What Does 450 Bushmaster Do to a Feral Hog?

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[Music] all right all right all right all right so tonight i'm going out on a hog hunt first time i am going out using a 450 bushmaster um tonight we are using this uh federal non-typical white tail hollow point 300 grain 450 bushmaster going out of my it's just a basic [ __ ] bear creek arsenal ar uh chambered in 450 bushmaster that i did a review on a few months ago link up above if you're interested in taking a look at that oh so about 450 let's look at some of the velocity and energy all my shots are going to be inside of 50 yards tonight so we don't have 50 yard data here but at 100 yards we're looking at 1524 feet per second 300 grain bullet dropping 1548 foot pounds of energy into a feral hog also be careful leaving 450 bushmaster rounds laying around in your house your significant other may think it's your side chicks lipstick so tonight i am heading out to elgin texas it's about an hour away from where i live i'll be on a family small family cattle ranch um they've got i think it's roughly he said 113 acres or 105 acres uh deep deep heavy brush primarily use it for deer hunting but they've got a couple different sounders coming through with some monster-sized bores and cells apparently and uh stealing stealing all the deer corn so we're going in here tonight to take care and eradicate some of these hogs who are putting pressure on the ecosystem and uh causing problems for the deer the deer deer out deer out in this area are very skittish when it comes to hogs being in the immediate vicinity and uh so we're gonna try and clear some out all right so once i got the tour of the property uh the ranch owner took me around and we're heading out to where he's been seeing most the activity on the game cam here we are on a mule making our way towards the the feeder area that's getting hit up by hogs i think pretty much like three to four times a night in the last couple weeks stealing all the corn um typically this is so this is my first hunt since i think it was may last time i go out because i typically take the summers off because the texas heat so quick reality check for me is i always forget how terrifying and it is walking through this brush and all these tall fields it doesn't really look like it's a uh a lot of growth that we're walking through but when you see it through the scope it looks fairly shallow but when you're actually walking through it it's up past your knees some and then in some areas further back it's closer to your hips so it's coming off of rattlesnake seasons and or wild boars in the area so you never really know what's going around once i got situated in our designated area spent some time looking at this little family of raccoons here um just watching them eat corn they're pretty cute 20 minutes later a sound nerve about 10 to 12 hogs showed up they were very very skittish they could definitely pick up my ir torch you can see it casting over at them you can also even notice them kind of looking at me trying to figure out what was disturbing their immediate vicinity is i'm using digital thermal as i wait for my pulsar thermion to get in next month so i have to use an ir torch to illuminate the surrounding area at this distance inside i'm about i'm inside of 50 yards here at that distance the ir torch is fairly intense but not intense enough to really spook them they are being skittish here because they can detect some disturbance in the force being me with a 450 bushmaster so i'm just giving them time here to walk in get closer to the corn so i can a get a count of how many uh hogs are in this sounder and b i'm hoping to get them lined up so i could potentially get a double that's for the non non-hunters that's uh two kills with one shot and then also set it up so that they have to run through more open space once my first shot breaks that sets me up to be able to take subsequent follow-up shots so here i am i'm just waiting for them to get closer into my field of view so i can take out more of them at once so this guy is spooked by the intensity my ir torch and this is where the action starts so i'm gonna shut up time [Music] those are robert baratheon 20 minutes later this boar returned uh is probably separated from the sounder and went back to a food source so i picked them up and put them down yeah is that the monster i think there were two one here like nobody shot him i sent him a picture you gotta put a light on him yeah there we go that's a big chunker yeah we'll get him get into the house and take some good pictures this is the boar this is nice okay yeah you don't you don't really see uh cutters at all in south texas oh really yeah yeah that's uh that's probably the biggest i've put down so far actually yeah oh there's some giant well there's a natural spring down there oh really i mean it's just the perfect place for pigs you know what's that way you think oh i have no idea we'll find out yeah yeah you could probably do that there's a there's another one over here i think i know uh to the left yeah that one right there god that 450. yeah it does the job yeah it runs uh runs fine in an ar as long as you don't put are lower as long as you don't put too many uh rounds in it has trouble feeding and then uh if i had to do it all over again i'd put it on bolt action it would be awesome oh really yeah i think so if that's this is the first one yeah let me let me help let me give you a hand with this at the end of the night we were able to retrieve two hogs one bore and one large sow the third hog that we received the texas howdy we were unable to locate after looking through the thick brush it just died inside the brush and didn't really want to pull it out overall first hunt with the 450 bushmaster exceeded my expectations really happy and looking forward to taking this out on more adventures [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CitizenHush
Views: 9,849
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: guns, AR-15, texas feral hogs, feral hog hunting, feral hog eradication, 450 bushmaster vs hogs, 450 bushmaster hog hunt, 450 bushmaster review, federal 450 bushmaster, federal non typical whitetail 450 bushmaster, texas hog hunting, texas 450 bushmaster, 450 bushmaster hunt, 450 bushmaster ballistics, 450 bushmaster vs 350 legend, 450 bushmaster bca complete upper, 450 bushmaster bear creek arsenal, 450 bushmaster thermal hunt, 450 bushmaster hunting performance, hog hunting
Id: yp3F0VU4m_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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