Two Times I Escaped Being MURDERED in Africa

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but what they had done is secretly a bunch of the staff members had planned together and what they planned was they planned to kill the family they put a they decided this is what they're going to do they're going to kill my dad and my mom and everybody and then they would take over the business so i think the best thing for us to do here everyone is to simply jump right into it i'm going to play in the background just some footage that a friend of mine took in cape town now cape town is where i was born and i grew up in cape town when i was 10 years old we moved to johannesburg it was a massive shift for me and of course the two places are diametrically opposed very different cape town as you can see is a very beautiful place stunningly beautiful full of vineyards and the sea and uh it's it's a gorgeous place it is also the only place in south africa that i would ever suggest anyone visit if you are planning on going to south africa and the reason being it is probably still the safest place in south africa and the reason for that is the political party that has the majority rule in cape town is the democratic alliance they are the opposition party to the african national congress the anc that you all know the anc of course is the one that was uh led by nelson mandela and unfortunately the anc is a communist party its roots are in communism and it's well very thinly veiled but it is communist and all of the members are communists and they just want to destroy the country and turn it into a communist hell hole like every other communist hell hole in the past so up in johannesburg and durban and so on you are unfortunately under the anc majority rule and so you see you can see the differences anyway that aside uh yeah you can see the beautiful uh scenery here some of the the along the wine route and so on i just want to thank my friend nathan for taking this footage he took it in about 2017 or 2018 he was going to visit family and i asked him to take a bunch of uh b-roll for me of south africa so i could use it so all the footage you're going to see in the background is going to be of cape town which i i must once again reiterate is still the best part of south africa they call it the last deck of the titanic um because you know as the the countries kind of regressed and and uh you know the trouble started uh you know cape town has always kind of been a fairly reasonable place to go and stay so uh i grew up in cape town and we moved up to johannesburg completely different place johannesburg was always like the financial capital of south africa south africa has three different capitals it's very confusing you've got cape town is i don't know some kind of capital uh pretoria and johannesburg one is like a financial capital one is a legislative capital something like that it's it's a bit of a weird mess uh and when we moved up to johannesburg it was of course a big shock to me everything changed my lifestyle changed and we moved to a small holding which is it's kind of like a plot okay so piece of land uh which was a couple of acres big and um it was outside of the city far away from uh any kind of shopping malls or any kind of built-up areas when we first moved there it has changed over the years and so we lived uh at least i lived a kind of a fairly isolated lifestyle and by isolated i mean i would be either at home or i'd be at school and nothing really in between i didn't go out much because everything was far away and it was too much of a hassle for my parents to drive me into say a shopping mall and come pick me up and so on after work and so on so i pretty much became very introverted during that time i really uh sunk myself into my um obsession with computers and technology and i do have a very solid i.t background and i do have a lot of i.t qualifications and things like that um but that's some something that i uh i did was i i used to explore around the bush and uh later on i did get a motorbike and uh start to ride around the bush on a motorcycle you know and uh i that's how i used to get out and and so on but i would like to tell you about that one day because this changed everything growing up in south africa during the transition period from the the previous apartheid days to i'd say integration and changing everything over you know was a very interesting time the high school that i went to was the first um integrated um high school ever in south africa it was called wood mead high and it had you know even before apartheid ended and stuff they had you know sort of didn't matter what race you were you could go there type thing it was a very nice place the high school and uh i remember in primary school quite clearly when things changed when i was very young and i think it must have been like what was i so around about 12 or so when things changed and uh you know black children came to the school and joined and it was all very natural it wasn't a shock it wasn't weird or anything to us that's just how it was i think it's yeah i can't even remember my age but i was very young when that happened of course um the anc won the elections in 1994 and things really changed after that and what happened now what i'm going to tell you in the story happened after the fall of apartheid and after nelson mandela was in power so what happened was it was a monday morning just gonna get straight into the story you know if you want to know any more background you can ask me questions later it was a monday morning and i was feeling very sick and i know a lot of kids when they don't want to go to school on a monday they'll try to make up excuses for not going but i was legitimately sick and i didn't want to go to school but for whatever reason my um mom forced me to go to school so i was like okay fine i was at school everything was you know fine but then something strange happened instead of my mother coming to pick me up after school she used to come pick me up my uncle came and fetched me from school after school now i don't want to talk a lot about my uncle because he's a very secretive person and he's not somebody who likes to be talked about but i can