What Does The #1 Ethical Hacker in The World Carry Everyday?

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foreign we just released the first part of your show it's going phenomenal now I want to go over what are you packing is the number one ranked competitive ethical hacker in the world out of 1.9 million people you're number one and you also put yourself In Harm's Way breaking into these these sex trafficking sexual exploitation rings and confronting these people in public so my first question before we get into all the hacking stuff what do you carrying to protect yourself uh basically everything um when it comes to wireless devices credit cards cell phones computers cars garages Gates I got a device to break into it just let's backtrack for security to protect yourself confronting these pedophiles yeah a combination of that and and for you know daily purposes and helping friends family people you know clients of my company and do they do you carry a weapon no what do you do what do you what's your plan if one of these guys loses his [ __ ] in the middle of you exposing him oh because you go right up to him yeah well I have I have somebody that you know is great at fighting Scrappy you know Scrappy land Pros but that's that's my uh my go-to there so he's the muscle I'm I'm clearly not well I got a buddy over at Sig Sauer do you know Sig Sauer yeah so Sig Sauer I got a buddy over there his name's Jason and I told him you were coming on the show and he wanted me to he wanted me to present you with something that might help you in your journey busting these pedophiles if something goes wrong I know it's sick oh wow so that is the not expecting that Sig p365 macro holds 17 nine millimeter rounds plus one in the pipe so that holds 18. it's got a ported slide on there which is going to help you with recoil management and muzzle flip it's like this is the hottest new gun on the market right now for everything thank you very much yeah so there's a business card in there give Jason a call I think he might have something very similar for you okay that he's gonna get to you but that's a conversation you gotta have with him all right well I will reach out to Jason thank you I was not expecting this at all yeah my pleasure so what do you got in this bag of tricks let me put away the firearm this is the bag that I carry every day and it's got so much in it that uh we could be here for 12 hours but we'll make it sure sure um so this we'll start off simple this is a Wi-Fi adapter looks like your standard Wi-Fi adapter um supports a thing called monitoring mode so there's there's a you know your Wi-Fi network I'm I would use this to send a deal de-authentication packet to to you know dissociate one of your devices from the network capture your Wi-Fi um go home crack the password and uh use your network and then go further into trying to discover stuff on your network um this is a very good card hold on so how do you how far do you have to be from my house to hack and with that um it depends on the strength of your of your modem or router you know it's it it could be 50 feet could be 100 feet uh depends could be more it's uh it varies okay but pretty far away all right jeez and uh this is another one related to Wi-Fi but you know it looks like a regular mint container right well I programmed what's called an esp32 inside of it here and put a hole here so when I Supply this with power I can connect to it wirelessly and perform some Wi-Fi attacks with this as well a little bit more undercover he wouldn't really notice if I had this out at the table um I think you're a lot more dangerous than that firearm that I just presented here this is uh this is originally made for electromagnetic fields but uh it's it's good for knowing where you know a camera's at microphones at so that's a bug detector yeah for other words yeah where cameras are how does it work um it's it works by detecting electromagnetic frequencies so when I'm you know if I put it up against something uh like that supplies power um I don't want to interfere with any of your equipment in here so oh okay so you just does it like direct you to where it is oh yeah yeah so the signal will go up the stronger that it is okay so and it'll and in some cases it'll actually tell me what it is whether it be Wi-Fi whether it be a phone or a power line if I get near an outlet it would say power line on the screen but uh this could be used for many things it um I use it you know to see if there's bugs and stuff a little bit notes when it comes to that so I don't think I'm being watched but can't hurt to check yeah I need one of those you can grab them on Amazon these aren't uh super hard to get EMF detector um and then this is actually a really good one here so if you're ever in a business for example um this is a uh device that you would plug into USB and then as you see there's an ethernet adapter here all right a male ethernet port and when this plugs in this has a mini computer inside of it so as soon as this thing gets plugged into a computer or to the internet the first thing it does is try to reach back out to one of my servers so if I put this in you know your closet or where your modem was at um I don't think that you would ever think this is a dangerous device or unplug it or maybe if you unplugged it you know most people will be scared to unplug it if it was at their business and that's kind of the point of it so if I was at a business doing a what they call a penetration test um this this device would give me access when I get home so that I could go further into their Network without