New Orleans Tourist Traps and Things to Avoid

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Hey, y'all. Andrew here with Free Tours by Foot New Orleans. Today, I'm here to share with you   some of the tourist traps in New Orleans, how to avoid them, and how to use them to   your advantage. Let's get started! First, and most obvious, is Bourbon Street. People who live in New   Orleans typically don't spend much time on Bourbon Street, unless we work there. And we kind of love   to see who can hate Bourbon Street the loudest. Visitors are a different story. If you walk down   the street at night, it's clear that a lot of people are getting exactly what they hoped for.   But, if you squint a little you can also spot the people who would rather be somewhere else   and unfortunately, our city's reputation sometimes doesn't make it clear that there is a lot else. So,   when it comes to Bourbon Street, it's just best to know what you're getting, which is very large,   very strong very sweet drinks, classic rock cover bands, and a lot of fellow visitors, who are eager   to mingle. Plus, maybe the thing people come to us hungry is for which is a change of pace, whatever   the consequences might be in the morning. Drinking that much can help folks feel like they've gotten   away from the rules they're used to. The thing is though, Bourbon St. isn't the only place you're   allowed to drink a lot or even to drink outside. You can do that pretty much anywhere in town.   In fact, the French Quarter is the most, not the least, restrictive place around alcohol   in the city. There's a regulation just for this one neighborhood that says you're not allowed to carry   glass outdoors, whereas in the rest of the city you can. So, if you visit Bourbon and you're not feeling   it, you can hit a block away to Royal Street and meander through art galleries and antique shops.   You can walk on Frenchman Street and find more distinctive local music. You can walk through   the French Market and go souvenir shopping, or lots and lots else, all with a drink in your hand,   if you prefer. Just know you have options. Speaking of souvenirs they're our second thing to watch out   for. The French Quarter is full of souvenir shops, sometimes three shops on one block selling the   same t-shirts and shot glasses and figurines. And those places can be useful if you're looking to   buy something for a bunch of people really fast, or if you spent the evening on Bourbon Street   and you need a new t-shirt for some reason, but the stuff they sell generally is mass-produced a long   way from here and most of those shops are owned by one single family. So, if you like the idea of   going home with something locally crafted or patronizing a small business, you're best off   looking a little harder. The easiest option to find  is the fences around Jackson Square and behind St.   Louis Cathedral, where artists sell their work. The  license that they get from the city requires them   to sell original art made by the person doing the  selling, so that is as far from mass production as   you can get. And some big-name artists have gotten  their starts on these fences, so you might even be   investing in something that will appreciate in value over time. We've also got art markets on   Frenchman Street and periodically in other parts  of the city where you can find similar stuff.   At the very end of the French Market is a flea  market that runs for a couple blocks, and while   a lot of what sold there is mass-produced, it's  benefiting small independent sellers, and local   crafters are there among the crowd too. If you do a  a little bit of looking and if you want to take home   something with a real local story to it, then you  can always pay a visit to one of the local voodoo   shops, although you may be surprised to learn what they're really all about. Watch our voodoo tour for   more on that subject. Street artists and small vendors can be a lot of fun to meet and one of   the great joys of New Orleans for some visitors is being able to talk to strangers, something that's   very much part of the culture here. But, there are people here too who are eager to take advantage of   those open hearts. So, our next item is con artists. Con artistry in New Orleans most often takes the   form of somebody chatting you up, complimenting your shoes, and then saying that they bet they can   tell you where you got those shoes at. The correct answer is that they're on your feet in New Orleans. The joke and the conversation get you off your guard long enough for them to then kneel down   and start polishing your shoes, air quotes because they do this no matter what kind of shoes you're   wearing and they aren't using shoe polish. The point is to then pressure you for money.   And more often than not i see people paying them just to be left alone, and people make enough money   doing this that this whole con has been going on pretty much unchanged for at least 50 years. I'm   not gonna suggest that there's any redeeming value here and I'd particularly hate for these guys to   leave people thinking that everyone in New Orleans is out to get them. Again, talking to strangers   is a thing we do and a lot of my favorite French Quarter stories have started that way.   So, coming here with extreme stranger danger is not the solution. You've just got to exercise a little   vigilance, and maybe if your shoes are nice enough to attract compliments from strangers, think about   changing into something more comfortable. There are too many cracks in the sidewalk and mysterious   puddles in the French Quarter for it to be worth it. Speaking of things between you and the ground,   my fellow Americans please think twice about driving a car in New Orleans.   Lots of our visitors drive in from nearby, so sometimes there's no alternative. But if you can   help it, doing without a car can save you time and money. New Orleans is a city from the 1700s.   