What do the Homeless Need? | Mini Documentary

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[Music] okay so we're here in New York City we don't really know what to expect today but we know one thing we want to hear some stories we have care packages that homeless people who are asking for money so we have liquid IV to help people hydrate faster and then we have a water bottle that they can put it in we have hand warmers it's supposed to get to mid 30s tonight and we have body lotion we have no idea what to expect today we have one mission and that is to help get the answers towards what people must actually need besides money we're trying to figure out like what's the best way and advice so Frank was pretty much the first person we had a real conversation with and what was interesting about him is the one thing he really wanted was a room he actually said he would die to have a room and it was interesting because then we started talking about the homeless shelters and he kind of mentioned like he's been in and out of those and one thing is like he didn't necessarily always get along with the people there which I thought was very very interesting and that made us dive deeper into the concept maybe they need more than just a homeless shelter maybe they need an environment where they can grow and where they can create another interesting thing that we saw was that Frank actually we gave him an extra water bottle and he actually gave it back we know we started noticing that the homeless don't actually like carrying around a lot of stuff so that was one thing that we really learned and noticed from Frank [Music] and these these help hydrate ambassador yes now take some people who died yeah let me get some how's it going out for the business right what's up exactly like charity does that we're trying we're just trying to figure out like other ways to help besides like get money so we figure it and when it gets cold out here at night right oh that's it as hi there has some real giving blanket got some I really need for my bag to sell it so it was interesting about these two there's actually a third over to the left is the lady on the right hand side I actually saw the week before I was kind of experimenting with this down in New York City I was giving out hand warmers and this lady was sitting there bundled up with her dog I mean it was freezing out that night and this this really hit me hard that seemed that picture and I was actually very happy to see her when we went back to do this and just talked to her we also noticed isaiah pointed this out the guy to the left was flossing with a straw so a lot of the homeless they really do want to stay clean and stay hydrated i don't know if that was the right word yeah but they don't always have access to some of the stuff that we do so as soon as we give the wipes to him he actually started cleaning his fingernails and cleaning his hands and the lady actually asked for more wipes later on so i thought that was pretty interesting plus it's not for the people that say true life is being true to life and like giving the sequences of physical and mental experiences that make us all of us individuals the same zoom up on the other we are all gifted with our own sense of perception receiving things from our own perspectives and what we hear see smell taste and feel it's for real you covered the eggshell is crunchy night in southern developing the room apart for 25 days mama calendar here we are each and every day and second every minute every hour day by day somebody's it makes them very very keys it's been a cold judgement and we understand everything this world brilliance what we got here is gonna be our year it's gonna be here when we're gon make this work and see you in the world thousand times we never found looking for the worlds in the part of your head man to man ever understand who we are that didn't give ourselves everything you looking for is inside there people are born the same time we conceived in this world that will be deceiving this world that a handicapped disabled and paying something right now would love to change places with us they had the liberty of yeah achieve goals we accomplished things in life just one day we had to be aware of who we are I gave ourselves and norm Akiva Goldsman stand up and keep on shining to the best of my ability well now you prove it - nobody neither prove ourselves to be the best you can be it's a little babies will be so to believe we gotta be continued by the world thousand times not gonna pound quickly the worlds in the palm of your hands keep shining your perceptions and outlook on achieve accomplish goals that you want achieve in a couple and being so set in your life you have to shine don't look for it in this world it's been here before you got it it's gonna be right here he's gonna be easily gone let it be what it is enchanting nothing we can do to alter carbon-based it's a great business spirit mind body and soul and what you know like what's-her-name the hammer the hammer so this was our first experience with a community of homeless people and it kind of felt like we were just at a party and just hanging out they were really welcoming and the hammer actually kind of started everything off and wanted to be on camera and you saw his clip right there was pretty cool about his little speech was he started realized he was kind of a leader of the community and he didn't necessarily look at himself in as in a bad situation and that's when we started realizing like despite not having the nice cars the nice house and all the money in the world they may actually be having just as good of a time as people who have those things so I thought it was interesting you know maybe homeless communities where people get along are actually maybe a good thing so Isaiah and the hammer actually became pretty good friends