What Exactly Is The Mark of The Beast?

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welcome back everyone i'm robert breaker and today we're going to look at an important important subject a subject that i'm asked about a lot and i want to get into this subject with you so please be turning to revelation chapter 13 in your bible revelation chapter 13 we're going to read actually the whole chapter and i just want to clarify some things and give you some good information i want to talk about what exactly is the mark of the beast because i get a lot of questions about this a lot of people ask him brother breaker what what is the mark of the beast there are even some people and i've been getting phone calls and emails and even letters in the mail from people who are saying brother breaker is the bark of the beast now are they actually getting did i take it i've had several people ask me brother breaker did i take the mark of the beast without knowing it so there's a lot of people that are questioning and asking about this and let me start from the beginning by saying this this is not click bait okay i'm not doing this because of click bait because i want more viewers or more clicks or all that stuff i've actually done some videos on this before i have videos on the mark of the beast and then i did one entitled when exactly is the mark of the beast and those are some of the most uh watched videos that i have on youtube so i knew that this one would probably be very well watched but i'm not doing this for the click bait okay i'm not making a fancy title that makes you want to click to watch this i'm doing this to edify you there are people out there who truly have questions that truly have questions on this subject so what i want to do is i just want to deal with it and give you what the bible says we've been getting a lot of opinions lately of men and a lot of men say well my opinion is the mark of the beast is now and they're giving it and i even heard people say if you take this certain thing that they've given in the world that you've taken the mark of the beast and you can't be saved well as an evangelist that makes it hard on me because now there's certain people that i can't win to jesus am i supposed to just give up and go fishing because oh there's no more salvation for them no as long as we're in the dispensation we're in you can still get saved until you take your last breath now when the rapture comes it all changes and it's going to be very very very different so i want to get into this today and i want to help you to understand what exactly is the mark of the beast and go to the other video if you want to learn more about when is the mark of the beast but i'm actually going to talk about that a little bit today as well so revelation chapter 13 as you're turning there i love to draw up here the bible and show you the cross of calvary where jesus died and show you what i call the church age see i believe in dispensations and in the bible there are dispensations and i believe still in a pre-tribulation rapture now there's people out there say i don't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture i do and i see it in the bible i've got many videos on youtube about that because folks there's not much hope left in this world and the only hope we have is that jesus is coming back for his bride then comes the tribulation period after that comes the battle of armageddon where jesus comes geddon and then he defeats the antichrist and sets up his millennial kingdom jesus is going to rule and reign for a thousand years and if you understand dispensations you understand this and you realize that for today it's all about the blood the importance of the blood of jesus you've got to know that salvation is through the blood but a lot of people are out there and they're claiming that the the mark of the beast is now well i want to take you to the scriptures i want you to see with your own eyes from the bible what the mark of the beast is when it is and what specifically it is because it's more than just one thing it's three things in total so we're gonna look at that i'm gonna try to be brief and get through this as quickly as possible but i just want to clarify this because many people have already gotten the thingy you know the thingy that's been given in the world a lot of people are concerned did i take the mark of the beast when i took that mrna therapy um well let's look at what the bible says because there's a lot of things that go along with that when it is the mark of the beast and a lot of things that the bible says about the mark of the beast and i don't see that happening now now i've done my best and i've been very vocal to tell people about that thingy and what i think about it and i would encourage you to look at my website thecloudchurch.org and look up my rumble videos and shoot and brydeon where i get to talk more freely about that thing and what i think about it but this is important that we understand what exactly is the mark of the beast and i want you to see what the bible says about it and not man's opinion there are many opinions out there many opinions but we've got to line it up with scripture all right so let's get started revelation chapter 13. revelation 13 now by the way this is taking place during the tribulation period what we're reading revelation 4 is the rapture typified by a door in heaven and everything that takes place after revelation chapter four is all tribulation the church leaves in chapter four we have the seven churches in chapter two and three so you've gotta remember the book of revelation is four separate retellings of the same events of things that are taking place just like the four gospels are four separate tellings of the same events that took place here all right so it's interesting the beginning of the new testament four witnesses the end of the new testament four visions if you will of the same thing so the rapture's got to come first and i believe in the rapture now revelation chapter 13 verse 1 and i stood upon the sand of the sea now during that time that was the mediterranean sea so he's looking into the mediterranean sea because