The 15 Worst Serial Killers In Modern History | Greatest Crimes Of All Time | Absolute Crime

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at First Sight they are respectable citizens but in reality people with dark impulses and Savage killers they live apparently normal lives in the US the Milwaukee monster puts his victims in the freezer and submerges them in acid the manager says hey what stinks in your apartment he said well my fish die in Russia investigators find 70 bodies in a river and don't know who is behind it if you don't have the identities of the victims there's no place to start in Germany a daughter discovers after her father's death he was a serial killer you almost have to narrow your focuses and try not to torch yourself over the things that you'll probably never get answers to how are Psychopathic serial killers hunted down investigators are put to the ultimate test for these are among the most ruthless criminals in the [Music] [Applause] world [Music] Russia bitfi park on the south side of Moscow 22 Square km in area intended as a place for people to relax they come here to play chess to picnic or simply to enjoy a walk but a killer is on the Loose bki Park is his place to commit crimes and his Refuge earlier he had always played chess there with his grandfather it was a source of positive energy and where he started to kill people it became a place where he was the master a frightening development between 2005 and 2007 people regularly find dead bodies in bitfi park around 40 all male almost all homeless alcoholics socially deprived the police aren't doing the best of their job at least in the beginning phases before they realize it's a Serial you find that the crime scenes aren't really properly done because of who the victim is these were people maybe that Society didn't consider very worthwhile in October of 2005 another murder is committed in bitfi park the police finally have to react a special homicide unit is formed at the crime scene detective Andre supreno finds hidden in the bush es a dead man Nikolai vev brutally [Music] murdered no one who saw him will ever forget how he looked like a schnitzel beaten with a hammer we imagine several possibilities someone must have been very angry a psychotic man or a woman we also discovered that the killer had been very careful he left no evidence he took everything with him that he touched at the crime scene the autopsy reveals the man was most likely hit with a hammer supron Eno searches for the weapon in the park to no avail hammers are rarely used in homicide cases it's a very up close and personal weapon in a way s tell me he wants us to be over very rather quickly so it's not about the killing it is perhaps just literally about the number the investigator's first destination a psychiatric sanatorium near the park perhaps one of its patients is the killer they're searching for we checked out the people being treated for psychiatric problems in this Hospital we looked at what kind of patients were here what diagnosises and what profiles they had we checked if they could leave the hospital property if they could disappear for a night or longer we found no evidence of that so we closed this Avenue of the investigation the investigation hits a dead end no evidence at the crime scene no motive no weapon supreno takes action and combs the entire park with 200 police officers they question all passes by in the process supreno discovers a suspicious person he seems nervous perhaps in part because police are [Music] there while searching the area we discovered a man wearing women's clothing he ran from the police which immediately made him suspicious he was in the part of the woods where the killer had last struck we even found a hammer in his bag naturally we checked him out right away but he had an alibi so we had to let him go the real killer continues to creep around the park and even feels provoked by the false arrest he says well I'm going to show you that the guy you have in custody is not your guy he was Furious he was outraged he these were his killings and he wanted the credit and as a result he redoubled his efforts he Ked killed more people and kept on killing to show the police that they were wrong in April of 2006 he strikes again inspector supreno heads to the crime scene the victim lies hidden in the bushes among the trees this time it's a woman branches are stuck in her head insertion of objects into the body May well suggest to some a sexual component it's typical that as a serial killer goes on that the crimes increase in severity so there's maybe more sadism and so you do see an escalation of severity of crimes over time as we see in this case but this time the detective makes a crucial Discovery in the pocket of the victim's pants when searching her clothes we found a Subway ticket that showed us which subway station she had used and the precise time of her arrival the subway ticket is the long awaited clue will it actually lead to the perpetrator the ticket tells investigators at which station the victim entered and exited the subway Andre supreno reviews the security camera videos from the day of the murder and gets lucky the woman appears accompanied by a man is he her [Music] killer the day after we found the body her son contacted the police and reported his mother missing at the same time we were reviewing the security camera videos and saw Mrs moscova leave the station with a man they went in the direction of bitski Park the mother had left her son a message with a number and the name of the man with whom she intended to go for a walk Pushkin but who is this man pichushkin was born on April the 9th 1974 he grows up with his mother and sister on Hon Sky Street in a typical Soviet era AP apartment Block near bitfi [Music] Park his childhood is marked by poverty his father rarely home as a small child Pushkin has a bad fall with serious consequences that he had an accident in his childhood when he fell off a swing and it's believed that that gave him some brain damage and to the front of his head and these are the part of the brain that control emotions and aggression and behavior 80 to 90% of serial killers and about the same rate of General murderers had some sort of brain trauma and so there's a huge correlation between brain traa or or brain damage to some extent and going on to later kill people in adulthood pushkin's grandfather takes care of him and teaches him to play chess his grandpa taught him chess he was good at it so pushin nearly always won each Victory helped him overcome his inner aggression as long as his grandpa was alive and regularly played chess with him his aggressive outbursts were almost neutralized but then his grandfather dies and pushkin's outbursts intensify in June of 2006 investigators discover his address they place his apartment under observation and ultimately arrest him inspector supreno interrogates him but the suspect keeps silent at first at night we got a call that Pushkin wanted to talk now and would confess to mca's murder once he admitted it we knew that we had to get him to talk more initially I acted skeptical in order to provoke him to convince me as he told us more and more details we understood his character he wanted us to recognize his achievements so we started to treat him with respect as if he were a hero we did that to keep him talking they hadn't caught them in all these years with all these killings and it's so good to boast to the police that you are better than them investigators make an incredible discovery when searching his apartment during the search we found a chess board in his apartment almost all the squares had numbers stuck on them that he had cut out of the newspaper after each murder he stuck a number on the board assigning each murder victim a square on the chessboard he wanted to kill 64 victims the number of squares on the chessboard SK but what supreno still lacks the murder weapon the hammer investigators take the accused back to the scenes of his crimes the idea is for him to show them how he killed his victims supreno also hopes that he will tell them where the weapon is at the crime scenes pichushkin comes out of his shell he shows everything [Music] precisely he gives the impression of reliving the crimes pichushkin could recall every small detail that interested him the time down to the minute the date the murder took place that was important to him what didn't interest him were the clothes the victims wore he couldn't remember that well when we interrogated him in the office he was dull and bored but when we went to the crime scene to check the details he was Lively he enjoyed it this was his real life the strategy of bringing pichushkin back to the crime scene to talk Works he even leads investigators to the murder weapons Hiding Place divers recover it from a small pond in bitki park it was important to find the murder weapon so that we could prove the killer had used it when we found the hammer in this Pond and examined it we discovered that a small piece of it was missing and one of the victims had precisely this piece lodged in his head that made us 100% certain he was the killer investigators now have the killer the confession and the murder weapon Pushkin is indicted on September the 13th 2007 for the murder of 48 people pichushkin keeps silent the first couple of days but as he notices how much attention the trial generates he begins to talk Pushkin shows No Remorse he testifies that he would have continued killing he says 20 of you are judging me but during the murders I was alone and decided myself who should live and who should die I was like God but I showed him that he was no God my job was to put him in jail and what he felt about it does not interest me a person is only an object for him on which he can demonstrate his greatness and power I'm sure he was thinking I'm very intelligent although everyone completely underestimates me the trial lasts 6 weeks on October the 29th 2007 the court sentences pichushkin to life in prison he's still serving time people in Moscow can breathe easy again but other killers are even more ruthless their crime scenes a horrific sight I don't think you you can ever prepare yourself for that type of um scene that you're coming across their crimes shock investigators gruesome puzzles for them to [Music] solve as in this case the killer has sex with dead bodies Jeffrey dmer the Milwaukee monster puts bits of dead bodies in his freezer Jeffrey dmer is one of the most prolific and most renowned serial killers in the world the worst case in the career of detective Dennis Murphy it's our job to remain cool your duties are to convict the guy and make sure he's found guilty Dharma kills at least 19 people in a way never before seen Milwaukee on the night of July the 22nd 1991 a man discovers an acid drum with body parts in the apartment of his friend Jeffrey Dharma [Music] what officers find in the apartment is sheer horror a freezer full of body parts detective Dennis Murphy doesn't yet suspect that they're arresting one of the most ruthless killers in American history at 3:00 I get a call from Lieutenant vaugh he says you got to get in here we got a guy that's got 10 or 11 skulls in his apartment and of course I said yeah you're you're pulling my leg but I had other words for that but I I didn't believe him and he said I'll get back and I hung up then he called me back he I'm serious get in here so then I went in to work right away while his colleagues collect evidence back at the station Murphy proceeds with hardened concentration he must get Dharma to confess I spoke with him for 17 hours the first day over 17 hours and then the next day I believe it was 16 and by that time we had the full confession from him before his attorney could come in and say I want to talk to him and when he did dber didn't want to talk to him he signed a release saying I don't want to talk after 3 days Dennis Murphy breaks the killer Dharma begins to confess and what he says sounds unbelievable it all begins in the Ambassador Hotel the Milwaukee Monster's first crime scene here Jeffrey Dharma kills his first victim a sexual partner Steven toomi and then he had a problem to get rid of the body so he went to the surplus store down on Wisconsin Avenue picked up a used suitcase brought it back put toay in the suitcase he was a strong individual and he could lift it with no problem so he'd handled it himself Dharma has incredible luck neither employees nor guests notice anything detective Murphy can barely believe it not much unless there was a complaint or blood was dripping out of the suitcase and someone saw it but there's no complaint in the rooms next to him if there were people in the rooms at that time so if there's no complaint there's nothing to stop them Dharma takes a taxi from in front of the hotel and rides home with a body stowed in the trunk on the side of Dharma it must have given him a great sense of satisfaction that he was able to get away with this at the time Dharma is still living in a suburb of Milwaukee with his grandmother he dismembers tomomi's body and stows it in the basement detective Murphy can hardly comprehend what he's hearing I spoke with the grandmother herself and she said she had hearing problems and she kind of had a suspicion that Jeff like boys but she wasn't sure Jeffrey Dharma is a homosexual two months after his first murder he lures two more young men to his house and kills them then he has sex with their dead bodies so drugging them or killing them first and then having sexual behaviors probably just made him feel more comfortable because he didn't really have that ability to interact with people people can reject you they can leave you Etc I don't like them moving I don't like them talking I just want them laying there well that's what you get with the dead body detective Murphy discovers that Dharma nonant throws the body parts out with the household garbage the Milwaukee monster leaves the garbage can at the curbside he showed no outward features like many serial killers they live apparently normal lives they get on with their life they are polite so for the police until they get a clue until they get a lead it's very difficult Dharma Story begins in the small city of bath Ohio population 10,000 as a young boy he tortures animals in Jeffrey dharma's case his early interest in injuring animals and to examining Road kills is clearly a pointer to where he was going to get to in his life this low empathy probably continued into adulthood and the target simply changed Dharma kills his first victim when he's just 18 years old he takes hitchhiker Steven Hicks home with him and beats him to death with the body in the trunk of his car Dharma is stopped by police but he talks his way out of it and in fact they were really close at the very beginning of his murderous career probably was a big confidence booster for him that he was able to manipulate the police and act calm under those circumstances he begins his career as a murderer in May of 1990 dharma's grandmother kicks him out of the house the Milwaukee monster moves out into the Oxford Apartments now he can kill as he pleases in the summer of 1990 four more murders Dharma begins to eat pieces of his victims you could say in sex in general there's a desire to have a piece of someone else inside of you I think you could say that there it may have been an overflow of that a manifestation of that desire to feel his lovers inside him uh by eating them more and more men die in dharma's apartment what detective Dennis Murphy still does not understand why no one on the property reports a smell of the decomposing bodies well they did smell something but when they went to D's apartment the manager says hey I said what stinks in your apartment he said well my fish died corpse is in his room for 2 or 3 days before he disposed of them and cut them up he'd put them in acid then flush it down the toilet and break the bones and throw them in the garbage when the garage men came the detective discovers the police actually could have arrested Dharma much sooner on May the 27th 1991 the police receive a call from a young man named dharma's apartment he's afraid of the Killer and begs for help the police believe it's just a fight between two gay men now one might say but how how could that have happened but at the time in Milwaukee the police had a lot of criticism for how they dealt with the gay community and as a result of this they were very hesitant to get involved in any sort of gay dispute between possibly potentially Between Two Lovers it's very frustrating I think for law enforcement to recognize especially in Jeffrey D's case that they were really really close a couple of times the police leave the young man in the apartment a fatal [Music] mistake after they departed um dhama murdered this 14-year-old boy detective Dennis Murphy finds out dhama often picks up his victims in nightclubs in his apartment he injects acid into the men's Brains somebody that wouldn't interact with him or wouldn't talk but would be alive and available for him to have sex with I mean that's that kind of magical thinking that you think that only a crazy person would think like that or somebody who was psychotic thus ends an unbelievable confession detective Murphy squeezed everything out of Dharma during the interrogation but in court the Milwaukee monsters defense attorney pleads Insanity psychologists attest to dharma's various psychological disturbances including schizophrenia the ongoing trial is in danger well it's our job to remain cool and com confident and comfortable because if you show any distress