What Demons Don't Want You To Know

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rise up [Music] it's time to rise well welcome this morning uh thanks for being here um we're just gonna get right into the word of god i am thankful to be able to deliver the lord's message this morning what i believe um something that he's kind of put on my heart it's actually something that i've been wanting to talk about for some time and i spoke briefly about it a couple wednesdays ago on a wednesday night so those who were there might pick up on on some of the things but i want to talk specifically about you know here at dominion life we understand and believe the the dominion the authority that the lord jesus has given us not only through his name but through the the reality of our identity in christ that we are a new creation right that uh we are those who are called to follow jesus at every dimension jesus didn't come and live a life uh and say follow me and you know in hopes that we could or or you know dangled the carrot and said you know here's the standard i know you can't make it but just really try no he absolutely heaven absolutely expects and believes and knows that we can walk just as he walked or else it wouldn't be written in scripture it wouldn't be written in the word it wouldn't be declared to us you know it says love has been perfected among us on the day of judgment and so we have boldness on the day of judgment because love has been perfected among us because as he is so are we in this world and the beautiful beautiful thing about that passage it says as he is we're talking about the resurrected christ because that's the uh john the beloved writing that that's first john not the gospel of john first john so this would have been later on in john's life he's writing as he is so are we in this world and so we're not waiting for the sweet by and by to fully manifest our true identity in christ we're we're the lord is is commissioning and beckoning us and asking us to understand and to know that's why proverbs talks about an all you're getting good understanding so that you know the hope of the call that has been placed on your life who you are the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe and so um so we need to understand the power and the authority that the lord has given us in every dimension and every realm that's why we've chosen the name dominion life because jesus came to restore dominion back to the sons of god to the children of god that dominion was was given over to the enemy of of our god and um freely we humans freely gave it over um and jesus came and said nope i'm taking back the keys i'm taking back what was rightfully ours because we know in the psalms psalm 8 in hebrews i believe it's chapter 1 or 2. it talks about who is man that you are mindful of him the son of man that you would visit him he says when i consider the stars and the heavens and all that stuff i look at man and consider like man who is who is man that you god who created all these incredible stars and cosmos and galaxies that you are mindful of us that you would consider us it says you made us a little lower uh than elohim and you've crowned us with glory and honor you you gave us the commission to subdue and have dominion over the works of your hands uh but again i said earlier that was forfeited um and one of the the areas that where we need to understand our dominion so one of the the places that i see a lot of people have questions or concerns is when we talk about um the invisible realm the realm of the unseen and what i'm specifically talking about is is the demonic or spirits or any or anything like that people christians people i'll say people in general are incr and incredibly freaked out about what they can't see you know they're afraid you know ghosts and spirits and this that and the other and i took myself as a young kid and even for the young ones that are in the crowd this morning um i fear how to hold on me um i grew up in a christian home and and hearing stories of encounters that my my parents had i remember one time some guy was i don't know if he was high he was probably just demonically oppressed or possessed or whatever but um i was i believe an infant like like an infant infant like baby um and this this guy my dad was away and this guy comes to the house and he's banging and kicking on the door and screaming and yelling saying i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you and it was just my mom home with us kids i think at the time to see if i was born it would have been six kids four kids five kids something like that um and uh and i my mom told me she went and got into the corner and she's just sitting there praying and she didn't know what to do and this guy is banging he's going on the front door and goes to the back door and he's banging open i'm again he's kicking on the door and my mom's praying and all of a sudden she said he hears him scream a blood-curdling scream and he runs down the backyard out the alley and runs down the island she says she can hear him screaming until she couldn't hear it anymore so you're like okay what happened well i believe the angel of the lord came and kicked his butt or showed him something he didn't want to see so i grew up with a lot of these types of manifestations manifestations of darkness but i didn't necessarily know or understand the authority that i had i i remember seeing figures and silhouettes and things like that i remember i was tormented for a long time a long period of my young life uh we lived in a two-story house that was built in 1906 everything creaked everything creaked you know you step on a board you open the door you know you turn on the faucet everything creaks so you're like oh you know what's going on and and as a