Why is she Crying? China's Dark Side

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Very interesting I now understand the young master archetype a lot more

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Professional-Emu8577 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 02 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This ainโ€™t propaganda i lived in china for 5 years as a uni student, it is infact much much worse than he put it out to be.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Only-Jaguar-4101 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 02 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If you search "ๅ‘จๅŠผ" and "ๅŒ—ๆž้ฒถ้ฑผ" on the Chinese Internet, you will find that the huge family and the arrogant young master actually exist.Wealth and power alone can make people look like ants without cunning plots and ingenious means.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BasketInevitable ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 02 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Second Generation Young masters are very real, there was a dude who proposed to a random touristing model by trying to give her a car or some shit. When I was there we had to rebook a hotel cuz a whole one was forcefully rented out.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Osmentane ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That's not a young master/miss, that person is just rude.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Wonderful_Sun_2537 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 08 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you know seeing that kind of treatment um of a person is absolutely heartbreaking but I'm going to explain to you all why in China this is fairly common film the paper show me something I said you are not allowed dripping the paper from the wall oh no is she looking at jewelry I just bought her something and I always seem to get it wrong it's so difficult to predict if someone's gonna like something especially when it comes to style clothing jewelry that kind of thing well once again it didn't work out but at least I had extra as a backup [Music] [Applause] extra wallets make the best gifts and no joke if you're wondering what you can get for Father's Day for Mother's Day for a birthday for uh Christmas or anything anything how about just uh it's Tuesday let's get a gift for someone you love X does the wallet for you it's Sleek it's high tech it's fantastic it's durable I've had mine for years and it's survived all of my Shenanigans working on cars and motorcycle riding and all that other kind of nonsense still looks fantastic I also like the fact that it accommodates an air tag so I don't need to worry about leaving it behind as my phone alerts me if I've left it in my car for instance or in my office fantastic stuff and you can get a huge discount if you go over to shop.exter.com forward slash serpents at a right now there's a great deal going so you can pick something up for your significant other and they have styles for all tastes classy rugged stylish again go to shop.exer.com use the code serpents at a at checkout and you'll get a massive discount and now back to the show so I'm going to start this out with a little anecdote here I was dating a girl real little cutie um really nice really nice girl I really liked her and I wanted to take her out and I wanted to impress her so I wanted to take her out to a nice restaurant so I took her to my favorite restaurant in Shenzhen in fact it was my favorite restaurant in China and it was a Japanese restaurant and I knew the stuff incredibly well because when I first came to China I'd stumbled across this restaurant and all of the staff although Chinese could speak Japanese fluently there were a lot of Japanese businessmen in the area and my Japanese at the time was fairly good huh I mean that's maybe bigging it up a bit I'd say it was adequate and I couldn't speak a lick of Chinese and nobody could speak a lick of English in the city so these girls who worked there helped me out tremendously in the beginning because I'd go there and in my sort of amateur um broken Japanese I would ask them questions they would help me out and point me in the right direction and you know without them I really don't know what would have happened so I had a great relationship with the staff there I absolutely loved it the food was top-notch and anytime I wanted to impress somebody or if there was a big event like my birthday I would always go to this restaurant and so um people coming out of town I would take them there my parents came to visit I took them there this was like everyone's got that place right so I really wanted to impress this girl and I took her to this restaurant now of course it was fairly expensive I mean in comparison to the the average restaurant that you would go to in the city this was much more expensive um and so of course she she knew that that we're going to this place and she knew that it was expensive and we sat down and I ordered food for us and a couple of drinks and then suddenly out of left field she started to become incredibly rude to the staff they hadn't even done anything wrong you know I placed the order and then in Chinese she told them you better not make any mistakes without order and hurry up with the drinks and that kind of thing and she just treated the weight stuff like absolute trash um and it was incredibly disappointing to me because like I said these were my friends she obviously didn't know that but um she treated them so badly that that was the end of it you know the relationship didn't go any further than that night uh which is a Pity she was really cute and I really liked her but I just couldn't believe how badly she was treating the weight stuff you see what she was trying to do was she was trying to impress me okay when people have money in China it's all about face it's all about impressing other people I've got money I can boss people around so she was thinking okay he's spending money on the dinner that means that you know we're in a position of power we have the money so I'm going to throw my power around and my influence around and uh you know show everyone who's boss and she thought that this would impress me of course which it did not impress me whatsoever at the end of the day I can't blame her something that she learned from society and probably her parents and her bosses and whatever else she had a very entry-level job she used to uh be a sales for one of these Electronics chip uh sourcing supplier type things in in Shenzhen there in huajan Bay and so you know she'd be just selling chips and stuff online into to people so that's what she did very basic income and had moved to Shenzhen from a more rural area and that plays into this whole thing you see the wealth Gap in China is astounding you want to talk wealth gaps holy crap I mean you've got people that are scraping by like a dollar a day people that have got almost nothing and it's not a small amount of people that's like half the population of China are scraping by on very little in the rural Countryside then suddenly in the cities you have people riding around in Ferraris and Bentleys and you know who knows what else people with lots of money middle income incredibly rich in fact the gap between the Middle income and the rich people like incredibly rich is also just astronomical it's something that you would not understand unless you've lived in China and traveled around uh the rural side and actually seen the big cities like Shanghai Shenzhen you know and then you go into the rural Countryside you're like what is this they may as well be two completely different countries in all honesty now take this wealth Gap and the idea that you know once you have money suddenly you have influence and especially if you've got some kind of government connection wow then you're just really like top of the pops right