Hog Pipe & the Wrath of the 450 Bushy

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[Music] welcome back guys today we put up a hot pipe had one of my lease a few years ago and they worked really good keep hogs busy for a longer period of time the way they work is as you guys can see in this one PVC pipe you guys can see all these hoes Hawks will just roll it around you have a chain on here which goes to the t-post and then usually the way that happens is those hogs push that pipe all the way around the post you end up with a almost perfect circle of non vegetations we nothing left no grander than dirt this one and it's the tip I got from somebody when I got my first pipe is you have the regular hot pipe section down here that's where the corn gets dispensed up here in the top you guys can see the separate sections we have a coupling and the end cap in here you guys can hear that some corn in here and the reason for that is this corn obviously makes noises those hogs push the pipe around and they will think there's more corn in here so it keeps them engaged in the pipe for a longer period of time even after let's say that the pipe is empty so the way you do that is obviously the coupling and the end cap that's not not rocket science but how do you keep the corn from going in the rest of the pipe right so that's where we just use some sort of thicker foil or plastic material but flexible enough so you can push it over the pipe then you put some hot glue or cement glue around it and put your coupling arm that keeps that that foil in place I used for mine I use just connect those vacuum seal backs you can get just cut them connect in shape so they are you know they stand over like three inches or something over the pipe on all sides then just put the coupling on top of the hot glue of blue cement or whatever and that's it and then we do this whole thing together and then you fill this thing up on this side you can see that's the I think they called the plumber access or whatever but he just unscrew this guy yeah just unscrew this guy and then put your cordon here make sure you don't put this on too tight you have to open that next time you come out and refill this thing without too much effort you don't want to be out here not being able to open this pipe and then not be able to put in corns or just telling from experience here let's let's fill this pipe up and then we'll put the tea post in the ground and get this action going [Applause] and you pick your spot for this you want to look into your honest laid out let me go into chain and see how far it goes to make sure that there's no obstruction in its path on this case I think it should be fine the one thing we have not done tonight is you haven't bought another PVC pipe there's one size which fits almost perfectly rounded to the t-post you want to get one of those once it is in the ground you want to have a PVC pipe as a sleeve around that t-post what it does is once the chain is around just allows that chain to spin more freely and on the t-post without getting hung up now I had that happen quite a bit and at one of my pipes and that causes them the change of wrap around post more and more and more and this house keep pushing this thing eventually the attachment on the hawk pipe to the chain could break off because those Hawks are pretty strong but we'll bring one out next time and just at the to it one more thing so that's Chris's first pipe EP build you guys have might have noticed it there's quite a few holes in it we will see how fast that pipe drains are you gonna have to play around with it I would start with fewer holes maybe put maybe four holes in total in there you wanna dispense that corn slowly it needs to come out slowly but gradually those are four holes and I think it's between a quarter inch to half an inch hole you need to draw play around with that a little bit so it starts small in the holes to see what size starts dispensing those corn kernels and then the society want to look at the I'm gonna have too many holes or holes which are too big in there because like I said it'll dispense your corn too fast defeats the purpose of having a whole crab you want to have this thing as a long term entertainment device for hogs [Music] [Music] you get this pipe started it's a good idea to put some corner on right now say have some corn laying around but I used use also put some molasses around it just to attract them to it some more it'll take them some time to figure it out and that's those dozen hogs Joey used to archetype some in the area it'll take them a little bit to figure out what this thing is and how to get corn out of it once they take to it they learn pretty quick from each other and it become quite a hot spot so hopefully I'm in a matter of two to three weeks there should be a known fun station so that's the lets us Python link micro right now is probably the cheapest sort of camera on the market you get it's very minimalistic if you look at it from the front so it slowly only one button on there and one led the one led tells you if it's a cell signal or not and then all the other settings you do in the spy upon app which is pretty neat because that way you have to mess around with a camera too much just make sure it has a signal has been a really good camera so far and in this case hope just took a picture in this case it's gonna take a look at our walk type over here and hopefully send us some interesting pictures of next few weeks alright it's parked the truck we going driving us around pulled up next to the trees over here the last time and tonight hopefully we won't make the mistake of leaving today minutes before the whole sounder shows up yeah let's go get ready maybe we'll set up