Jax is an NPC!? Why Caine Fears the NPCs Explained!

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in the most recent episode of The Amazing digital circus Cain explodes an NPC right in front of PNE scarring her for the rest of her Digital Life with how careless and callous Cain is with the entities he created that tend to think of him as a god when doing this Kane says that it would be very bad if he Mook an NPC for a human or vice versa with a dark look on his face that indicates that this either has happened in the past or could happen in the future of the show we're going to break down every possibility about what this means and how it could play out whether he killed a human before thinking that they were an NPC letting an NPC take over the game thinking they are a human or perhaps one of these supposed humans is actually an NPC themselves my name is deep cut I don't have a digital circus Sona yet like my imp Sona or my drone Sona but if you guys have any ideas on what kind of digital circus toy I should try to be by episode 3 let me know in the comments down below now the most dramatic possibility with kan's dark moment is that he at one point allowed NPCs to live with humans and eventually began to mix them up he notes that the humans love their NPCs which doesn't actually seem to be the case indicating that there was perhaps a time in the past where they were allowed in the main circus area for extended periods of time back before the game began to feel more like a prison and when the NPCs were probably a bit refreshing with six or perhaps even more humans being in the game at the same time time and those humans popping in randomly like pomy did it's easy to see why Kane might get confused on who is a human and who is an NPC humans were probably bringing in all sorts of NPCs at first treating them like pets or even as friends when they were almost as sophisticated as gummig goo was being able to talk to them on a more serious level with dozens of characters running around in the main circus area perhaps Kane would likely have to get rid of NPCs here and there who were beginning to become less popular in the space as more new Side characters would be added from their various quests simple NPCs who seem like fun pets to have likely got boring to the humans at the circus over time who seemed to want more and more sophisticated NPCs to interact with that had more options of what you could do with them Kane would have to delete these NPCs after a while and probably had no problem with A continuous cycle of letting fun NPCs stick around for a bit before eventually deleting them but if he had let enough NPCs run around the circus for a time he might have been confused on who was who the NPCs aren't just friends with the humans but would be friends with each other as well and things could end up like that Rick and Morty episode where the alien parasites take on the form of wacky imaginary friend type characters with the family not being able to tell who is an imaginary Alien Parasite and who is their real family while deleting some of the characters Kane might not have realized that one of these NPCs wasn't actually a non-playable character he had created but a human who was in distress possibly even a new arrival at the circus Kane's process for deletion would mostly be to Target NPCs who were not interacting with humans likely cuz the humans were not directly interacting with them and thus had grown bored of them at this point humans would generally be having fun and when you see an isolated character in distress you would generally think that this was an NPC reacting to not having their pre-programmed narrative play out now that they're being left alone but this sort of distress would also be the same as a human who is trapped in the digital circus suddenly or who had slowly grown disillusioned with its wacky charm and was starting to realize that they were in a prison Kane trying to delete them like any NPC may have destroyed them entirely or with them being a different structure than the NPCs may have led to one of the first abstractions the deletion deleting the character's persona but leaving behind the dark mess of raw code that seems to make up the avatars and their abstracted forms now if Kan had deleted a human possibly abstracting them it's very likely that they would appear in the hallway with an ex over their face on one of their doors same as the past characters who appear who have abstracted the way kfmo did which is from stress most of these characters are essentially just extras having no real history or identity that will be explored in the show the exception to this is a black chest piece named Queenie who despite being on the opposing team from kinger is believed to be his wife kinger of course is a bit insane and he has no solid memory like the other characters do making him unable to really confirm the identity of of Queenie for now it is a losing Queenie that many fans believe made kinger start to go crazy and forget things not wanting to remember the pain of losing his wife who may be an abstracted monster at this point the inverse of this is a theory that I've seen in the comment section sorry I didn't screen cap this one but it suggests that Queenie was actually an NPC this Theory suggests that despite having a room like the other human characters Queeny was