What Doctors are saying about CBD? | Cannabidiol

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what's going on this is dr. Mike Hansen and in  this video we're talking about CBD what is CBD   the story behind cannabidiol the cannabis product  that gets you well not high you've heard of CBD   the cannabis product whose popularity has reached  almost crazed lake proportions CBD has come from   nowhere to everywhere in just the last few years  it is perhaps best known for its ability to   reduce anxiety and promote happiness but CBDs  applications are seemingly endless it's been   successfully used to help with pain insomnia and  depression there are some reports that it helps   with other medical conditions as well because  of its wide range of uses CBD infused products   are the fastest growing segment of the health  industry even some pets are getting in on the   action for example CBD troubles are used to calm  dogs Carl's jr. the fast food chain has created a   burger served with a CBD infused sauce not that  I endorse calls jr. or any fast food for that   matter and New York City CBD infused coffee was  all the rage and sell at the camp and then there   is medical celebrities dr. oz and dr. Sanjay  Gupta who actually advocate for CBD as well as   non-medical celebrities such as Joe Rogan Morgan  Freeman Quentin Paltrow then you got athletes such   as David Wells who argue on behalf of CBD use  in sports medicine where it's anti-inflammatory   power would allow players to recover more quickly  and not risk opioid addiction there are plenty of   MMA fighters who swear by it as well in Bubba  Watson a professional golfer said that his   decisions UCB was quote-unquote a no brainer the  FDA even joined the bandwagon last year at least   partially approving the CBD medication at the  dialects this is despite the fact that cannabis   remains illegal in eyes of the federal government  so CBD use is growing by leaps and bounds with a   projected twenty two billion dollar market by the  year 2022 CBD is cannabidiol which is derived from   the flower of cannabis the only plant genus that  contains YOUnique class of molecular compounds   called phytochemicals so there's more than 8500  cannabinoids that have been identified but the   two most prevalent are tetrahydrocannabinol  aka THC and cannabidiol which is CBD THC is   the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis meaning  THC is the component that gets you high while   CBD is the quote/unquote anti psychoactive  ingredient meaning it doesn't get you high   there are actually two types of cannabis plants  meaning there are two subspecies one is marijuana   which is rich in THC and thus has been cultivated  for the high associated with its recreational use   and then there is hemp which is low in THC hemp  was historically cultivated for the industrial   uses or its tough fibers in December of 2018  in part because a growing body of scientific   evidence showing CBDs therapeutic attributes  the federal government legalized him although   33 states have legalized medical marijuana  including 10 states with legal recreational   use marijuana remains prohibited at the federal  level so both hemp and marijuana contains CBD   the recent full legalization of hemp is part  of the reason why some experts believe the CBD   market will have a societal impact as monumentous  as the tech revolution two decades ago but to   really understand what CBD is and why it is only  so recently burst into such almost revolutionary   prominence it helps to know a little bit about  the history of cannabis and the biology of its use   cannabis is believed to have been used medicinally  recreationally and for spiritual reasons   throughout much of humankind's history it's been  used in some form by societies throughout the   world the oldest known written record regarding  its use comes from almost 5000 years ago in   China ancient Greeks used it to dress wounds at  horses and to apply to human nosebleeds it was   medicinally popular among Vikings and medieval  Germans for relieving pain during childbirth and   for toothaches while Queen Elizabeth used cannabis  to relieve her menstrual cramps but only in recent   decades it's have we come to understand how  and why cannabis affects humans the plant   was largely excluded from scientific study due to  its widespread illegality until the 1960s when an   Israeli chemist named Rafael McCollum McCullum was  able to obtain confiscated hashish from police and   study it he elucidated the structure of THC and  CBD and then in 1992 made an even more fundamental   discovery the existence of the endocannabinoid  system meaning the EC s in the human body so the   EC s is the body's largest system of receptors and  it's found throughout the brain nervous system and   organs it's been described as the molecular bridge  between the body and the mind scientists have come   to believe the EC s is among the most important  physiological systems involved in human health   because it regulates both mood and homeostasis  keeping internal systems balanced in the face of   external stress and inflammation he said that by  using a plant that has been around for thousands   of years we discovered a new physiological system  of immense importance we wouldn't have been able   to get there if we had not looked at the plant  so the implications of this discovery including   the burgeoning applications of CBD are only  beginning to take shape and looking at the   ec s McCullum uncovered naturally occurring  neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids that   are structurally nearly identical to the phyto  cannabinoids found in cannabis THC mimics these   endocannabinoids endocannabinoids and binds to  the two main kinds of receptors in the body cb1   and cb2 CBD doesn't directly bind the cb1 or cb2  receptors but instead serves as a real take and   break down inhibitor preventing the breakdown of  naturally-occurring endocannabinoids in the body   this is essentially the same way that selective  serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs work which   prevent the reuptake and breakdown of serotonin  in the brain and if you're not familiar with   SSRIs these are the medications that are mainly  used to treat anxiety and depression think paxil   zoloft cetera so CBDs health impacts span the  entire endocannabinoid system in particular   researchers have found a CBD increases the levels  of an and amide and cannabinoid known as the Bliss   molecule derived from the Sanskrit word Ananda  which means extreme happiness or one of the   highest states of being CBD has shown to generally  serve as a boon for brain health serving as both   a protectant and enhancing neuroplasticity it's  been shown to be effective applied topically in   reducing inflammation and overall body pain some  early studies suggest that CBD might help fight   cancer and has already earned a place in overall  cancer treatment force ability to reduce nausea   and help with pain and the benefits of CBD appear  to come with little to no side effects according   to the World Health Organization they said CBD  exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or   dependence potential and today there's no evidence  of public health related problems associated with   the use of pure CBD because this is all relatively  new science studies of CBDs efficacy in a number   of treatments are still preliminary and its actual  marketing is often suspect many products are being   released without much regulatory oversight and  the CBD levels and overall quality of CBD products   are not always as advertised mostly they don't  come as advertised so some CBD products contain   unwanted THC which means some people might test  positive for marijuana so you really have to do   your research to learn what CBD brands you can  trust besides determining the safety and efficacy   of CBD for various medical conditions there are  lots of other questions that scientists need to   answer for example what form of CBD should be  taken what is the recommended dosage and much   more so there's a lot coming down the pike and  if you want to know more about CBD or if you   have questions about it put it in the comments  below and make sure to give this video like if   you liked it and subscribe to my channel so  you don't miss out in the next one see ya
Channel: Doctor Mike Hansen
Views: 1,114,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbd, what is cbd, cbd oil, medical marijuana, cannabis, cbd oil for pain, cbd benefits, cbd anxiety, cbd lowered blood pressure, cbd sleep improvement, cbd blood pressure, whats cbd, cannabis oil, cbd oil acne, cbd oil benefits, what is cbd oil, cbd for anxiety, canabidiol, cbd depression, what does cbd do, cbd explained, cbd gummies, cannabidiol the inside story, benefits of cbd oil, cbd effects, canabis oil, does cbd work, cbd oil explained, effects of cbd
Id: ao7eg4s36DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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