they're going to jump on you if you get everything screwed up you're going to lose your testimony we had to prove sanity and I think we did in the end the court rejects The Plea and sentences Jeffrey Dharma to life in prison this has never been a case of trying to get free I didn't ever want freedom frankly I wanted death for myself one year later Dennis Murphy visits Dharma in prison and at that time he had went from 190 lbs of muscle to 215 lbs of kind of flab he didn't have the grip he had before he told me he was he found God he was good with it and that he was going to be dead in 6 months and he wanted to die it takes longer 2 years after the verdict another prisoner beats Dharma to death in his cell to this day Dennis Murphy still has a strange feeling somewhere between satisfaction and fear that there might be more people like Dharma I'd go home and I'd tell my wife about it but I wouldn't go into all of how what he did I just said he cut up the body parts and disposed of them and my children even heard it but I said this is one in a million I don't want you to think people are all like this but there are more of [Music] them ruthless Killers who know no sympathy for their victims they kill for years unnoticed their victims men women and even children didn't care if they lived or died he didn't care if he hurt [Music] them also in Russia shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union chaos and poverty Reign poverty that one man takes advantage of Alexander specif traps his victims with the help of his own mother I don't think you you can ever prepare yourself for that type of um scene that you're coming across for investigators unbelievable such people shouldn't be allowed to live how and after how many murders do they stop the man who is perhaps the most ruthless killer of all time Russia more precisely deeper Siberia nooc nesk a city of half a million inhabitants the anonymity of the big city helps one man to kill unnoticed but not just anyone he kills children investigators chase him for 7 months the head of the team Alexander oreshin I had nothing to do with serial killers before I had often been to crime scenes but serial killers said was my first as a matter of fact the first for the whole city in June of 1996 people out for a walk find strange things in the ABA river oreshin is one of the first at the scene his team searches the riverbank for 5 days they find feet hands human bones if you don't have the identities of the victims there's no place to start with who are these W girls when did they disappear where were they taken from all you've got is a body that has no identification after finding the body parts oreshin is certain very very many people have been killed in Nova kutzit all of them children when we found the body parts it was a horrible site the whole team immediately developed ideas for how we could catch the killer suspicions range from trade in organs to child prostitution to a psychopathic serial killer the last conjecture is correct but inspector oreshin still has no leads and investigating is difficult in that period at the beginning of the 1990s Russia is in upheaval massive poverty Reigns if you look at Russia at this time uh the USSR is breaking down uh there's a very poor economics people are starving men got drunk or left their families mothers fought for every job and drank too children were no use to anyone this was the population the victims came from no one was looking for them one man takes advantage of precisely this his name Alexander SPF but inspector oreshin does not yet have any leads where and for whom should he even look it's just naturally we took as many children off the streets as possible and returned them to their parents but starving children go back out on the street after a short time and never come back home in the next 5 months over 70 children disappear not older than 13 police comb the area around nooc nit the whole city every suspicious apartment it seems unfathomable that an individual could be capable of abusing children in this way and the question of course is where where does it come from how does a human being turn into a Savage child killer the killer grows up in a family plagued by domestic violence his father rapes drinks and abandons a family when specif is 13 you see a very dominant father who's abusive to the family he's abusive to the son to the mother probably emotionally abusive sexually abusive physically abusive as Alexander grows up without a father he takes on the role his father had once occupied pisf the new head of the family is always an outsider early on he shows sign of psychological disturbances he gets married kills his wife during a fight and is put in a mental institution the methods of the Soviet psychiatric ward were based on beatings feeds and injections after 3 years SPF is released as a psychological wreck 4 months after the bodies are discovered on the riverbank three girls disappear from a bus stop a woman lures them to her house everyone is Under Suspicion but not SPV everyone thinks he's still in the institution in reality spev had been out for a while only we didn't know despite having asked that was a big bureaucratic mistake a mistake that cost many innocent children's [Music] lives as so often happens a coincidence brings about the crucial shift and sets inspector oreshin on the right Trail after a pipe burst plumbers try to check the apartment where SPF and his mother lud Miller live but no one lets them in the workmen inform the police inspector oreshan will never forget what he finds here we came into the apartment and what we saw was horrifying there were children's clothes scattered everywhere there were body parts in the bathtub and Olga was lying in the living room severely injured I don't think you you can ever prepare yourself for that type of um scene that you're coming across hor steps onto a Savage Battlefield even as an expert it's hard for me to understand how someone can be capable of committing this level of brutality over such a long period of time with such a vulnerable population in the apartment a severely injured and traumatized girl how should you feel when you see dead children and an injured 13-year-old girl whose eyes register only pure dread but there is no trace of SPF he escapes from the roof the same day the girl provides the missing [Music] information who brought you to the apartment granny how did she do it did she ask you for help she couldn't open the door no that's why she took you upstairs yeah it turns out the Killer's mother lures the victims into the Trap the home she shares with her son she was basically his his his lacky to do whatever he wanted the same day inspector oreshin arrests the mother lud Miller specif in addition the police find photos of children and countless articles of children's clothing oreshin is certain that the child killer of nooknet lives here the mother lud Miller finally confesses and admits to having trap the children oreshin keeps the apartment under observation and hopes that the sun will come back for guys like this this is the only life they have ever known this is where he lives where's he going to go and in fact the killer does come home and he arrested during the interrogation mother and son quarrel what kind of son are you for months I dispose of your bodies just yesterday it was again four trash cans and now you say it's my fault because they want to know where the bodies are say where they are how are you not ashamed why are you so mad at me such an ingrate I'm not angry the mother probably was not necessarily A willing accomplice if she was on her own she probably would not have got up to this type of behavior the true nature of the strange relationship between mother and son is never clear the court sentences l Miller to 13 years in prison her son Alexander is judged insane since then he has lived in a psychiatric ward inspector oreshin believes the killer has more than 80 children on his [Applause] conscience to be honest I feel only disgust now everything having to do with speci it cost us so much energy to solve this case but there is no justification for such people being allowed to live among us inspector Alexander or rashin will never forget the so-called Siberian tiger he hopes the killer will never be released from the psychiatric ward to this day he's under lock and key others however are found only after they die Germany Frankfurt for 30 years The Killing Zone of Manfred Zale known as a German Jack the Ripper the shock thing he not only kills his victims he dismembers them he didn't care if they lived or died he didn't care if he hurt them no one suspects anything about Manfred zil's Dark Side he's considered a friendly family man but in reality he keeps body parts as trophies perfectly dismembering a body is the high point of sadism but how can a dead serial killer be brought to Justice schwalbach am toos a small City near the Metropolis Frankfurt am mine on September the 10th 2014 a young woman is cleaning out the garage of a recently deceased father Manfred Z beloved by all AUM inly kind-hearted man and husband but behind this garage door lurks a dark secret you have you know the two sides of seal that were so well concealed to everybody around them that they're not even discovered until after his death when zil's daughter opens two plastic barrels she can't believe her eyes they contain body parts it's the remains of a prostitute named Brita Dio is Manfred zil a woman killer did he mutilate the victim so savagely forensic psychiatrist Manuela Dudek also wonders about one question in particular was it him and if yes why there were many individual body parts many body parts make it possible to create a new person the second idea is related to cannibalism the muscles can be removed and the meat actually eaten a dismembered body highly unusual and normally not an isolated instance police form the so-called Alaska unit and investigate the deceased zil a search of his house turns up over 30,000 pieces of violent pornography pornography while not inherently bad can provide inspiration if you will for later sexual crimes that he was essentially acting out some of the scenarios that he had in this uh pornographic films or pornographic photographs of these victims he's essentially reproducing the same dynamic in his murders an image in 's pornography collection resembles the wounds of the dead bodies in the barrel is there another side to zil a dark side that no one knows mentioned the people who exhibit sexual sadism often have fractured pasts their childhood was not necessarily the kind one imagines is proper was marked by neglect and very possibly by physical assault as well but in Manfred Z's past everything is entirely normal he graduates high school gets married plays in a jazz band his job he runs a household clearance business on the surface always the friendly [Music] neighbor this is a very frustrating case because you don't have an offender that can give you answers can give you pointers Etc so there's a lot of speculation as to the wise uh why did this happen why did he do certain things were there more victims detectives focused their investigation on the frankurt street walking scene in the city's barnhorse fatle for zil's victim is a prostitute officers questioned numerous people in the red light district and learned that zil was a regular customer every Saturday he looked for women engaging in SED masochism so we're making the linkage cases we're saying okay these cases are in these cases are out but now who's the offender so we move from victims to linkage to offender here we've got offender and no victims so now we're trying to work back like where where do these PE people come from so you have to look more the behavioral the victimology how the person was murdered where they were found Etc and do what we call a behavioral linkage to see which cases can be included the Alaska unit reopened all missing persons and unsolved homicide cases in the Frankfurt area they investigate whether there are similarities with the victim BR Dio and they hope to find further Evidence regarding Manfred zil well like a lot of serial killers seal is selecting victims that are basically available and vulnerable police look specifically at M ated victims the severed body parts in Manfred zal's Barrel suggest that he like to keep souvenirs psychologists call this trophy lust could Zeal have hidden it from his family Psychopaths live out their perversions with prostitutes rather than at home because they learn early on to wall off their aggressions and then let them out in a controlled way leave their families unharmed because their social sense works well after 2 years and over 230 pieces of information from the city's inhabitants the Alaska unit is certain Manfred zil is the Killer and he was responsible for even more deaths here in the bushes of highway a661 is where he probably killed a prostitute named Dominic monrose in December of 199 3 to this day her head is still missing Giza Singh hatis aru kogu and gun AEL all were probably also left mutilated by Manfred zil he always keeps a body part with him a trophy is a fantastic stimulus it reminds you it can give you a smell a sight a taste and it can bring back to you all of those fantasies and realities and you can relive the crime the climax a child murder in 1998 it shocks the entire country even if it's still not entirely certain investigators believe that zeil was behind it too the killer cuts the boy's throat and cuts off his testicles and a piece of his thigh the injuries also fit the 13-year-old boy we saw that he was strangled that he was mutilated and that there were also injuries to the genital area whether Tristan indeed died at Manfred zal's hand has not been proven but lots of evidence support the theory the investigation is still open for the detectives a burden you almost have to narrow your focuses and try not to torch yourself over the things that you'll probably never get answers to Because unless he left a detailed Diary of what he's done we're not going to have insight into his mind it's uncertain how many people zil really killed the dead man lies silent in his grave his wife is no longer alive other inquiries pet her out people like Manfred Z are able to live as social beings and their dark side and they only take action when a victim comes along nevertheless even after Manfred zal's death the Alaska unit is able to prove he committed five murders they're still investigating five other murders to this day no one knows why he did it the killer has taken his dark secret to his grave Manuel ad Dudek and the Alaska unit still believe s committed many more murders but no matter what he is going down in history as the hessen Ripper as one of the worst criminals in Germany and he takes his place among people who managed to kill unnoticed at first glance they lead entirely normal lives but in reality they are WI women Killers men who murder women in the United States Ted Bundy a Charming single man who buries his victims in the woods I'll plead not guilty right now in South Africa Moses sitola he promises women jobs and success and kills them this whole area here was catched with bodies and in Canada Robert Picton but his father he throws wild parties with a deadly climax they found thousands and thousands of DNA human DNA and there are still more women Killers their deeds are among the greatest crimes of all [Applause] [Music] time [Music] the Green River in the Northwestern United States a beloved vacation destination for families from nearby Seattle but in the summer of 1982 the idilic river transforms into a gray while on a bicycle ride two children find a strangled girl under the bridge she is just 16 years old Sue Peters is one of the lead detectives on the Green River case she realizes rather quickly that all this is just the beginning of something biger as my partner and I were walking along the shoreline heading down towards the river along this bank we discovered another female's body deep in the brush again a 16-year-old girl she's been missing for 3 days and then detective Peters finds even more female corpses finding three bodies in one day made us realize that we had a very serious problem and probably a serial killer on our hands in our local area the bodies all of runaways or prostitutes no one suspects that a seemingly harmless family man is behind the murders his name Gary Ridgeway and he has a signature all his own the murders of a serial killer will often get special components to them that are unique to that case in his victims Ridgeway put rocks into their vaginas presumably in a way to sort of keep keep someone else out for his later desires his later attempts his later commissions of necrophilia Su Peter Still suspects none of this first search parties comb the entire River Basin they discover the blouse of one of the victims and sperm residue which they freeze today helpful pieces of evidence but in the mid 1980s the police have no chance of catching the CPR it this way the police in those Early Times didn't have a technique for linking individuals so certainly remember going back to that time frame our ability of actually collecting and analyzing Trace Amounts of evidence was um you know didn't really exist a half year and seven female corpses later the inhabitants in and around Seattle of frightened who will be the next victim for the time being there's only one thing suers and her colleagues can do keep a broad area along the river's course under surveillance but the killer reacts and chooses a new scene for his crimes the detectives find the next body 20 km away