young kid you know everything is just freaking you out you know our our trash can was at the bottom we had a long backyard and um our our trash cans were at the bottom of our backyard that was open to the alley we didn't have a fence it was open anybody could come in or whatever and i remember having to take out the trash at night and you know you're sitting there and you're like okay you know you you about to do your your your your quickest you know track you know down to the to the uh to the trash cans and dump it and run back as fast as you can and i remember bam you go it's like the starter and you're you're running you're sprinting and right when i would get down to the bottom one of my siblings would turn off the lights to the porch and slam the door and i would just freak out because i was i was i was living in fear and fear of the unseen fear of what might happen and um and i remember being tormented by these silhouettes and visions and all this stuff and crying and weeping and and um and i remember i don't know i don't know if it was something i watched on tv or if it was something that like we went somewhere but i remember somebody telling me about the power of jesus the power of the believer and how we have authority over darkness and how how those things bow and tremble at the name of jesus and it was like it just it hit it just dropped and i was like oh snap so i went from like being in a position where it's like oh my gosh i don't want to see anything and all lord help me and no like you you know you put you the covers over your head and in your bed to like now i come up in my house and i'm like man i wish i would see some devil you know like i wish you would manifest because because now i know now i know that's the only difference that changed is that i knew something now i knew something and i believed something that you no longer have hold over me and i think for a lot of people when you think about the demonic realm demons and spirits and stuff it's you you you find yourself subject to uh their manifestations or their wiles or their manipulation because we lack understanding we lack that we've we we rule over them if all authority in heaven and earth has been given to jesus and then he sends us in that same authority in heaven and earth then we have authority over them he says all principality is under his feet every high thing is under his feet and i'm i'm i'm done with seeing the body of christ get manipulated um by the works of darkness by the lying signs and wonders and this is why matthew 24 24 jesus talks about there's a time where there's going to be false christs and false prophets and they're going to rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive even if possible the elect there's people that are working with darkness they're false you know and and and and for a lot of uh i was actually thinking about this last night um where it talks about in hebrews how so okay let me set it up this way uh when when satan fell one-third of the angels were deceived and and fell right we understand that talks about that in in the bible um we all know that there's different types of angels right they're not all the same cherubim seraphim there's ain't just regular angels there's archangels right um so there's different types so if one third of them fell there are then that would mean that there are different types of demonic spirits right it's not just one type that fell i can't necessarily prove that out but i could imagine if there's different types of angels then it's probably different types of demons right but this is what we do know it talks about in hebrews how how the angels are here to minister to those who are receiving everlasting life right scripture is very clear about that and the word minister means that they're here to serve us they're here to serve us right so in the same way if the hierarchy structure of the kingdom is that angels are here to serve us they're here to serve god and they're here to serve us then demons fall under that same authority that's why people like smith wigglesworth or lester sumrall or uh john g lake and you hear these stories of them being in their room or i remember who it was he was upstairs and then the tv turned on and he's like what's going on and he goes downstairs and then he goes down and he goes oh it's just you devil you know like and he goes back upstairs he's not even moved he's not even moved he's not even shaking because he knows he understands his authority he understands the kingdom structure that those spirits are subservient to us but it's through these lying signs and wonders is through it's through ignorance that we look at them and we go oh my gosh they're so big and bad and scary they're really not like a lot of people freak out when they see silhouettes or when they see you know um one example i often give is you know you know something will fall oh my god did you see that was anybody impressed when i just did that so why are we so impressed when a real being that really exists that you just can't see does the same thing oh the lights were going off and on the the cabinets were opening and closing well yeah it's because they exist if if i stood there and opened and closed your your your things you'd be like okay foolish guy get out like what are you doing but when when when a demon or something does it we're like oh my gosh it's like why why why are we so impressed they're real they're real but we shouldn't be impressed when they just do what they do which is knock stuff over or turn a light on or whatever why because they are subservient to you because jesus made it that way and so we're seeing an increase of manifestations in revelation it talks about you know um from the the dragon and the beast that there were spirits that came