting a team who would always have almost no chance of winning but there was still a little bit of a chance and obtaining just one victory would make everything worth it of course that never happened and that's the end of VAE Victis eSports after being removed from the LCL the team is now participating in all-female tournaments instead however despite all of this mess I actually still think that the day when a female Pro comes to League of Legends is actually coming soon but it will most definitely not come in the form of an entire team built around female players because that's a gimmick instead there will one day be a female player who is at the level of the current professional skill level and this isn't so crazy of an idea just a while back a team in Brazil who participates in the Brazilian equivalent of the LCS actually signed to their first-ever female player her name was May Yumi and she was a challengers support mean I could talk at length about that situation but for the most part it was a quick glimpse of what could happen when the integration of female players is done correctly and like I said I believe that this scenario is coming very soon come back to this video when it happens but until then continue browsing the internet safely with expressvpn a VPN encrypts all the internet traffic you receive and send ensuring that your IP address remains hidden by masking it with a brand new IP address in a 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Channel: Nicolai
Views: 12,642,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends, LoL esports, Vaevictis esports, Worlds, LCS, LEC, Team Liquid, League of Legends news, riot games, Mayumi, INTZ, Girl gamers, female esports, Prize pool, LoL, reddit, Nicolai
Id: HbH8BhgKXbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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