from the river the new strategy was that he drove out to the outskirts of King County and dumped the bodies of the victims in the forested area like this the murderer is careful in choosing the locations where he leaves the bodies the corpses are supposed to remain undiscovered for several days only this way can he indulge his sick impulses he would revisit crime scenes just to go back and have sex with his victims again it could have been for different reasons on the one one hand it could have been because he doesn't want to yet go out and find a new victim so it's a second choice substitute to relive the event or he could have had some general sexual preference for engaging with sexual behavior with with deceased people the Killer is willing to drive further and further the chance of catching him in the ACT Fades just about all the victims were prostitutes so detective Su Peters and her team search for suspects along Pacific Highway South Seattle's Street walking scene in the80s they are very easy to be targeted because of that lifestyle that they were involved in they were available on the highway that he went up on down in his truck he would see them there he knew they were there and once they were off the street he knew that he had them secure the number of victims continues to rise pressure on the detectives mounts but ridgeway's cover is [Music] good so often like many serial killers the reason that they're successful is that they blend into society much like Gary Ridgeway did he was a man who was a churchgoing family man who had some difficulties in his private life but held down a job and was to all intents and purposes quite normal after a few months the police work with the street Walkers pays off a pimp reports The Prostitute Marley Marva missing she's 18 years old she had gotten in a pickup truck and was never seen again the owner of the truck Gary Ridgeway For the First Time The Green River Killer comes to the attention of Sue Peters Mr Ridgeway told the police that he was uninvolved in the incident and did not pick up any girl on the highway remember the officer uh knew Gary ridway from school so it didn't do much shortly thereafter the police form the Green River task force they discover a shoeprint size 11 and another remote crime scene the killer must know the area a few months later Ridgeway again comes to the attention of police he offers an undercover policewoman money for sex there's no evidence that he's also the killer that the Noose is tightening around his neck G Ridgeway ended up picking up another girl that he was going to date and they went to a wooded area the girl ended up biting his privates and they got into a scuffle and she was able to get away detect is question Ridgeway but he stays as cool as ice and even insists on taking a li detector test a polygraph test is a test for certain physiological reactions if you don't have any guilt you're not going to get the increase in your heart rate or your breathing that would be associated with normal guilt sua's task force puts Ridgeway at the top of their list of suspects but she can't prove anything this was Gary ridgeway's house back in the 1980s time period and he would actually bring women back here that he was dating and ended up murdering them there then 2 years under about 30 bodies later the series of murders seems to stop Su Peters and her team find a few more dead women but none who have been killed recently the police searched ridgeway's house in 1987 they even call in the FBI but the killer leads an inconspicuous life he was in our radar several times but there wasn't enough evidence to arrest him in the following years detectives find 10 more bodies but no evidence until a brand new method of Investigation changes everything DNA analysis the analysis of DNA is now an incredibly powerful tool for the police not just for modern cases but for cold cases for cases where there is material still left in unsolved crimes this gives investigators a new chance they compare ridgeway's saliva sample with old pieces of evidence a match they arrest him in the parking lot where he works at first rway seems to admit to the murders are you presently under the influence of any drugs alcohol or medications no how do you plead to the charge of aggravated murder for the death of Alma A Smith guilty but he only admits to six murders Ru wants to avoid the death penalty only when the police guarantee this does he speak the killer shows No Remorse whatsoever for the women he has killed when you have so many victims like Ridgeway I think it's impossible not to argue that there was a level of objectification going on here where he was seeing the woman the victims as as objects as objects specifically for his sexual desire for his sexual purposes and nothing else he might even enjoy the fact that he gets the attention from a trial because now he's again the center stage he gets to see the pictures of what he's done he gets to hear about the suffering of his victims and that again might be a secondary pleasure for him to go through that process also investigators accept the deal and Gary Ridgeway admits to more murders once he refers to 48 victims once to 71 I believe most definitely there still are some bodies in the forest there have been a lot of women that are still missing in King County and their remains have never been recovered ultimately the court convicts Gary rway for the murder of 49 women thanks to his deal the killer has managed to avoid the death penalty but the Green River Killer will remain behind bars for the rest of his life for Peters this sentence is the end of a 20year chase it was a relief to me and knowing that Gary Ridgeway would never hurt any of the ladies in our community again for people around Seattle a new chapter in life begins a life without fear of Gary [Music] Ridgeway but there are more of them women killers generally they cause widespread fear and panic for years and their acts are among the worst crimes of all time my name [Music] is South Africa Johannesburg 1995 people are in an uproar the reason 40 rapes and 38 murders in only one year this whole area here was catched with bodies and it's a place you won't forget in your life the victims all young women what some victims he would do is allow them to pass out and then stop strangling them so they would revive by themselves and then continue to strangle them their killer Moses sit I just that [ __ ] how do investigators catch the brutal woman killer atteridgeville a Township north of Johannesburg the inhabitants are largely black African and poor in July 1994 Captain venol vinula is called to a nearby Field what he sees here is truly shocking even for an experienced investigator we found uh female deceased uh dead by manual strangulation uh we also saw that her pants were taken off uh thinking that most probably she was raped as well it saddens one a person when you find a body uh not knowing why that person was killed the young woman is the first victim of the 30-year-old killer Moses SATA and he's just begun from now on investigators find a new victim every month all of them female black African and between 19 and 30 years of age strangulation is is seen to be the most common method at least in South Africa it's a very personal and very up close way of killing the victims the overarching goal for most of these guys is the issue of controlling and and power for them controlling their victims controlling their lives controlling their Destinies and I think that was the case with sat because what some victims he would do is allow them to pass out and then stop strangling them so they would revive by themselves and then continue to strangle them each woman dies according to the exact same pattern that indicated to us that a serial killer was busy in this area and we had to get hold of him and apprehend him as quick as possible before more victims was part of his crime investigators have an initial profile they know that the killer strangles the women and his victims are poor they search for more evidence in the victim's mure but no one has noticed anything for the police investigation it must be very frustrating to know there is a killer to have so much information but not to be able to identify the one person and a fresh victim sad as it may be can often give you that little piece of information that's going to lead you to actually solving the case but the police do not want it to come to that the mid 1990s are a boom period in South Africa many unemployed women move from the town into the city in order to earn [Music] money from family members Captain Vin holer knows that the women always go missing during the day mostly in busy places investigators suspect that the killer offers the women a job thus luring them into his trap he was very Charming he was a very good smooth talker um very believable quite a good-look guy so most people that he approached didn't sense him as a threat the women never come back they believed in him because of their innocence and that's the reason why they followed him and they got killed it's terrible it's it's gruesome it's not the way that anybody wants to [Music] die a little later more murdered women in nearby Cleveland first it was one body every month now the killer strikes more often first every two weeks then every week and soon two times a week all serial killers fantasize about the perfect murder the murder that fulfills all of their fantasies but if you don't achieve your perfect murder then there's a desire to do it again by July 1995 one year after the first murder Moses hola has strangled 18 young women to death the police decide to go public with this story and indeed shortly thereafter Comes The crucial call after the murders in alterd Ville and Cleveland a civilian reports several bodies in bburg sitol gets the name the the ABC killer in September 1995 Captain Vin huler arrives at the worst crime scene of the investigation so far only 20 km away from Johannesburg this whole area here was scattered with bodies and it's a place you won't forget in your life it let you feel like crying for somebody that had lost their their lives and in believing in other people in a person for giving a job or promising a job to assist to get a job and then end up dead Vin hola finds the bodies of 14 women all strangled so it was very very difficult a lot of pressure was on and Nelson Mandela himself came to one of the townships to ask the people in the township to help the police to solve the crime the black African Community stages increasingly frequent protests and demands that the murders get finally solved Captain vinula wants Justice for the people and indeed he finds a crucial piece of evidence when researching one of the victims Trina is a social worker in the kids Haven youth center and mentions a job offer the day before a friend of one of the deceased ladies uh were found here we interviewed the lady and she provided us with the name of Moses Ito uh we managed to get a photo of him and through his records we to identify him the photo of Moses Sito appears in the Press Nationwide the police search intensively and try to find out more about the alleged killer [Music] Moses sat grew up the fourth child in a poor family as a young boy he is abused by his mother and his step sister traumatizing experiences which the woman killer never forgets as he himself later [Music] says and I thought to myself [ __ ] does this woman know what she's doing in my heart with my mind she's making me crazy when his father dies Moses sitor is sent to a juvenile home twice he runs away and goes back to his own house but no one wants him there anymore when a man is head true head they can't do anything for Moses satoli he had a very uh difficult childhood he had a very domineering mother he felt that woman from literally from birth had rejected and punished him here he says there was a false allegation and conviction for rape and it was then that he decided I'm going to go out and rape and murder woman the young man must make it on his own in a time in which violence Reigns on the [Applause] streets sitole quickly notices that many women find him attractive when I talk to you she must think I'm quiet I'm okay handside I I was B tell myself I'll show summer 1995 after over a year of killing sitole gets overconfident he calls a newspaper and brags about the murders I think clearly for Moses satoli that the issue issue of being known for these crimes it increases his selfworth in his own eyes but the killer makes a crucial mistake he gives away information about his location during the telephone call some of my black members were placed at a factory to have observation for him uh we as whites were further away because if you see us as Wes he would have been suspicious he did Pitch uh my members did approach him when he saw them he started running away they followed him uh he turned around took out a machete and started uh axing to them uh then he got shot in the stomach uh arrested and then transported to hospital it was the best day of Our Lives uh satisfactory we know we have him uh no more murders can take place anymore he was inside ctoi is finally in custody he is indicted 5 days after his arrest the trial lasts one year little by little peace is restored to the population even though no one knows how many women the killer truly has on his conscience I would say the total lot is counted at a present moment of 38 you understand it's not the right to it's a good lesson for ladies around this country Africa and take note and be serious with life so should Tau him a good lesson yeah it is very good on October the 21st 1996 the court finds Moses SATA guilty of 38 murders and 40 rapes sentencing him to 2004 410 years in prison for Captain Vin hula it is the end of a chase that lasted much too long but was ultimately successful and gives the relatives at least some satisfaction but there are also women Killers who are active over a period of many years their deeds are among the worst crimes of all time I'm staying with the man I know best right now that's me Vancouver a man kills dozens of women over 6 years it's the largest criminal investigation in Canada's history Robert pton The Butcher of Canada the farm becomes a horror show they found thousands and thousands of DNA human DNA detect Ive Laur M shener devotes his entire career to hunting the killer my first concern was you know did we have was he digging you know underground bunkers was he keeping women alive down there a case that rocks Canada to the core and even today has not lost its grip how could it all happen Vancouver 19 1998 detective laurri maen her has only recently begun working in the homicide division his assignment is to find women who have been reported missing so it was my second day on the job um investigating Vancouver's missing women and I got a tip which was a call to Crim Stoppers and it said that a man named Robert pikon who lived on a farm could be responsible for the missing women so right away I was excited and I thought this this is the kind of tip that I'm looking for the name Robert pton the first lead but there are hundreds of pikon around Vancouver so detective laori maeno tries to find out more about the victims I wanted to find out first of all how many women we were actually dealing with and were we were there women missing that we weren't aware of and I also made contact with all of the um the family members on on each file who were who had reported them missing what Shen her discovers is striking 17 of the missing women come from the city's red light district and Drug neighborhood a first lead while detective shenhu searches for Clues more and more women fall into the hands of Robert pikon the farmer regularly engages prostitutes his his tastes are extreme and he knows that prostitutes are easy prey they weren't really concerned with this group of the population they may have noticed it but it was another prostitute she probably wasn't murdered she's just moved on to some other place but detective laori maen here believes that there is more behind the disappearances you know it was really difficult to get people to believe that something sinister might have happened to them I suspected strongly it was a serial killer for the for the number one reason we weren't finding any bodies we were not finding bodies the detective tries to prove that a woman killer is at work but even Detective shenir doesn't really know what pton does exactly on a regular basis the farmer takes the prostitutes home with him he throws wild parties at his pig farm that go to Dawn hardly any of the girls leave the place alive meanwhile detective Laura maen here searches for evidence to support his theory he wants to locate the anonymous corer and he's successful shenir manages to trace the number after weeks of convincing the man who calls himself Bill hiscox agrees to meet at a Starbucks we took him to a Starbucks uh went in I went in and got him coffee and we sat in the car uh and talked he didn't want to be seen with the police and he told that he had a friend who' seen uh bloody clothing in bags in the picked and trailer and women's ID uh and that this woman thought that this uh this stuff belonged to potentially some of the missing women from Vancouver the informant is scared and disappears again right away but his information leads shenir to a pig farm in Port kitam it belongs to the biggest and richest Farmer in the region Robert pton a man with powerful [Music] friends I drove around the property on the outside to have a look around and uh it was really obvious to me that that it was not a very welcoming place you know I half