CBD Oil 101: Doctor Explains for ABSOLUTE beginners

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CBD oil in that like liquid marijuana or something uh maybe shut take it is it gonna hurt me is it good for me if I am gonna take it or do I get a product I can trust stick around omegas are all these questions hey guys I'm dr. Bradley faci I'm here in Louisiana it's like 40 degrees so naturally I'm completely overreacting got my gloves on my puffy jacket got fire going we're good to go thinking about getting some hot chocolate later so today we're going to be talking about CBD oil cannabidiol oil I think there's a lot of misconceptions about CBD oil out there and frankly I was really ignorant about CBD oil until I started looking into it the Mayo Clinic came out with a great review article for clinicians on kind of the latest and greatest studies out there concerning CBD oil and that kind of triggered my interest and I wouldn't start listening to podcasts reading information online and trying to steal it down to a beginner intro 101 video by no means am i an expert on CBD oil but I think I can share with you some helpful insights to get you going so the first thing the big question is what is CBD oil and very basically CBD oil is oil that comes from a cannabis plant now wait a second I thought cannabis was marijuana you're right in some sense so what makes CBD oil not marijuana oil so the cannabis plant cannabis sativa species has two different kinds it has not get you high kind which is called hemp and it has gets you a high kind which is called marijuana there's a legal distinction of the two plants based on how much THC is contained in the plant so if there's less than 0.3 percent THC contained in the cannabis plant it's considered a hemp plant if there's greater than 0.3 percent THC contained in the cannabis plant it's considered a marijuana plant so a good analogy for this would be dog breeds so you have a domestic dog it's one species different breeds can reproduce with each other and create viable offspring but there's different characteristics within that species that make different breeds although it's all the same species the same with the hemp in the marijuana plant so it's more of a spectrum from hemp to marijuana all within the the overarching umbrella of cannabis sativa plants so that's gonna be an important distinction because CBD oil usually comes from a hemp plant the idea is you get a lot of the benefits from a cannabis plant but without the THC component that is exceedingly high that might give you a psychoactive are high so why do we even care about CBD why do we care about the cannabis plan in general well very basically cannabis and the cannabinoids that are in it interact with the endocannabinoid system in our body so this is a system in our body that are some interrelated processes that govern different aspects of our immune system of pain receptors of our mood so if you get these molecules in your body it has some governance over those processes so there are three things that can interact with your endocannabinoid system the first thing is you have endogenous or your body makes its own cannabinoids that interact with that system the second is phyto- cannabinoids which is a lot of we're going to be talking about here which are cannabinoids these molecules that are extracted from plants phyto plant cannabinoids so those are molecules that include THC the psychoactive component in cannabis plants but also cannabidiol or CBD another type of cannabinoid that doesn't interact with the receptors that get you high but do a lot of the other things that interact with that endocannabinoid system the third thing is laboratory derived cannabinoids so these are medical compounds like Marinol that have been regulated by the FDA but also street drugs like spice which are laboratory synthesized THC that middle group is really the focus of CBD oil phyto cannabinoids is there any way we can extract this from a cannabis plant put it in some kind of vehicle that allows it to get inside the body and hopefully garner some of the positive benefits from the plant so that brings me to my next topic which is CBD oil as medicine well there was a lot of increased interest in 2008 when the FDA approved a pure CBD oil called a pity elects for a rare form of juvenile seizures our pediatric seizure disorders and they found that this CBD oil in its most purified form could actually reduce the amount of seizures these kids were having and so after a rigorous trial and rigorous safety studies it was actually approved and now the public interest has kind of peaked to where they're saying hey we should look at this and see what benefits it might provide the current body of medical literature surrounding CBD oil is a little bit sparse but there's more and more stuff coming out and right now there's a lot of animal studies looking at CBD oil and pain and mood in addiction and I think a lot of stuff is going to be coming out of the next few years but right now a lot of it is either anecdotal like hey I took this and I think it helped with my anxiety or I took this and I think it helped my back pain or some smaller scale study so in medicine it's kind of a range of how powerful studies are so that can be from just a case study like hey this one person took it and felt better - a small sample size study of like hey we gave it to ten people and a lot of them felt better all the way up to the more vigorous randomized controlled trials where you say let's take CBD oil and compare it to another treatment for pain our mood or depression and let's see if it's better or equal to that treatment so a lot of those randomized controlled trials were still waiting to come out but we're seeing a lot of small size 10 15 20 people enrolled in these small trials of CBD oil where there's some really interesting outcomes but at this point is a doctor until I see those larger studies I can't really say hey I recommend this to my patients but it's something that is worth looking at and kind of putting our feelers out to see what comes out over the next few years so I think another question you should be asking is is this stuff safe now the biggest safety study was obviously done with the PD elects the FDA approved CBD oil but see other forms of CBD have had some smaller scale safety studies and no major adverse outcomes have really come out of those yet a couple of things they have noted is that it can interfere with some of your laboratory tests including your liver function panels and it can also interfere possibly with blood thinners like coumadin our anti-seizure medicines it can affect the levels of those in your blood stream okay next topic legality and this is a little bit of an evolving question so in 1970 the controlled substance act banned marijuana him and all related products they put it under the jurisdiction of the DEA made it in a legal substance it wasn't in - until 2014 when an agricultural act was passed also known as the farm bill these gloves are also and that legalized hemp for research purposes and that was the bill that designated that the hemp plant although still a cannabis plant was legally defined as a plant that had less than 0.3 percent THC contained in it now in 2018 there was some more progress made when the 2018 form bill came out and said now him and hemp related products like CBD oil are federally legal so at a national level they've said you can grow this product you can grow hemp plants that have less than 0.3 percent THC and you can start making products from them the tricky