What did I do WRONG?

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hi everyone welcome back to another episode of taking a risk with george george and in today's episode i need your help and i'm specifically targeting anybody who knows anything about [Music] gardening so this year with everything that's been going on with the coveted pandemic and being inside all the time i decided to take it upon myself to do something that i've always wanted to do which was grow a vegetable garden and i built this beautiful box that i'm sitting on i'll show you guys in a minute and i planted tomatoes and cucumbers and carrots and everything was going great until a few days ago when i discovered that my cucumbers were infested with cucumber beetles and this is where things went bad so the garden has been blooming for about two and a half months now and i've collected plenty of fruit and vegetables from tomatoes i've gotten lots of tomatoes and a couple cucumbers but all of a sudden things took a turn for the worse and i'll show you guys here what i'm talking about so i built this lovely box off the ground and i planted here's the tomatoes these are the better boy tomatoes and these came in so well for so many weeks and then all of a sudden it's a sudden they just started deteriorating like this they started turning black and just dying and i don't understand why and i haven't been able to get a ripened tomato off of these for about two weeks and as i was saying before they were coming in i was collecting at least two one to two per day and these are by far some of the best tomatoes i've ever eaten i've never heard of them before i even have the little tag down here they're known as better boy tomatoes and i will definitely be planting these again next season but i just need to know what i need to do to get it right i had a great mix going on and these are these are dragon hybrid cucumbers right here in front that looks so horrible these things were this whole area was full of just green blossoming leaves and then all of a sudden this happened and this started about a week or so ago and i think it's because of those cucumber beetles so i need somebody to tell me what can i do for them i've done a lot of research on these cucumber beetles and at first i noticed them and they didn't seem like a big deal there was just one or two that i noticed but of course there's always more and i honestly thought they were they were yellow ladybugs that's what they look like for me there's one right there so if anybody doesn't know what a cucumber beetle there is one right there little little buggers yeah fly away where i smash you which i will do i've smashed several of them and the war will continue i'm so upset as to what has happened to my garden because of those things so this was full and i actually just pulled one cucumber off you can see there's several growing and this is the only side that was growing cucumbers and they look so wimpy these things were coming in so nice before and so what i ended up doing was researching how to get rid of these cucumber beetles and there's a few methods but i really didn't want to try some of the methods that were on a lot of them talked about putting sticky traps down by the base to catch them because that's where they go to lay their eggs so what i ended up doing was the research that i found said to spray put in a spray bottle about a quarter of dish soaped on dish soap and water and the rest and then use that to spray on all the leaves uh sometime in early morning or at the late evening which is what i did i did it at the late evening and when i woke up the next morning the leaves were looking a little dark so i knew something went wrong so the next step that i tried and there was still plenty of beetles so that didn't do anything for the beetles they were still all over the place so the next step that i read about was to get this stuff called neem oil and everything that i read so that this stuff would get rid of the beetles in a couple of days and after a couple of days of spraying them that's what happened to my garden [Music] so here's the other side these are regular cucumbers and these have not produced one edible cucumber yet you can see i have some finally growing in and i can't wait for these to be ready but that's literally all i've gotten out of it these what ended up happening when i was growing these this is my first time so i went off of what the packaging was saying i planted about four to five seeds every i think it was like six inches or so so you can see i've got a group growing here a group growing there group growing there they were all growing next to each other and i think what happened was there was a bunch of runts and they were just like siphoning off the nutrients preventing these from actually growing cucumbers so against my better judgment which it actually worked out better i didn't want to do this but it worked out is i ended up picking just uprooting the little guys the ones that weren't growing they didn't have a lot of them had flowers which i know that's where the cucumbers come from those are tomatoes but um so what i ended up doing was finding the ones that don't have any flowers like these because those will turn into cucumbers and i just pulled them and after about a week or so i started noticing that the cucumbers were coming in so that was that actually worked out and i was sad to do it but it actually worked