expected some guy to come out with a with a shotgun and racked the shotgun at me or something uh it was really inhospitable Shen her quickly discovers that picton's home is more than your average Farm once a week the farmer throws very special parties so-called piggy Palace Good Times parties he was able to buy friendship with drugs and with alcohol and all of the these things combined together to make him feel a much better person at picton's Farm government officials party together with hell's angels and prostitutes there were two types of parties there were the sort of aboveboard community parties where you would see local politicians police officers other people in government uh but there were also sex parties and uh a lot of drugs a lot of alcohol and um you know it's I think a lot of times the things that happened at those parties weren't necessarily things that uh that everybody was consenting to shenir is certain the powerful party guests are the reason that no one is talking even his requests for a search warrant are rejected again and again trying to find somebody who was willing to talk and go on the record you know there were even people who worked for the RCMP who knew various people who were coming to these parties but they didn't want to talk about it the detective tries to find out more about the mysterious farmer who seems to be protected from on high Robert Pickton is the kind of person who you would describe as a social outcast he was uh made fun of at school and he lived on a farm with with pigs and his best friends were alleged to be the animals the farm has been in the pikon family for Generations as a child Robert pikon already slaughtered and butchered pigs regularly his one real skill thing that he actually excelled in was butchering animals early on the future killer learns from his mother human beings are only animals his mother was a a very dominant tyrannical lady who clearly was the Prime Force in his childhood when picton's mother dies the Butcher of Canada gives free reign to his impulses the satisfaction and the sense of control that he was missing he was getting this from his interaction with prostitutes and his his killing of prostitutes it was really a win-win situation one he gets these victims he gets to enjoy them kill them rape them engage with them and then when he's done he doesn't have to worry about okay now what do I do with the body I have to transport it someplace and dump it right here he had a readymade way to get rid of the victims pikon feeds the bodies to his pigs a story so incredible that no one is willing to believe it meanwhile 30 women from around Vancouver have gone missing detective shenir despairs has nightmares can't let go then the case is taken away from him when my superiors made the decision to pass the file on um I really felt two different ways I felt on the one hand um I felt like a failure because I was so burnt out and i' been wearing so many hats I felt that there was a possibility I'd made mistakes and that I'd missed things and I felt maybe somebody who came in with fresh eyes would might see something that I didn't see but little happens for a whole year women continue to go missing until a civilian reports something suspicious and encounters a policeman who knows nothing at all about picton's Connections a guy driving a truck had been out to his farm had seen many weapons at the farm and mentioned this to the police and the police then decided that they would go and have a look and see what was going on at the farm when they finally do focus on them the the farm becomes a horror show police find not only non-registered weapons but also an Asma inhaler bearing the name of one of the missing women the decisive turn for an entire year official search the property dig the whole thing up you know in this dirty sloppy messy stinky pig farm you're now trying to find literally 100 plus victims within that very very difficult task they found thousands and thousands of DNA human DNA for Laur maen here this is ultimately a kind of success but mostly it is just a punch in the gut if we could have searched this area when we first got the Lin Elson tip uh there's no question in my mind we would have saved between 13 and 17 women even today it's not entirely clear how many women Robert Picton lured to his farm and killed he himself said that his goal was the Big 5 50 murders the sentence comes 5 years later life in prison for only six proven murders for detective shenir a frustrating sentence that has come far too late what small bit of vindication I felt uh you know was in in being right because I was right and I knew all along that it was him um and was completely overshadowed by by that sense of Devastation and uh you know it's hard to explain a feel what it feels like to say I was in shock for something that I expected every day was going to happen Picton is finally behind bars but after this case detective shenir loses his faith in Justice and he quits in the United States arguably the worst woman killer of all commits his monstrous Deeds Ted Bundy I'll plead not guilty right now for a long time even one of America's top investigators cannot stop him well I believe he didn't have a conscious about what he was doing a Charming killer who slays his victims and buries them in the woods Bundy's smile means death for more than 30 [Music] women Rob my name is Ted how do investigators manage to catch this woman killer summer 1974 at samamish Le near Seattle people are enjoying the weekend one of them an attractive friendly man with his arm in a sling Ted Bundy a classic psychopath is someone who is quite intelligent who is charming who has easy access to victims luring the unsuspecting victim is just as much about power and control as is your physical domination while you're busy assaulting and killing that person Ted Bundy asks young women for help with his boat and lures them to the river bank and he beats the girls to death detective Robert kepple is one of the most famous investigators in the US the hunt for Ted Bundy marks his life to this day he appeared to be the good-look guy that everybody's girlfriend would want a date and some of the women that he chose goes were just outstanding women Bundy strikes twice on this day first he carries off 23-year-old Janice anot and then he flirts with 19-year-old Denise Marie nazlund and then boom he would change that personality like a chameleon he would be the very nice accommodating friendly goodlook guy and then all of a sudden he would turn into this monster for Bundy it's about more than just killing was a man who liked to have sex with dead bodies so he was always talking about that when I met with him the three times that I've interviewed him he was very comfortable in talking about necrophilia it could be a way that he doesn't have to go out and get a new victim yet yet he still prolongs the pleasure from that particular victim although in a very gruesome manner these are all indicative of a person who does not feel at all for what this person or what used to be a person might have might have gone through the families are desperate and Report both girls missing 2 months later a hunter finds human bones in the mountains only a few kilometers away from samamish [Music] Lake Robert Kel's hunt for Ted Bundy begins here we were there for approximately a week collecting bones that we found throughout the hillside well we expanded our team from two of us to seven we had one skull that we found where there were skull fractures so so he knew what happened to that lady ke immediately thinks of the missing girls OT and nazlund but the bones alone don't bring him any further this was in the 70s we we weren't really engaged in that kind of forensic analysis there wasn't any type of DNA analysis we weren't even aware of DNA analysis after days of searching a first success Kel's team finds Tufts of hair the one with the head damage had black hair and there was blonde hair there along an animal Trail and what we did was get samples of their hair from their room from their hair brushes from their bathrooms and the blonde hair belonged to janad who is the killer the clue leads detective Keel to Seattle University female students have been disappearing here recently almost all of them long-haired and attractive a lot of the victims that he selected later on matched B basically physically the description of this girlfriend that dumped him he was trying to live out this interaction between him and his ex-girlfriend but in a way where he was in charge he decided when it ended and he decided the ultimate outcome initially the investigation comes to nothing then Robert Keele and his team find the remains of 18-year-old Susan rancour Friends of the University tell of a young man on campus with his arm in a sling who approaches women Panic quickly grips college campuses security staff guard the students and then the nightmare appears to be over no more more mysterious man with his arm in a sling no more missing women Seattle seems safe again but Ted Bundy doesn't stop he chooses a new hunting ground soon there are murders in the states of Oregon Idaho Utah and Colorado he moved State he moved to a place where he was unknown and began again in the same manner really his victim selection type should have been something that jurisdictions keyed in on but agencies in Washington didn't know what agencies in Utah were doing 24 murders later Bundy finally gets tripped up in a vehicle inspection the policeman knows his description and arrests him Ted bunny you know he would he studied at University for a period he was very good-looking very well spoken people just didn't expect that this could be the guy committing these very brutal acts and the evidence is is thin no clues either at the University or in his former student residence nevertheless the court indicts Bundy for murder he decides to represent himself he was not a lawyer he had not graduated from University in law school at all he took law classes that's all bndy flees before the verdict is rendered he's then quickly caught and breaks out again for detective Robert Keele it's a bitter setback I was just amazed that they would allow him to escape Twice first time was one thing but the second time no excuse for it but that was Colorado authorities they weren't that smart the woman killer makes it to Florida there he kills the students Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman and attacks five girls with a wooden bludgeon he needed to kill someone but he didn't have the time to plan his roots and so it had to be a blitz attack to achieve what he wanted in Seattle Robert kepple reads in the newspaper about the murders in Florida and he's sure it must be Bundy I did call him and reminded them of who he was but the problem was they didn't care thanks for the information and hung up the phone two weeks later Bundy kills a child for the first time a 12-year-old girl I think for him was was at a point when his world essentially was falling apart he wasn't the Ted Bundy the offending Ted Bundy from earlier in his career here Bundy gets sloppy again he's stopped by police and is arrested represent yourself or you going to get another attorney I'm staying with the man I know best right now and that's me but there's still no solid evidence the case is entirely circumstantial the Killer is self assured Mr B he told me that you told him that you were going to get me he said he was going to get me okay you've got the indictment it's all you're going to get let's read it let's go Theodore Robert Bundy you are charged indictment two counts burglary and the uh two counts murder in the first degree three counts attempted murder in the first degree I'll plead not guilty right now the law student believes he can overwhelm the court and the jury with his charm Rob my name's to commit a crime and then to believe that you're the best person you're the most qualified person to defend yourself that's a level of arrogance that goes far beyond what most people would be willing to accept but for a psychopathic narcissist of course you are your first choice it's Bundy's final decision the court sentences him to death by electric chair before his execution Bundy tries to stall by promising to confess more murders detective Robert kepple sets off immediately for Florida well he wasn't in very good shape he was sweating he was out of breath he had a lot of worry in his mind he did not want to talk about anything other than what he wanted to talk about he was always playing a game he was always fishing and wanting to get some advantage and the decision was this was Ted Bundy playing games and so they said no thank you you're to be executed ultimately Bundy confesses to 30 murders investigators believe it was twice as many after 9 years on death row the sentence is finally carried out the terror that Bundy spread is definitely over and women are once again safe from the man who was arguably the USA's worst killer HDE a small City in Northwestern England no one yet Suspects that one of the worst angels of death is doing his dirty work here he's name Harold Shipman he treats over 3,000 patients in his practice no one suspects that the friendly doctor has one thing in mind above all killing when you look at Shipman you recognize first of all he's a doctor so he's really in the most Prime position to have an effect on someone's life to be in a position to administer drugs that can take someone's life a case of such proportions that even today hardly anyone in England talks about it August the 19th 1988 Mikela sford is a journalist for the Manchester Evening News she hears about a patient who has bequeathed her entire estate to her family physician I first heard about um Harold Shipman um after the man of news had had a tip off um that Kathleen Grundy's death was been investigated and her body had been exhumed um and that Harold Shipman her GP was part of the investigation so I um went into hide sford wants to know why police are investigating the Grundy case and goes looking for Shipman almost immediately I bumped into two old ladies and they said Oh you mean Dr Death de you and I said pardon and they said well they say he's a good doctor but you don't last lots of old ladies have died with him Dr Shipman cares mostly for old women up until they die now as a GP as someone who is a doctor who's helping uh we often inherently have an added level of trust because we assume this person has chosen this profession to help people journalist Mikela sford quickly learns police are investigating Dr Shipman not only in the Grundy case but also because of the unusually high number of deaths connected with his practice once we published our first article a lot more families came forward to say that that had happened to their mothers and that families were suspicious but couldn't really believe the doctor would do such a thing cord's research reveals the doctor often reports old age heart attack or stroke as causes of death then he passes the death certificate on as usual the second doctor has to be someone completely independent from a different practice or a different part of the hospital who reads the notes and says yes I agree that this is a natural cause of death but these other doctors never perform their own autopsy the people of Hyde get wind of the investigation and are rattled journalist Mikela sford also has misgivings about Shipman at this point I began to think how could a GP somebody was supposed to care for his community get away with this for so long and at such a high rate um and I thought it was really important that we kept following the story and researching the story so that the people of High finally knew what had really been going on in their Town meanwhile police suspect the doctor in 20 homicides a doctor with over 3,000 patients who always has a sympathetic ear even makes house calls a doctor people treasure sford wants to speak to Dr Shipman personally and find out what he has to say about all this you didn't want to speak to me um he kind of stared at me very coldly and pushed a piece of paper across the counter towards me with the medical defense Union telephone number on it and said ring this number shipment says nothing in response to the accusations wise to stand and let you take a photograph and then go away I'm sure you've had enough time to take a decent photograph is it possible for you just to say while the doctor simply continues to practice the police requ reest the exhumation of his dead patients the law in England about exhumation is quite strict we don't want bodies being dug up for no good reason but if the police feel there is the possibility of a crime then they can apply to the home office and get a license to exume a body happens very infrequently in the case of Dr Shipman the authorities consent to the exhumation just like journalists Mela sford they hope to discover something [Music] new on September the 1st 1998 investigators examine 11 bodies all patients of the general practitioner named Dr Death the investigators do not want to alarm anyone and they proceed delicately they work in the cover of night uh watching the exhumations was maaba but it was also very emotional and there was the sound of the generators and the lights piercing the darkness in the middle of the night and you knew what they were doing at that scene so it was very emotional to watch the results are shocking all the bodies contain an unusually high amount of morphine a definitively deadly dose the presumption Shipman pretends to take a blood sample and secretly administers the morphine Chipman is a very clever man he knew how to kill he