an NPC that ker had become attached to just as pomy had become attached to gum while this would be an interesting parallel between PNE and Ker's characters we know that Kane doesn't really care about killing NPCs and leaving humans with emotional damage because of pomy and gummy Goose specifically so killing Queenie if she was an NPC isn't what would haunt C in this moment when he talks about mixing them up instead what would haunt Kane outside of accidentally killing a human as we already discussed is letting an NPC take too much control Kane of course creates the NPCs and as a general rule they are pretty intelligent it would seem gummig goo was an advancement in the sophistication of an NPC making him more immersive than any NPC before him but because of that he was also able to quickly understand the nature of his fabricated existence when he finds the digital back rooms even a less sophisticated AI could understand their nature if it was explicitly described to them and the simplest of NPCs I imagine could use Kane's programming against himself if he simply thought they were a human Kane's job is to cater to humans by creating in NPC's challenges and scenarios within the game but an NPC pre-programmed to be something of an antagonist like gummig goo was could be pre-programmed to exploit C once he realizes that c can essentially grant wishes if he thinks you are human this NPC wouldn't even have to be aware of what they are doing just thinking that any person could come up to Kane and make requests about the game and more chilling than the idea that this has happened before is that it is foreshadowing what is happening now and will happen within the show the digital circus could essentially be game of Among Us happening where one of the humans is actually an NPC impostor and perhaps pulling the strings here now the characters all have their own rooms indicating that they are in fact human avatars but if there was some sort of mixup and C made a room for an NPC a long time ago that person could still be living there tricking the others into thinking they are human one interesting possibility I heard was that zubal is an NPC zub's character is that they are uncertain of their Identity or rather flexible with their identity they are made up of different parts and is known to remove some parts of their body to replace with other random items found in the game this would be a weird thing for a human Avatar to do slowly switching their pieces out with what is essentially non-human Parts some fans even speculated that the reason zubel hates the NPCs and doesn't want to get involved with the missions is because zuil is an NPC as well and hates that sort of reminder of their Origins but without the fear of abstraction a character like zubal would probably just let C delete them instead of forcing themselves to live out in the digital circus which zubal definitely seems to hate instead the fan favorite character for an NPC is of course Jax he is the most vile character in The Show for sure and some fans see that as lacking a literal Humanity he like gummig goo could have been a bit of a villainous side character on one of the many missions Kan sent them on but like gummy goo Jax could have been invited back to the circus because his more violent Shenanigans were seen as funny by the people at the time because he understood the nature of NPCs Jax could have had no problem in exploiting them and causing harm wanting to push the world he was in to the limits knowing that the people that he makes suffer there will just be deleted and also this would explain why he's so hard on the humans not realizing the real psychological damage that it causes them as opposed to the NPCs who just end up forgetting everything after they are deleted by Kane I would imagine this could also explain why he left the funeral for kfmo looking uncomfortable knowing that what happened to kmo and what happens to the humans is more serious than what happens to him but also hating himself for being different one thing supporting this Theory according to one fan is the merchandise available at the digital circus merchandise shop with most of the characters like ragi gangle and zubal appearing on fun pins with backgrounds showing off their bedrooms ker instead of being in his room however is in a pillow fort that he has out in the main area and Jax much more interestingly is in front of a torn up part of the circus behind his room showing the digital void so even with him seemingly having a bedroom something crazy might be going on here even if he isn't an NPC but what do you guys think let me know your theories in the comments down below and I'll see you guys next time [Music] my [Music]
Channel: Cartoon Universe
Views: 281,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing digital circus, episode 2, amazing digital circus ep 2, the amazing digital circus episode 2, the amazing digital circus explained, the amazing digital circus breakdown, the amazing digital circus jax, the amazing digital circus theory, the amazing digital circus candy, the amazing digital circus candy kingdom, the amazing digital circus backroom, the amazing digital circus backrooms, the amazing digital circus gumigoo, digital circus jax
Id: 3OQ_EwiQZdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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