out and this is uh they're spirits of demons performing signs which go out to the kings of the earth of the whole world to gather them to battle for the great day of god almighty and so we're seeing that there's going to be an increase of these lying signs these lying signs and it's like don't be deceived you see this was written over 2 000 years ago close to that even then the lord is saying don't be deceived don't be freaked out they're real but you have all authority over them and we'll see how jesus talks about this multiple places and multiple times throughout his disciples life and if he's writing it for them he's writing it for us if he's saying it to them he's saying it to us matthew chapter 10 verse 8 i'm gonna just blast through these really quickly because we have a lot of scriptures to get through well let me let me let me talk about this because when i woke up this morning i was thinking about this and these scriptures came to my head and we talk about and all you're getting good understanding and the the we have to stop talking up the enemy and what he does we are far too impressed by what he does and you know his power is is limited he has ability but it is limited ability because here's the truth of the matter you know we we do know that that spirits can cause sickness we see that in scripture and i will read some of those scriptures um but the reality is like the the devil doesn't have the ability to just touch anybody at any time whenever he wants and that's just the truth of the matter and i think a lot of it has to do with our understanding are do you see yourself as vulnerable do you live as one who is vulnerable to the world around you to the the the unseen realm around you and what you believe about that can determine whether or not you are touched by it because here's the truth of the matter if satan wanted to he has enough of the one-third that could just go around and give every christian cancer why wouldn't he like if he could just take people and off people and just whatever why doesn't he just do that it to me it would make sense like if if i'm your enemy and i don't care and i'm willing to do whatever to to just to get you out of the way why don't i just go for the the jugular just go for keeps well because he can't but some people think he can and you're destroyed for a lack of knowledge we are not vulnerable because even when you look at what the uh the apostles have to say about it you know paul says listen i fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived eve by his craftiness by his craftiness so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in the christ his his power play is to deceive his power play is to deceive he he lives satan means deceiver and that's how he's trained the one-third that's that serve him to come out and deceive to deceive through deception it's not the power force the power onslaught it's deception that's how he got adam and eve deception he didn't force that thing into into her mouth he didn't force that thing into his mouth he didn't put them under a trance or a spell it was through deception through schemes ephesians 6 he says this finally brother be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole arm of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil not the brute strength power manifest no it's the wiles it's the schemes manipulation seduction the lies deception confusion i think once we understand that he he needs us to agree with his report and that is the doorway by which you know he wants to try to come in he's lost he's lost let's look at another passage um that's it is 6 10. this is in second corinthians chapter 2 where he talks about not being ignorant of his devices paul is talking about listen man if you forgive someone then i forgive them you know uh he says now whom you forgive i also forgive for indeed if i have forgiven anything i have forgiven that one for your sake in the presence of christ lest satan should take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices satan can only take advantage when we allow him to and that's the truth that i think the church is sometimes unwilling to accept because we because we've seen people so wrecked by the demonic and by junk and so we we need our enemy to be big and bad and scary you know it talks about that when on that day when we see him satan it says we will say is this the dude that caused the nations to tremble like is this really him that's what the bible says we will say like it like it was it was him like this is the guy that we were all freaking out about this is the guy that we were all losing our our our our peace to we let this dude lead us astray really and i say no in jesus name we will not because we're gaying understanding and when we gang get the knowledge and we get the understanding we can stop the destruction matthew 10 8 jesus says heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons freely you have received so freely give what have you received freely power and authority dominion a position you know anointed means to have a position it means to be placed into a calling there's only one the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me anointed you into what into sonship as a child of the king as a child of god a child of god is here on earth the highest being a child of god is the highest being here on earth for us to sell out to an impression or a feeling or a a a aberration let's get over it they're real but they're under your feet they're under your feet mark 3 verse 14 through 15 it says then he jesus appointed 12 that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have power everybody say power to heal sickness and to cast out demons so you have been given power to cast them out you've been given power to cast them out