had the ability to kill and he had the materials to kill and he put those three together to become a very prolific murderer when the toxicology results show that the women had died from an overdose of morphine it became clear then that Shipman had killed them um what we didn't know was just how many he had murdered and above all why Shipman continues to kill one day after the forensics results come back the doctor must present himself to police sidford gets wind of it together with her press team she follows him and his attorney to the police [Music] station and he knew this was happening but we kept a distance that we couldn't hear what they were saying um and he was irritated by us understandably I guess and um at one point he turned around and he faced us and said go and then get your shot and he put his arms out and and Chris gleave took that you know quite iconic picture of him and it was the last picture of Shipman ever taken instead of Simply interrogating shipmen the police arrest him they already have good evidence still the doctor stonewalls stating that he didn't kill the woman patient suggest you that you have injected Mrs Grundy with a fatal overdose of morphine who gr about to death no but an examination of Shipman's computer shows he forges patient records after the fact a good detective is is far more experienced at investigating criminals than the criminal who's committing the crime usually so very often people who try to cover up their tracks are doing it in a way that the police can quite easily and with their own experience figure out initially investigators indict Shipman on 15 counts of homicide and the forensic examinations continue sford also realizes the case is taking on monstrous proportions the police had to set up a special unit it was a huge investigation affecting hundreds and hundreds of people in Hyde um and it was a terribly upsetting time most of the killings took place in the homes of the victims but a few took place at his surgery where people would come to see him and they would die in his Consulting room it's very very unusual Shipman keep silent both about the true number of murders and why he repeatedly has the urge to kill in October of 1999 the trial begins meanwhile it's clear the number of forged patient records goes into the hundreds but only in 15 cases is the evidence sufficient for an indictment what you really are forced to do is try to identify cases where you think you can make a very strong legal and for argument sford is in the courtroom for the duration of the trial and remembers the homicidal physician sitting in the dock I really don't think Shipman felt guilty or remorseful I think he really didn't want to admit to what he'd done to himself um and so he continued in his usual way impassive slightly arrogant um and coldhearted after 57 days the jury finds Dr Shipman guilty on all counts he has given life in [Music] prison the number of people Harold Chipman killed must always be a guess it's certainly over 200 the question is it 300 or 400 or 500 later one thing becomes clear it was more than 15 after Shipman's conviction investigators discover he had already killed killed at least 30 people as a junior physician and more than 200 during his time as a general practitioner in the Sleepy city of Hyde on average one murder every 10 days if we take into account the number of people that he's believed to have murdered which is about 250 then he's definitely probably one of the most prolific serial murderers uh in in in any country's history in 2004 the angel of of death takes his fate into his own hands Shipman hangs himself in his cell the question why he killed so many patients will never be answered for the people of [Music] Hyde I worked on this story every day for 18 months and I saw the impact it had on this town and it was a very intense and emotional experience for me and the fact is that impact is still felt in the town even today Harold Shipman a doctor that neither the small city of Hyde nor all of England will ever forget rostoff onon a Russian Metropolis of millions a workingclass city and the setting for the biggest Killing Spree in the history of the Soviet Union it all begins in 1978 Andre chikatilo at first sight a harmless Family Man begins to kill at the age of 42 serial killers tend to be younger they tend to be physically strong Chilla was neither young nor strong his first victim is named Elena she has just turned nine chillo discovers a girl at a bus stop and lures her away he takes her to his second home an isolated dcha for investigator amuan NF the child's abduction is the beginning of the toughest and most brutal case of his career he met her here lied that he wanted to show her a kitten and then took her thus begins at the end of 1978 an unprecedented hunt for one of the worst series IAL Killers ever it will cost andf 14 years of his life in the dater chikatilo pounces on his first victim he tears young Elena's clothes off intending to rape her in the isolated cabin no one catches wind of the brutal murder nobody knew chilo lived here not his friends not his wife no one he came quietly and disappeared again unnoticed everything was secret when we learned of the murder we were shocked no one thought something like that could happen here chikatilo doesn't actually mean to kill the girl but the rape doesn't go as planned chillo is not sufficiently aroused clearly what chikillo needed was to torture to control to inflict pain and then finally to be present at the time the individual died the Butcher of rostoff stabs Ela repeatedly in the abdomen then he puts her clothes back on and throws her body in the greva river investigators find ellena's body only weeks later and start hunting for the culprit but chitila was a family man a teacher and a communist the general public and also law enforcement in general tend to think of serial killers as sort of this horrific individual and they want to see this individual as sort of a monster the police found someone who fit the pattern and tortured him until he confessed investigators think they have the killer this changes 3 years later in 1981 chikatilo is now working in a factory as a buying agent and travels almost daily through the region by train Andre chikillo his job took him from rostoff to many other locations where he was acting out all these locations were just doing individual investigations and nobody was putting it together his desire to kill has returned during one of his business trips chikatilo lures a 17-year-old girl into the woods and stabs her to death in the following year he murders seven men women and children investigators find the horribly mangled bodies only days or weeks later it was a shock simply awful the bodies were ravaged to have this image before your eyes was horrible simply unendurable police suspect that the killer seeks his victims at bus or train stations and monitors bus stops throughout the entire region in vain the death tool Rises to at least 30 1983 thanks to minute traces of seamen on the bodies the police know that the Killer has blood group a but they have no idea who he is the stress was almost intolerable I dream about it I couldn't get the images out of my mind to forget to process it you could either go to a psychologist or we found another possibility a glass of vodka saved me otherwise I would have gone mad there was no other option eventually amuan andv launches the biggest Manhunt in the history of the Soviet Union 127 police officers and hundreds of informers join the search they arrest everyone who seems suspicious including chillo the police take a blood sample but then they messed up the blood sample just like all the other documents that was fatal that's the only reason he was released it's as if God were protecting and helping [Music] him chatila was released the Butcher of rostoff continues to live his sick life whose roots go back to his childhood born in Ukraine in 1936 chikatilo survives famine and the second world war he says that cannibals ate his older brother a bed wetter until puberty chillo ultimately realizes he is impotent if you look at totillo obviously there was a sexual element in just about all these these incidences but sex can also be linked to power and control so I think for him I would classify him as power and control mixed with the sexual element initially chikatilo yearns to be a normal part of society he goes to college becomes a teacher gets married he fathers two children presumably by artificial insemination while his family suspects nothing chillo need to kill intensifies he thinks he's safe for investigator andf still can't prove anything it's frustrating in these investigations sometimes we think oh my gosh this guy has been contacted talked to by law enforcement three or four times but the reality is that what we're looking for is hard evidence and they had no evidence today there is Digital Data surveillance cameras at every train station but those things didn't exist back then it sounds incredible chillo is able to continue his Killing Spree for another 6 years then he gets sloppy investigators realize the murders are piling up Suddenly at one particular train station to finally catch the killer we placed uniformed guards at all the stations in the region only here in lesos were they in plain clothes we wanted to lure the killer right here and catch him in the [Music] ACT can this strategy finally run down the butcher the police officers wait for days on end hoping that the brutal killer will show up Autumn of 1990 after chillo has eluded them for 12 long years and killed 52 people success suddenly seems to be at hand is a man came out of the woods and ran straight into the plane closed police he looked suspicious with scratches on his face and blood stains the officer checked his papers and reported it soon we found another body close by then we knew it must be chikatilo we arrested him the same day and I was so glad that my search was over amanf is certain they've got the serial killer on November the 20th 1990 they take the Butcher of rostoff into custody now they need a confession according to Russian law the time you had 10 days which you could on upon arrest that you had to to get enough evidence to charge a person nine days of interrogation with no result n df's last idea perhaps the killer will open up to a psychiatrist his plan works chillo confesses describing each of his 53 Savage murders but when the trial begins chikatilo acts like a madman his plan to be declared of UN sound mind and thus avoid the death penalty a shock for the families [Applause] concerned people are enraged the cage standing in the courtroom is built in 1992 especially for the killer for his own protection he realized he had two choices either the death penalty or several years in a psychiatric ward for the relatives and the victims it was added torment it was a shantillo ultimately abandons his plan and confesses once again to having brutally and viciously killed all his victims after 6 months the judge declares him to be of sound mind thus ending a 14-year Manhunt in 1994 Russia executes Andre ch tillo satisfaction for chief investigator indf such crimes cannot be forgiven no one forgave him not the state not the people not me in the end chikatilo himself is supposed to have said cut up my brain and examine it so that there's no nobody like me ever again a story that sounds unbelievable but it is not unique serial killers sometimes they kill even in the name of the devil who sa The Killers terrorize cities and entire nations their ferocious murders are among the worst crimes of all time Los Angeles the city of Angels in the summer of 1985 a brutal serial killer murders 15 people I really think that his motivation was to kill and that's that's what got him off a metropolis of millions in dread even investigators fear the killings as random as they are Savage for the first time I was concerned for my family at home the Press names the killer night stalker he was called the murderer with no face because there was no apparent pattern to his killings all serial killers are bad but this guy really was kind of a very evil individual California in the spring of 1985 a murderously hot summer is around the corner more and more people leave their windows open at night to get some fresh air easy targets for a serial killer his name Richard Ramirez he was sort of a multi-dimensional guy he could use a gun he could use a blunt force instrument like a hammer he could use a knife he could strangle The Killing Spree begins in roseme a small City in Los Angeles County with a population of about 50,000 detective Frank Salo on route to the crime scene entering a above the garage The Night Stalker breaks into a randomly chosen house shoots 22-year-old student Marina herandez and then moves on to the bedroom he confronts Miss Hernandez's uh roommate D okazaki and just puts the gun up and shoots her once in the head and kills her the perpetrator leaves the valuables behind nothing was stolen um he just exited the front door and and left uh so there there was really no sense to it the sexual assaults were secondary but I I really think that his motivation was to kill and that's that's what got him off but investigators have a first lead Marina Hernandez survives and describes her attacker a young dark-haired man only 1 hour after the first killing Ramirez strikes again on the freeway it's quite likely it seems to me that there was an attempt at the original killing and the second one happened by mistake he'd lost a bit of control and the second killing was the result of that near Monteray Park Ramirez stops the car of 30-year-old s Yan Yu and shoots her two killings in one night the police soon discover the bullet casings come from the same weapon So within a couple of days we were aware that these two cases were connected but I still don't think anybody believed that this was going to start a series of 13 or 14 15 murders investigators do not yet understand Ramirez's motivation the killer always follows a specific routine he takes drugs watches pornography and goes to prostitutes then jacked up on drugs testosterone and adrenaline he sets out randomly to hunt for victims there was always a woman present in these cases so definitely we can say that he had to have woman present in his crimes for some reason that he needed to satisfy of course there was almost always rape involved or or some sexual element to these crimes 10 days later Ramirez strikes again in the Sleepy city of Whittier outside of LA detective Frank Selena will never forget the crime scene Ramirez climbs in through the laundry room window and shoots 64-year-old Vincent szara his wife reaches for a shotgun but Ramirez is quicker and kills her with three shots what shocks the detective most Ramirez disfigures his victims postmortem he had taken her eyes carved them out and he'd also made a large incision down on the chest area area we don't know what he was doing as far as that that was concerned he never explained it if the female resisted then generally he would kill the female she somehow resisted him or said something U that set him off and he did what he did but investigators also find a shoe print a fortuitous lead as only one single pair of this model was sold in the greater LA area they found a shop that may have sold it but there was no CCTV camera in that shop in 1985 the lead goes cold the rest of the investigation also results only in dead ends at first most serial killers have a a certain type of victim that they pick on in this case we didn't have that he changed the type of killings he used guns he changed calibers uh he used knives he cut throats he strangled uh he used a hammer so that made him totally different than anybody that had ever been documented investigators frantically try to understand the Killer's motivation romez has a tough childhood his violent father beats him unconscious for the first time when he's five and his cousin shoots his own wife right in front of Ramirez all of these things built together and in addition his mother was a very deeply religious individual as part of his childhood Rebellion he chose he deliberately chose a different path the search for a motive Bears no fruit 2 months later the serial killer strikes again in a secluded mansion in LA Ramires rapes Florence Lang an 81-year-old disabled woman he subjected her 33-year-old sister Mabel Bell to electroshock and beats her to death with a hammer detective Salena was tormented by his failure to catch the Killer by this point in time you wonder how one individual can do this to another human being with no feelings you don't try to dwell on that because it's something you can't dwell on uh you have to put that in the back of your mind and continue to look at the evidence and see where you're gonna go in an attempt to catch this individual before he commits another crime this time investigators find a pentagram at the crime scene scrolled on the wall with lipstick usually in allness of Satanism going around killing people isn't really usually part of sat satanic religious practices so it was it could have been just his own way of trying to justify what he did I don't see any of this Satanic ritual in his killings I see uh brutality I see a sadistic aspect of his crimes I see torture the police decide to go public and circulate the identic Kate the Press dubs a serial killer The Night [Music] Stalker August 1985 Ramirez has been randomly killing for 5 months Panic prevails in LA they're being targeted in their residences right so you know everybody felt fearful so there's huge pressure on law enforcement to get someone