Most of the roads are just wide enough for a lane of street parking and a single one-way lane of   traffic, and in the French Quarter that one lane is full of pedestrians. Also, the streets are in   terrible condition. So, if you love your car, don't subject its poor suspension to all of our potholes.   Give it a vacation too and leave it at home. If you do go without your car then as far as transport   costs you're looking at 30 something dollars for a cab ride from the airport for two people, 10 to   15 for cab rides around town, maybe 30 bucks a day for a bike rental, 1.25 a ride for our streetcar and   bus system, and lots of beautiful walks for free. Whereas if you have a car and you're staying in   or near the French Quarter, you're looking at 20 bucks plus just to park it overnight,   plus all the parking costs along the way. Lots of people make their private fortunes off of owning   parking spots in New Orleans and the city itself makes a not-insignificant portion of its budget   off of parking tickets. And our street parking can be pretty confusing. Seriously, we have street signs   all over town that say "No Parking - Parade" and you're just supposed to know whether a parade   is happening that day or not. Maybe the idea was to hang a year-long calendar on each one but the   budget ran out, but hey keep paying French Quarter parking tickets and we'll be able to add that in   no time. Parades also deserve a minute of our attention. New Orleans is famous for Mardi Gras   and there's a lot of fun to be had if you come here that time of year. But, just like with   Bourbon Street the reality and the expectation can look pretty different from one another. A lot of our visitors come here thinking Mardi Gras is one day full of parades down Bourbon   Street, and it's true that on Mardi Gras you can find huge parties on Bourbon Street with people   wearing costumes and throwing beads. The thing is that's any day on Bourbon Street. The difference   is that on Mardi Gras the crowd is waiting for a parade that's never going to come. Most parades   never enter the French Quarter. Also, most of them are family-friendly, and most of them don't happen   on Mardi Gras Day. We have dozens of parades over several weeks leading up to the big day. Sometimes, visitors come here looking for the Mardi Gras experience and find out that they've missed   out on some of the best parts by just doing the one day. And other people travel here looking to   avoid the Mardi Gras crowds and accidentally find themselves right in the thick of the parade season.   So, if you're looking to be here in February or March, it's best to do some research about the   parade schedule well before you travel. You should also know that most Mardi Gras events are free to   attend, driving during parade season is even more impossible than usual, restrooms are extremely hard   to find, the crowds can be so large that your cell phone won't work, and basic services shut down on   Mardi Gras Day. If that sounds overwhelming, there are plenty of other holidays where we throw a more   modest parade schedule, like St. Patrick's Day - only six parades for that one. Besides parades, partying,   and people watching, another thing we're famous for is our food. New Orleans has more restaurants   per capita than any city in the country. We could devote entire videos to picking out good ones. and   we have. Check out our video on a few of the most important foods to try while you're here. But a   lot of French Quarter restaurants aren't serving what folks in Louisiana would recognize and enjoy   as local food. For example, there's an incredible restaurant in the Treme near the French Quarter   called Willie Mae's Scotch House, which serves objectively the best-fried chicken in the universe.   But, there's only one location and it takes some traveling to get there, whereas all over the French   Quarter, there are locations of Willy's Chicken Shack. The name is just similar enough to confuse   even some foodies, but the two are unrelated. This one is a chain owned by the same family that owns   all the t-shirt shops. And sometimes that's what you need. Maybe you've got picky kids, maybe you   just had all the food with French names that you can handle for a while, or you're a few drinks in   on Bourbon and you just need a burger NOW. But, if you're looking to have good, satisfying adventures   with your meals, it pays to prepare. With all these different things requiring research, it can be   really comforting to think that there are people whose job is to give good advice to visitors,   and those folks are our next point. Across the French Quarter, you'll find little kiosks and   shops offering visitor information, and lots of the hotels in the area offer concierge services too.   There's no doubt these people have some very helpful knowledge and they may be able to save   you time by booking dinner reservations, tours, show tickets, and all that stuff. But, visitor information   centers are mostly owned by tour companies who, of course, have an interest in selling their own   services and most hotel concierges make the bulk of their living through commissions, so what these   professionals are offering is a combination of their own expert knowledge and what they've   been paid to offer. You may be getting their best recommendation from among the services that give   them a cut but you'll rarely find them referring people to say pay what you will walking tours.  So, while it's well worth consulting them, it's also worth coming to them with a clear idea of what   you want and tipping them so that you, and not the company offering the service, are the customer. For   another example of what you might miss out on if you're only ever told about costly services a lot   of our visitors love to take swamp tours and boat tours. These can be a lot of fun, and if you feel   like splurging, then they can be more than worth the cost of attending. But, if you're on a budget   trip, you have free and low-cost alternatives. If you've got a car and you want to see some nature   yourself, the Barataria Preserve is a free national park that preserves 26 000 acres of wetlands a   short drive across the river from the French Quarter. And if you don't have a car, City Park,   just a streetcar ride away from the French Quarter contains nature preserve areas called Scout Island   and Couturie Forest. If you'd like to get some river scenery, there's a ferry that runs across   the river from the French Quarter to Algiers Point and back for $2 round trip per person.   