tell you that my uncle um is pretty decorated in the military and he has a background in the special forces and i'm not making this crap up it's the truth and um he's you know like i said he's very cagey about these kind of things so that's pretty much all i'm going to mention about him really because i i don't want to um you know upset him or anything so so my uncle came and fetched me from school and um i thought this is very strange considering i hadn't seen him for a very long time and he just told me that some thing had happened um at the house and on the way back he pretty much told me what had been going on and if you've watched the previous interviews of my mother and my father you'll know what happened from their point of view but a quick recap for those of you who may have missed those my well my father runs rand still runs a construction company what he does it's more like a landscaping construction company but what he does is he specializes in building water features dams koi ponds that kind of thing so you know if you need a big dam on your property or you want a trout stream or a koi pond or whatever he comes in and he can do the landscaping and anything related to that okay and when i was young you know when i was uh i think starting at the age of 13 or 14 he would uh you know during my holidays or when i wasn't at school on the weekends and stuff he would hire me to go on site and just kind of help you know that was his way of uh i suppose giving me some experience and allowing me to earn some money so he would like like put me on site and i'd work along with the laborers and you know the typical day would be we'd get on site in the morning um and we'd start working digging holes and you know mixing cement and doing all that kind of thing and i i enjoyed the physical labor i actually enjoyed the work it was it was something that feels quite rewarding you know so we'd work during the day and then afterwards of course i mean we'd all sit and have lunch together i've got a lot of very interesting stories i'll just tell you one of them quickly there's this um this food that uh a lot of the the black guys like a lot it's called um what's it called it's like pilchards i think pilchards or anchovies it's anchovies in a tin i can't remember the name of it for the life of me now so something like star anchovies or something but whatever and it comes in this tin and the tin has like a pink label around it you get a very spicy version of it and i remember we were all sitting around for lunch and one of them had bought this tin and we wanted to cook it everyone wanted to eat it but we didn't have a a can opener so it's in this can you know it's in a tin tin can so one of them decides okay this is what we're going to do we're going to put it on the ground and we're going to try and open it with a pickaxe okay but very gently so everyone's kind of including myself we're all crouching over this tin of the spicy pilchards and the skies tapping away with the end of a pickaxe to try and make a hole in it you know and then at least you can try to open it up he's tapping away tapping away tapping away and finally it gives way but it created a massive splash and it splashed this like chilly pilchard or anchovy whatever liquid into everybody's eyes you know as we were because we were looking at this right whenever everyone was like had chili in their eyes and rolling around in pain it was uh it was an interesting situation a lot of these fun little uh adventures when i was on site uh working with the with the men because you know these these guys were all uh much older than me but uh we all got along very well but there was there was one guy who was a little dodgy i mean there were quite a few guys that were dodgy to be honest and some of the stories are just hilarious like there was a guy called solly and he came to work one day and he was limping and his foot was in a bandage and i asked him what had happened to him and the other guys told me that he got so drunk that he slept with his foot in the campfire and it like burned half his foot off or whatever you know that kind of thing it's just a really interesting interesting bunch of guys but one guy was a little bit dodgy and his name was shadrach and the reason i say is a bit dodgy is i remember and um i was this happened i was 14 years old at the time i was working with a guy and i remember at the end of the day everybody would kind of wash themselves off and usually use a garden hose or you know at the dams of the lakes that we're walking on you just go do a kind of a splash to do what you used to call a portuguese shower you know just take a little bit of water rub it under your arms and you know your face that kind of thing so um this guy was he took off his shirt one day to like wipe down and he had a lot of knife wounds you know like healed knife wounds and he had some prison tattoos and stuff and the prison tattoos you get in south africa a lot of the guys had these tattoos actually um usually they like have a they like to tattoo like an ak-47 or they tattoo a knife or the tattoo something but it's very badly done it's like someone i don't know how they get it done in the the prisons there i guess they someone takes a some lead out of a pencil or something and they do you know they kind of hand draw it but it's drawn very badly like a kindergartener type thing they had a lot of these and i remembered i'm pretty sure i told my old man about it that this guy looked a bit dodgy but whatever the case um what had happened was it was this guy shadrach and a friend of his from one of the townships had planned to do a home invasion at my house and they did they came in and if you heard the story they roughed my mother up in the secretary they put them in the trunk of a car tried to drive away with them but the car wouldn't start sexually molested my mother tried to rape her but you know everything just worked out that that didn't happen and they tried to shoot my mother and because they didn't know how a revolver works it was just all luck because the live round he put the live round behind a hammer and when you [ __ ] a revolver it shifts the cylinder over and there happened to be two um spent