not just authority but power so if it's trying to resist your authority now you can use power that's what makes police officers so effective and that's why i think it's a work of the enemy that that now listen police officers hold a position they are people not everyone that holds that position is infallible there are really good ones and then there's some really bad ones it's just a reality just like there's really good pastors and there's some really terrible ones that we can't judge the the office because of some bad ones right because you didn't you don't want to be judged that way right so we need to stop with this sweeping judgments but the point that i was trying to make it's that's what makes officers effective is that they have authority and they have power and isn't it like the enemy that he would want to challenge their authority and he would want to strip them of their power i'm telling you man it's it's that's a symbol and a sign of of the devil saying look i'm working and i'm winning because people aren't willing to stand up for what's right and what's true because of their pain they're letting their pain speak louder than truth and they're making foolish decisions to mask their pain not heal them the only person that the only people that benefit hear me out the only people that benefit when you when you strip officers of their power and their authority are criminals and it's it's sad that like society not as a whole but there's a large amount of people that are just willing to give in to the mob mentality we're we're studying um no i'm rabbit trailing we were studying as a staff in ephesians and it talks and it was talking about um how the world in the futility of their mind they have their understanding darkened their understanding is darkened and and we want to as the body of christ get our cues and our are what's right and what's wrong from the world those who have their understanding darkened how foolish see that's the that's the enemy's deception and people falling for it and then finding destruction and then they go turn around and go how did how did we get here how did this happen well because you were deceived by the enemy it wasn't the power force of the enemy it was through seduction it was through deception it was through wiles and it seemed right there was a way that seems right to man but its end is destruction and we who are people of the light who people who have the truth need to stand up and go wait a minute let's put the brakes on a little bit let's talk this through let's use some kingdom sense here but the reality is we have been given authority and i see the enemy has a plan to try to strip not only the church of the authority but the the the the people who it says in scripture that were placed by god they're servants of god about law enforcement and all this so that's what the bible says that they're servants of god and they don't bear the sword in vain and it says they're they're not a uh what are they what does it say it says they're not a terror to those who are law abiding they're a terror to those who do evil i mean i could keep going about this but i need to get back on topic so we've been given power and authority over the demonic it says so in mark 6 12-13 it says so when they went out and preached that people should repent and they cast out many demons and anointed many with oil and who were sick and healed them they cast out many demons mark 16 17 it says these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons luke 9 it says then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power somebody say power and authority somebody say authority over all demons so out of the one-third regardless of what they are you know people say well you know how do they say new levels higher devils or something new level new devil whatever because i've been given power and authority over all all that all that jargon that's not jesus jesus ain't saying hey new level new devil some man that probably got beat up because he didn't understand all all right i'll say some some some christian i probably shouldn't said some man some some christian you know got beat up because they probably didn't understand their authority and so then they came up with a reason as to why and the reason as to why is because the devil's so big and bad because i'm at another level well jesus isn't saying that jesus is saying you've been given power and authority over all all so that's where we're going to hang out in luke 10 17-20 it says that the 70 return with joy saying lord even the demons are subject to us in your name and listen to jesus's response check out how he kind of downplays it and he said to them i saw satan fall like lightning y'all behold i give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpius and over all the power of the enemy somebody say all power all power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless don't rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you the spirits are subject to you that's why you know the the the the people who we revere of the past that's why we see them talking to to the devil and talking to demons like the way they do hey devil get back in here and put this bed up against the wall it was in the up against the wall when you came in here it'll be up against the wall when you leave so get back in here and put this because he understands that the demons are subject to him think about jesus encounter with with the demonic often times they would run to him not to try to scratch him they would run to him and be like yo go easy on us you know you you come to torment us what do you hear i mean how many times you walk on the scene and the demons are like yo um be cool be cool we cool right like don't trip don't send us out of the region like we won't