john who wrote this book is on the island of patmos and i saw a beast now beast would be some sort of a leader and i saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy the name of blasphemy who would that be will that be the blasphemous antichrist who's claiming to be god when he's not that's the name of blasphemy he's blaspheming the true name of jesus christ verse two and the beast which i saw was likened to a leopard have you ever seen a leopard lots of spots all over a leopard and his feet as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority so this beast this political leader of the world is given power to him by the dragon which the bible says is satan so satan is on the scene and he has put this person in power and it given him a seat of authority and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast so this antichrist beast who is going to come as soon as the rapture takes place he comes on the scene matter of fact we might even see who he is because the bible mentions that when he's revealed then the rapture takes place so he's revealed at the beginning of his seven year reign i believe the tribulation seven years don't have time to get into that but there's what's called the book of daniel in the bible and daniel is god giving a prophecy of 490 years it's 70 weeks of years and that last seven years has yet to come to pass according to the scriptures and it looks like that is what we call the time of jacob's trouble the final 7 year week of the book of daniel so when this man takes over he is wounded to death he dies and all the world wonders after him because his wound was healed so if it's a deadly wound he must have died and yet he comes back to life it appears in verse four and they worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is likened to the beast who is able to make war with him that's so scary what a scary verse because they literally not only worship the man they're worshipping lucifer or satan the dragon so the whole world is satanist during this time and they're all worshiping satan the dragon and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to watch this word continue forty in two months forty two months is three and a half years we who are bible teachers and believers and bible scholars if you will we look at this seven year tribulation and we see it as a seven year time and we divide that up because of the bible's teaching into three and a half years which would be 42 months and three and a half years and so we read the book of revelation after reading daniel we say hey it's the future seven years after the rapture and it's divided into three and a half or three and a half and there's something that is the marker in the very middle of that that divides it and what is that it's the deadly wound and that deadly wound is healed and so right in the very middle of the tribulation this beast has a deadly wound so then he continues the bible says continues now you go to new versions of the bible they take that out that's why i stick with the king james bible because i want to know what's going to take place in the future i don't want new versions changing and messing with it this is talking about future history and something happens and he continues three and a half years that means he must have been going three and a half years and so he continues now i didn't plan on it but just real briefly let me quickly go over to uh 2nd thessalonians for you because i want you to see this where paul is speaking about it 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3. let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come the day he's speaking of is the rapture the day of christ the day of the gathering together unto him verse 1 rapture that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed comma the son of perdition who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god so we have two names for the antichrist here and it says that the rapture comes as soon as and he's called the man of sin is revealed who is also called comma the son of perdition so the antichrist is a beast he is typified as a beast in the bible but he's actually a man and that man rules for three and a half years put in power by satan and then he has a deadly wound and his deadly wound is healed and then he is now called the son of perdition and he continues his three and a half years he continues to end the seven years so what i see way back here in the time of jesus you see almost the same exact thing you see the earthly ministry of jesus for three and a half years and then three and a half years after that you see the disciples and the apostles and things like that and what's interesting is there's a guy over here called the son of perdition and that's judas and so judas is the son of perdition guess what he does the bible says satan entered into him well satan is going to enter into the antichrist after his deadly wound is healed so it could be that the devil somehow this bible says the devil can work miracles somehow the devil can cure that deadly wound and bring back to life the antichrist and then he's going to be possessed and he's going to be possessed by satan himself and that's why he's called the son of perdition because he's possessed by the devil just as judas was possessed by the devil so do you see how there must be according to the bible a pre-tribulation rapture must be that when he's revealed as the man of sin to begin his first three and a half years the rapture takes place the very moment he's revealed that's what i read then he's got a deadly wound then he comes back as the son of perdition and he continues three and a half years that's what the bible says i'm just so tired of these people coming out saying oh no it's a mid-trib rapture we don't get out till the middle um well then he doesn't have three and a half he's huh so you've got us that are christians living under the reign of the antichrist for three and a half years i just don't see that i see the rapture's got to come first because this is the time for israel because they have to flee for three and a half years according to the book of revelation chapter 12. okay back to revelation