Shouldn’t We Live As Simply As Possible

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just one one comment for the benefit of everybody is that in the Indian custom today's the day of the full moon oh and and on that day consciousness is enliven the most and a lot of knowledge and energy and bliss comes from the Guru so you're our guru today so we want to thank you for sharing that enliven consciousness with us so that's one comment and I had one question and that is that in order to maintain the unity in the diversity all the time would it be advisable to cut down activity and make your life a lot more simple with less belongings because according to the Asura cadet one of the things he comments is that you should give up pretty much everything in life and maintain as little as possible and your sole purpose in life should be just enlightenment of your own self in consciousness thank you thank you of course it's true that many people have many superfluous things they're not only concerned with innumerable things that are ultimately superfluous they also try to accumulate more and more things that are ultimately superfluous but the liberation does not lie in whether or not you have things but it's more important what is your inner relationship to what you have talking for a moment about things that you possess or acquire another aspect of your question of course is things that you do activities that you are engaged in we have the two aspects of as far as activities are concerned many people in this our civilization are hyper active they are continuously active they are stressed almost continuously they are pursuing one thing after another and then they never arrived there's always the next thing to do and the next thing and then the hurry with everything it's the stress disease of our civilization and that's a form of madness that has to be relinquished because it's an insane an insane way to live now people might say well I'm going to lose my job if I'm not if I'm not stressed and if I mean don't do what I'm supposed to do and I cannot do what I'm supposed to do without stress because there's always deadlines one deadline after another another aspect of living in our civilization is that you get continuous deadlines for obscure reasons publishers say the book has to be out by touching such a date why does it have to be out by such intensity can't you wait until the book is mature and complete no no we have all the things I don't know what the justifications are but they always say it has to be out do you need to hurry it's insane and so many things that our civilization produces our rust rust jobs one could say very rough they are not fully matured decisions are taken before they even know fully whether that is all the facts that involve the decision they state on TV executives they put on a show and then they look at the what are the audience number the numbers and if it's not kind of know take it off take it off if they'd given it a chance it might have developed into something great or employees companies not doing well since okay we have two SEC thousand people do it now but know this note no spaciousness at all there's only rushed decision-making all insane so to bring not to be part of that is essential your state of consciousness you need to it's not easy is living in this world to say I'm not going to live in this way I will do what is required of me but I won't be part of the madness I'll do what I can I'll do it as well as I can but I'm not going to live the rest of my life in a state of stress you just give attention to whatever it is you're doing now and see if you can do it well not looking to the fruit of the action do it now reducing unnecessary activities but more important than that is reducing the unnecessary mind activity because really that's where the whole thing originates because the mind is becoming more and more active what is being projected is external activity so a hyperactive mind produces a hyperactive life what's the next thought what's the next thing really is what's the next thought about what I have to do in the next sort and you say rushing after one thought after another trying to capture this and this and this so it goes back to the mind so it needs to be tackled on the inner level primarily rather than the outer if you do not come to grips with or bring awareness to your hyperactive minds there isn't that much you can do on the outer level because you will continuously be driven by the hyperactive mind into all kinds of activities many of them quite useless even useless even even people who have jobs hi Potter they're still doing many things that are quite unnecessary superfluous just hyperactive can't stop doing have to stop doing inability to just be so reducing the hyperactive mind slowing that down is of the essence that's the most important part of it and then that will then manifest in your active life so that they were the hyperactivity will not be there you will be actually more effective in what you do but you do fewer things but you do them better then countless things half done because you're always not enough time to really do it well of course that's all mind and that's the dilemma so our whole civilization is in that dysfunctional state so to take yourself out of the dysfunctional state so to speak not not physically but internally is not easy to sort it's a challenge because you're surrounded by a certain state of consciousness the collective consciousness that you move in so it's your job to be awake enough so that you gain don't get drawn into that state of consciousness which really should be called state of unconsciousness the collective so that some sanity comes into this world through you and so that's the reduction of activity begins with the reduction of thought in your hyperactive mind and then automatically then that will flow into reduction of activity now we come to the second part that's to do with things or acquiring things as some people recommend you should get rid of as many things as possible in your life now I'm speaking as somebody who has relatively few things although I have more things now than I ever had before in my life in that strange because usually it goes the other way when as you get older you gradually let go but for life is so strange that now I have more material possessions or the not vast amount but more than before I don't feel particularly attached to any one thing in other words if it disappeared it would be okay that's fine so it's not and I believe not everybody it's not for everybody to let go of things on the physical level it's not even necessary you need to examine what your inner relationship to the things that surround you is whether there is an identification with possessions or whether you simply appreciate something beautiful that is in your life without the attachment to it or the it giving you as an enhanced sense of self as it often is the case and you need to see whether you are whether there's some kind of acquisitive tendency in you that propels you to buy or acquire more and more and more or whether you are simply just happy with what is already there and simply appreciate what's there or do you compulsively go to the shopping malls every weekend look for something to buy to fill up this emptiness you feel inside and then just the action of buying something confirms that you are somebody to the ego it feels there's nothing wrong with buying you can buy something beautiful but not as an addictive thing there's a compulsive thing so it's finding a right relationship with the external world not an addictive relationship but a free relationship the appreciation of nice things is it it's not not something that is non spiritual it's actually spiritual to appreciate nothing's whether that you call the nice things mine or whether it's not yours for me sometimes it's enough well not anymore when I lived in London I would sometimes walk around the streets and look in shop windows and loved in Regent Street or Bond Street and look at the nice things in the windows and wow that's beautiful I'd i neither had the money nor the desire to buy these things but I loved I loved it now if I had had the money I might have but bought an occasional things it would be nice to have that at home and look at it and feel its presence perhaps it was made with tension and care why not appreciate beautiful things the attachment is what keeps you unconscious so I happen to know your home and I know they you are surrounded by beautiful things so and I also believe that although you are surrounded by beautiful things you're you you don't have a enormous attachment to those things either I can sense that it's certain spaciousness there between you and that there's a simple appreciation of it and that is fine now if the time comes in your life where you feel from within the urge comes to eat leave even that behind although you may not be attached but you at some point here I've it is possible that you may feel now I want to live in completely simple surroundings I just want to not have things anymore at all let's if it comes it's fine and then you will take action you might remove yourself or you might give away all the beautiful things that fill up your house and just be in the empty relatively empty space who knows if that comes to you at some point that's fine too but primarily really is what your inner relationship is to the outer you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 701,115
Rating: 4.9015207 out of 5
Keywords: living simply, simple life, living a simple life, spiritual awakening, spiritual liberation, liberation, inner relationship, state of consciousness, consciousness, state of presence, eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle 2019, eckhart tolle thoughts and emotions, awakening, eckhart tolle awakening
Id: IGieKbdtN9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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