manifest be cool that's that was jesus's response i mean jesus's experience because he is the son of god and so are we he says don't rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rejoice rather because your names are written in heaven he's like the demon subject to you that's that's just another day that's just tuesday i mean that's basically he's like listen don't get all excited over that that's yeah that i mean that's that's normal it's like breathing that's how it should be let's say hey get really pumped that your name is written in the book get really pumped about that i think jesus perspective is a little bit different so he's given us power and authority over all demons and we cast them out by the by the word we cast them out by the spirit we cast them out by a command that's what jesus did remember he says listen if i cast out demons by the spirit of god surely the kingdom of god has come upon you and there's a place where he says the finger of god i cast them out by the finger of god think about that it's like all of heaven is is is coming on our side it's moving through us and for us so we cast them out by the spirit of god that's what jesus says he says i cast them out by the spirit of god and it says when evening had come in matthew 8 verse 16 it says they brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with what a word a word and he healed all who were sick he cast them out with a word he just clear he just spoke to him leave come out i'm going to show you a couple stories you see remember when i did the pen thing i knocked the pen off you know we need to remember okay and i've said this over again they're real they have ability they can they can speak they can manifest at times they can move things i i know one-year-olds that can do that no i'm serious like and i want it i want it i want them [Music] to i want to strip away this like like this this aw we have for the for for the demonic like do not be impressed that's what's hoping for you to be impressed someone when you see people manifest and roll around on the ground it's just looking to impress you it's just looking for you to go oh my gosh i remember one time we were ministering to a lady who uh she used to be muslim and she was um had some weird bizarre manifestation and i remember leading worship it was a wednesday night um and i'm leading worship and and i'm seeing her have this manifestation and i saw it and i'm like whatever like that is literally what i thought on my head i'm like whatever and i'm not downplaying the fact that she needs deliverance but i'm like i'm not gonna be shaken by that like whatever and then so it came to the point of the evening where we're going to minister and she's doing this manifestation and so we begin now this is this was earlier on right and so there's things that i know now that i didn't fully know then but i i knew enough that i knew that i was not going to be intimidated by whatever manifestation and so this this this demon started to really really manifest and it had the tongue out and it was doing all kinds of weird thing and probably the the the well we would say the craziest manifestation again it depends on whether or not you are impressed is we begin to minister and she began to to levitate off the ground and the whole time i'm thinking wow god i thank you that you're so real because this is what i'm seeing before me is evidence of the reality that god is real because he said this would happen so father i still thank you that i'm born again and my name is in that book but this right here this is going to change because i know this is subject to me but if you think if you see that and you go oh my gosh [Music] then you're probably going to be like the disciples who couldn't get the epileptic boy healed because you're impressed by what you see not impressed by what you know and believe not impressed by his spirit not impressed by his love not impressed by his power or his heart you're impressed by what you're receiving so just stay impressed by him and walk over these things i'm not saying that there aren't times where i'm okay let's just let's just keep going because i'm gonna show you sometimes how we get tripped and tricked if i would have looked at what the lady was doing and thought oh man this is going to be a long one well then it would have and it would have but let me let's let's look um so mark 1 23-27 jesus cast in our dimensions now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit and he cried out saying let us alone what have we had what have we to do with you jesus of nazareth did you come to destroy us jesus didn't say nothing to this dude to the spirit jesus is on the scene in the synagogue probably just teaching you know he's in there and all of a sudden this dude this spirit speaks up did you come to destroy us i know who you are the holy one of god and jesus rebuked him saying be quiet and come out of him just a simple command be quiet and come out and it says and when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice he came out of him now pause when we say in the name of jesus come out and then the person goes we go okay you know i said come out i said i come out now come out now when jesus did it and the thing convulsed them and cried out jesus was just like not impressed because he knows it's coming out he gave the command jesus knows they are subject to him this happens several times to jesus well he commanded the spirit to come out and it convulsed the person or it cried out or it shook the person and jesus didn't freak out jesus didn't call the prayer team he didn't he didn't call for backup he just knew and believed i i ca i spoke the word and it must go it's because he believes something he knows something to be true and i'm inviting us into that