looking suspicious or do you make these or can you just buy that oh this stuff is uh for the most part I've made a few things that are in this this bag but uh for the most part it's any consumer can buy it you know you just got to know how to use it or program it um you know not all of it's super super intuitive or easy to easy to understand um here's actually one that that I made it was it was an open source project um sorry uh okay it's on this side um so this was an open source project and they call this a opponagachi so this is kind of a smaller version of of the Wi-Fi antenna so I would just keep this in my pocket and uh what it does is it works off of artificial intelligence so it tries to find what channels Wi-Fi works with channels same way a radio would work like back in the day okay Wi-Fi has channels and this tries to figure out which channel is the best to be on and it's going to send out what I was talking about earlier these de-authentication packets and uh we'll knock devices off the network momentarily and when they connect back on this is going to try to in its words it's going to try to eat them or Chomp them and then it collects the they're called handshakes those handshakes are what what are crackable um when you don't when you're out of range of that Network so this device is it looks like a it uses it similar to the Kindle you know the Amazon Kindle um so it takes a second because it's called an ink display so it doesn't matter if you're in bright light or in the dark it's there's no backlight on here they see how the thing disappeared on there yeah so this little guy is his whole entire mission is to be fed by Wi-Fi networks so it's almost like a little pet that needs Wi-Fi networks to live holy [ __ ] yeah it was something I built with uh you know it's it's a battery pack uh a Raspberry Pi zero and then an e-ink display and then there's an SD card that's running this software right are you hacking my network right now actually yeah unintentionally yeah so what holy [ __ ] so I turned it off but yeah you're right I wasn't even thinking yeah I was hacking your Wi-Fi without even thinking that so that thing would hack into my Wi-Fi kick devices off yes and then you have access to those devices um or that you have access to the network which is all the devices yeah I have access to the network so how fast does that work um it's pretty quick you know it de-authenticates your network as soon as your device tries to reconnect it this is it grabs that reconnection which is called a handshake or a four-way handshake so yeah yeah it's pretty quick how quick 30 seconds five minutes yeah well if you're if you're let's say your router's right there and you know your phone is here or you know or there's a device in this room connected to the network I'd say 15 seconds that fast yeah did you make that one I built this one I didn't create the idea son of a [ __ ] is there any way to protect yourself uh against this [ __ ] yeah I mean I would recommend staying up to date you know buying new routers when they come out get on get on you know new the new stay up with technology when it comes to your your daily uh your daily uh I don't know maybe devices or routers yeah routers what else yeah routers make sure you have a new smartphone if you can afford one um laptop make sure you keep it updated because computer desktop but whatever whatever computer you use make sure you keep it on the latest update patch so these this is why they keep putting out these software updates it's first it's to combat this kind of stuff of course and and this right here what does this look like to you it's a thumb drive it's not a thumb drive so if I open this up um sorry I don't have much nails to work with here but there we go inside of this is you see the SD card in there yeah so when this is plugged into a computer the computer believes that it is um a keyboard so it's an HID device uh or a human human uh I'm having a blank it's a human human something it's a hid device like so when I plug this into any computer it doesn't matter if it's Mac Linux Windows uh it's gonna not think this is a flash drive and um it's gonna it's gonna start firing off keystrokes at superhuman speeds so I have a payload configured on here that will automatically install malware on your computer and uh dump all the passwords out of your browser save them to uh it's called an FTP FTP file share for it's a it's like a folder on the internet it saves those passwords and um installs the malware so that I can access your computer later and then I unplug it from your computer I walk away and I'm done but you know if I leave one of these on the ground outside of your office or I just leave one in the bathroom you might think oh what's on that flash drive and then before you have a chance to even pull it out a payload got executed on your computer holy [ __ ] so all right so it takes the passwords out of your browser what if you use and and puts malware on your computer what if you use them uh like one of these password managers are those things worth of [ __ ] yeah some of them are some of them aren't um some of them are worth more than others uh but yeah yeah it's I would recommend using a password manager for anything that you're storing your passwords with what is your number one ranked password manager uh one one password one password yeah the the numerical one and then password [Music] is that the only one that's worth a damn I don't want to speak on ones that I don't know all right we're gonna have to make some changes yeah well if if you're using LastPass the only reason