identified you involved in the public is always a difficult thing in a Serial murder case because it's not like a onesoft murder where usually the more information you release to the public the better you have a chance of solving your case in a Serial the more you release the more the suspect knows you know The Manhunt makes Ramirez nervous after at least a dozen murders in and around La the serial killer leaves his hunting ground and shifts his location to San Francisco there too he leaves behind satanic symbols Frank seleno hears of this he travels immediately to the crime scene and shares what he knows with the local police a mistake the mayor holds a press conference without consulting him and it's a serious situation there's a $10,000 reward for any information when speaking she reveals sensitive details of the investigation about the gun the shoe print and much more the nightstalker subsequently destroys all the evidence a disaster it's hard to express what my feelings were that somebody uh in this High an office could be that dumb to do that if somebody tells facts out of turn that's potentially a disaster it will warn the individual or it may ruin a tri meanwhile The Manhunt proceeds at full intensity along the entire west coast of America investigators hope someone will recognize Ramirez and indeed a teenager reports a suspicious automobile officers secure a fingerprint fingerprint analysis had been part of police investigation since the turn of the the century any forensic evidence is is going to take you one step further and and often it is that very little piece of evidence that is the one little thing that causes a massive breakthrough investigators catch a break there's an old file on Ramirez for auto theft the nightstalker finally has a name and a face [Music] his photo appears Nationwide in the Press 6 years later The Showdown first Ramirez engages in a wild Chase with police then bystanders subdue the killer in the middle of the street I wasn't afraid they were going to Lynch him because the police station was full of policemen but it was a real mob scene uh something you might see in the movies after the stalker has terrorized La for 6 months Frank saleno personally leads a serial killer away 3 years later the trial of Ramirez The Satanist begins who is Satan you know in court talking about hail Satan and drawing a pentagram on his palm and showing it I mean I think he played to this to the cameras in the media because this was essentially a media circus 14 months mons later the sentence execution in the gas chamber Ramirez seems unaffected by the [Music] decision the streets of LA are safe again but the killings in the summer of 1985 still haunt detective Frank Sano for the first time I was concerned for my family at home and I I made sure at night when I went to bed that to be honest with you that I had a gun nearby serial killer Ramirez stews for 24 long years on death row and finally dies of liver failure in 2013 All That Remains today is the memory of 6 months full of fear but there are also Killers who commit murder for decades on the day we planned to arrest pedrino our whole team was afraid nobody knew what would happen they kill savagely their serial murders are among the worst crimes of all time to commit such crimes you have to have a right but I can't prove who gave me the right maybe God gave me the right Brazil in and around sa power a serial killer is active for decades killing at least 71 people and likely even more than 100 his name is Pedro Rodriguez filo called pedrino Matador notorious ruthless unpredictable we were full of adrenaline and hoped we would catch him and finally arrest him whether in his youth or as an adult out in the countryside or even in jail no one seemed to be able to stop the killer when somebody kills in prison you're helpless as a police officer you have no chance how do the police stop a killer who even strikes Behind Bars it all begins in 1954 pedrino Matador is born in santarita do saaya VI is part of everyday life on his parents Farm his father regularly beats him unconscious Padrino's understanding of what was right and wrong what was Normal and abnormal were very distorted and problems were resolved in his home by violence pedrinho himself first becomes violent at 13 he gets into a fight with his cousin and tries to kill him with a suar suane press one year later Padrino's first killing his father works in the local school and is accused of stealing pedrinho avenges him brutally killing a vice mayor in the city in which he lives because this guy fired his father so there's this em emotional connection and and he does this killing early in his teens 14 was the first murder and that's really unusual for your for your serial murderers in general who tend to start in their 20s at least the beginning of a 40-year killing spree a key role will be played by this man police officer Manuel dos Santos the investigator is not surprised that back then padrinho got away with his first murder the biggest problem in the 1970s was that many murders remained unsolved by invest ators vigilante justice Was Not Unusual at this time in rural Brazil police play down the case and shove it a mistake when we're talking about padrino Matador we're talking about Brazil which has a very violent criminal population these environments are controlled by drug gangs by violent gangs the police won't even go into these areas pedrino is far from D he believes a colleague of his father is the real Thief he finds him and kills him when police arrive at the scene they begin to suspect the two murders could be connected when you find two bodies within a short space of time you know it might be a serial killer investigators hunt frantically for the killer but padrino flees unnoticed in the direction of sa Paulo more precisely to Moi Das cruzas a city of 500,000 people and continues killing there are people who once they have experience killing who don't have any remorse who don't feel upset or stressed they in fact feel as though a good thing has happened it's using what he would see as a life skill an advantage the police lose Padrino's Trail in the small city of moid Des cruises the serial killer starts a new life soon murders in the region start piling up but police are powerless for pedrino just turned 14 has meanwhile found powerful protectors once he was in Moji Des Cruzes pedrino began killing for a drug gang Pino starts dealing and works now as a Hitman for the Brazilian drug Mafia soon he meets his first great love the Widow of a drug lord but their happiness is shortlived she is killed in a street fight the killer seeks revenge slaying his lovers murderers during a wedding he had this sort of code that said no children no women now they're the Innocents right everybody else is fair game I'm sure it was a deliberate decision not to kill women and not to kill children was driven by his belief in the South American machismo these are people to be cherished and to be looked after not to be killed it is the man that you fight as a man and that is what I'm sure drove him to make those decisions pedrino once again attracts the attention of investigators and they get lucky the father of the Killer's new girlfriend betrays him to police in 1973 pedrino was 18 and got arrested for the first time and so began a series of killings inside prison investigators have the killer but what they don't reckon with whether for snoring or eating noisily Petrino keeps killing in prison and for the most trivial reasons then he encounters his father in prison he's doing time for murdering Padrino's mother the killer takes Savage Revenge he killed his father because his father had broken his particular rule about not hurting women and children his father's life was to be taken away in Revenge he kills him he cuts him open he takes his heart out there's some real symbology here for this where now I essentially own you right he eats he's reported to eat a part of his father's heart right it's like I'm consuming you you'll always be with me but I'm always the one in control for investigators all this is a punch in the gut they've caught the Killer if only they could be able to stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] him if he kills somebody in prison we're powerless we can only intervene if it happens on the street once it takes place behind bars we can't do a thing even in prison pedrino remained in the headlines he kills 53 convicts in nine different prisons so I think for him it was a probably a wonderful environment because he had to worry even less about the laws of society because the laws became those that are created by the individuals in the prison he probably thrived in that environment pedrino spends his final years in solitary confinement then he's released according to Brazilian law 30 years in jail is the maximum in Pino's case the court increases this by another four when the serial killer leaves prison he's 52 years old you might stop for that time in prison like a lot do except Matador um but when you come out you're back into that environment where you used to kill previously so it's it's we expect that they will kill the one thing that might temper that is age as the person gets older whether you're a psychopath or have an antisocial personality disorder a lot of those features seem to soften as you get older the mass murderer moves South into the jurisdiction of Officer Manuel dos Santos soon the police are once again looking for pedrino for inciting prison riots and kidnapping a correctional officer the whole country wants to see the killer behind bars in 2011 residents of the District of makus contacted us saying they thought theyd Pino but we could hardly believe this information after Witnesses identify the killer from photographs it's clear it is indeed pedrino officer dos Santas organizes a special task force the best Men available nevertheless they all assume they might die on the day we plan to arrest pedrino matador we were scared all of us we could not help it because we just did not know what would happen dos Santos and his fellow officers storm the house and the armed serial killer gives up without resistance serial killers will seldom resist when they're caught um pedrillo was um quite proud of what he had done so his anger wouldn't have been directed at the police officers arresting him dos Santos personally put South America's most infamous serial killer back behind bars Brazilians celebrate him as a hero everyone assumes that pedrino will continue to kill in prison but at least the streets are safe again for officer dos Santos it is the high point of his [Music] career when I realized that we finally had him I felt like I'd scored a major goal in the final match of the World Cup it felt that great incredible back behind bars pedrino Matador commits no more murders 5 years later he is again released and since 2016 has been living an unobtrusive life somewhere in Brazil others however are never able to stop killing Ukraine the mid 1990s 52 dead women children even entire families the Terminator a ferocious serial killer terrorizes the country we knew we had to get him but we didn't have any clues the killer murders in the form of a cross using Ukraine as his canvas it was symbolic that he killed in the pattern of a cross his horrific plan to terminate 365 human lives brat kovich a village of 3,000 people in Western Ukraine here in 1995 the Terminator executes an entire family Chief investigator fer naok is the first at the crime scene I was used to going to such places even murder scenes and obviously it was never easy every murder affects us people die you always carry it with you but here there were four murders at once this kind of thing doesn't happen here we never would have expected anything like it and had no idea what was still to come in the house naok finds a kruchkov family a couple with two children brutally murdered the killer sets fire to the victims and torches the crime scene destroying all Clues except one after the murders in the house we found a fifth body here I suspected these cases must be connected as the person under the bus died shortly after the killings in house but further investigations lead to na naok suspects these are not standard homicides his aim with his murders was to kill the family that was the primary aim but he was also sufficiently aware that if there was a witness or a B bystander who could give evidence to the police they too needed to die 5 days later The Killing Spree continues first in the north of the country two people lie dead at the roadside one day later three dead this time in Eastern Ukraine typically when we categorize Killers who kill multiple of victims they're generally serial killers or we have men Mass murderers but Anor penko is a bit different I would say that when we look at his crimes they are mass murders but he's sort of a repeat mass murderer the Terminator travels across the entire country investigators cannot imagine that this is the work of a single killer then only 4 Weeks Later another killing takes place in bratovich the scene of the first crime till then I didn't think we were dealing with a serial killer but from that point on we had only one goal to catch the killer as soon as possible and prevent any further merge the Terminator frustrates nav's team of investigators his pattern is complicated no one understands it meanwhile the police believe they are dealing with a gang of killers the way he killed torturing the homes of his victims typical in the 9s it was the way underground organizations and gangs operated after the collapse of the Soviet Union it fit the pattern so it was easier to believe there was a brutal gang roaming the country and that it was not just one single individual in one month the Terminator kills 23 people investigators analyze all the crime scenes and finally discover a pattern they Mark all the killings on a map the result is a gigantic cross stretching across all of Ukraine now investigators know onor peno's pattern but the question persists why Pat onop penko was born in 1959 his mother dies when he's 4 years old his father abandons the family the young boy lands in an orphanage socialization in the orphanage was affected via punishment warnings locking up cruelty even physical violence the older children's job was to beat up the younger ones and the teachers told them who deserved it in college in the Navy nowhere does onopen go find a new home then a voice supposedly speaks to him to commit such crimes you have to have a right but I can't prove who gave me the right maybe God gave me the right how can I prove it when for example there are six billion people on Earth and those who have seen God they can't prove it but maybe I've seen God maybe I received a concrete task from him but I can't prove it since 1995 onoprienko claims a higher being ordered him to kill 365 people honor preno is saying I'm hearing voices that are telling me to kill which suggests mental health problems yet he's cognitive enough to try to destroy evidence select locations where um he's not going to be discovered and to actually create a particular type of pattern so I don't know we might say crazy like a fox The Killing Spree takes its course in only 4 months the serial killer murders as many men women and children as possible the Ukrainian people are terrified and give Ono preno a name Terminator the police can do nothing but search all over Ukraine at the same time we did what we could checked all previously convicted criminals everyone that seemed suspicious we turn the entire area upside down very very very many people were investigated to protect the population soldiers Patrol the streets day and night similar to wartime conditions everyone is out anxious still believing there is a gang of killers but then police find the first decisive clue we found two more victims shot by the killer on the street while he was on the run the important thing we found Footprints we finally had a lead right here there were clear footprints in the snow in the end it became the whole country United to catch this horrendous killer investigators now know it is a single vicious killer they launched the biggest Manhunt in Ukrainian history 2,000 police officers and 3,000 soldiers comb the entire country the police also deploy plain clothed spies there are countless rumors about what happens next informers tracking the killer down neighbors reporting suspicious activity relatives blowing the whistle one thing is certain the police are on the Killer's heels I'm not allowed to give any details as how we discovered that he lived here is classified police information we had possibilities but the main thing is we found him after searching for 4 and a half months investigators surprise the Terminator in his home they find the murder weapon and stolen valuables enough evidence to be sure they've got him mono penko admits to the crimes and even shows investigators how he killed his victims it takes 4 months for the court to decide the fate of Ukraine's most brutal serial killer onop penko barely says a word until the verdict the death penalty only now does the Terminator say something life has treated me harshly so I don't think about being punished I am a working man I am an execution man and remember punishment is up to the gods or the devil the devil I think it was a desperate attempt to just avoid responsibility for what he's done uh and nothing more than that we've out of all the serial kills cases that I've ever worked on which is over 110 I think one had mental illness that a lot claimed only one was really found to be mentally ill so the 