this used to be where the carrots were i just pulled all of them they were little halfling carrots you can see they're manta half longs and those did not grow in at all there was a mishap once again this is my first time so i tried to do nice little rows of carrots but when i went to go pour the seeds they all just kind of fell out right right there right where my hand is in this back area and i had just a cluster of about 75 carrots growing right there and none of them got to an appropriate length i pulled all of them they all looked like this so here's one and they taste tasted fine but look at how pathetic i was so mad and these were growing for about three months so everything's i started this in late may and it's now end of august so and i just pulled those the other day and i tilled the soil and these sad little fellas that are growing right here are cantaloupes and they're they're they're now cantaloupes they're definitely not coming in and uh jack's gonna be so sad this is stiff and i once again i think this has to do with the neem oil so what i need is somebody to give me some direction on what i should have done i think i still have one alive cantaloupe right here but stiff stiff is a board it's almost like it's a stick and i don't think that's right and of course these are obviously [Music] breaks my heart can't believe this happened to my beautiful garden and i have i have to say that it was like losing a best friend because this is my first vegetable garden i didn't think i could do it i didn't think i didn't think it'd be as prosperous as it was i thought i would build this and several months later there would be two or three cucumbers to eat maybe a couple of tomatoes but it literally took off i still have these little sweet let me see if i can find the they're called super sweet 100s let's zoom in on that super sweet 100s fantastic i will definitely be growing these again these things came in in drones there's just so many and the same thing happened i was pulling about seven to eight maybe up to ten off of here a day for at least two to three weeks maybe more maybe about a month almost because it is the end of august yeah it was probably about closer to three weeks to a month i was pulling ripe fruit off of this you know about 10 a day for two to three maybe four weeks and then all of a sudden nothing nothing's ripening it seems like everything's standing still and all of them are dying it's a little cucumber growing in and i i'd hate to think it's because that neem oil but why on earth would all this just happen after that now it is late august so if if somebody out there wants to tell me it's late in the season for vegetables and this is what they normally do at a certain time of the year that would be great but i don't want to think that i killed these so and they're still cucumber beetles as you see nice there's there's another one there's two they just landed there's one right there they look like little yellow ladybugs and there's actually two different forms of them there's the black and yellow spotted ones and then there's also a striped one and the striped ones are smaller and they're so much harder to catch look at how sad like almost in tears over here looking at my beautiful garden so i'm turning to you guys so any information you have would be greatly appreciated let me know what i should have done and what i can do for next year to make this twice as good i'm definitely going to move things around i didn't think they would grow as big and as fast as they did with cucumbers growing next to these tomatoes i definitely would have separated them or or even built a whole other box this is eight foot by four foot so i'd love to build a whole nother one and just have cucumbers in one maybe carrots in another and definitely more tomatoes i'm definitely going to do that and the cantaloupes i've got to retry on these cantaloupes for jackson so in the comments below feel free to shame me on what i did to my garden i already feel bad enough but i mean if you just want to tell me i did a horrible job it'll help me to do better next time so feel free to do that or you can just put some good advice in there and let me know what i should do for next time to grow great garden and if you guys know anything that let's say like grow to go great together i would love to know that too so if there's something that helps a cucumber grow better and it helps something else grow so they're beneficial to each other that would be great information i'd love to learn and maybe one day i'll end up showing you guys a full crop of beautiful vegetables so this is what it looked like when i was done building and the whole thing took me about four to five hours and i posted these to my instagram so that's why it looks like this this is what it looked like after about two weeks you can see that the cucumbers have started to sprout up and i was so excited and this is about after three weeks to about a month things were going so great my tomatoes were starting to come in after a little over a month [Music] you
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 1,756
Rating: 4.9737706 out of 5
Keywords: How to, How to garden, Help, I need help, how do I grow a vegetable garden, growing vegetables, green thumb, new Gardner, growing food, food, please help me
Id: QCKim3ihB-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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