chapter 13 and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 in two months and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven all right and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them now a lot of people say no breaker that's that's the church that's us because we today when we're saved we're called saints well we have church age saints and we have tribulation saints church age saints are those that get saved before the rapture but over here we have what's called tribulation saints and tribulation saints are those who didn't go at the rapture because they didn't get saved but after the rapture they said oh man i i should have chosen jesus and the bible teaches that those people get their heads chopped off because they don't take the mark of the beast so do you see those are called tribulation saints and those are very different that can't be us who are saved those are the tribulation saints and we'll show you the verses on that who have their heads cut off for refusing to take the mark of the beast those are the ones he overcomes and then it says and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations verse seven and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and faith of the saints so this would be tribulation saints not us who were saved and i beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he that had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and caused the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed but it says and he doth great wonder so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and the sight of men could this be the false prophet because the false prophet is using signs and wonders and to see that them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live now here it tells us that his deadly wound was from a sword isn't that interesting so they're back to using swords again why doesn't it say by a gun or a firearm or something else or a spear it's a sword that's interesting the whole world will know who the antichrist is because a sword is going to wound him the bible says and it says continuing reading here and it says here and did live verse 14. so he had a deadly wound but then he lived after it's almost like a mock resurrection of jesus's resurrection the devil tries to imitate everything jesus does jesus died was buried and rose again while the devil's going to try to claim that he rose again now it says here continuing in verse 15 and he had power to give life into the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed capital punishment for disobeying in order to worship satan because that's who it ultimately is satan the dragon and he calls it all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name and then it continues here here is wisdom let him that have the understanding count the number of the beast what is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six so we have what we call the mark of the beast the mark of the beast and i like to abbreviate it as m-o-t-b okay mark of the beast and the mark of the beast is connected to six six six all right so this is what the bible teaches about this now the first thing that i want to say the very first thing that i want to say about the mark of the beast is number one it is future this is all taking place after the rapture because as soon as this guy is revealed that's when we get out i just showed you the verse in second thessalonians and he's revealed as the man of sin comma he's also called son of perdition but notice that paul didn't say when he's revealed as the son of perdition he didn't say that he says when the man of sin is revealed that's when the day comes the rapture so rapture first then seven years of tribulation and for three and a half he's the man of sin and for the next three and a half he's the son of perdition now who is bringing in the mark of the beast it looks like this guy so it looks like the mark of the beast is over here in the last half of the tribulation and that's the way i've always read the bible and always looked at it it doesn't look like it's before and here we are here we're over here and there's people thinking it's the mark of the beast now how can that be because nobody's being killed no one in this world is being forced to worship lucifer against their will and then told you can't buy or sell unless you're worshiping satan the dragon do you see that i don't see it so i do not see the mark of the beast as now the mark of the beast is a future period and we see that in the bible itself look at verse seven again go back to verse seven it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations a lot of people try to say no no that's back here and we're still here we saints no that's tribulation saints and we'll see that here a little later so church age saints cannot be overcome let me show you this in matthew chapter 16. one of the ways we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the mark of the beast cannot be before the rapture is because of the words of jesus over here jesus spoke in matthew chapter 16. in matthew chapter 16 and verse 18 jesus said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so how could the antichrist here prevail against the church how can he overcome the saints when jesus said the gates of hell should not prevail against the saints the church dispensations gotta have dispensations so i cannot see the mark of the beast before the rapture because otherwise jesus lied because during the tribulation those saints tribulation saints are overcome but jesus said his saints in the church age they shall not be prevailed against okay so must be future must be future another thing that i want to say about the mark of the beast is that it is fixed now what do i mean by fixed well the bible tells us exactly what the mark of the beast is and it says it's this and that's a fixed thing and that's the thing that it says that it is it's not well i think it's this well i think it's who cares what you think what does the bible say that the mark of the beast is and do you realize the mark of the beast according to the bible is three things it's not just one thing the mark of the