We're starting to get into our specialty territory  as a tour company here, and while we're walking tour   company, there are a lot of ways to explore, each  with their own precautions worth taking, for one   hop on hop off buses. Those can be great for folks  with mobility limitations or if you just want to   get a bird's eye view of town when you first arrive. But, the quick impression they're able   to offer isn't necessarily the most interesting or the most representative stuff. Remember what   I said about New Orleans having tiny streets. If  they're hard to drive a regular car through, you   can imagine a double-decker bus doesn't stand a  chance. So, they're only able to go along the edges   of historic neighborhoods, and while they do offer  short walking tours in some of the areas where   they have stops, they generally give a pretty basic impression. Tour guides all have different   approaches, but in my opinion, New Orleans is  different enough of a city from most other places   in the world that you really need some time to  get it or even just to fully appreciate the vibe.   The other entertainment options on wheels  are mostly found here in the French Quarter.   You got carriage rides and cabs. Like most of  the things I'm mentioning, they can be great   in the right context, and one of their selling  points is pretty obvious, you get to sit down.   I like to go out of my way to give people what  they ask for on my walking tours but I have   never carried anybody - rarely carried anybody. So, a carriage ride offers a leisurely way to see the   French Quarter from behind a mule with a fairly small group. But with a few exception,s if you're   looking for in-depth history, it's harder to find  here than on a walking tour, since the carriage   keeps moving, the driver doesn't have a lot of time for much other than cliff notes. So, in the end,   what they're selling is less of a story than an experience. Pedicabs too mostly just show up in the   French Quarter and unlike either carriage drivers  or walking tour guides they aren't required to   pass a basic history test to get their license, so  they mostly aren't guardians of the neighborhood   story. Their big advantage is that they can usually  squeeze between the cars that are driving and   the cars that are parked. So, if you need to get  somewhere fast and it's rush hour, they actually   may be able to deliver you faster than a cab. We  also call them transportainment. They're generally   fun folks to talk to and sometimes they know a  lot about things to do in the French Quarter and   beyond. So, if you're getting your history somewhere  else, say on a youtube channel, but you need a   quick hand getting your bearings and you've got  somewhere to be, maybe you want a breeze in your   face, pedicab can be a good fit. And you'll want to  weigh those benefits because a pedicab often costs   more than a cab for the same distance and you'll  want to ask about those rates because pedicab   drivers set them themselves. Finally, there's the service that we ourselves offer. Obviously, I'm a   fan and I think it's fair to say that out of  all the various experiences you have with a   local during a stay in New Orleans, a walking  tour has some of the greatest potentials for   depth. I've gotten to have lengthy conversations  with visitors about their plans and sometimes I   get to help them find things to do that are  a good fit but that weren't on their radar.   But, it's still worth being skeptical about walking  tours because it's down to the company and the   individual guide what kind of experience you'll have.  I've already mentioned why relying on the advice   of folks who work behind a desk can be misleading  and the same goes for rankings on review websites   which can have a similar sales relationship  with the companies that they recommend.   And it can be pretty disappointing if you feel  like you've done your research to then show up   to what feels like a cattle call. So, it's worth  doing some qualitative research in advance, not   just seeing where a particular company falls in a  ranking, but reading reviews and talking to other   travelers and see if it sounds like the right experience and flavor for you. People come on tour   looking for very different things and everyone  wins if you find someone who's a match. As you may   know, our approach to the tour giving business is  the pay-what-you-will model in New Orleans and all   the other cities where we operate. We offer tours  for free or for a couple bucks reservation fee   and from there the price is yours to decide based  on how you feel about the experience, which gives   us a reason to try and outdo expectations every  day. You can meet some of our guides on this and   other channels of ours, and if you feel like it's  a match for you, you can find the way to us in all   of our cities down below. And if you feel like what  you learned here was valuable then you can leave   us a tip down below as well give us a like if you want to help other people find this video. Comment   if you've got thoughts to share and subscribe  and ring the cute little bell for more travel   tips, history tours, and atmospheric walks through our city. Thanks for watching see you next time!!
Channel: Free Tours by Foot
Views: 143,827
Rating: 4.9317765 out of 5
Keywords: free tours by foot, tourist traps, new orleans travel, new orleans travel tips, visit new orleans, bourbon street new orleans, french quarter new orleans, new orleans tips for tourists, safe travels
Id: AXo03TdCplg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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