He bought ALL OF THIS to help the Homeless!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of during his fishing I'm Darian Craig today we're not gonna be fishing it's actually kind of a serious video well it's a serious it's gonna be a lot of fun so my brother does this thing every year y'all haven't met my brother yet but he does this thing every year for Christmas where he raises money and honestly I don't even know well Bob let him talk about the rest of but somehow or another he raises money to go buy gifts and supplies and toiletries or whatever it is for homeless people one two three four is the Sun Shine in it shine is the Sun Shine earlier in this thing with the mountain Sadia Hollyer in the sing with a mountain in birmingham alabama and he's done it for the last two Christmases now he's doing one in the summer and so he asked me one of the help out on it I've wanted to help out on it since he did the first one just because it's a really cool thing to do this year he raised five hundred and seventy two dollars or five hundred twenty seven dollars I don't remember but one thing I think is cool about it I'm saying this about without him in here he won't even see this part of the video but is like his selfishness selfishness selflessness selfish lessness he doesn't think about himself on this video and honestly it's really cool to just like for a brother thing like he raises you know five hundred whatever dollars I think last year for the Christmas one he raised seven hundred dollars or something but he doesn't keep any of the money at all he literally goes the store or wherever and buys all this stuff and just to see somebody put that much time and effort into giving random people stuff is really cool so definitely like cool like brother moment on that so what I've done is I got Hannah with me too well be careful just saying Hannah so since Corby is uh does this like for just the kind kindness my brother's daughter even really that kind either this is awesome project but yeah a pair of coasters he didn't want some sunglasses he's got a pair but he doesn't have any coasters so got him some sunglasses he doesn't know about this yet that's a couple hundred bucks but I just feel like it's the least I could do for somebody who goes that hard and tries that much on you're giving back to other people I'm gonna surprise not at the end of the day so y'all stay tuned for that but anyhow this video is gonna be all for my brother I'm gonna video him doing this whole project I'll let him do the intro of like how what all goes on on this and I don't even know like exactly all the detail so I'll let him talk about it we're gonna pick him up now and go on this operation operation when we'll get this operation and I will let corporate name this operation because I don't really know what to name it but I do know that we're gonna have some fun we're gonna make some people's days and we'll have you guys along for the ride so do get Corby we'll see you back here and I guess a few seconds all right so we got my brother and we are at this gigantic target gonna buy stuff but I don't really know exactly what what this is so how about this explain how you raise the money all right so I have a business and I asked everybody to doumitt donate money so we gonna help homeless people last year we did it Christmas helps about 15 people and I think we'll double that this year sweet so why Sir he said was like 400 bucks this time we got almost $600 so we're gonna go into target and Corby's just gonna go shopping and I'm gonna awkwardly film but Corey's gonna strap up the chesty we have and Hannah are gonna go rock this project [Music] that didn't work I'm lost hey that's awesome might have it all oh all right foods that don't get old or they don't need to be cold hot parts everybody let's bow ties especially me mostly I heard he's really good at for tonight does anybody who sold my Christmas video saw that I feel it I grabbed one of these last time I gotta make up her tension Tom I'm over to toe 24:48 I'm an engineer I can't do math SID a lot it's some more a good bit some more 12 times four no nuts for seven that's seven that's 84 we got a mortar last time we're gonna need a bigger boat we can put it under toss toss me yeah we're not gonna put all these in a bug I was trying to be a cheapo yeah cinnamon toast crunch offerin from all these tastes just like cardboard I don't know if you've ever eaten cardboard before it's like a three and a half of then I think seven or six all I hear Hannah thank you Oh I don't know you said okay $20 Kurtz bags are handy we've got a lot of stuff we got you some some good gift card go get you some food anything else we can help you with yeah man workable have a good day sir fiends need four are we sure that forever put your hazards on I'll just set it here there's a some food McDonald's gift card a pillow - some basic stuff okay hope there's two burgers in there any gift for have a good one yeah we're gonna stop as a pillow there's just some basic hygiene stuff a couple things from McDonald's there's a McDonald's gift card in there I don't know how far we Madonna's is but yep I do this twice a year Christmas and about this time when it's hot as hell nobody wants to be out here more or less thinking about other people so who's out here making a video hopefully more people start helping others for sure hope it helps yeah awesome so I was about so it's about thank you there's one here's one for you yeah it's a for-sure hope it helps you're a human I'm a human I everybody needs help each other at some point doing my little poor timing the senior in college candidate um but a little impact I can make help somebody else mechanical engineer two semesters left but I'm excited about it but yeah anything I can give it's it's a lot harder it's all harder to think of stuff people need all right so just an observation that I had of this operation observation of this officer observation of this operation observation of this operation is like there's kind of an awkward thing I say awkward but we're not