What Coffee Does to the Heart, Brain, & Body - Dr. Alan Mandell D.C.

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hello everyone dr. Mandela here with you hopefully you are having a wonderful day or a night wherever you are worldwide I want to say hello to everyone today is going to be one of my favorite topics and I'm gonna kind of move through it real quick we are actually streaming live via the web right now the topic is what coffee does to your heart your brain and your body there are millions of coffee drinkers worldwide many of us still don't really understand the good or the bad it's one of the most addicting type of drinks that we're going to ever put into our body it is considered a drug because of the caffeine let's go right to a little bit about caffeine because we all contribute in our minds coffee to caffeine so if we go to the charts right here and we'll start kind of backwards today because it's a little more exciting according to Mayo Clinic here we can see a Starbucks latte 75 milligrams of caffeine Red Bull 80 milligrams and an 8 ounce cup and as you see up there Starbucks has the highest amount of caffeine that's probably why people say it is one of the best around and look at Dunkin Donuts quite high there's a 2 ounce 5-hour energy 250 milligrams of caffeine generally a cup of caffeine is generally 95 to a hundred milligrams of coffees a hundred a hundred milligrams of caffeine and a cup of coffee the general now if you look at the caffeine here if you look at the brewed coffee and you can look at this for yourself the brewed the filter the instant the espresso the black tea the green tea green tea is one of my favorites and we'll talk about that because it has the polyphenols the catechins in there that actually great antioxidants white tea decaf and you can see as it goes down if you look here you can see a little comparison here on the amount of caffeine per cup on decaf 3 milligrams realize that all decafs still have caffeine in it up to about seven or eight milligrams depending upon how it's actually taken out hot chocolate has caffeine green tea you see 20 milligrams as we work our way up the expresso people who are addicted to coca-cola you know why 40 milligrams of caffeine and I believe some of the other sodas have more redbull a tea and again a brewed coffee approximately 95 or a hundred milligrams so now we have a general idea a little bit about caffeine so let's go into the the cons the pros or goods the bads and we'll talk a little bit about these old coffees before I show you that let's look at the coffee bushes a lot of people don't realize what these coffee beans are where they come from a tremendous amount comes from I do know it's a fact from Colombia I know Guatemala I know many other countries out there have our mainly big big coffee even Jamaica but smaller compared to if I recall if I recall Colombia is very big I do recall that but this is basically what they look like and let's go a little bit here and let's move on a little bit to the pros and cons let's talk about the the good things and we're gonna move through this pretty quick because these can can really take a lot of time I just want to make my point make it across it's amazing that it helps decrease risk of diabetes people who are type 2 diabetics by adding coffee will help balance out diabetes there's a lot of research on this you can read the research and it actually helps cut diabetes by a significant amount they've done plenty of research from neurogenic diseases of Parkinson's Alzheimer's it reduces that prevents it individuals who just drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day can add this tremendous benefit to preventing this neurogenic disease so just want to let you know that people are saying well how much can I drink standards should not be more than 400 milligrams a day that's four cups of coffee a day although if you're adding other things that has other caffeine's you have to beware according to Mayo Clinic they say about four cups of coffee they know more than that I don't really recommend that much but maybe two possibly three but that's the standards that research does show they talk about the products against heart disease and stroke there are plenty of studies here's a study a 13-year Netherlands study one of the largest studies examining the effects of coffee on the heart to date evidence shows individuals that consume coffee every day could lower their risk of developing heart disease as much as 45% quite high lowers cancer risks they talked about in the man particularly prostate I've read plenty of studies in colon cancer so that in itself is something to keep in mind particularly that prostate they say up at 260 percent very very high in antioxidants we look at many antioxidants and fruits vegetables nuts seeds red wine very high antioxidants which prevents the aging actually can maintain hopefully prevent a lot of like wrinkles and stuff like that although the downside and I'm gonna say it right now is that caffeine coffee is a major dehydrator it will dehydrate you it will actually works kind of like a as if you were taking something to get rid of the fluid okay that will actually dehydrate you it can raise cholesterol levels in the fact that if you are drinking it and it's unfiltered so I do recommend that you when you brew this make sure it is you have a filter there are substances that make a big difference and it does lead to weight gain you're saying well how can it lead the weight gain if it's a stimulant because of the fact that people are putting lots of sugar creams in the coffee it's kind of like putting the butters and sour cream on your baked potato but this is not a big potato so watch what you're putting in there they say the healthiest way to drink this is more black so if you're gonna use other sweeteners natural sweeteners you can use like steady and stuff like that if you like but be careful what you put in there because too much sugar gets converted to fat it's a stimulant this is the problem they say that if you're going to drink coffee no more than 12 hours out don't drink it too close the bed will keep you up so if you imagine 10 to 12 hours out drink it more calmly in the morning early after early early afternoon but if you're going to bed at 9 10 11 12 o'clock don't drink it too close to there even like three four or five o'clock too late it stays in your system a good 12 hours withdrawal people get fatigue irritability get headaches get the jitter NIST get the insomnia the mood swings it's a very very highly highly contagious drug and I do recommend that you start cutting back maybe cook get to a little bit of the other teas like the green teas which are very very healthy very high in antioxidants and catechins that can do you a lot of good one of the downsides is the elevated blood pressure or increased heart rate it is an adrenaline response type of drug it increases the fight-or-flight