a bit of tank first but need to take some Mohawks up this property it's why we back here tonight and it's why we set up the hot pipe just to draw them in in one central place and we can hit them more target it so let's get going [Music] pick one take the big one the right [Music] [Music] let's not forget that beyond the rattlesnake farm if you guys won't look at those beaver tail cactus cactus right there that's where usually well snakes hang out on there take a look at this lane so we have some fence right here but you can tell like some things just traveling up and down here and it's exactly where those hogs been for they came in from the right side maybe from the back actually I wasn't I didn't see it where they came from I was just hearing something Chris was on the rifle I was checking the ATN OTS make sure we have a good image and recording everything or suddenly I hear quite a bit of a noise from the brush and then also some squeals I've been back to the rifle [ __ ] worried on there iconic behind the feeder and I mean I was hoping they'd come in from the feeder for the feeder but they didn't they just went straight through they totally ignored all the corn they cost a fence down the first few the bigger ones actually cost of insulin first I went from the biggest one which was left Magoo Chris went for a smaller one to the left of that and yeah I got the big one on the ground hit a piglet then the cost of fence line you have permission right now to shoot in this side too so be shot I'd take took too much shots put to what appears to be like yearlings or something on the ground the 450 Bushmaster went just through the brush and through all the grass or whatever happy with the engagement not happy that the those hogs just passed through we could have taken so many more if they would have stuck her but it is part of this damn bunny [Music] we have these three Hawks new ground interesting part tonight well said that group came in and just walked through I mean having game cam pictures from the past few weeks I thought for sure this Honda would come in for the for the corn and not just travel through but all of a sudden we realized it just kept going so we focused on the last big one here and then we had a few smaller ones come through were able to get some as they were going through the trees took two shots and they were pretty fatal pretty fast so the 450 Bushmaster just knock them off their feet quite effectively on top of that I mean there was a close distance I would say maybe 50 60 yards the wounds on those two hogs that's pretty significant nothing I can show here in the video on YouTube without YouTube freaking out but if you guys wanted to see some photos of those feel free just to you know ping us on the Facebook page Texas react or on Instagram of course a Desalle she was angling a little bit so I took a shot in the front three quarters she dropped by the vase that I was a good and quick kill as well pretty happy with that ball hat now last weekend I had the video ID on there which was an idea because there was no left-right movement it was fixed so he could rotate and then go vertical but that's it so he had to always make sure that the tripod was leather obviously not a deal obviously that the bottle is much better ran this thing tonight and yeah it feels really good so I totally get why everybody is shooting tripods but in our situation view on the field when we move around quite a bit this is still gonna be a pain in the butt so just hauling this thing around it's not going to be super fun but I definitely see the advantage of having you know a steadier stance and a more stable platform to shoot off from maybe I convert over to the tripod who knows we have not those two racquets and you know taking this off from the HK AVP 40 and being able to just move it over to the rifle shooting for 50 Bushmaster through it with the simple addition of a fixed mount that was just pretty stinkin cool in my opinion one thing we'll be doing pretty soon is actually running these rounds through a chronograph they will help get a better idea of you know what kind of velocity can you look at in the in that barrel length using this kind of configuration with the Bushmaster ACR also gives us a better idea of a kind of velocity and energy we can expect at longer ranges so far what I can tell is let's say 150 yards to 200 yards is a stretch with that round in terms of effectiveness on Hawks so we'd probably stay within a hundred yards using that caliber and using those rounds again I'm new to the 450 Bushmaster caliber it's the first time you're shooting it so we're learning as we go and and from past experience now over the past few hunts it seems like they're just within a hundred yards to spare this round is you know most effective so that's that's what we're gonna do again thank you guys for watching we really appreciate it if you like this video give us a thumbs up and subscribe and be seeing you be seeing that's what John Vick says yeah no scar starts saying PC [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Texas JAGD
Views: 118,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas jagd, us hog force, hog hunting, feral hog, night vision, thermal hunting, 300 blackout, nightvision universe, wild boar (animal), pig hunting, ATN, Pulsar, Flir, Trijicon, hunting videos, thermal scope, texas hog hunts, 450 bushmaster, boar hunting, hog pipe, .450 bushmaster, 450 Bushmaster hog hunting, wild boar hunting, hog eradication, thermal hog hunting, thermal hunting wild boar, night vision goggles, hog hunting in texas, thermal hog hunting texas, thor 4
Id: UMvnZeRhLmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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