99.9% of serial killers are not doing this because of a mental illness shortly before the Terminator scheduled execution Ukraine follows the lead of the EU and abolishes the death penalty the sentence is converted to life in prison neither investigator fidor naok nor the rest of Ukraine will ever forgive the Terminator the serial killer finally dies 17 years after his his conviction of a heart attack women kill less often than men but once they have decided upon their devilish plan they kill tactically deliberately and from behind poisoning is always said to be the woman's murdering process in England a female killer dupes police for weeks but nobody thought a woman could be behind it in Germany a loving wife mixes hydrocyanic acid in with her husband's pudding for years yeah this kind of nice little old lady and you know they they don't want to believe it in the United States a housewife replaces headache tablets with potassium cyanide they detected what they said was a faint smell of omond cold BL blooded female Killers their deeds are among the worst crimes of all time but why do women become [Music] [Applause] [Music] Killers Orange Springs Florida on July the 4th 19 90 Brian Jarvis is called to an abandoned vehicle near Okana National Forest the driver Peter Zs has been missing for days when we recovered this car we were only looking at it as a missing person hopefully he was still alive we didn't know there was a couple things that struck us as unusual the license plate from the car and some of the the paperwork from inside the car had been discarded where it was initially wrecked and then the car was driven away so we searched this area extensively looking for Mr Sim's body just in case he had been killed but we didn't find anything what was difficult for the police was there was nothing to find at the crime scene where the cars were dumped not even 4 Weeks Later the detective makes his way once more to a crime scene in the woods a family on a picnic near a lake makes a horrific find detective Brian Jarvis immediately has a bad feeling when we got out here to the Okala National Forest we found there was a very very bad stench in the air and it smelled horrible it it was something once you leave the scene it doesn't leave you for a while the odor of Decay we started looking around the area we saw a badly decomposing body in the weeds we realized it was Troy burus he was was still wearing his shirt from work that had his name Troy on the pocket the body of the 50-year-old sausage salesman from Okala Florida Bears two deep gunshot wounds the man has also been missing for days murders are no Rarity in this area Marian County is considered a very violent place there was no nection at this point as far as a serial killer goes it was just another one of those uh killings that we had hoping to get a lead in the murder of Troy Baris Brian Jarvis drives the sausage salesman's delivery route stop for stop searching for possible Witnesses on our way back we stopped at a convenience store in Seville Florida about midway between Daytona and Okala and when we went in there the clerk told us that he had been there at his normal time around 2: or 2:30 in the afternoon when we went to his next stop the clerk said he never arrived and that's how we narrowed down the location that he disappeared at in the still unresolved case of Peter seams disappearance detective Brian Jarvis gets an important lead not far from where he had found the abandoned car huge break in the case came at this remote fire station in the Ocala National Forest there were a couple of girls that had come to the fire station and started using the faucet Outdoors outside somebody inside the building heard the water running and they were wondering why so they came out and they saw two girls outside of the building washing blood off they decided to call an ambulance but when the ambulance arrived the girls were nowhere to be found the firemen are able to give the police a detailed description of the two women the composite AR artist uses it to create a likeness at this point it's still unclear if the women have anything to do with the men's disappearance still in the dark investigators organize a meeting with the police departments of the surrounding counties and indeed there are similar cases in Marian's neighboring counties three more bodies are found that all appear to have been murdered according to the same pattern a short time later in Maran County victim number six police review the results of the various investigations and discover important [Music] similarities there were a couple things that stood out the first thing was the fact that it was a 22 caliber weapon that's a smaller weapon something much lighter easier to use not as much Kickback the second thing that really stood out was that when the vehicles are recovered the driver's side seat was always in always in the forward most position so we put those two things together and when we first realized what we had it was very intimidating it was something we hadn't dealt with before is it possible we're looking for women so far Brian Jarvis has assumed the Killer is male a mistake he decides to question Witnesses at the rest areas again if you look statistically women are a very small percentage of violent crime offenders about 7% your first default would be probably male and maybe if you look at it closer you might start to consider that actual suspect could could be a female and in fact he finds a witness at this gas station on Interstate 75 she saw the victim together with the two women it was when we got to this location here that we got our break we showed the clerk and side a photograph of Mr humph and she recognized him as having been in here that day the next thing we did is we showed her two composits of the girls that may be involved in other cases such as the Peter Sims case and she was able to say that yes there were two girls in here that resembled those composits and it was about the same time as Mr humph was in here we decided to go and get the help from the media so we release the composits to the media in hopes that that would develop some leads for us in identifying who these girls could be and so they appealed to the public and this is a part of common police practice when they know it's going to be really difficult they decide to publicize the case through the Nationwide press even though they have neither names nor real photos only composite sketches so usually you would want to do that only when you don't have any other immediate ways of identifying where that particular person is at that point in time the police's strategy bears fruit a crucial tip comes in both women have stopped in Daytona Beach at the fair viiew Motel detective Jarvis drives there immediately but too late the two women are gone when we checked with the owners of the fair viiew sure enough aen had been staying here under an assumed name we started getting more and more leads with her aliases her names so we were building a list of names at that point we took all these different aliases that we got and went to the pawn shops and started looking that's what led us to the fingerprint with which gave us our identification of aen the women take their victim's valuables to porn shops in the US this means they have to leave their fingerprints on file not only did she have to leave a signature she had to leave a fingerprint and once they had that fingerprint of course they could search the police records in which her fingerprints were already available and then they had the name of the person who' handled that property the question was where was Eileen waros Eileen waros has previous convictions for armed robbery and assault but is she also a killer Brian Jarvis gets a tip the two women have been seen in a biker bar in Daytona Beach we didn't have enough information enough evidence to convict her yet and our prosecutor told us we didn't have enough evidence our problem was we didn't want to take a chance on her killing somebody else we knew there'd be a huge party at the last resort coming up very shortly and we thought if she got on the back of a motorcycle or in a car and took off we might not locate her again so police offer tyia Moore a deal they promise her immunity from prosecution so the investigators approached her girlfriend and asked her to make telonic contact with Eileen to try and get her to conest and tell more of what had happened once eileene found out that her lover had actually done this with the police it completely destroyed her this was Eileen's closest dearest friend the only person in her life that mattered had basically betrayed her e waros is taken into custody and Brian Jarvis gathers evidence for an indictment for Multiple homicide main thing here was now we had to build our case because we had very little to start with when we interviewed her so now with her statement she told us where the gun was and where some of the evidence was and that allowed us to put things together to where we could prosecute her so ultimately it was good oldfashioned police work that led and cooperation the community that led to them being identified as the suspects in these Murders At first waros is indicted in Valia County for only one murder she doesn't respond to any of the other allegations only when her friend tyia Moore testifies against her in court does she fold and a few days later that's exactly what eileene did she confessed to the police all of the murders the world must have just crumbled in front of her eyes and you could see that she changes her strategy in court where she now says I'm going to confess and and you may as well give me the death [Music] penalty all at once she starts to speak I robbed him and I killed him as cold as ice and I do it again too I know I'd kill another person cuz I've hated humans for a long time throughout the entire trial Eileen waros shows neither compassion nor remorse warant of the governor of the state of Florida you Eileen Carol War us be electrocuted until you are dead the judge sentences her for six murders y'all going to sentence me to death row probably three more times how many times you people want to kill me anyway 10 years later hen waros dies by lethal injection for detective Brian Jarvis the fitting punishment if I had to describe aen in one word it would be evil she didn't stand a chance growing up she had a bad childhood a bad adulthood and she just cared about herself having fun and partying and living whatever life she enjoyed she never cared about the other people she never cared about her victims their families she was just pure evil female serial killers like Eileen waros often fall through the cracks at the beginning of Investigations for society thinks women less capable of murder they artfully hide their coldblooded nature behind a mask we don't see that darkness in them women's horrifying crimes show us anyone can become a [Music] killer Peter bar a small town north of London brutal murder shock the contemplative idil when we saw the scene it became clear it was not a normal murder but nobody thought a woman could be behind it Joanne Deni is a mother of two children beloved in her hometown but the young woman has a bloody hobby she kills men apparently at random Good Friday March the 29th 2013 the Peterborough police receive a report of a burnt out car 1 hour later Kevin Lee a building manager and father of two children has not come home his wife reports him missing the next morning Steven Briggs the journalist for the peterb telegraph is listening to the police radio someone out for a walk has found a male corpse along a dirt road outside Peterborough so when we arrived at the scene the police had already started their investigation here um a dog walker had found the body of of Kevin Lee in this ditch and there was police taping Cordon um cordon off the area the body had been found in a black sequin dress this suggested to us it wasn't going to be a normal murder case it was something something much bigger than that the area where Lee's body was found is too remote to yield any leads no Witnesses no security cameras so the investigation starts off a farmer finds a body in a ditch wearing a sequin dressed multiple stab bounds but nothing that points in the direction of a particular suspect just like the police Steven Brigg begins investigating the same day the first lead takes him to one of the apartment buildings managed by Kevin Lee neighbors there report a rumor that Lee is having an affair with Joan [Music] Deni Briggs drives to the social housing District where Den he lives in the Rouses near riston G he investigates who the woman is Joan Denny is a single mother of two children and is said to have a violent boyfriend Gary stretch did he commit the murder out of jealousy Gary stretch was a well-known criminal in in peterb he'd been in out of prison a number of times for burglaries he'd even been found not guilty of a murder charge at one point it made sense that police were linking to it but he was 7 foot tall he's got the physical capability to carry out a crime like this and his his history suggests that he could have been involved at this point No One Believes that Deni is behind the brutal killing women tend to use less violent methods poisoning is always said to be the woman's murdering process Steven Briggs wants to interview the pair but neither he nor the police can find them that makes them suspicious at this point there was no evidence that Den or stretch were involved in the murder of Kevin Le but police did want to trace them and they didn't know where they were so they put out a public appeal to try and find them when you know that the person that you're looking for but you're not sure where they are of course you start to go around to friends and family ask if they've seen this individual if they have a vehicle you put it a bulletin out saying please if anybody sees this vehicle reported to the investigating officers the couple has long since left Peterborough but they're not keeping a low profile for long they commit a small robbery at a gas station North of the city eventually the car would have been found but the clue that made it quicker was the robbery at the petrol station with the CCTV and the car recognition numbers that gave the police the Clue the police are hot on Deni and stretch his heels but the pair apparently feels safe and is not afraid to attract attention while on the run on the contrary when she discovered that the police had put an appeal out to try and find her she celebrated and she also posed in a series of bizarre photographs including one with a deadly looking knife dinner he consciously adopts the Persona of a bad girl once again the young woman is recorded by a security camera at a gas station but by the time the police show up the couple are gone her big role model was Bonnie and Clyde and that she was going to kill nine people just like Bonnie and Clyde had done 2 days after the discovery of Kevin D's body herid 120 kilm to the West becomes a focus of the investigation that is where Deni strikes again the couple drive through the small Town's quiet side streets in search of their next [Music] victim so there was no real strategy behind the violence it just seemed was vience for the sake of vience just simply wanting to kill some men it didn't matter who let's just find some men I can you know entice into the car and let me see if I can kill them by stabbing them on April the 2nd 2013 a call comes into the police Robin barza a retired man has been stabbed almost 40 times and is in critical condition neither Steven Briggs nor the police recognize in this Behavior the typical criminal profile of a woman only 10 minutes later the next attack 56-year-old John Rogers on a walk with his dog is suddenly stabbed to death she left him for Dead with one final ice cold Act of stealing his dog before walking off shortly after the second attack officers discover the getaway car with Joanne Deni in it but Gary stretch the prime suspect is not with her stretch fleas so of course they think here's the guy we're looking for he's fleeing the seam because he doesn't want to be arrested clearly they're thinking stretch is the killer police take Joan Deni back to the station for questioning this is the crucial turning point in the case it was at this point that police started to realize that it could be Den that was behind this and not stretch Den he puts on a big show enjoying the attention of the police officers it's so bizarre and so far from the realm of what we typically see with um females who are violent if you look statistically the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men I think her callous Behavior immediately after her crimes was perhaps reflective of the idea that she enjoyed killing these people that she took pleasure out of the situation she took pleasure out of the consequences Den he brags about being a murderer it was just the latest in in a long string of things that she'd done throughout the throughout the entire investigation it made me realized that she didn't care about anything else she just wanted to kill and she wanted to be known for killing 2 hours later stretch is caught by police during questioning he also says that Deni is behind the murders not him enjoying other people's pain and violent behavior in general goes against our notion of what a woman is supposed to like and so this is atypical not just in terms of what Society sees but it's also atypical actually for specifically for female Sierra Killers who are already very rare but on top of that this heinous level this almost manly level of violence uh sets