but take that and couple it to the fact that there's no religion in China and I mean I'm not saying that no like oh it's just not religious no oh literally if you are a CCP member if you're connected to the government in any way shape or form you have to sign basically a legal letter that says I do not practice any religion I am atheist you must be atheist to be a Communist Party member you have to be by law otherwise you cannot be a Communist Party member right any religion that was in China is completely wiped out and that which remains is heavily controlled and censored by the Chinese Communist party so the result of this Unholy marriage between the lack of religion and the fact that money equals power is this kind of deification of money in other words money has been made into God in China and those with money have become Saints those of many have become the top those with money are the Kings they are the leaders they are the ones who can control the masses right it's a crazy situation and you cannot even begin to compare it to a capitalist Society of course we all know rich people get away with a lot of [ย __ย ] I mean we all know that a handful of rich people in a room control the world right whatever I mean you believe what you want to believe but when you're talking about down to earth actual normal people like you and me the kind of people that just actually participate in society and go out there and do normal people things like have a job and go to restaurants and do things in China those who have money treat those who don't like [ย __ย ] it's awful bullying of service people and bullying of the poor has led to all sorts of things and has permeated Chinese Society massively I mean you may have seen the ridiculous news coming out of China in the past like people throwing boiling water over air hostesses or preventing trains from leaving because they're waiting for somebody or bullying of a traffic police or bullying of Staff anywhere I mean there are plenty of examples that can be used to point out this whole attitude and this is honestly one of my biggest pet peeves is that the Arrogant very disagreeable horrible rude people are the ones who rise to the top and those that are well-mannered and humble are pushed to the bottom and this has led to this absolutely horrible situation where China's got this reputation right these days I'm sure you've heard of it but China has a reputation for incredibly rude tourists right the type that go overseas and tremble on the flowers and scroll their names on the Egyptian temples and uh you know cut in lines and and do terrible things and that's because quite honestly all you're seeing is the worst of China you um what gives you the right to pull down something that belongs to someone else yeah that's what I'm asking you who gives you the right you have no right oh so who gives them the ram no who's the university who said I'm not a lot I'm I don't have that looks awesome no you don't from the wall I I just want to show that I'm not to show my freedom yeah I understand that and I will blur out your face right but can you tell me a bit about why you think it's right to rip these down I don't think I'm right but you do what if it was the other way around if it was the service industry people if it was the the people from the rural Countryside who are the ones that had the money to travel I think the entire world would have a completely different opinion of China because those are the best people they're so hospitable and lovely those are the people that made me fall in love with China as I traveled throughout China it was the humble hospitable wonderful people who were very happy to engage in conversation and very happy to show their kindness to a stranger that really impressed me these guys that throw money around and try to take you to a fancy restaurant to pretend they're all important and treat everyone else like [ย __ย ] I actually detest them I can't stand them they're the worst people I met in China I don't care how much money you have how many fancy cars you drive or you know whatever your level is in society or in the government or whatever if you treat people like [ย __ย ] like that guy in the Mercedes-Benz throwing the money on the floor you're not a decent person to me and don't even get me started on government people because they're even a level above the government people treat the middle class people and even rich people like scum and treat them as if they're sub-human and in turn of course those people are treating the the have-nots in a in a terrible way it's it's not a good system it's not something that most westerners can understand because I don't know about you but when I go to a restaurant and I sit down in a waiter or a waitress comes to serve me at my table I don't see them as a lesser human being I see them as someone with a job just like me you know some people might think that uh you know being a waiter or a waitress is an entry-level job and perhaps you know it's something that you start out with and then you move on to another career or whatever but it doesn't matter it's a job and waiters and waitresses actually make pretty good money with tips and so on and so forth um not to be laughed at actually I was quite shocked when I found out when I was younger anyway that a friend of mine who is a waitress who's earning double my salary and I was a network administrator and I thought I was all fancy pants and here she is doing waitress work and driving a much nicer car and living a much better life than I was so anyway the fact of the matter is there's still this understanding that we're equal as human beings but in China it's not like that if you're in the service industry you are treated as a lesser person a person to be trampled on and you get to see this so much and unfortunately and as this is not a very uh proud point of mine is you start to go along with it you know I started to treat waiters and waitresses poorly too when I was in China I mean of course not not I was never terrible to them but you know the whole thing of you call them over loudly you know and xiaojin you know treat them as if they're just there for your every uh beck and call wait well yeah people are sick here who can help them uh these people just tell them just let me see [Music] you know actually that kind of had a knock-on effect like everything in China kind of wears down on your polite sensibilities you know like holding a door open spend a couple weeks in China and you get that knocked out of you because you hold the door open say at a mall entrance or something and a whole city will walk in before anyone decides to like take over from you and let you go and no one says thank you not a not a one so you kind of get worn out doing these nice things and you stop holding the door open for people in traffic you stop letting people in because you know you let one person in and the whole city wants to drive in there and nobody lets you in so uh it has a bad a bad effect on you you know there's a lot about Chinese society which needs a lot of improvement and unfortunately is still very far behind um and of course the treatment of the have-nots and those in the service industry is one of them and this is why we can explain away this horrible video where the guy just throws the money on the ground and expects her to pick it up as if she's some kind of a beggar um some kind of a peasant and that is because that mentality this whole sort of for lack of a better word the emperor and peasant mentality is still very alive in China I really hope this video has helped explain to you why a video like that exists unlike those Rich bastards who Bust Around and kick around the poor in China um stay awesome
Channel: serpentza
Views: 635,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wealth Gap, Corruption, poverty, Winston Sterzel
Id: muxKB6LT5ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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