rounds and so when he pulled the trigger it hit one of the spent rounds and so it didn't go off so he almost killed my mother and him and his partner were waiting to kill my father when he walked in the door but just luck would have it that my dad had forgotten to check the fish or something and walked around the corner and uh he wasn't shot and finally the um when my dad caught up to one of the guys when he found out what was happening he didn't have a gun on him at the time uh my dog napoleon attacked the guy and saved my dad's life what happened after that i might tell all of you a little bit but let's just say that uh they caught one of the guys the other guy did never was caught turns out he was probably a police informant and he never saw justice one of them got 15 years shadrach he got 15 years in jail at the end of all of this but surprisingly now the whole title of this video that i was almost murdered is 100 if i had stayed in the house that morning and this home invasion had gone down i would have tried to do something um and in trying to do something i definitely would have been murdered by these guys you know there are a couple of things that i'd done uh prior to that as well you know it doesn't matter how young i was but i i remember one night specifically my dad went fishing down at the river and um he you know would go sit there as my dad was a very avid fisherman we had a river on the property he'd go down to the more roo like what can you say the the rougher more natural part of the river down where it's there's a whole bunch of trees and bamboo and whatnot and to get down there you know you kind of have to walk through a bush path and he goes sit there and and i guess fish and drink whiskey or whatever he is doing down there and i heard gunshots uh coming from that part of the um property and so i grabbed my pellet gun i had one of those break barrel pellet guns and um so i grabbed my pellet gun and i went uh kind of crawling through the bush trying to see what was going on there and um i remember i was going through the the bush down there near and i just heard from in the bushes my dad said hey and he was there he was hiding in the bush because he was hiding from whoever was shooting at him and at the end of the the day we figured out that what had happened was one of the neighbors was either doing some target practice or something and was just shooting over the river but happened to be shooting in the direction of where my dad was and over his head so i mean i'm just using that as an example of when i was at that age and still now uh if you've heard about my stories in china and stuff i don't stand by when someone's in trouble and because my mother was in trouble and being roughed up and the secretary as well i 100 would have done anything i could to attack those guys and they were armed and i was a little boy and i would have been murdered so i barely escaped that there been a couple of times in my life where i have narrowly escaped death in south africa a lot of the times my fault you know because when you're young and and stupid and uh full of vigor you know you get yourself into certain situations that you shouldn't and i'm sure i can find some time to tell you more of those stories in the future but anyway i got home and it was pretty devastating to see the state that my mother was in and there was a whole big buzz because you know we had a whole bunch of people over the property police and all that busy trying to figure things out and things were never the same again from that point on when it comes to the way we lived really and remember this this was when apartheid just uh finished like it to be honest it had been over for a number of years before 1994 you know the build-up to 1994 would have been phased out but 1994 was the official now the anc rules the country type thing but everybody had embraced it with the idea that um we were going to work together for a bright future of south africa and that unfortunately let a lot of people lower their guard and a lot of bad things happened and um after people started to realize that uh things were not going to actually be that positive and great it changed the way people lived and you started to see people [Music] constructing like a prison around their house barbed wire electric fences you know security infrared beams in case anyone walks you know everybody's armed to the teeth it was a a different kind of a time and um a lot of there's a lot of bad things that happened during those times and a lot of bad things that happened today in fact south africa is far in a far worse place now under the leadership of the anc than it ever was in the past and a lot of people confuse that they confuse that with the idea that by saying something like that that i support apartheid or the apartheid government and i don't i don't support apartheid and i don't support the apartheid government in any way shape or form but i also don't support the anc who are a bunch of corrupt communists who've destroyed the country they had the opportunity to take what was there and build south africa into something beautiful and what they did was they took what was there and destroyed it stole all the money out of the reserve bank and the coffers and everything like that set up all this corruption tenderpreneurship all this kind of nonsense stole everything and put nothing back and what we see now is the rape capital of the world the aids infection capital of the world and the as far as i'm concerned the crime capital of the world we see um ethnic minorities being persecuted and um it's just not a good place anymore so like i said things changed um i started to carry a gun from the age of 16. okay i got a picture here i can show you of when i was about 20 i guess well let me try and see let me find the pictures i'll show you here i gotta just see there we go sorry not that one that's me when i was about 19 or 18 i guess i've still got that same jacket that's the one i wore for conquering southern china and all that by the way that's me when i was two years old in cape town with a snake um i'll tell you a little bit more about that later there i am 20 21 you can see there i am with my uh nine mil that