Golang Web Libraries You MUST Learn (2022)

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weber development weapon development is a one of the most popular use cases of the goku programming language this is largely enabled by what already had built into natives ago go developers they can get a server running in literally only a few seconds without the help of a standard library packages like htp additionally those ever more would find garbage collector with a low memory footprint a concurrency model that utilizes gold routines and channels and more all contributed to its success to web development projects in the wild even more so as the language and its open source libraries developed over the recent months and years building her web applications that meets everyone's needs has become more convenient than ever before and in today's video we'll go over some of my top picks these libraries that can easily save you hours or even days and weeks of banging your head against the wall in your very next webinar development project [Music] some ninjas welcome back to the google and dojo where we help russell developers and to finally find a job by becoming a go developer instead if that sounds like a good concert to you make sure to subscribe to the channel and get your free golang link sheet golangdojo.com first of all we have vegeta vegeta is a versatile http load testing tool that can be used both as a command line utility and a library when you finish writing a web application big or small you may want to put it to test in an environment simulated close enough to production and that is the perfect use case for a load testing tool like vegeta you would be able to see the number of requests sent and received the duration of your load testing session the latency successor ratio status code and any errors that that may have occurred now before we move forward if you want me to make a detailed tutorial on any of the libraries that we talked about in today's video please leave a comment down below if there's another view on the same library then i would i can definitely make a more detailed tutorial on it back to the video in the early days the sessions and cookies are what enabled http to become stateful instead of a one-off transactions that we gain the ability to keep track of our users and grant them special privileges or permissions by maintaining sessions on the server and cookies on the clients fast forward a little bit with the introduction of weber tokens we are no longer required to maintain even the session on the server side we can now return a web token with more information about the user instead and validate and protect the integrity of a certain token with encryption algorithms jwt or jot is a technology that allows us to store and transmit such user information in a json format and it's currently the most popular implementation of a token authentication as you can see go has open source libraries on the java as well with the one that developed by crystal hq being one of the most popular ones now keep in mind that the jot is only a very smaller component in your overall authentication system if you have one in your web application you still have to come up with your own implementation to store user information such as your username and password and so on what if the users forget their password are you going to offer an option for them to reset their password by sending them an email for example fortunately we have open source libraries like author boss author boss is a modular authentication system for the web author boss allows us for use cases such as user registration confirming a registration we send a password a password recovery and the list it goes on as you can see right here and even has a fun uh the functionality for two-factor authentication authentication this system is one of the most crucial if not the most crucial part of any larger and complex systems in most cases i definitely would not i recommend you to build your own authentication and components unless if this is the area that you want to specialize in there are just way too many things that could go wrong in authentication and components so definitely consider looking into off boss last but not least of course the list of web libraries that you must learn would not be complete without the one and only gorilla web toolkit with the gorilla mugs and gorilla wubble socket both with over 17 000 stars on github the gorilla webber toolkit is the most popular library for gohan weber development even though in general hugo developers do not prefer to integrate a web framework into their go project most developers can still vouch for a powerful hdb router and url matcher for building their gold webber services and if you stayed so far into this video i'm pretty sure you've already heard about golov max of one way or another and if you haven't that is okay too take a look at this github repo try that out in your next few projects i can definitely recommend it so that's at the list of our website libraries that you must learn now if you want me to make a tutorial on any of the libraries that we've talked about in today's video please let me know in the comment section and down below that said make sure to get your free golang cheat sheets at golangdojo.com make sure to like and subscribe turn on that notification bell and i'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music] you
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 13,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, golang 2022, golang libraries you must learn (2022), golang web framework you must learn 2022, golang libraries, golang in 2022, golang web development, golang library, golang web framework, golang backend frameworks, golang web app, backend web framework in go, golang frameworks, golang backend tutorial, golang backend framework, golang gorilla, web token, vegeta, jwt.io
Id: BqxPnuuMsok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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