What Happened After the Ending of Whiplash? | Cutshort

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[Music] although only three years old I feel as if whiplash has already been cemented as a classic the movie is not a feel-good film although at first glance the indeed may seem that way if you're not aware of the ending to this film then go watch it immediately it's one of the most well made films of the last decade the story revolves around Andrew the drummer is striving to be the greatest musician in the world no matter what the cost Charlie Parker didn't know anybody until Joe Jones threw a cymbal at his head so that's your idea of success huh I think being the greatest musician of the 20th century is anybody's idea of success Andrews abusive teacher Fletcher is constantly bullying Andrew to be the best and in the end when Andrew comes back to show Fletcher that he is the greatest all Andrew does is prove Fletcher's teaching correct Fletcher's constant Brightman and bullying turns Andrew to one of the finest artists in the world Fletcher finally has the great musician that he wanted I've heard many people see whiplash as ending as a happy ending Andrew finally became one of the greats it's what he wanted after all right well yes it is what he wanted but andrew has lost what made him a person the movie backs us up in a unique way the film begins as Andrew is seen in the darkroom wearing full bytes engulfed in his craft the full white representing his innocence and healthy devotion to the drums through the darkness comes Fletcher wearing all black a man's spotting his next target over time Andrew progressively starts wearing darker and darker colors as he becomes more obsessed with his craft as Andrew becomes obsessively driven his clear pitcher of water is filled with his own dark blood when the film ends Andrew is seen wearing all black just like Fletcher he's no longer himself he's now just a machine Andrews father Jim who has been trying to keep his son from fully engulfing himself in his craft watches from afar realizing what has happened Jim watches Andrew crazed exhausted looks like he's pushing himself past when it's safe and knows there is no longer anything he can do about it he is lost the ending of whiplash shows the disconnect between what people believe his success to Andrew he has finally become the next great musician to Fletcher through abusing and torments he has finally made the next great musician - Jim he has lost his son with Fletcher's help Andrew plays his amazing solo in the film cuts to black so what happened next director of whiplash Damien Chazelle has his idea of what happens I think there's a certain amount of damage that will always have been done Fletcher will always think he won and Andrew will always be a sad empty shell of a person and will die in his 30s of a drug overdose maybe - Andrew dine in your 30s is still a success he even stated that he would prefer it this way dying broke and drunk and full of heroin at the age of 34 is not exactly my idea of success I'd rather die drunk broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me and live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remember who I was andrew has become narrow-minded all that matters to him is his drumming his family his friends are all useless to him miles teller who plays Andrew gives his thought on what happens to Andrew after the movie I think Andrew lives a pretty lonely existence just working on his craft and becoming one of the greatest drummers of all time but being pretty miserable and alone people say you are probably going to die alone that's Andrew miles teller truly understands his character Andrew will probably die alone in his mid-30s just like his father predicted the ending of whiplash cemented the most important moment in Andrews life the moment he lost himself in the moment he gave in to the horrors of obsession [Music]
Channel: Cutshort
Views: 1,304,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiplash, music, jazz, j.k. simmons (film actor), whiplash (film), miles teller, damien chazelle, j.k. simmons, drummer, hd, concert, miles teller (film actor), oscar, video essay, drums, drumming, cutshort, reddit, ending, what happened after the ending, films, movie, aftermath, caravan, jazz band'
Id: n-YNd5dCvhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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