What Happened to China's WORST Serial RAPIST?

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harvey weinstein is nothing compared to this guy so the chinese government is trying to cover for a serial rapist a chinese serial rapist who i happen to work for in the past and this guy is worse than weinstein r kelly and all these other big scandals combined he's responsible for raping hundreds of young women from the rural parts of china who he bought into his company which he ran like a cult and his only sentence after years of raping these hundreds and hundreds of women destroying their lives making some of them disappear and involving them in this massive big cult was a four year sentence now not only did the sick man only receive a four-year sentence he actually only served less than two of those four years and i found this out because his ex-personal assistant and i are still in contact and confirmed this now on top of this the chinese government has gone to great lengths to scrub the story from the internet don't be surprised if you haven't heard about this guy before or heard about this massive case which affected like i said hundreds possibly thousands of women during his entire career and what he was doing not only have they completely scrubbed relevant news articles or any updates about this it's very hard to find any information about this guy on the chinese internet even though he was one of the most powerful and most rich people in china think of a an elon musk kind of a situation or a bill gates kind of situation this guy was so incredibly rich and connected and powerful in china they've not only scrubbed all the information about him but the chinese government themselves tried to get my video taken down about him you know the video i made where i told the story of how i was a bodyguard for a chinese serial rapist that video the chinese government china central television which is the state media manually went in there and tried to get that video removed from youtube i'll explain a little later we need to shine more light on the story and so i'm bringing in a friend of mine in fact we met while working for the rapist i've known him for about 15 years he's gonna tell you a little bit of his side of the story because he's actually the first member of the foreign staff that was approached by one of the girls and told that this guy was raping them so um i just want to say a big thank you to my friend dave for coming on uh dave and i have a long history together and we actually met when working for the rapist at sun moon or ccvip in fact you can see him in the promotional materials where you can see me as well calan method makes you think in english callum method comes from english [Music] vip um yeah remember those yeah i remember that too well yeah what was it english comes from england or something like that sun moon exactly uh anyway we actually met there and uh you started a a short while after i started working there i don't know probably a couple months afterwards and uh i mean maybe maybe just uh you can tell everyone what it was like what the working environment was like there first it was really odd uh they had the the boss had a lot of bizarre rules uh and if you broke any of those rules they would fine you so they would deduct money from your bae and that went for everyone uh the chinese staff got it the worst because they had to wear these bizarre over-the-top sexy air stew airline stuff uniform type things which were you know designed to be attractive to him uh and which we didn't know at the time but we it was always odd you had a bow whenever you entered the building as well which is also really strange it's not really a chinese thing no not at all it was just about control that's all it was about yeah control with that guy remember we had to wear those pins on on our jackets with these pins where they put this british flag on the union jack and yeah didn't wear them you were fine yeah it was kind of like a union jack but it was his name you know the shunmu kind of in the same design as the union flag i remember we had to pay for those out of our own pocket you know we had to buy them and then if you didn't wear it or you wore it wrong you'd get fined it was ridiculous yeah yeah yeah and then we would have to go to all these meetings and [ __ ] shows which are all in chinese and spoke really good chinese in those days and couldn't really understand what was being said at these meetings and shows stuff it was all just about him oh yeah for sure he would sit there and like have a monologue for an hour and everyone would have to just sit there attentively and listen to him i remember those those days and we're just especially the foreigners you know there was early days of china for me and you too i mean i'd only been there for about a year and a half two years or so and when i was working there couldn't speak the language yet except for a few phrases and then you have to sit this guy's monologuing for an hour no one's allowed to make a word no one's allowed to move you have to all sit there and then you'd have those like bizarre fashion shows and things like that too do you remember those yes yeah they were cringe-worthy yeah and they only went on for hours and we just said their boards out of a map brought over out of our minds yeah it was just nonsense there was absolutely no actual genuine reason for us to be there and i remember like you would get fined if you didn't come to those shows and you know if you made a noise or something you know you get fined and so like it was all about controlling people through through like finding them and the the staff that worked there the chinese stuff got paid so little anyway that any fine was significant absolutely like really significant like a huge percentage of their their pay so they were incredibly obese and they all had to live in company dormitories as well they weren't allowed to socialize outside of work even with us they weren't allowed to yeah there was that strict rule i remember the the staff were not allowed to for instance go and have lunch with us and i remember we we would invite we got close to some of the stuff we'd invite them out want them to come and have lunch with us and they wouldn't be allowed to you know it was crazy the amount of control and also don't forget he had cameras in the women's dorms and stuff and even in the bathroom so remember that yeah that was kind of crazy so um i mean here's the thing the reason why i've got you on here the main reason of course is a lot of in fact pretty much all information