beast it's three things there are three things that are working together in tandem with the mark of the beast so it's not just one single item it's three things into one and we go to revelation chapter 13 and look at verse 17 and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark comma or the name of the beast comma or the number of his name so there's three parts to the thing we have the mark itself we have the name and then we have a number it's interesting how it says or it's almost like either one but they're all working together because the mark contains the name and the number so it's all got to be together but it's all there so what is this well let's look at verse 16. and he calls it all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads so this is very specific this mark is either here excuse me i'm not an artist in your hand or it's here in your forehead so it's going to be there or there it's one of two places so the bible is very specific that it's a fixed thing that this mark of the beast is and it goes here or it goes here now this thingy that the world was told you need to get this thingy it's good for your health and it'll keep you from getting this disease and all this stuff uh virus if you will that did they give you that in your right hand or in your forehead no usually they put it in your arm didn't they and was there a mark and a name and a number connected with it well some people say well it makes a mark when you inject it okay what was the name of the antichrist if you will because the name is clearly the name of the beast the one world ruler the antichrist so what's his name please and are you worshiping that name when you took that did you worship the name what's the number well well breaker you don't know you got to go to uh patent number 666 okay i know about patent number zero six zero six zero six i understand and there is a man's name connected with that which is quite interesting gates remember jesus said the gates of hell no gates will uh prevail against the church that's interesting so has the mark of the beast been given yet if we're still here no because it's still future and no because no one's gotten this or this or we don't know the name of the antichrist and no one has it just it doesn't work it doesn't connect it doesn't jive but there's people out there saying well you're a liar you're a liar no it's the mark of the beast and you can't get saved if you took it well i can't believe that because i don't see that in the bible in the bible it's still future now we can debate all day long if you should receive that thingy okay but that's not what this video is about this video is about is the mark of the beast now and what is it and the answer to that question from the bible is no it's a future event and it's very specific the bible is of where that has taken place now i want to say this about the mark of the beast it appears the mark of the beast is forced and by that i mean when they give the mark of the beast in this world it looks like they're going to be standing right there and saying now take it take it take it take it and if you say no i don't want it they say take them out of line and go kill them so you're intimidated by deadly force you either take it or we kill you and people don't want to die maybe they'll take it but you have a choice to say no but do you see how they'll be trying to force it through martial law or something like that have what we've seen in the world today the thing that they've tried to give people was that by force no they said you ought to do it well i challenge you to go do it we'll go no one was standing there with an axe or a guillotine or such a thing and saying now if you don't take it and remember it says no man may buy or sell unless he has it i still go to the grocery store and by itself do you i mean we yeah so we're not there yet are we according to the bible but look at uh revelation 13 15 he had power to give life up to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and calls that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed and he caused all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name so they're trying to force people now we're seeing global worldwide them trying to force people to do things and that's all part of globalism trying to increment people into getting used to this and getting used to that and getting and going along with their system and what they want but we have yet to see and god forbid we ever do but we have yet to see governments saying this is what you must do or else we will kill you and that's what the mark of the beast is if you don't do this you will die and they kill them should be killed verse 15. so those who refuse the mark of the beast shall be killed now how are they killed well i think the bible tells us about how they are killed those who refuse to take the mark of the beast it looks like in the bible they are beheaded and let me show you where that is in the bible let's go to uh first of all revelation chapter 20 and verse four you know what's kind of interesting and creepy at the same time is there's a lot of guillotines in the world remember back in the was it 1700s in the french revolution and the guillotine and they chop heads off and scarlet pimpernell and all oh i love history i love studying all that kind of stuff but what an awful thing and they say but a guillotine is the most humane way because you don't feel pain it severs i guess the nerves of pain and everything and and well it's certainly not clean blood goes everywhere if you do that but they claim that that's the most humane and they claim and i don't know if this is true but i've read articles where there's something like 30 000 guillotines in america that were ordered back in the 1990s and are sitting in warehouses because someday they want to drag them out and use them to mass execute people wow that's rather convenient because in the bible they behead people that don't take the mark of the beast i can see how in the future those are used for that but i don't see them being used right now not this side of the rapture revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 and