same understanding i'm inviting us into that same reality this is what is your inheritance as a child of god that they are subject to you i'm tired of seeing the body of christ get tugged to and fro be so impressed or oppressed by the unseen realm the demonic realm they are subject to us they're actually hoping hoping that we don't understand that they are subject to us because that is their biggest play deception they can get you to believe bigger new level bigger devil they're like i just have to convince him that i'm i'm i'm one of those newer bigger whatever level devils that's all they got to do and then they got you here and yet the power that is in you is the same power that raised jesus from the dead it's the same power that created angels think about that the power that is in you is the same power that created them so what are we lacking maybe just understanding i've got five minutes in mark 5 jesus has another encounter similar thing person with a demon starting in verse 7. he says he cried out with a loud voice and said what do we have to do with you jesus son of the most high god i implore you by god that you do not torment me it's interesting the demon's saying don't torment me to jesus i don't necessarily think jesus intended to at least not at that moment but this is this was their impression of the of jesus like he has the authority to really make life hard for me and jesus said to follow him and the same things that he did we will do and even greater things so what are we so afraid of and then he says come out of the man unclean spirit i know it says for he had said to him so this this guy's saying this crying out with a lot loud voice what do you have to do with me jesus i gotta implore you don't torment me was in response to jesus saying come out of him so jesus said come out of him the demon rebuts with this and then jesus says hey man what's your name and he goes legion for we are many and he's like listen man don't send us out of the region let us go into the pigs and for whatever reason jesus permits it all right go into the pigs and then the pigs have enough sense to run off the cliff but it's interesting jesus permits it man i'm just just you getting hopefully you're getting an insight to the authority this is to the level of authority and dominion you have in this arena and in every arena but this is particularly a place where i see a lot of people stumble you know you know satan has a voice he can speak jesus says that my sheep will hear and obey my voice and as strangers they will not follow amen so if if if jesus is making a contrast about following his voice and not as strangers then that means you can hear a stranger's voice yeah but you've already decided i have decided to follow jesus so you've already decided i'm not going to listen to a stranger so when the stranger speaks when the whisper of the enemy says something that's totally contrary to who you are contrary to truth you go i'm not going to follow that i know the truth i'm settled you know you you feel an impression of fear right and then we go oh that must be in me i must have a problem i must have an issue no you have no problem i promise you you have no problem just because you felt something doesn't mean you have a problem because here's here's my question to you whatever you say you felt or whatever whether it's a physical thing or an impression does god not have a solution for that does he for everything you may face in this world does god have a solution for then where do you have a problem where do you have a problem unless you believe and perceive you do and if you do that's deception and that's the game that's the the the game book of the enemy it's the wiles the deception the manipulation the confusion that's where he's playing you that's where he's playing us you look at another passage oh i gotta close i want to close with something um matthew 17 which is probably one of the most famous passages of scripture where we see jesus dealing with uh the devils or a devil so you turn there with me i want to explain something in this what did i say i said matthew right i went to mark matthew 17. so we're all pretty much familiar about the story of the um the epileptic boy and um the disciples who are called anointed chosen by the lord jesus he had given them all power over all the ability of the devil and nothing shall by any means hurt them he sent them out jesus goes on to the mount of transfiguration he's transfigured before them shines in his glory um three of them and the rest of them are down there and they this father brings his son and the son is more than likely manifesting the disciples are looking with their eyes and they're doubting because they're speaking and nothing's happening right and there's there's a there's a crowd people are talking right and so jesus comes on the scene and he's wondering okay what's what's going on what's what's going on here and the man comes up to him and he says have mercy on my son he's an epileptic he suffers severely he often falls into the fire and into the water so there's some incredible manifestations that are happening here he says so i brought him to your disciples but they could not cure him then jesus answered and said o faithless and perverse generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring him here to me so jesus in essence rebukes his disciples do we see that he calls them faithless and perverse ouch right and so you say what would garnish that kind of response why would jesus so strongly rebuke his disciples that way well it's because they had every ability to do to to get this boy well every ability to get this boy well but they could not because of the perverseness of their thinking perverse means twisted and so then he says listen how long how long i'm