I haven't used that one I haven't talked about that one is because they were recently breached and uh I'm not sure if they're being like it's hard for me to tell because but I'm not sure if they're being completely honest about how much information was actually breached oh good that's good to know which which what name is that last pass last pass yeah stay away from last pass yeah well I mean maybe you know if they're telling the truth then you might be safe they got hacked I'm out yeah they did good hacked that is that's public information this right here does a lot of a lot but it's it does this is two devices so it's a hack rf1 which for those rate for your radio nerds out there it's one megahertz to um just five gigahertz uh in transmission range uh and and it can receive in those same ranges which is extremely far because you know one one megahertz or I'm sorry a thousand megahertz is is a gigahertz so just imagine if it goes from one megahertz to six gigahertz um it uh it's a very large Spectrum so there's a hack rf1 inside of here and then on top of it I have a thing called a porta pack which turns it into a instead of you having to plug this into a computer I could power it with an external battery and um it's touch screen which I don't really use the touch screen but it allows me to press buttons and you know I can change the antennas out this antenna looks a little bit old school but it does the job and um this what I can do with this is send long range you know radio Transmissions so you know I could hack a car uh I could capture key a key fob from you know let's say 200 feet away or I can if we were outside right now I could show you every airplane in the sky or every boat that's in the water and I could see their call sign and where they're at on the map I could you know if I was a horrible person I could transmit to an airplane with this device and make it believe that you know there's a plane in the wrong direction and I could you know you can basically reroute air traffic um yeah technically you're able to do that I there's other things in place to to prevent that but I can I could definitely cause a problem in the cockpit with this thing I wish you would have used this when uh you missed your flight or I'm sorry when your flight got canceled we could have we could have got it yeah give me put in federal prison um but yeah I mean that's this is just a just a radio but it's the most powerful uh radio out there that uh so many people have created things for um and uh and I have another device that I want to show you that is getting a lot of a lot of notoriety right now because of the the usability of it how simple it is and how small it is uh it's called The Flipper and what people don't understand is they watch these tick tocks and they see these things where where uh you know people are hacking hacking a car or they're they're reading a credit card or they're open to opening a Tesla Charger door they're opening a garage and they think that those things just come out of the box with this flipper you spend the money on it you buy it you get it in the mail and you're instantly now you're a hacker that's not exactly how the flipper Works um it does a lot of cool things out of the box so don't get me wrong it's not a bad tool to have but uh The Flipper itself looks like this very small device has the ability to extend so you can you can create other things which I'll show you in a second here and with this device I can I could do a lot of things so so I can uh I can read you know same radio frequencies but it's all sub gigahertz which means under a thousand megahertz you know for better words um and uh bad USB that number that you USB drive that was actually a keyboard does that as well I button this is a form of authentication for certain doors we have infrared so I could turn off any TV projector audio sound bar so many things use infrared that you may not even be aware of this is what you hacked into your hotel room with yesterday right yeah I saw your I saw your Instagram story yep I did it I think right it's kind of I kind of make that make it a tradition to hack into every hotel that I go to so yesterday it was a nested uh attack is what they would call it um so yeah NFC is actually similar to what I used yesterday so the NFC I could read Hotel key doors uh Access Control doors for a building um you know I believe passports I haven't tried passports uh credit cards which is EMV passports you can passports have some kind of uh there's a chip in every passport yeah no [ __ ] yep uh and then this also does uh 125 kilohertz RFID which is a different form of authentication credit cards don't use that so it's this is more for like getting in the doors at businesses and uh you know like employee Badges and stuff like that uh or like the pool key in my community would use an RFID badge so yeah that's that's a 20 of what this stuff can do I was just trying to keep it as short as I could and to the point but if you want a demonstration of any of that I'd be more than happy to show you yeah you use this thing at breakfast this morning and ripped off your credit card and literally like 0.5 seconds yeah can you can you do that yeah absolutely um let me see put this back here I was going to show you the uh the way I can extend the range of the antenna here uh this is just a custom made uh adapter for The Flipper where I can capture Wi-Fi I can capture Wireless mice and keyboards and send you know like if you use a wireless mouse or keyboard for your computer I could send those payloads wirelessly to your devices if you have a vulnerable