i saw thrones and they set upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus and for the word of god and which had not worshiped the beast nor his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years now who would these be well if you know your bible we go up the rapture we go to the judgment seat of christ well this is jesus coming back and jesus comes back and so these people get to rule with him so it sounds like that these again would have been tribulation saints people who when they died because they were beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast they were taken up to heaven their soul and then god lets them come back and live with him so i don't see that as christians i see that as tribulation saints who miss the rapture because when they die they go to heaven so if you want to go to heaven and you miss the rapture you better be willing to say no i will not worship satan i will not worship the beast i will not worship a man and i will not take his mark i choose jesus and when you do that they'll say oh well then cut his head off and then the bible says your soul will go up to heaven you want to be saved in the tribulation people say oh same in the old testament is the new testament salvation is the same in every dispensation no not really i'm not saved by getting my head cut off over there though i would be if i missed the rapture because that's where the souls go of those that were beheaded revelation chapter 6 verse 8 through 11 revelation 6 8 and i look to be held a pale horse and his name that set on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth so they could use a sword as well to be had so either a guillotine or a sword now there's only one country that i know of there might be more which is a religion that runs the government in which when a person goes against their law they behead that person with a sword and if you've ever been in the military you probably went to that country and saw that there's a big square there in that country that they punish wrongdoers sometimes they cut their hands off and that's a it's a a horrible thing but that still happens in the world today there are people who are beheaded by that religious uh set up but it continues here and it says and with hunger and with death and with the beast of the earth and when he had opened the fifth seal i saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they had and they cried with a loud voice saying how long o lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled this is clearly people here who have just been beheaded and john is seeing that and they're going man lord they killed us how much longer until you come back at armageddon and destroy him he says hold on it's almost over there's going to be some more die but then i'm coming back so i don't see these as christians these are clearly tribulation saints because we are already saved and a lot of people the church age got saved without being beheaded okay so it's got to be the church age saints that it's talking about here so when i look at the mark of the beast i see it as future i see it as fixed it's a certain thing it's got three parts and it can go in one of two places but i also see it as they try to force it on people under penalty of death you either take this mark here or here or we and they'll do that and i don't see that happening today so again it must still be the future do you know what else i see i see that the mark of the beast is filthy there's something about the mark of the beast it's filthy it's dirty it's not good for you it harms your body and there's a lot of people seeing something similar to that today and saying hey look at how it it harms and and they're starting to think that what we're seeing in the world today is the mark of the beast but i don't see it yet but look at this revelation chapter 16 and verse two and the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshiped his image so these people that took the mark of the beast they have what's called a noisome and grievous sore if it's going to cause a sore then it must be dirty because there's some things that take place in the human body and you're supposed to have an immune system right and your immune system fights things but if your immune system is weakened then you can have sores and boils and things like that and what does that come from disease sickness things like that so whatever this mark is it weakens the human body to the point that the body starts producing sores so it must be something dirty it must be something bad in that evil while the antichrist is going to be so evil he tricks people into taking something that's no good for them now what we're seeing today i think is leading up to the mark of the beast i think what we're seeing is is a type but we're not seeing the mark yet because we're seeing some things today and we're seeing people doing some things today where they get sores maybe i should maybe i shouldn't show a picture there's a new thing coming out now now called monkey pox and it makes big boils on you and there's a picture of a guy his whole nose is like black and is about to rot off because he was engaging in something that was filthy it was literally was kind of dirty and you got to look into that to find out more about it but look what it says again a noisome and grievous sore i looked up noisome having an extremely offensive smell disagreeable unpleasant so it's smelly so this mark it's it's filthy and it's smelly so there's something in the mark of the beast and by the way the mark of the beast is in the right hand and in the forehead new versions of the bible they say on no i believe it's in and we're already getting a glimpse of that today where they're trying to put stuff in people so it's going to be something in people the mark of the beast in the future and it's going to be horrible because it's going to be making sores all over smelly just disgusting i mean you probably want to vomit when you look at it because of the unpleasant horrible smell and i think monkey pox is a prelude to that and it's nothing though compared to what the real mark of the beast will be so the mark of the beast is