and maybe you can give some insight on how you two hit it off the world of their hands to take advantage of what they have to give a better life to themselves and he was also very big on judgement day this helps hydrate you faster it's like lemonade what brought you out here when did that was that all that Sun inner where were you guys live I would say I used to live up there 20 year old kid who when I walked up to him his kind of head was hidden behind the sign maybe he was tired or maybe he was just covering himself from the cold he was a really nice kid unfortunately his mom passed away eight months ago and he it's been tough for him we talked about the job situation he said it's kind of tough to have a set job when you don't know where you're gonna sleep every night and that that one really hit hard and we were have a good conversation and then all the sudden this other lady who was homeless came up to me and pretty much told me to get out of there and I honestly thought she was gonna flick me in the face it was it was pretty scary but one thing that mean Isaiah talked about is we were kind of thrown off because she doesn't actually really know our situations but she made an assumption that she did and we thought that was interesting looking back on it and you'll see a clip of me after that right here my heart's racing pretty fast that was something I kind of thought was gonna happen today I don't know if any of that was on video or not but we were talking to this guy 20 years old homeless having a pretty good conversation his mom actually just passed away a couple months ago and this other lady comes up out of nowhere because we had the camera there and she got right up in my face and I honestly thought she was gonna hit me and you know and stuff like that you don't really know what to say I had no idea what was gonna happen or what to say but we just got up and walked away it was too bad because that was a kid that I really feel like he is a really good kid and if he gets the right help something good will happen we said that hey if you could have one thing besides money what would it be he said shelter he said it's hard to sustain a job when you don't have shelter and I agreed so we're really starting to realize like that's one common theme if they have a place to stay and maybe it's the people there that they surround themselves with that they're good well that may be that will help set them up to succeed so we got a little bit more longer we'll spend out here and we'll see what happens we're trying to figure out that I like this whole day we've been walking around like if the homeless could have one thing besides money what would it be a lot of people have been saying shelter but what we do like to get out of us out of the u.s. you here they were right you know later on we asked like if you could have one job what would it be he's like I don't know if I would work that made us really dive deep none of them said hey we just want a chance we want an opportunity we want someone to believe in us like we want someone to say hey if you give us an opportunity we're gonna take take you up on it and we're gonna work our tail off to make this work a guy like Robert he had four daughters and his son that he was taking care of and they would sleep at the church at night and in the morning they would get I think he said they would give them a breakfast sandwich even though it's a little cold in the church they still had a place to stay and they were having people take care of them by giving them a little bit of food in the morning to start off their day so Robert was probably the most interesting conversation and Isaiah can probably tone in a little bit too about what he thought about that one that was like the most weirdest thing I've heard that he was trining of us a lot of people are trying to get into the u.s. and get a better life but he's trying to leave so I thought that was very different from what I'm used to hearing gave us some stuff to think about like everyone's different everyone wants different things and Robert was like everyone else you know he he had some things on his mind that he wanted that may have been different than what we want and it was just it was a great is a great day where we made a we made a lot of friends you could say or met a lot of great people and had some good conversations one guy that we didn't get on film that we talked to on our way back we asked him what's one thing he wish he had and he said socks and if we were to do this again we would probably bring socks in the care package because it made a lot of sense especially when the weather is so cold to kind of put a clothes on this we just want everyone to take away that we don't know all the answers but by simple human kindness by saying hi to someone by getting to know someone and maybe by lending a hand out when they need help maybe we can start to find the answers to more people and in this situation specifically the homeless but you can take what we did today and use that on anyone if you see a stranger walking down the street maybe just simply say hi I want to thank everyone who made it this far for watching it really means a lot to us from myself and one part life in isaiah fonseca and zana main creations we really appreciate any feedback any comments that you have and if you want to work together with a future project if you want to join us with this mission feel free to reach out and we'd love to work together with you
Channel: ZaynimeCreations
Views: 3,611
Rating: 4.9448276 out of 5
Keywords: viral, givingback, newyorkcity, money, homeless, documentary, mini documentary, film, production, video production, the hammer, video editor, content creator, warmheartlife, zaynimecreations
Id: GHpW4Dzdka4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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