i carried with me always drinking a beer because that's the most responsible thing you can do when you're armed is drink just kidding um there i am again you can see i'm wait right there sorry there you can see i'm carrying my gun i never i never for the entire time i lived in south africa i was never without a gun from the age of 16. i carried it with me 24 7 i slept with i slept with it next to me you know or under my pillow or whatever and i always was armed uh there i am again you can see there carrying my gun um there's the dog napoleon that saved my dad's life uh fantastic dog i uh got him when i was 12 years old i remember my dad bought him for me and um there was a special breeder that may that bred these dogs a cross between a neapolitan bull mastiff and a great dane and so um [Music] i called him napoleon which because he's a neapolitan bull mastiff great dane absolutely stunning dog and um this was kind of near the end of his life here because from the time i was 12 until about 23 or 24 that's when he died when i was about 23-24 but he was a fantastic dog we had a lot of adventures together and um you know he did save my dad's life and it was just a stunning animal okay so let's get back to okay here sorry let's get this background moving forward a bit we've seen all this junk okay somewhere here these by the way what you see in the background are kind of the some of the more informal settlements in cape town you get them dotted all over the country and um that's where you know the majority of the poorer people live uh because it's very cheap to live there etc but they also tend to be a kind of a hub of crime places like deep [ __ ] for instance you know things have changed somewhat but yes i digress from that point on in my life things changed i had to be um more aware of what was going on i had to be more vigilant i had to make sure that my family and my mother were always safe and that my friends were always safe and that you know you had you just couldn't take security for granted you couldn't just pull up to your gate and stop your car and open that no you had to open the electric gate from up the road to make sure that you could quickly drive in and then close the gate we had to hire armed guards we had all sorts of very interesting situations and i will tell you one one or two more before i get to the q a and in fact i'm going to tell you a rather interesting one you see um after i left high school i still continued to work for my parents um on and off i actually um i must have been again 19 or so i was working for my parents and i eventually went into a full-time i.t career because i had been doing that sort of on and off i'd been freelancing and uh working for internet companies and so on but there was a lull where i stopped working at about the age of 18 or so 18 and a half 19 and i worked for my parents for about a year i think it is and then i got back into the i.t stuff full-time so i was working for my parents and um there there were some new labor laws that just came came out in in south africa now the the new labor laws meant that there would be more protection for the staff meant they would get more time off and a whole bunch of other stuff but there was something negative about it i think that they would work less hours or something i can't remember now so long ago but the labor lawyer came to bring all the documents and so on they did like a big conference with the staff to tell them exactly what was going to happen and so on and then i think it's a week or so later um all the the guys were ready to to go and what would happen is i would meet them outside we'd hop in one of the work trucks and i'd drive everybody out to the site and then we'd uh get to work and do what we had to do but in the morning my parents gave me uh like a bunch of the contracts and said um can you just go outside and ask ask the guys to sign the contract you know before you guys go to work go on site so fair enough grabbed the contracts and walked outside and called one of the guys that i knew well over first and uh explained to him you know you guys need to sign so he took the thing and he kind of went and walked into the the crowd of all the guys there must have been about i don't know 15 20 of them there and i guess they were very unhappy with the idea of signing the contract and all of a sudden they turned and uh i don't know how to explain this to you but in in africa there's this kind of tribal mentality this mob mentality that can kick in and it's it's horrendous when it happens and you can look it up online what happens when this when this mob mentality like people get whipped into a fervor and this is usually where they stone people to death set them on fire things like that in the townships when someone's accused of doing a crime or someone's accused of being a witch or you know something along those lines it it in an instant everybody turns this mob turns into this murderous mob that can do the most atrocious things and it happened obviously something about the contract triggered them and things were just getting out of hand they all sort of turned on me and they all came in this big mob and they were angry and they're ready to do something and i didn't know what was going on so i screamed at them and shouted at them and backed off and took my gun and was ready to do something screaming at them and because i did that some of the other staff members that were in the office nearby they heard me they came out and because a bunch of them came out and everybody was armed it calmed down but this is just the beginning of what happened because this got crazy and this is another murder that i missed by the way because of this new and it all it's all related uh that calmed down by the way and then um they did eventually uh i think they eventually postponed signing it or whatever and they decided to bring in the lawyer i can't remember exactly but what happened from that point on was things kind of went back to normal for a little while and i thought everything's cool but what they had done is secretly a bunch of the staff members had planned together and what they planned was they planned to kill the family they'd put a they decided this