filthy the mark of the beast ultimately will be fatal if you take the mark of the beast you will not live a long healthy life according to the bible let's go to revelation chapter 14 and verse nine because when you take the mark of the beast you are literally when you take the mark of the beast you will literally sell your soul to satan now can you get out of it well i'm going to look at that here in a minute but ultimately those that take the mark of the beast there will be no salvation for them go to revelation chapter 14 and verse 9. and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image and whoso receiveth the mark of his name look at that so jesus comes back at armageddon and during the seven year tribulation god's wrath is poured out upon the earth but we also know that when jesus comes back he comes back in wrath and in anger and he comes back and destroys the antichrist and he takes all the antichrist people and he puts them down here and puts them into this place of fire and all those the bible says every person during this time that took the mark of the beast god doesn't give them a second chance god doesn't let them live god doesn't say okay well it's okay that you have the mark of the beast i'll accept you there's no acceptance of god by those who literally have the mark of the beast in their forehead or in their hand so it's fatal if you've taken the mark of the beast let's say it was at the beginning of the tribulation you've got seven years to live if it's given in the middle of the tribulation you only have three and a half years that you live with that mark and then there's no second chance or is there now when jesus was here let's go to matthew chapter five on the earth in his earthly kingdom he came with the kingdom message and he was preaching the kingdom message and he was preaching to the jews and if you know dispensations and you know your bible jesus said i come only to the lost sheep of the house of israel and he sent out his disciples and he told him hey don't go to the gentiles so most of what jesus is saying in matthew mark and luke is the kingdom message and things like that in matthew chapter 5 and verse 30 jesus says something quite interesting and a lot of people have looked at this verse and i've showed you this verse and showed you what i thought about it and i just threw it out as a possibility because i don't know for sure but i'll say that i don't know for sure but what if it's a possibility by the way don't take this chance okay but i've been ridiculed i've been laughed at i've been mocked i've been told that i'm an idiot i don't know what i'm talking about and that's fine i don't care what people think about me i just want to go by what this says so a people's opinions mean nothing to me what does this verse actually say jesus says in matthew 5 30 and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell all right i get emails a lot from people say hey that breaker guy said he thought that there was a possibility that if you took the mark of the beast and if you just cut off your right hand then you won't be going to hell you can make it into the millennium kingdom well i threw that out there as a possibility didn't i and so many people oh that's silly that's dumb that's really and they attack me and they quote the verse and they say it says if their right hand infinity pluck it off and they never read the rest of the verse if you look at the context what is the context of that verse that thy whole body should not be cast into hell when jesus comes back at armageddon he rounds up all the people that have the mark of the beast and they're pitched into here so is it possible i don't know i'm just throwing this out what if someone recanted after they took the mark of the beast during this time and they said ah it offends me it offends me that i did that and they cut off their right hand could they be saved i don't know because uh now you can't buy or sell unless i guess you carry around your hand with you and your purse or something that's that's another crazy thing and so there's that so i would not take that chance the best thing to do is not take the mark of the beast if you missed the rapture and don't even take that chance because hmm i don't know and what if you take the mark of the beast in your head okay you're gonna go cut your head off and good luck with that so the best thing to do is if you miss the rapture just let them behead you for jesus sake just say no i worship jesus and not that fella and then go to heaven when they behead you don't wait till the end and do that okay so it could be this verse is talking about that or could not okay i understand i'm not going to dogmatically say that but i'm going to say it could be because that's the context is that you do that so you don't get cast into hell but there's some people out there to say well no no we think that the mark of the beast will change your dna and so if you take the mark of the beast it will change your dna so much to the point that now you're no longer human and that's when jesus comes back he comes back and he doesn't accept you because now you're a beast or now you're no longer human so god says no i can't accept you and so a lot of people think if you take the mark of the beast during the tribulation it's all done there's no salvation for you well i understand what they say and i do understand the dna because back here in the time of noah as it was in the days of noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man they were manipulating dna back there producing giants and sators and and and just strange beings chimeras and things like that they're messing with dna today you've heard of crispr and things like that so i can understand that it could possibly change the dna but uh what did jesus say in matthew chapter 10 verse 28 matthew chapter 10 verse 38 jesus says this matthew 10 28 jesus says and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell so even if your dna has been changed can you still get saved salvation is of the soul not the body we get our body saved at the rapture today when we get saved our soul is saved it's washed in the blood of jesus and then