What Golang Projects Should I Build to Get a Job?

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working on projects is one of the best ways to learn and become proficient in a programming language or technologies building a portfolio of a personal project is one of the best of ways to stand out among the sea of other candidates especially if you are a beginner looking for a job however exactly what type of projects should you be working on if your objective is to maximize your chances of getting a job by the end of it you definitely do not want to spend money of your time perfecting your kettle tic tac toe terminal app even if a tech tactile application can get quite fancy sometimes because your recruiters or your interviewers probably wouldn't take that type of project too seriously unfortunately in today's video we'll be talking about the five different types of projects that you should consider and the reasons why i believe these are the best a banger for your bug and will help you succeed in your very next job hunt [Music] some ninjas welcome back to the golang dojo your number one resource for all things go make sure to get your free golang cheat sheet at golangdojo.com the very first type of projects that you should consider building in order to get a job at the end is building some type of restful apis building restful apis is one of the most popular use cases for the google programming language in general especially since the go has a very powerful yet extremely simple still http package for this use case i remember when i was a college student at building a restful api is actually my very first group of project that i did during a hackathon event this is especially perfect if you have a one or two other buddies who are a little bit more interested in building front-end applications while you work under the back-end both of you will need to learn the basics of a weber development you need to learn the construct of a http request slash response things like status code quality parameters common format for the body the underlying protocol that it uses differences between http versus https another list goes on ideally you can work on the west apis at that touch on authentication and authorization either find some oauth options or learn a little bit more in depth into session and management afterwards you can explore some popular web frameworks like fiber origin i would personally recommend trying to build things natively first so you can tell the differences and the potential convenience a web weapon framework can provide if you are building a decently sized project you likely need some type of persistence instead of only using a memory object so you may need to look into some sql slash a relational databases like a postgresql learn to write some sql queries at least at the basic and quagged commands which are create read update and delete additionally you may want to dive a little bit deeper into this topic and learn some common best practices in designing relational models go does have a very convenient sql package which you can absolutely utilize all right so the second type of projects that i can recommend anybody doing is going to be building some type of micro services along with building west apis and building microservices is another one of the most popular use cases for the gold programming language especially if you are a beginner having a portfolio project of building microservices is going to help a ton in terms of making you stand out when you are looking for a job in the process of building a microservices a project of force you're going to first look into what a microservices architecture even is you should look into the pros and cons why should we even bother with microservices how is it any different from putting everything into a giant monolithic design after you've come up with a problem statement that can be realistically solved by the microservices architecture it's time to dig a little bit into the more technical aspect of things such as the communication between microservices are you going to be using rpc calls what is rpc how is it different from http or are you going to be using some type of event messaging then you might run into technologies like sqs kafka what are these technologies all about how are they different from each other do you need some type of a data storage are sql databases good enough or do you need a no sql database what kind of problems can a nosql database potentially solve without a sql database it kills now that you have the main pieces down what about performance optimization have you considered caching do you really need the caching i heard that where this is kind of cool but what about memcache is memcache even still relevant probably should just a sticker with it lettuce but wait are you absolutely sure that you need a cash anger to begin with or do you just have a bad database in model design and then there is a monitoring and alerting and there's also a plethora of technologies around monitoring and unloading such as a data dog splunk pager duty oh my god will i ever learn enough to become a proficient back in the developer so these are the two types of projects that i can recommend honestly any herbaceous developers but definitely go her developers however if you want to take another step further you can look into build and deployment fortunately ghosts support a very simple and convenient quarter compiling so for the most part this shouldn't be an area where you feel too overwhelmed about but those are definitely use cases for using some type of containerization in software like a docker as well additionally you can get yourself a more familiar with the tools like get lava ci cd which is going to be more convenient or you can look into a combination of a more segmented tools like a jenkins like spinnaker which is probably going to be more it but that definitely can provide you more fine grain control all of which are great tools for continuous integration and continuous delivery now if you are an absolute beginner there is a chance that you were a little bit overwhelmed by the types of projects that we just mentioned if you want to work on something that's less so involved or potentially more beginner friendly before progressing into building apis or full-on microservices i think cli applications can still be a viable option just make sure to take things slightly further rather than just building your tic-tac-toe game or your to-do list app that everybody else has worked done as long as you are willing to spend a little bit of actual time 30 minutes or so for example you should be able to find some pretty solid terminal gui libraries out there in order to make it your originally kiddo terminal applications are look quite as solid and they look more sophisticated than it really is for example instead of your one of the male to-do list app that may be branded and maybe package it a little bit more nicely and call it a ticketing system instead and slap on a gui terminal library on top of it so that it looks a nice and pretty programmatically speaking a ticketing system does not have to be drastically more technically involved compared to a to-do list app but by spending the couple extra hours you can potentially separate yourself from the other lazy candidates now if you are secretly a front-end a fanatic with a gopher disguise you want to work on some front-end applications that you want to present potentially present to the interviewers or to the recruiters and with some nicer looking applications you can certainly do so and you can do that with the help of some popular front-end frameworks or libraries i like to find if you haven't already make sure to check out the last video that i did on fine which is the most popular front-end toolkit built in the gold programming language maybe after working on a front-end application you can build a back end for it as well and advice a voicer and now you can market yourself as a full-stack developer isn't that nice so those are the five types of projects that i can recommend anybody to work on in order to maximize their chances in their very next a job hunt am i missing some obvious project ideas feel free to leave them in the comment section down below make sure to get your free golang cheat sheet at golangdojo.com if you've watched this video till this point make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on yes turn on your notification bell and i'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music] you
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 9,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang for beginners, golang 2022, golang project, golang project ideas, golang project structure, golang projects, golang project idea, projects in golang, golang side projects, golang practice projects, golang web development, golang backend project, build with golang, Golang microservices, Golang rest api, Golang Jwt, Golang ci cd, Golang docker
Id: PF5-bZ-VzDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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