Staying Present

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you don't have to be as slow as I am to be present I'm not always slow but often interesting thing to find out for yourself if you've reached stage in your spiritual evolution where you're able to choose to be free of thinking without exerting willpower to suppress thought and without stopping your breathing and without engaging in a life-threatening activity which could easily stop your mind walking on a tightrope will certainly stop your mind for two seconds before you fall off now some of you are able to do that in when you're not being disturbed by anything or anybody everything is fine you're sitting quietly in your room or outside and then you just go there's an intensity of awareness but there's no willpower you're not willing it to happen you're not willing you're not suppressing thought so if you're not yet there that's fine you can choose other ways of taking attention away from the stream of thinking by placing attention on sensory perception into your body the inner body or on your breathing that's happening naturally so as the buddha said when they asked how to attain enlightenment said just be aware that your breathing is that all they said he said yes I don't know if that's in any of the scriptures though but I'm sure that's what he said he did recommend highly awareness of awareness of your breath the rest was me adding something to it which I do believe he did say because every spiritual teacher is very simple now if as long as you're aware that you're breathing you can't be thinking so he didn't say don't think he said to be aware of your breath so your attention moves away from mind and goes you feel the inflow and outflow of the breath you even feel every subtle movement of the breast weight enters your nose then it flows in and then it flows out and you follow it with your attention and while you're doing it you're not breathing you're not thinking and then at some point you could let go of that too when you're just not thinking the important thing is you're above thinking we're not talking about falling below thinking there's a it's easy to tell the difference but it's possible if you try to sustain the no thinking stage for too long it's possible that without you noticing it you're going and then that means you're going from sure it can happen very quickly if you go to a Buddhist monasteries where monks spent a long time meditating you can observe how it happens to the monks they start off free and when they go after 20 minutes half an hour especially if it's 4:30 in the morning and then you can you're able to be in that state of pure awareness or presence even while things happen that's the next step so to speak even while you're talking to your attorney there's a court case coming up are you able to be in presence while you listen to what he has to say or there's an obnoxious person in your vicinity this is not an uncommon occurrence since a greater part of humans if not our obnoxious but periodically become obnoxious in other words very unconscious humans move into different levels of consciousness and unconsciousness it's not always the same person that you meet it's a delusion do you think once you I have become acquainted with somebody that this is going to be the same person you're going to meet the next day because he or she may be in a very different state of consciousness the next day or when an event happens to trigger that person - diminished consciousness and then one of the sub personalities that is associated with that diminished consciousness is suddenly they're talking to you who are you and that's even more shocking if this happens after you've signed a contract that says you're going to live with this person for the rest of your life and then the mind comes up with strange conclusions I won't trust anybody anymore you really let me down he's a liar he's just pretending to be nice he was so nice when that be unknown oh I know he was just pretending no he was nice perhaps he was at a relatively more conscious stage at that wrong at that time but now he's not nice because something could use that triggered him and another sub personality emerged so to speak or somebody mentioned the work money you owe me and you can observe it in yourself that you're sometimes more conscious and at other times you're sometimes very present even in a challenging situation at other times the challenging situation or person pulls you into unconscious reactivity when you wake up a few minutes an hour later or a day has gone more consciousness emerges through you the time period between unconsciousness and waking up again out of an unconscious reactive episode is shorter you don't stay in it for the week complaining about people and what they did to you and your mind never stops replaying a situation in your mind different versions of it that could have happened if you only had said the right thing and what you're and then you can imagine when next time confront you're confronted with this person how it's going to unfold and you feel angry and can't sleep at night and you don't even know what's happening to you until something suddenly it actually is like waking up out of a dreamlike state what was that all about so as far as trusting other people is concerned or can you trust people yes trust everybody to behave you can trust that they will behave according to their level of consciousness at any given time complete trust nor more as possible now to be more integrated to be a human being that is no longer taken over by reactive episodes to such an extent that it virtually another person emerges temporarily there needs to be more awareness that there still may be remnants of these sub personalities surviving and surviving for certain period of time in you but they no longer take you over that you can still feel the energy behind it when certain things happen but what if awareness does it integrates all that it's no longer it's no longer one entity that takes you over completely and it's of course especially the pain body as the most powerful sub personality and the pain body may even have two or three aspects to it so it could be divided into two or three others but of this treatment ammonia is one huge subpersonality when it comes up to have that no longer controlling you that requires that energy field of awareness around it as presence around it then you know it's still there but it doesn't take over anymore or if it does then immediately after you know oops there it was so eventually awareness then B you become a an integrated being with still a few energy flows here and there but not no big deal anymore [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 808,485
Rating: 4.8815155 out of 5
Keywords: Eckhart, Tolle, Eckhart Tolle, Healing, Power of Now, A New Earth, Enlightenment, Mindfulness, Presence, Awakening, Present, Staying Present, Aliveness, conciousness, meditation, spirtuality, spiritual, transformation, now, liberating, liberation, mind, body, spirit, egoic, egoic mind, ego, evolution, thinking, empty mind, observer, aware, sensations, breath
Id: 0sKKubwN4vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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