we don't mean it awkward at all but I can't tell if somebody's homeless or not yeah and like you don't mean anything bad by it but you know that like they might not want help or they might not like kind of kind of take it in a bad way but we're not we don't mean in a bad way it's kind of not awkward like going up to people hey we're just saying hey do you need any help and then inside they realize what we're doing so that makes it a lot easier all right Corby you couldn't see through the glass we got a guy over here it's Park we're gonna take them something all right so that guy was uh he's taking it out he'll be happy when he wakes up to see what we left him poor be left I'm just here for the rod Corby's only came up with all this stuff he'll be surprised when he liked up yeah yeah he just sleep crane wake them up no no anyone he's gonna be very happy when he wakes up there all right on to the next one you say no cargo okay love you see you get to do a good deed but you gotta clean out your truck I hope all right so how's it been so far what's your thoughts that's been good we found them in the tunnels mostly people are definitely grateful yes if you're ever gonna help somebody hygiene stuff is good but every single person we see once food yeah one dollar the Fermata yeah the food definitely did a lot more good than the hygiene stuff sure surely they're gonna use the hygiene stuff at some point um but the food has definitely been definitely been the highlight of these people's day just glad we can help people out do our part by corby said earlier there's not enough nice people in the world anymore we're just doing what we can to help out that's all get out there's some food of McDonald's gift card it's just some basics up there have a good day all right so that wraps up all of our are giving back what are you gonna call us we didn't have like a you didn't have a name for this we're gonna work on the name of this operation but basically Corby's my brother he put together this deal where he just wanted to raise money and give back to people who going through hard times whatever the situation is and so it's cool to be a part of that this year and hopefully like moving forward this keep we'll keep doing that and maybe we'll be able to raise some money on this one thing I wanted to ask is there's actually today we've while we were doing this we met two people who give us a business card because they wanted to help like donate money or donate goods for the Christmas one that we do so what we're thinking about doing for Christmas is at least pillows sleeping bags and a lot more food like the gift cards is really well the immediate food did really well and although the immediate food did really well so maybe like there's gonna be more stuff to I think it'd be cool to do like 20 or 30 years old like just the sleeping bag thing is gonna be really cool to be able to have that like that wrapped up sleeping bag have a pillow like maybe tie that will I don't know like I'm just thinking you have that as a package where you could toss it to someone and then have a bag or a box of food just to like I don't know I think that's gonna be cool I think definitely the winter times probably hard for these people if people don't think about how cold it gets that's Christmas when we did it it was 35:36 outside and we gave him a small blanket and everybody was excited so well one of the guys today said I was like man it's hot out here in it and he's like yeah but it was freezing cold this morning in like it's August in Alabama he was coming like I was saying how cold it well he didn't x101 yeah imagine the winter so 2627 yeah so that's gonna be super tough so what what I'm getting to is if anyone who sees this if you're interested in helping us out will probably like cap it at some point because we don't need to raise ten thousand dollars but you know maybe a couple thousand bucks will give us opportunity just to get a lot of people's stuff so it'd be really cool if you're interested in that I'll leave my email address bottom setup doesn't matter I'm - senator Corvus email ago so I'll set up all through Corby he's like basically set this whole thing up and I'll link Corby's so Corby last year at Christmas did one it was big like you know 15 people a little smaller than this but about 15 people raised about $500 my company will be raising money again so it'll be split between us probably people was and so just as much as we can raise figured oh yeah and it's August a couple months to end this video I said this earlier and Cory doesn't know about it yet but more be like does all this literally out like just kindness of him want to do it and didn't ask anything like literally from the first time we did it he said I raised my father in 27 over 70 yeah 570 so every single time I talked to him was the exact same number and so anyhow he didn't buy anything for himself he literally spent like five hundred and ninety dollars today so it's been a little of his own money so what I got for pair Christmas I got you a favor Chris is just for being good and hopefully doing well I have not seen peace he's got some sunglasses on but figure everybody wanted a pair of coasters oh yeah and you do a lot to give back to other people the least I could do will be get you guys switch out now look like a fisherman alright that wraps up the video see you guys on the next one if you're in US and helping out donate for anything cash or whatever it is we'll save the receipts if you want to show the receipts whatever don't really exactly not set that up legally but just reach out to us on email and we'll get everything figured out thanks for you guys for watching and I will see on the next one you
Channel: Darien is Fishin
Views: 142,183
Rating: 4.9217424 out of 5
Keywords: Homeless, Giving Back, Rebuild, Birmingham, AL, Alabama, Caring, Non Profit, Clean Up The Streets, Sharing is Caring, Time for a change, make the world a better place
Id: 5sz6-MrXBLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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