going to be here guys you got to get this how long am i going to bear with you how long i'm going to keep teaching you these things you got to get this that's what he's saying he says now let me show you bring him here let me show you it says jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him and the child was cured that very hour and then the disciples later on come to jesus and say this privately and said why could we not cast it out so jesus answered them and said because of your unbelief so what was the what was the answer unbelief wasn't this was a listen you guys are at a new level so you're dealing with new devils that wasn't jesus's response this response was unbelief perverse thinking you're seeing you're looking with your eyes you're judging with your mind and you're getting tripped up on what you see or what you don't see he says listen i say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you somebody say nothing and then we have verse 21 that everyone kind of like has you know gets a little weird about however this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting and so what's famously taught is that jesus is saying this kind of demon does not come out by prayer and fasting that's not what he's saying he said but wait a minute and mark same story he says again this kind doesn't come out except by prayer and fasting but in luke he doesn't say it at all so you have two accounts where you see this kind doesn't come out by prayer and fasting so what do we do with that because it sounds as though he's saying if you know if they would have fasted and prayed at that moment or at that time then they could have gotten this demon out well let me tell you let me show you why i believe that jesus is not saying that one thing you we want to take into account is that that phrase this kind comes not i said by prayer fasting is not in some of the manuscripts so it could have been added it could uh we don't entirely know okay so like i said the gospel of leak a leak of luke leaves it out completely fasting is not for power okay fasting is about denying yourself so that you can manifest jesus it's about you getting out of the way so that you can manifest christ in your mortal flesh and it's about bringing yourself into alignment with jesus amen fasting is not about getting god to move famously the church is taught like if you need a breakthrough you need to fast so you get a move of god oh we need everybody everybody needs to fast so that we can get god to move the bible specifically says don't do that and isaiah that's not the fast that you're called to do so that can't be the solution either here so it's not the key to cast out the demon and here's three reasons first it says he rebukes his disciples for their unbelief not for their lack of fasting right faith is a perverse generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring him here why couldn't we do it it's because your unbelief so surely i say if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can speak to this mountain tell it to be removed or to be moved from here to there and it shall obey you and nothing shall be impossible for you nothing shall be impossible for you second thing he prohibits them from fasting in matthew 9 and mark 2. same story you remember the story the disciples of john came to him saying hey why do we in the pharisees fast often and your disciples do not fast they do not fast he says jesus says to them can friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them but the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will fast for you cannot put new wine in old wine skins because if you do the wine skins will burst and they both will be ruined the wine and the wine skins but you put new wine and new wine skins and both are preserved so guess what they're not going to fast right now that was jesus's response to fasting when asked so this whole time with jesus they're not fasting because he told them not to so he can't tell them don't turn around and go listen guys i'm i'm upset that you couldn't do this and the reason why is because you're not fasting how dare you when he prohibited them so he's not saying the key to get this demon out is is to fast and pray you say well then what good is fasting why i already answered that fasting and praying is good because it puts you into it it denies the flesh it gets you out of the way so that you can hear clearly so that you can manifest christ not for a move of power not for more power not for that's not the purpose of fasting the purpose of fasting is to to to to die to self completely and totally so this is why jesus is not saying that so man i'm way way i'm sorry i need to close um so the reality is that the spirits are subject to us just as in the the hierarchical structure of heaven he says that they are the he makes his his uh the angels to to come and to minister to those who are receiving minister meaning serve those who are receiving those same angels are a part of the one-third that had fallen so they have the same authority structure at best the level at which we relate to them is servant servant yeah they have ability but you have all authority over all of their ability so you can actually drive their ability so never again do i ever ever want to hear or see anybody any believer again being manipulated being being pushed to and fro by any demonic force or presence they are under your feet they are subject to you and you have full authority all authority over them so go cast them out in jesus name all right
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 8,943
Rating: 4.8754325 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 8tZ84-mAYwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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