her apart from other seral Killers but at this point in time neither the police nor Briggs knows that there are more victims in [Music] Peterborough one day after the arrest in Harford walkers in a remote Forest named thorny Dyke find two more male bodies in a [Music] ditch Lucas SCH slabi and John Chapman both stabbed to death several days before to start with the police wouldn't confirm that these two deaths were part of the same investigation and linking it to to Kevin Lee and Joe Deni but looking at all the all the factors the location and other things it seemed clear to us that it could have been part of that of that same inquiry and investigation into into Joe Deni traces of DNA on the murder weapon quickly provide certainty Deni used the same knife for for all three murders but why does a young woman kill all these men before she engaged in in these killings she was actually already diagnosed with something called antisocial personality disorder now antisocial personality disorder or APD is different from psychopathy because it's based on a history of violent and deviant behavior schnos seski is Den's first victim she pretends to be in love with him lures him into her apartment on March the 19th 2013 and stabs him to death initially she hides the body in a garbage can 10 days later she kills her neighbor Chapman her boyfriend stretch helps her dispose of the bodies the same evening she kills Kevin Lee then she proceeded to have some fun she proceeded to dress dress him in a black sequinned dress to pose him in a way and to enjoy the aftermath of the killing and that is showing that her killing pattern is developing over the time Gary stretch also helps her with Lee's body together they drive it to a nearby patch of forest the more we spoke to people who knew Deni the more we discovered she had a certain Charisma about her something that enabled her to get on with people to make people do pretty much whatever she wanted but on the on the other hand she also had a much darker side to her which was capable of doing absolutely horrific things but not only that capable of doing those things and having no sympathy or empathy with the victims No Remorse and not thinking about the consequences of what she had done Joanna wanted the violence she wanted that close contact I think she wanted to see the blood and to see the people die Steven Briggs also attends the trial so when then was in the courtroom she definitely knew she was she was the focal point she was the uh the center of attention and that's the position that she craved throughout the the rest of the hearing she she show showed bizarre behavior as well at one point even dancing and joking while in the courtroom um one of the bizarrest things that I've ever seen in in my career in in what was the biggest story that I've ever covered in 2014 the 31-year-old is given a life sentence in prison she becomes pen pals with a construction worker from Sussex and they get engaged Joanna Deni is one of the few female serial killers who kill for the pure joy of it for women tend to kill out of greed and use poison difficult to prove and easy to administer the victims suffer an agonizing death death by cyanide is quite painful because the individual knows that although they're breathing they're getting no [Music] oxygen kempen Germany Maria Felton comes to the attention of the homicide division over a period of 20 years she murders one husband after another we don't see individuals um you know we don't see that darkness in them but she has a dark side shocking even to experienced investigators life shows you anyone can become a killer but why does a mother of six children kill her husbands Ken a tranquil small town near dorf until April the 27th 1983 the homicide division receives an unusual complaint detective Chief superintendent Helmut Schmidt works the case I was surprised because I had never heard of a 63-year-old woman that's how old she was then killing three men or three people without anyone finding out about it Maria Felton's own daughter-in-law files a complaint against her allegedly felt and confessed to her to having poisoned three husbands helmot Schmid begins investigating this doesn't make sense to them yeah this kind of nice little old lady and you know they they don't want to believe it it doesn't really you know doesn't fit in with the scenario that they're thinking of plus they've had doctors you know medical doctors signing off on the natural deaths are the accusations true Schmidt must find out more about the accused and her family so we drove to kempen and checked out Mrs Felton the Felton family and the Felton children to see if the family had any criminal past famili the detective speaks with Maria Felton's immediate family other relatives and neighbors does the friendly mother and grandmother have two faces Schmidt learns that Maria Felton benefited financially from each of her husband's deaths but is that a motive for murder Maria actually hated men but she also wanted money this is the house where Maria Felton once lived with her husband number two Peter oen pish they marry in 1959 after a few years he files for divorce and dies shortly thereafter detective Schmidt finds out that o and pesh decided to get a divorce after his wife forged his signature on a loan application the forged signature was a clear signal for us time to take action the forged loan application and the daughter-in-law statement call Schmidt to do something drastic he has Maria Felton's last husband exed ultimately you're a good Christian and you know what it means to disturb a body that should be resting in peace it's not easy to dig up someone like that but the detective has no choice it's the only way to prove prove one murder and prevent another we knew that Mrs Felton had a new boyfriend we knew she wanted to take a trip with him and I don't think we were sleeping peacefully at the time we were concerned and we were scared that the next man would have to die when anything happened that she didn't like according to her daughter-in-law's statement Maria Felton poisoned her husbands Schmidt sends the exume body to the forensics lab in [Music] Aken what will the autopsy reveal not every poison leaves traces over a long period of time what then Schmidt waits for the results for 2 weeks then comes a call from the lab they have have indeed found hydrocyanic acid in the corpse her method was to use a poison e605 which is a pesticide it's a tri floro acid and it has a blue color in it to demonstrate that this is dangerous so now they have uh the motive the money that she's getting from the account and then they have the method by which he has been killed detective Helmut Schmidt is now able to clearly prove the murder of husband number three he arrests Maria Felton at home and interrogates her but the old woman says nothing in response to the charges Maria at first Maria Felton wouldn't talk to us one bit when we told her the allegations no response at all except I didn't do anything her words were self assured but she is behaving like someone like someone who is subservient head down tense fidgety hands no eye contact you could feel her insecurity Schmidt puts pressure on Maria Felton threatening to exume her other two husbands as well using that leverage would help get it to come to a point of a confession of course whether she agreed or not they might still have gone in exume those bodies but Maria Felton doggedly persists in her [Music] silence when you find a successful motus op rendai typically you will keep with that modus operandi uh if it works for you so she's having great success using this poison detective Schmidt has no option but to have her two other husbands Peter oen PES and hinish uker dug up from their graves then she confesses to everything yes I did it what you did it yes I killed my husband I poisoned him and then he died and you can feel yourself freeze up these are the high points in a detective's career to get a confession for which you know you have worked long and hard but it was worth the effort and it is fulfilling no doubt at all Schmid's Instinct was right forensic experts find traces of hydrocyanic acid in the two other bodies as well the county court of celt gives Felton three life sentences for 20 years Maria Felton managed to commit murders in Germany undetected during the trial she also admits to having murdered two other people her father and her Aunt Maria Felton a seemingly loving wife mixed the PO in with her husband's blueberry pudding and I think that's what's disturbing to most of us we don't see individuals um you know we don't see that darkness in them to this day the case continues to preoccupy Schmid Mrs Felton made me reflect who can become a killer can anyone become a killer Yes life shows you anyone can become a killer even seemingly harmless women one would never think capable of it like in Seattle Washington 1986 an entire state is in panic the reason poisoned headache tablets we are talking literally millions of bottles of eedan Special Agent Patrick Ross is investigating in the first poisoning case in US history the trail takes him to an inconspicuous woman isn't it odd that Stella Nicholls would provide two bottles of extra strength Sedin both laced with cyanide is Stella nickel and an assuming housewife behind the poisonings is she the one keeping all of Seattle on tenter hooks Orban a bluecolor suburb of Seattle in the western us a sleepy town until June the 11th 1986 that morning Susan Snow takes two exod tablets a half hour later her daughter calls an ambulance her mother is unconscious and dies a short time later while the autopsy is being carried out FBI special agent Patrick Ross takes over the investigation he doesn't suspect that the death of this one young woman is only the tip of the iceberg when the coroner was performing the autopsy on Su snow they detected what they said was a faint smell of almonds that faint smell of almonds is often associated with cyanide poisoning further tests revealed that she had in fact been poisoned with potassium cyanide investigation then concluded after looking examining the pills she had taken that morning that they had been tainted with cyanide cyanide or hydrocyanic acid is highly toxic Patrick Ross is thus certain that someone wanted to poison Susan [Music] snow so cyanide is a reasonably accessible type of poison it's probably one of the first two that people think of death by cyanide is quite painful because the individual knows that although they're breathing they're getting no oxygen uh and it's a very hard death for the individual who suffers it terrifying news for Seattle death caused by headache tablets manufactured by the company Bristol Meer squib they're available in every American drugstore the manufacturer of the medication n to withdraw countless thousands of bottles of of this headache tablet which had a massive Financial impact on the company of course the initial thought was that this was done to damage the reputation of Bristol Meers squib nobody was thinking really on small scale Patrick Ross belongs to a team of 40 special agents they must find the culprit as quickly as possible and prevent further poisonings uh we search numerous grocery stores pharmacies it's a very common product it was something I would have at home in my own medicine cabinet and knowing that the possibly there were more B out there people's lives would be at risk Patrick Ross continues to question all drugstore employees in the region and the victim's family without success at the same time Ross has thousands of bottles of exidine tested for tainted tablets across the entire state of Washington what they find out is that there are only five bottles five bottles of exedran that have the poison in them all five come from the arons of one particular City Auburn investigators are now certain no one wants to extort a pharmaceutical company the motive must be personal but a days have already gone by the poisoner is still on the loose are there more victims have all the poison tablets being taken out of circulation this is why today we see so much tamperproof packaging and almost all medications you buy all vitamins you buy everything has a lid a sealed lid on it that if it had been tampered with you would be able to determine that and that comes from cases like this Patrick Ross still has no suspects he's already beginning to consider taking the case National he searches intensively but he has no leads at all until he receives a call on June the 19th we heard about the uh second victim because uh the second victim uh's wife Stella nickel uh alerted law enforcement authorities that her husband had also taken Excedrin and perhaps he was also a victim of uh cyanine poisoning so she in fact brought attention on herself the caller is named Stella nickel a second death by cyanide again in Orban investigators see no coincidence Patrick Ross immediately drives to The Address given by the caller a trailer park on the outskirts of the city Stella nickel declares that her husband also took a headache tablet and he died a short time later she gives the officers the remaining tablets in Bruce Nichols body they found traces of potassium sidoni poisoning and uh isn't it odd that Stella nichels would provide two bottles of extra strength cedin both laced with cyanide that she claimed she got from two different stores in the alurn area of thousands of bottles of the medication in circulation Stella nickel ends up with two tainted ones bad luck or is something more going on if you're looking at it statistically the like likelihood of one person buying two bottles of aedin that were both Poisoned With cyanide out of literally a million bottles of eedan across the United States is exceptionally rare and that really brought the focus of attention on to Stella who is this woman who seems to have such bad luck born in Oregon in 1943 she grows up very poor her father is an alcoholic and beats her she grows up with with drug issues with alcohol issues surrounded by violence surrounded by poverty this is fertile ground for nickel to become ultimately a disturbed young woman life had not been good to Stella Stella nickel gets pregnant at the age of 16 travels through the country on her own and survives on theft and deception in 1974 she meets her future husband Bruce they're brought together by their common love of alcohol he saw the problems that it caused him and he became dry and as a result she began to hate him because they couldn't go to the bars anymore together a devilish plan forms in her mind she will poison her husband and cash in on his life insurance policy to get the money his death must be an accident tainted medicine is an accident for Patrick Ross the various pieces of the investigation's puzzle finally make sense for her husband's death to look like an accident other people must also die from the same poison but how can Ross prove it they find something interesting within the cyanide laced capsules they find these tiny microscopic green flex and those are in all of the poison capsules and they discovered that it was a material used to clean aquariums Ross knows that Stella nickel has an aquarium at home if someone testified that she used the same algicide product that had been identified Ross would have his first piece of of evidence he takes nichels photograph to over 60 stores in this store agents were able to determine that Stella nickel was one of the customers here and she had in fact purchased the algicide that was mixed in with the cyanide this was a key piece of evidence because this linked her to the deaths of the two individuals Patrick Ross is certain Stella nickel crushes the poison in the same dish she uses for the algicide product for her fish but how does someone like still nickel know about cyanide her daughter tells Ross that nickel has recently spent a conspicuous amount of time in the local library half a year after the first murder this Library becomes a focus of the investigation some of the agents went into the library and uh took several of the books that talked about potassium cyanide sent them back to the FBI laboratory for fingerprint analysis and wouldn't you know it three or four of those books contain Stella Nichols fingerprints on the pages that talked about potassium cyanide now there is enough evidence for an arrest Ross's model investigation brings the jury to a unanimous decision 90 years in prison for murder and product tampering in the end we as an investigative team were related that all our effort had paid off and we had enough evidence to not only charge Stella nickel but convict her and put her in prison Stella nickel is still in prison [Music] today because of her greed and her perfidious plan an innocent mother had to die not even her husband suspected anything thanks only to Patrick Ross's outstanding investigative work more poisoning deaths managed to be averted women who become Killers often exercise a certain Fascination their acts are artfully planned and carried out in Cold Blood women kill less often out of pure desire and more out of greed or Revenge 2/3 of their murder victims are men
Channel: Absolute Crime
Views: 280,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Crime, Crime Documentaries, True Crime, True Crime Documentaries, Murder documentaries, True Crime Stories, True Crime Youtube Channel, True Crime Documentary, full documentary channel, full length documentary 2022, prison documentaries
Id: T7qvwpZLe4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 7sec (12127 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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