is what they're gonna do they're gonna kill my dad and my mom and everybody and then they would take over the business and run the business this was what they had planned you see so the reason we found out about this is kind of interesting a bunch of the staff members pulled money together and they paid some hit men in the local township they'd paid half like the upfront and then they paid the the rest when the family was dead and the reason my father found out about this was one morning one of the staff members just kind of came under attack by the others because you know all the staff members would gather in the morning and they'd kind of get ready and then we got do do work on site and one of these guys i can't remember his name now but he somehow had uh pissed off the other guys and that mob mentality thing kicked in and they were trying to kill him with shovels and stuff they were trying to basically kill him and my dad stepped in and saved him from the mob and said look okay you don't need to go on site today you're not going anywhere with these guys you can stay on the property and you can work you know work here and do a couple of things around the property and because my dad had saved him he confided in my dad and said hey listen they're planning this thing to kill the family so this was an interesting uh situation because we had to find out what the deal was and there there's this very interesting you can look them up online this is interesting it's like a security company it's called mapujo amatamaga is what it's called and they use like a a tiger for their um logo and it's kind of like a mafia vigilante uh i i don't really know a security company and they operate out of the townships and what you do is you hire them because that's one thing about these townships that you get especially near where we we were living uh deep [ __ ] and there was one next to dane from there and i don't know i've been into them and you drive past them sometimes but you don't they're not formal so it doesn't have you don't have addresses right so you can't say i live in number one like shack number three in deep [ __ ] or something like that it's just a big hodgepodge of you know people build their own little shelters and shacks and they live there many people don't have id you know we have an id book used to have an id book in south africa most people don't have legitimate ids a lot of illegal immigrants a lot of people that you don't know who they are or where they're from so that's why the crime is so difficult to fight because what will happen is a criminal will go to his crime and return to his shack but nobody will be able to identify him because he's not a real person he doesn't have a real address he doesn't have an id book or anything like that so it's very difficult to find criminals inside of the townships but mapoh which is kind of like this mafia organization they know exactly how to find people inside the townships because that's what they do they're like a mafia and they control the townships and they really rule them in a terrible way they're awful people but you can pay them and they'll go find someone and they'll take care of them and by take care of them i mean take care of them you know either get rid of them or bring them to you or whatever you just pay them they're a ruthless bunch and you can look them up online and you'll find out and you can try to see there are a couple of documentaries talking about them but in real life i've seen them operate so what happened was my parents hired mapoho as our new security company you see private security in south africa is one of the most highest paid industries in south africa because the police are useless and the whole country is pretty much descended into a kind of a chaos where you cannot rely on any kind of government help the post office is useless you know you don't get your posts to get stolen things like that the police are useless if you call them they may not turn up ever if they do turn up it's always too late and when they turn up they don't really uh help i've got stories about that too so they hired mapoh as our security company you know you get the big names like adt and all this and they put those little badges and they've got armed response and they've got medical response and all that because that's necessary in south africa there's a lot of murder and rape and things like that so when there's a home invasion if you press your panic button by the time they get there they have to be able to try to resuscitate you if you've been shot or stabbed or whatever it is and they need to provide medical assistance to rape victims and whatever else but now mapoh are also a security company and they put up those signs with the tigers and i tell you what that's a big deterrent because the criminals in the township know that if they mess with mapojo they can get into some serious trouble these other adt and whatever it's whatever they'll never catch them so they hired mapoh to be the um security company for the property okay and for the business and then they got my pujo to round up all the guys to try and find out what was going on with this this plot because you know the plot had been exposed but of course none of the staff were talking you couldn't say like hey what's going on and i was there and it's the most bizarre thing that i've seen in a very long time so mapojo turned up in a mini box minibus taxi type thing right so they pull up there it's got their logo on it and um out get it comes this like very strong massive muscular man and a bunch of others and this big fat mama okay this huge fat mama comes out of there too and what they did was they spoke to the staff for about a minute and within a minute they all confessed and pointed out who the ringleaders were who had kind of um decided to put the hit on my family and they lined i remember this very clearly they lined them up against a work truck that we had there lined them all up and they said now we're going to give you water medicine and i didn't understand what water medicine was of course i found out what water medicine is but they um took uh i at first i i didn't really know what was going to happen here because you