part is when we get down to a state level so you need to check your state guidelines because the federal regulations still say the states can have governance over their own jurisdiction Louisiana or I'm from I had to really do some research to figure out what the exact stipulations are if you plan on buying CBD oil I would really get down to the nitty-gritty of what your state says right now so you want to roll the dice and try CBD oil okay what do I do what I did I pretended that I was someone that wanted to buy CBD oil from Ground Zero never looked at products and I started researching it online the first thing I found was the FDA did a survey back in when was it 2017 and they randomly picked 84 online products and they looked at the labels on the bottle so oh this product contains 0.1% THC and whatever percent CBD what they found was only 26 of the 84 were labeled correctly the trim was there was more THC than they said was in it and there was less CBD than they said there are even a couple of case studies where kids took it and they were actually intoxicated with the THC from these CBD oils there's been a little more progress since then now that it's regulated by the USDA and it's not a controlled substance anymore there's been some trends and the major trend is that companies that are producing CBD oil are sending their product every batch they make they brew it in a big pot that's not really how it works but that's how I imagine in my brain and that batch they send to a lab that's unrelated to the company and they say you test this make sure it doesn't have any impurities in it like heavy metals and make sure it has the amount of CBD we say it does and it has the amount of THC we say it does or none at all and so a lot of these companies are linking those batch reports on their website or even on the label of their bottle it's where you can easily access it and say this is exactly what's in this oil so I'm going to talk about different products now and some of the guidelines I think you should follow in picking out a CBD product if you plan on buying some and also what the difference between different products is there are three different types of CBD oil full-spectrum broad spectrum and then purified CBD oil so full spectrum is if you take the flower the leaves you extract the oil and don't remove anything from it so there's still a little bit of THC there CBD in it but also there's all the other parts of the plant which we broadly classify as a compound called terpenes and there's all different types of terpenes so all of that is in the product and the reason that they do that is something called the entourage effect so unlike typical pharmaceutical medicines that you might get for your diabetes or your blood pressure but usually have one active ingredient the entourage effect says we want all of the beneficial products within this plant into our product because there have been some small-scale studies that show the CBD oil works best when there's a little bit of terpene mixed with it and when there's might be even miniscule amounts of THC mixed with it and so someone that wants all of those products from the plant in their oil would be looking for a full spectrum oil broad spectrum is the entire plant but they remove all of the THC from it so it's got 0% THC so that might be important if you really want to make sure you don't feel like a drug screen in the in the future if it's completely illegal for any THC content in your state then you might want to look for a broad spectrum then the third category is completely purified CBD oil they take all the terpenes out of it they take all of the THC out of it and it's just CBD so in that product you wouldn't get this entourage effect because it would just be the CBD and a lot of advocates of CBD oil out there really ham up this entourage effect and say and you really don't want pure CBD oil but a lot of this is anecdotal a lot of this is not really studied in the scientific literature yet but it will be watch soon here's my list of things you want to look for when buying a CBD oil if you choose to do so number one how is the oil extracted so there are safer and healthier ways and the best one is called co2 extraction rather than solvent or ethanol extraction so look for a product that's co2 extracted number two look for a product that has batch testing so they have a lab analysis from a third party source that says exactly what's in the product and has a QR code those little barcodes you can scan with your iPhone to link to that certificate of analysis from the lab and that means if you get pulled over and there's this weird bottle of oil in your car and the police officers like sir that's some weed oil right there and you're like no no no scam this QR code check out the lab analysis it actually has zero percent THC in it and I can prove it so you know exactly what you're getting those batch certificates now here's number three something you should look for also show that it doesn't have heavy metals or pesticides containing the product all these things that you don't want to put in your body and for the last part is is it certified by any government regulated agency so is it USDA organic certified does it have good manufacturing practices certification so these are some things that now it falls under the USDA and not an illegal substance that more and more companies are going to be getting certified with these practices that are approved by the USDA so here we go I went online and try to use all four of those principles I just gave you to find a product that I might try or tell someone to try remember disclaimer I'm not recommending this product is a doctor there's not enough information out there for me to recommend it I'm just saying if someone were gonna try it these would be the products I would look at now I look through hundreds of sites I look through all of the about us and about the companies and what they were certified in and what the batches looked like and two of them I boiled it down to if I were gonna get a full spectrum oil that had a little bit of THC I would probably use this company called new leaf I'll put a link to it down below and also if I were gonna use a broad spectrum that didn't have any THC in it that had batch testing no heavy metals was organic etc etc I think the number one brand I choose is a brand called joy organics and I'll link that down below please comment below tell me what I messed up in this video let me know what products you've tried yourself what it's done for you if you've seen benefit I want to hear your stories I want to hear what products you recommend am i completely off-base let me know thanks this is PostScript I'm dr. Fauci a I've got a puffy jacket and warm gloves oh one last note is it gonna make my drug screen positive I don't know maybe so be careful I would get a no THC 0% otherwise known as a broad-spectrum CBD oil if you're worried about it because it has zero THC that one I'm pretty sure will not make your drug screen positive if you get a full spectrum that has miniscule levels of THC in it I think you're rolling the dice forgot to mention that
Channel: Post Script
Views: 322,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBD oil, cbd oil benefits, cbd, cbd oil for pain, marijuana, hemp, full spectrum cbd vs broad, cbd oil reviews, cbd doctor, thc, cbd farming, cbd oil for anxiety, cbd oil for depression, cannabinoid, weed, cbd oil drug screen
Id: k6jLDPp7dOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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