Behind The Scenes: Things You Didn't Know About 'Whiplash' (2014) | Making The Movies

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hopefully you're into drumming as we've got a pile of trivial facts on whiplash it's actually a small indie film but was so well received it ended up with three Oscars the picture was directed by Damien Chazelle who was still in his 20s when he created the film at first Damien couldn't get the project financed so he made a short film and submitted it into the Sundance Film Festival thereat won an award and soon after he found finance ears for a full-length picture with a budget of just three million dollars they shot an edited whiplash in only ten weeks still the concert scenes were surprisingly big shoots I know the one day that we did like a hundred and forty setups which is unbelievable I mean Fantastic Four you know insurgent you're doing like 1012 setups a day and so on that movie we did like 140 one day which was insane I never knew what the camera was that I really didn't the movies a lot of close-up and I had no idea that he was ever shooting us like that I really didn't the lead is played by miles teller who's been a drumming enthusiast since he was 15 for this role he had to step it up a notch though and spend four hours a day for three days a week improving his skills to make it look as authentic as possible in some cases the director wouldn't yell cut after a scene so miles would keep drumming and exhaust himself even further also sometimes tellers character is shown drumming so relentlessly his hands start to bleed and here too there's very little acting involved I was asking Damian I said is it believable does it would this really happen and all that stuff you say oh yeah you know by the time that he was done all of his drumsticks were covered in blood and and me once I started practicing I got you know bloody blisters and all that miles teller might have the lead in this movie but the true star is JK Simmons who plays his drill sergeant of a drumming teacher JK won an Oscar for the part although that was just one of the 47 Awards he won for this role whiplash is quickly becoming a musical classic and that's definitely an impressive feat for such a small movie you
Channel: Making the Movies
Views: 955,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiplash, behind the scenes, movie, damien chazelle, film, music, miles teller (film actor), whiplash (film), movies, miles teller, oscars, jazz, j.k. simmons, drums, oscar, awards, whiplash movie, scene, trailer, drumming, ending, jk simmons, drummer, films, scenes, drama (tv genre), simmons, review, Making The Movies, whiplash behind the scenes, whiplash making of, whiplash bloopers, Whiplash 2014, making of whiplash, the making of whiplash
Id: l0hc4lKc2Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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