about what happened uh with this guy has been scrubbed off the internet um it's kind of crazy and it's obviously the it may it makes china look bad to have a story like this go out okay let's be completely honest because this guy was so high up he was there at the new year galas he was very much involved in in government and uh in the image of china so yeah very high up so yeah yeah exactly so the problem is like a story like this which is bigger than weinstein or any of these you know uh other stories we hear in the west which gets so much press and it makes everybody look how look how immoral society is look how bad you know um that hollywood is or look how bad xyz is that kind of scandal can really bring the image of china down especially the way they're trying to project themselves and so it's in the best interest of the communist party to hide this kind of thing away um and so because it's all hidden away and it's very hard to find any information about this online except for some very outdated newspaper articles that just mention a few things and a small few clips here and there um it's impossible to find anything and because of this i i told this story uh not that long ago on my channel a couple of months ago and i've got a lot of people that were kind of doubting you know well obviously most people believe me because i've got bloody photographic evidence and all that kind of stuff of me being there and all that but there there's of course the 50 cent army and uh the ccp sycophants have been trying to say that i photoshopped myself into those pictures and that the story isn't true and that kind of thing but yeah they always that's why that's what their job is though the twisted truth that's what they do correct so i mean i just wanted you to like come on here and verify that this stuff really happened you know yeah absolutely yes i i'm the one that was first told about it yeah yeah the girl came to me and told me yes that uh one of our probably been raped like it was the night before yeah uh and within a state yeah and then i i i i told you guys yeah and you know i mentioned in my original video that uh the the staff actually approached one of the other foreigners uh and that person was actually you you were the first person that the staff called i mean we all knew something was really really wrong because you know we'd seen some of the girls come in crying and you know and all sorts of strange things were going on but then one of them disappeared yeah yeah some of them disappeared that's right they were just weren't there anymore uh anyway the fact of the matter is you were the first person they approached and maybe you could just tell tell everybody kind of what went down what was said and obviously we're not going to mention any names or anything uh well one of the one of the staff came came to me and told me that one of our colleagues had been raped by the boss i think was the night before and she was in a a hell of a state where i told you guys winston and the other foreign staff about what i'd been told and yeah it was a very very difficult time you know we we thought we tried to think of different ways to catch them out and stuff but that was we were powerless to anything yeah you know it was a powerful guy china's a place where you know there is no rule of law that the police aren't going to help you in in in that kind of case especially when foreigners yeah uh they will just kick you out their best case to just deploy yeah yeah uh worst case you you disappear yeah yeah yeah because you know and we tried to help the staff who were going through this because it wasn't just one it was it was many you know it was it was happening to many of the girls and they were mostly younger girls mostly from the countryside uh they weren't used to city life quite naive some of them uh but yeah they were really nice but awful what was happening absolutely awful yeah that's right i mean and what you say there is true i mean we tried to get the girls to come forward we tried to get them to go press charges we tried our best to do what we could and like you said as foreigners specifically we were very powerless and for those of you out there who don't understand this guy was incredibly connected not only in the government but just in general you know he's the kind of guy who has all the mafia connections he has all the government connections and that's how he controlled the girls as well police and shenzhen as well and the mayor yeah at the time so exactly what i mean remember that time we had that foreign uh girl who was working there and um her they screwed up and her visa was um expired you know because you're supposed to apply at the at the public security bureau within 30 days of getting your um sort of zed visa in your passport you have to go and actually get it like processed or whatever and they screwed up and they waited more than 30 days and so she was actually there illegally by no fault of her own and the boss i remember just went down to the public security bureau walked into the back room i was there because i had to i took the uh the girl there you know because she was in a state i remember the boss just walked into the back talked to his connection buddies and and walked out straight away with a visa in her passport you know that's how connected the guy was and that's after he stole her passport yeah yeah then they stole her possible try to make her try to make her stay man yeah yeah that's it's crazy stuff but i mean what i'm saying is like usually to apply for a visa like that you have to go through a whole lot of paperwork of course you have to leave your passport at the public security bureau and it takes like uh a month or something like that or a number of weeks you would have to leave china again and go to the home go back to your home country and then we applied for that visa yeah actually that's what you exactly you suppose at that time specifically that was at that time you would have to actually leave and and come back yeah and he just walked in there and literally within 10 minutes he walked out with a visa printed and put into her passport so you know when you've got those kind of government connections with the police and somebody comes and tries to say hey this guy is a rapist and all that kind of thing do you think you're going to get anywhere no you're going to be the one that ends up in jail not him you know yeah anyway you know what the most the most damning thing about all this is um my video that i put out recently about him the chinese government actually tried