the rapture comes and our body gets a glorified body and we now have a body soul and spirit we're all complete because we have the holy spirit in us well you come over here now your soul is going to go to heaven if you reject the mark of the beast and you're beheaded your soul goes up there but the question is what if somebody is deceived and they don't know any better and they take the mark of the beast what should they do well again that's not now that's after the rapture but it looks like there may be some verses saying that if they change their mind and it offends them that they did that and they finally realize i'm worshiping the devil instead of god if they cut off their right hand then maybe just maybe god would accept them here now i don't know i don't want to teach that dogmatically because number one we're not there yet and number two i don't want you to think it's okay to go cut your hand off i don't want you to do that but number three i don't want you to take the mark if you miss the rapture so don't take the mark and then think well i got a loophole i'll just cut my hand off you know how hard it is to cut your hand off you sit there probably with a machete and you're like it's your body you know goes into self-preservation i don't know anyone that could just go clump and it's no big d it would be hard to do that so if you miss the rapture don't think in the back of your mind it's okay i'll take the mark and just chop my hand off that's not the way to think because nowhere in the bible does it say if you cut your hand off then you go to heaven it doesn't say that there's a possibility that just maybe possibly you could make it into the millennial kingdom if you did that but i wouldn't go too far with that because how do we know for sure okay so the best thing to do is get saved now and how do we get saved now the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 and the gospel is all about how jesus died for your sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures and the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ jesus loved you enough jesus died for you and he is willing to save you and take you to heaven with him either at death or at the rapture if you come to jesus for salvation who is jesus the bible says jesus is god manifest in the flesh so jesus is god now if you miss the rapture look how it all changes now it's all completely different if you don't go at the rapture and you weren't saved before and now you go into this period here now you have to love jesus enough to die for him jesus forsook all and lived and died for you you've got to forsake all and be willing to die for jesus and let them behead you and say no no i want jesus rather than that guy now who is that guy that guy is the antichrist and guess what when the anti-christ comes he's going to tell the world i am god now i put little g because i can't bring myself to put a big jeep but he's going to say i am the true god he's a false god the true god of heaven loved you enough he died for you this is a false god this is satan and he hates you he just wants you to die and he knows that if you take that he's going to laugh at you while you get smelly sores and lose your soul and end up with him forever so the antichrist is a jerk he's a bully he's a evil wicked egotistical just what is the word i'm looking for maniacal there's a word for someone who's just very manipulative and hateful and evil narcissist here we go he's a narcissist and the devil knows that his time is short and he knows i'm going to have the world for seven years and i'm going to make these people take this or i'm going to kill him and people think well i'll just take it and now i'm safe no he knows you're going to ultimately die for taking that he does not care about you he only cares about power so i wouldn't take the mark of the beast if i missed the rapture i would never take the mark i'd get beheaded instead but there's some people that think well no no i'll take it and then whenever it's almost over and jesus coming back i'll just chop off my right hand um i don't know if that'll work the bible says he that endureth to the end shall be saved if there's some way that you can endure to the end and get into the millennial kingdom and not take the mark of the beast good luck with that guess how hard that will be if you can't buy or sell how are you going to survive a lot of people i've met they told me i don't believe in jesus but if it's all true then i'll just make it through the tribulation i'll just live out in the woods really okay um the bible says what is it one-third or two-thirds of the forests are going to burn down what if you're in the woods when they burn down and you die you didn't make it to the end did you bible doesn't say those that die in the tribulation go to heaven it says those that were killed beheaded so you've got to be willing to become a martyr for jesus is what it sounds like otherwise there's no salvation and jesus died for you he became a martyr for you and he died for your sins accept him today trust him as your savior and go to heaven or be willing to die for him but i tell you it'd be much better to get saved today this side of the rapture this side of the mark of the beast this side of armageddon so there it is i hope that's been a blessing to you i've done my best to present to you what the bible says about the mark of the beast and what it is exactly it's still future and it's fixed it's forced it's filthy and it will ultimately be fatal for those who receive it maybe there's a possibility to cut your hand off but i wouldn't even go there i wouldn't even take that chance come to jesus now and get saved before it's eternally too late i'll leave it there thank you for watching we'll see you next week god bless bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 138,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What Exactly Is The Mark of The Beast?, What is the mark of the beast?, the mark of the beast, mark of the beast, mark of satan, 666, mark, the mark, German mark
Id: Qb3VtMXXoFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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