model um I could do a ton with with this expansion and I also have some external antennas in that bag where I could be very far away and get the same results so it turns this which doesn't have a crazy transmission or receiving range uh it it creates that possibility so that's if you do want to see that I can show you absolutely but yeah so reading a credit card for example I highly recommend anyone out there that's not using an RFID wallet like me I should be using one but I'm not um but as I say it not as I do yeah there we go I just read my card there and and if you want I can show you the beginning of it oh my gosh dude yeah so I mean it's it's that easy to steal your credit card number um and uh that this is just a proof of concept device you know there's devices out there that could do this from further away that you know I just I I highly advise that you don't do what I'm doing and you buy a wallet that protects against RFID and if you can't afford that they're you know they're relatively cheap but if you can't afford that The Simple Solution will be just throw one line of tinfoil around the outside of your wallet and this is impossible to do how fast I mean I saw how fast you just did it when it was touching the wallet how fast could you just Brush by somebody and you know instantly instantly yeah it's there's no there's no delay there how many times will work but let's say out of 10 times if I was just rushing past somebody yeah depends on if they have time to pay credit cards but uh if I mean I'd be guessing here but I'd say six out of ten times tap to Pace that won't hack if it's not a tap to pay credit card I can't read it oh so it has to have the chip in there not the chip there there's another there's another chip that you know there there's another chip inside of the card that I can read with this okay yeah so the old school credit cards are more secure now than the new ones that's the craziest part to me is they added a chip that that the UK or Europe has been using forever and then if it feels like months after that they introduced something that made the security worse than it's ever been incredible I do incredible what else so what else can you hack with that you can get into cars and yeah obviously hotel rooms because I saw you do that yesterday yep yeah yeah it's and a lot of people think well I'm just duplicating a key I can get in there that's I don't always need to have a key with the firmware that that uh that we built um sometimes you know there's certain doors that I can't get into of course that but you know as of last night I didn't need the key to get in the door that I got in um but I will I will show you if you wanna I can show you with my keys or your keys I can show you how I could steal a car or open at least open a car right now I don't have my keys on me do you got some I do yeah so basically the first thing I do here is for for most cars are going to be in the 315 433 megahertz range but on this case I'll do the frequency analyzer so I can see exactly what that frequency is so I'll press the lock button I see that this is 314 999 so that tells me that most likely this is going to be a 315 key so now I'm going to record and as I hit unlock unlock unlock unlock stop so now I have four uh captures here that will work because how these work these use a rolling code so every time I press this unlock button and the cars within range that code expires if I'm out of range of the car then these are valid codes so if I went back to you know where to my house and I pressed send and I went and transmitted like like I'm doing now by transmitted these signals it would unlock the car four times um so the way around that uh around these rolling code systems let's say you are trying to be malicious you want to steal a car the way around that would be to it's called a roll Jam attack so you would get another device like the device I showed you the the very the big with a big antenna yeah I'd get that device I would jam so I'd send a bunch of scattered frequencies on 315 megahertz because I know that's what this key is I send a bunch of you know just uh static on 315 and then while uh while I'm standing at the store or wherever the person I want to steal something from their car is I'd be listening on 315. so now I'm closer to you listening and then the Jammer is closer to your car so your car is not going to receive the signal because of the static but I'm going to receive the signal clear as day from this device so now my key my combinations are valid so when I go to open your car later mine will work oh my gosh you are a dangerous man you are a very dangerous man you got anything else in that bag oh not entirely sure uh I'm sure I'm sure that I do I'm just not what's your what's your favorite device the laptop that's the only part I didn't bring out the laptop yeah we'll get to that in the episode well Ryan thanks for sharing your EDC and uh wow that's yeah this is a whole new this is a whole new realm for me I have not seen any of this stuff this is crazy I appreciate it oh [Music]
Channel: Shawn Ryan Show
Views: 1,019,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, the shawn ryan show, shawn ryan podcast, podcast, srs, hacker, hackers, hacking, ethical hacker, ethical hacking, hacks, everyday carry, edc, navy seal, flipper tool, hacking tools, hacker tools, cyber security, cybersecurity, did you know, sig sauer, story telling, story time, talk show, tips, tips and tricks, learning
Id: ROAc3zZNbEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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