to get it taken down um and the reason yeah the reason i know this is i used an incredibly small clip i think it's about a 10 10 or 11 second clip of of security camera footage you know from his apartment that shows him and the girl walking into the elevator i obviously can't show it here otherwise they're going to try this again and that came from that came from a little clip of uh from cctv you know the chinese central television over here the thing is that specific clip wasn't even on cgt and i mean on cctv i found it mirrored on a youtube channel somewhere it was like obscure it's like really bad it's like 360p resolution it's incredibly terrible it's it doesn't exist anymore right but you know you know i didn't even use a long clip of it i didn't even use a full screen i just use the tiny bit that's got the um the security camera footage and i got a manual copyright claim from none other than china central television like a manual claim and that's different because if the algorithm picks up if you use a piece of hollywood movie or something you know the youtube algorithm will pick it up and automatically sort of say hey you know that's doesn't belong to you you get a copyright claim you can dispute it or not this was a manual claim okay so this means that china central television or someone representing them would have to have gone to my video specifically being told about my video because it wouldn't pick it up it's in like [ __ ] adp right so they had to go there specifically manually do a copyright claim and they obviously did that in order to try and take the video down um and yeah as we all know china's central television is the government is quite laughable yeah which is quite laughable when it comes to china because you know breach of copyright is normal business practice in china oh yeah you know this is what blows my mind though this guy was caught red-handed okay not only did the cops you know when when the that one courageous woman who finally stepped forward to report this right um which we're not going to mention her name but when she finally stepped forward and they actually went to go and do an investigation remember they found that digital camera in his apartment and his hard drives and stuff with hundreds and hundreds of pictures of all the different women right yes yeah yeah he'd been doing it for years and he you know he's a complete pervert and he was taking photos of them when he was abusing them and raping them and stuff and the chinese courts gave him four years you know and he only thought two yeah and he only served less than two well dave i just want to say thank you so much for coming on it's been very good to talk about this you know with you someone who is actually there you know um during no problem i seriously appreciate it um and for those of you who who don't know dave he's been a good friend of mine for many many years he's a professional photographer and i'll have all the links to what he does below so please go give him a little bit of support um yeah and uh i'll catch you soon again mate can't wait to share another beer with you all right cheers before i end this video i'd like to address all the people who are about to leave a comment saying what about uh r kelly what about weinstein what about xyz what about hollywood what about corruption hero there it doesn't matter this is not a competition and if it was a competition as dave and i discussed china would still win when it comes to uh the the abuse of women and the lack of rights that women have what you're doing by trying to employ this whatabatism is a massive disservice to the vulnerable women in china look at what's recently happened with the metoo movement in china it's been smashed we need to look at china because china has a massive problem we need to shine a light on this we need to discuss this because if you keep making excuses for this by employing water autism you are literally taking those women and throwing them out into the cold stop making excuses for the bad behavior that is allowed to flourish in china's society and culture talk about it say it's bad without having to say what about weinstein what about xyz it's bad it needs to be addressed if you care about the rights of women and human rights you should be taking out a magnifying glass and looking at china right now now i'm not one to just idly talk about something without having some kind of a solution and so uh myself and sea milk have had these commissioned this is uh if you can see that this is a a proper artwork by a proper artist it's an oil painting it's completely authenticated and signed by the artist himself it's on a canvas rape ape and the beach monkeys um that's normally what he looks like like a kind of um i don't even know how to explain that like a beach monkey or something i'm sorry but i have no respect for this man this yeah okay disgusting man we used to call him the bionic squirrel actually look at what he looks like over there the deep smoke he took off yeah beach monkey he is then it converted into rape eight rape and someone said this beach monkey puts the a-pin ring featuring shittler and their new album cleaning my apartment featuring the hit single toothpaste makes you minty fresh for context uh watch the original video i was a bodyguard for a chinese cereal rapist now we're actually going to be selling this by auctioning it off as an nft and a massive amount of the proceeds are going to go to two charities the first one being the coalition against trafficking in women and reign the rape abuse and incest national network this is our way of turning a tragic story like this into something that can help women in need there's not only this one though we also had a cartoon sketch made which is also going to be auctioned off as an nft links below if you win the nft you will also of course receive the original artwork completely signed and authenticated by not only the artist but myself and c-milk too thank you very much everyone and as always you know the drill stay awesome harvey weinstein is nothing compared to this guy
Channel: serpentza
Views: 566,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunmoon, shanmu, 宋山木, 山木, 山木培训, Workplace harassment, workplace sexual harassment, chinese sexuality culture, Chinese sexuality, Serpentza, winston sterzel, adv china, advchina, china how it is, laowhy86, living in china as a foreigner, china, dating in china, move to china, communist party of china
Id: X7OoTaU4Om4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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