got these really big strong guys like i said this big fat mama what they did was they took a bucket of water filled up with water and they took a shambok now schambach is this big leather whip that you get in south africa it's it it's kind of leather or made out of a kind of a rubber or something it's huge it's as tall as a man okay and you whack things with it and it's probably the most painful thing that you can get hit with at all and they got one of the guys and they stuck his head in the water and they whipped him like really hard but they didn't use the big muscle guy to whip him they got the fat mama to do it because in african tradition for a woman to hit a man is very um what can i say embarrassing it's like it's unheard of it's not something that can be done but they do it on purpose to humiliate humiliating that's the word i was looking for so this big mama comes and one of the other guys is holding the guy's head in a bucket and smacks this guy so that of course reflex breathes in the water almost you know dies from drowning type thing and that was to get him to confess and he confessed um i was watching this it's bizarre the next thing one of the guys they they line the other guys up and they're just going to punish them now so they sw whip the crap out of these guys and these guys are really just like if you get hit with a shambok i don't care how hard you are you are uh you're gonna feel this so they whip these guys kind of one by one until they're like basically rolling around on the ground and then they say okay you can go back you know get back in line type thing but one guy who's he was uh trying to be a tough guy i remember him very clearly i can't remember his name but they whacked him whack and you just you could see he really you know they're hitting them on the arse or whatever you know you could see that he was feeling pain but he pretended he didn't so he just stood there kind of smiling as if nothing was uh okay and this fat mama was smacking him with a schambach and so about three three or four hits and nothing so she called over that big muscular guy and he took the schambach and he hit the guy so hard that he jumped over the work truck from the force and the pain of this thing i'll never forget seeing this okay anyway um at the end of the day it was resolved and believe it or not the staff members that had plotted to kill us and it all put in money and stuff still continue to work for my old man and work for the company uh most of them some of them just disappeared i don't know what happened to them they disappeared maybe mapojo took them out i don't really know but uh one thing that was very interesting that we found out was although they'd been a hit on the family they wanted to kill my mother my father and my sister but they didn't want me killed and i think the reason is because i was working with them all the time we were friends you know and um they probably thought that they just wouldn't kill me because they liked me or something like that so that's the second time i narrowly escaped murder in fact my entire family narrowly escaped murder um and uh i have many more stories along these lines but i thought i'd just share that one with you here because it's probably something you won't experience yourself i need your help okay i've been working on a plan to try and get my parents out of south africa okay it's very difficult especially at their age um to get them out they're in their early 60s and getting out of uh mid 60s i should say something like that to get out of south africa is a tough thing to do i've been working on a plan which might work might not work we never know to try and get them out but it's difficult for people to start a new life what i did was a couple of years ago when my parents visited me in america's i filmed a bunch of my dad's stories and i put him up on a youtube channel and these are the stories that i grew up with instead of having bedtime stories you know my dad didn't read me from a bedtime story from a book he used to come and sit down in my room my sister as well and he would tell us some of his adventures growing up in africa because you know my dad's a bit of a wild man he used to hang out in the bush and go and catch snakes and uh you know have encounters with crocodiles and lions and all this other sort of thing and he'd go go off on these bush adventures that was his thing as he'd go camping in the middle of the bush and go to catch snakes and things so he's had a lot of interesting adventures so i thought why not film some of these and you know other people could hear these too because they're fantastic some of the stories i lived through myself and they are really great adventure stories of africa so i put them up there's a website there's a link in the description his channel is called surviving africa and i'm hoping to build it to a point where it can start to earn a little bit of money and help them uh with potentially getting out of south africa in the future i know that's a bit of a pipe dream but it's something it's that that could help so it's recently because of a lot of my uh followers i recently kind of advertised it and it's almost a ten thousand subscribers if you could do me a favor and head on over and uh just subscribe to it it would help immensely i would really appreciate it and there are a lot of interesting stories i think you'll enjoy them and there'll be more stories coming in the future so don't worry there'll be kind of probably weekly or bi-weekly uh stories coming on there and they are fun um and you can probably get a bit of an idea where i come from some of the adventures and things like that so if you don't mind going and subscribing to that i would absolutely appreciate it very very much thank you
Channel: serpentza
Views: 320,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime, SerpentZA, Winston Sterzel, adv china, advchina, advpodcasts, South Africa, Crime in South Africa, Home invasion, kidnapping, true crime, real crime, crime documentary, kindapping, true crime documentary, crime and investigation, crime victim
Id: 4rrjm2KpGSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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