MY FIRST MYSTERY BATTLE BOX! Opening Mystery boxes/Mystery Items! 3/1/21

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another exciting episode of taking a risk with george george as you can see over my shoulder i finally got that special package that was sent to me and it came with a bonus package which i'm super excited to get into battle box who knew i think these are mystery packages uh i don't know if the person who sent them knows what's in them but we're gonna find out together and as i said before in a video a long time ago anything in these boxes is going up for sale unless i like it and i want to keep it for myself so if you see something you like let me know in the comments below or email me let's get to it all right so i'm gonna get started with the big box and of course i've got my trusty knife right here and luckily i don't have to cut away from anything because i'm cutting sideways so the sausage is fine all right first time seeing what's in this box let's find out all right so right off the rip we've got a nice little manual here from battle box adventure delivered see what they got oh oh so they tell you oh oh so i'm in a club i guess i didn't know i was if you guys want you can scan here for details so thank you for being a part of what has become the biggest family in the subscription box business if you don't already know season one of southern survival is available for streaming on netflix okay that's nice look at that that's pretty cool so this is a survival box i was thinking it was more or less uh a knife box or survivor an outdoor box yeah that makes sense i guess all right so it looks like you can buy different types of boxes you've got the basic box right here and it comes with a nature's grill a rescue me vehicle escape tool for 10 bucks you can make one of those for like 37 cents so i wouldn't spend that much money ooh that's pretty cool in the pro box look at that and a waterproof tarp for 50 almost 50 i don't i don't suggest spending fifty dollars on a on a tarp that's that's what you want right there is the battle axe for eighty dollars and once again i don't i don't suggest spending that much all right let's get into this so right off the rip look at that hold on a second oh my goodness so i've got to check these prices out because it looks like right on top i've got this the uh the tarp the tarp is right here right away right on top is that tarp so there's 45 right there which is pretty cool i might i might end up keeping this but we'll see and this is what i am talking about absolutely amazing the 80 axe is in here look at that folks this is absolutely incredible the condor greenland pattern hatchet with leisure leather seat this is going on my belt immediately this is absolutely incredible so freaking cool oh man we got that that light out of the pro box so we've got the pro plus box in here we've got the pro box and we've got the advanced box already in here so this is like a super advanced pro plus box so i don't see any options for all of ones what else do we got we've got limb lines oh auto fishing device look at that you just set it in there set it and forget it keeps fish alive in the water oh that's kind of nice to attract bears because of course you want live fish to bring the bears in so then you can hunt the bears with the hatchet and have a really good meal and then you can hide underneath the tarp while you're waiting for the bears and you can blind them with the flashlight when they get close very very cool what else do we got we've got mosquito repellent that's very good of course everybody's mosquito report oh that rescue me uh vehicle so hold on a second so now we've got we've got the mosquito repellent right there for seven dollars and the escape tool for ten dollars so let's see if we got oh and the and the limbs so the only thing we're missing is the nature's grill and i believe it's right here so this is the super advanced basic plus pro box this literally had everything in it that is in this manual that is absolutely incredible so now i'm excited to see what's in that little package that came with it as well because i don't see anything else in the manual that we did not get so this is kind of crispy what's going on here so this is a nature's grill eco-friendly biodegradable outdoor cooking 60-minute grill time very cool all right so that's it for this box that was an absolutely incredible journey thank you so much whoever sent this i really appreciate it and so many cool things i'm definitely keeping the hatchet uh and a flashlight probably even though i've got enough of these from old lights which is still one of the best flashlights out there even though they do not support me anymore i supported them technically let's get on to that little box all right so here we go i've got the little mystery box that came with it i think this is a bonus gift if i'm correct because nothing in the manual is left out everything that was in this came with that battle box that huge basic super pro advanced plus box everything was in there oh maybe it's a t-shirt okay so maybe that's what i got maybe i just got some t-shirts in here so let's get in there and find out i'm actually gonna open up get out the trusty knife this i'm definitely keep for sure put this way before i slice a finger off it's not like i'm not playing with something more dangerous safety tags who needs those let's see pop that bad boy open is it good enough to shave with not bad not bad all right let's get into this oh yeah sharp enough to cut some tape how i like it very nice put this back in the safety holster so i cannot be trusted oh it doesn't fit that's wishes all right let's get into this little box and find out what we are dealing with here get this little closer for you guys surprise for everybody you ready three two gotcha oh oh oh oh stuff is falling at home nice that's what you're looking for right there when you're surviving is a nice 100 foot length of string that's pretty good for survival just look at this burns up to 30 seconds waterproof and windproof typhoon match kit that is absolutely awesome a hex drive toolkit wow that's really nice look at that an all-in-one hex drive tool kit for everything you might need while you're fixing stuff while you're surviving in the woods look at that of course you need some steaks these go with the grill of course haha just kidding they go with the tarp they're not that type of steaks but they do tease you and put some dried meats in here which is always fantastic when you're surviving so if you're ever in a survival situation and you need a good protein that lasts a long time jerky beef jerky so that bear you caught earlier in this episode go ahead and just let it let it sit out for a couple couple of months just hang it up with the string let it dry out make sure you put the tarp over it so it has a nice humid climate to dry out and there you go you've got some beef jerky to last you your entire survival so one last thing that came flying out of that box while i opened it for you guys was that we hope you enjoy your mystery box and i definitely have and i hope you all have as well i'm going to explore this a little bit more and see if there's anything i can actually use all right so there you have it folks thank you so much for tuning in with me on this discovery of this awesome mystery box this was so much fun to go through i'm definitely going to look into subscriptions on this hopefully they have different items hopefully it's not the same every single time but this was absolutely incredible and so much fun thank you guys so much for tuning in if there's anything you see in here that you would like please go ahead in the comment section below let me know uh give this video a thumbs up if you had just as much fun as i did and if you'd like to contact me through email go ahead and look through the description it's in there somewhere thank you all so very much for watching
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 636
Rating: 4.9483871 out of 5
Keywords: Mystery box, mystery items, unknown, battle box unboxing, battle box review, mystery box unboxing, Unboxing, galaxy s21 ultra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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