so if you are one that's jittery if you're one that has high blood pressure I recommend be careful go to the decaf the difference between the decaf and the regular is not much there's still some caffeine in the decaf although I'm gonna go back to that at the end of the program in just a little bit remember sleep to start disturbances if you are having a hard time getting the bed make sure that you're not drinking it within that 12 hour gap that will keep you up and cause lots of problems when it comes to your teeth it will stain your teeth and many of you depending upon the health of your teeth a good idea to brush your teeth a little bit more and there are different some whiteners that you may want to use the bottom line is that there are a lot of great benefits to coffee again you don't want to drink this and it's excess because particularly there are some downsides as well so in review antioxidants like blueberries and raspberries and oranges this has it in it diabetes helps prevent a lot of and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes the studies do show that Parkinson's disease neurogenic diseases can actually prevent and help this liver protection there's still Studies on this especially when it comes to alcohol cirrhosis I don't really have all the studies but it's still in the studies golf stones they do state that according to research the risk of developing stones fall about 10-15 percent that's about 240 milligrams of daily coffee so it's about a little over two cups so you know we're looking prior to the two cup Marcus looks like to me the healthiest studies show that even in asthma can actually help it we talked about even Alzheimer's but retinal damage they state that the benefits of coffee drinking potential health risks are sorted with associated with coffee coffee million large doses can cause problems in susceptible people but all we're basically saying here is is that if you are susceptible to have a problem that we already have problems you need to be aware of this excessive caffeine heart disease they said lowers heart disease but again we have to look at heart disease as like cholesterol building as fat plaquing but can an increase pressure can it cause stroke can it cause anything with heart disease when it comes down to increased blood pressure because increased blood pressure is dangerous so you need to be aware that you don't want to be walking around hypertensive because if you're hypertensive you are having adrenaline it's going to constrict Veysel constrict the arteries the vessels and make the heart pump harder one very downside big downside of the I thought I'll mention it you can check my videos out on osteoporosis we did a lot of stuff on the magnesium and how absorption of vitamin D of calcium when vitamin D is available in the body but we look at osteoporosis because of the fact that heavy coffee drinking can can increase the risk of osteoporosis remember this acts as a diuretic so the extra urinary excretion that we're getting can impair the calcium from the digestive tract so too much coffee can be excreting not only calcium but other minerals so you need to be aware of that I believe we met magnesium because it is a diuretic anytime we are excreting stuff from the kidney we are potentially causing potential problems in our body heartburn is a big one I do recommend people who have gastrointestinal have acid reflux or heartburn be very careful this dyspepsia you can get from drinking coffee I believe by the by the research on the decaf it is easier on the system when it comes to heartburn but dehydration is the big key for people that are pregnant I recommend diminishing the amount of caffeine just for safety purposes it does state that you still are allowed to drink it but there are lots of different studies on that here on decaffeinated coffee it may increase the risk of rheumatic rheumatoid arthritis there's still research being done on that on the other hand they're stating that people who drank four more cups of coffee they had twice the risk of developing this compared to those who drank less coffee so here we have to kind of use our discrepancy I am NOT saying don't drink it I am saying that it's all about moderation because there are cons and pros even if you have a little have a little higher blood pressure if you're gonna drink less coffee it's going to be healthier for you so just be aware on what you can in what you can't do a few things that I want to state on this let's go ahead and we talked about actually what I want to talk about here Organic very important if you're gonna drink good coffee drink organic I mean that there's really a no-brainer there's a lot of sprays and pesticides and and stuff that they spray on the crops and what goes on out there I don't really know all the stuff in there but I know there are lots of things that are not good for us so I want to mention this a little bit about the decaf as again we talked about organic is still the way to go in any way that you can get it that is the way to go a decaf the only really main thing the difference is it really has the same polyphenols it has the same you know components within coffee although they're still left at some reason residual of caffeine in decaf because you still can feel that little little edge if you're not a coffee drinker now if you're a coffee drinker decaf is not going to put a dent on you but realize there are cons and pros when you should and you should not drink decaf but I'm not going to go into all of those I just want to briefly state that decaf is not going to give you that jittery feeling and it does have a lot of links still when it comes down to type 2 diabetes and reducing a lot of other health risks like neurogenic diseases both regular and decaf have the same positive effects on these age-related mental declines so I want you to understand that that decaf does have its benefits but realize that you know decaf is not is it doesn't have the same jest if you're a coffee drinker there's a big difference any good coffee drinker or let's say a professional coffee drinker is going to know the difference between a decaf and a regular coffee so there you have it I just hopefully let me just see if there's any last thing I wanted to leave with you here decaf overall is a good alternative the regular coffee for those people who are caffeine sensitive as we talked about pregnant women adolescents because even children that may like coffee they should really calm down on that regular cafe on that regular caffeinated toxins we say caffeinated drug so those who are taken at actually certain medications the last thing I want to state if you are on certain kinds of medications I always recommend to speak to your doctor because as you are having this type of pulling effect from the kidneys that's actually excreting this diuretic effect you can be losing a lot of minerals and minerals has an effect with your heart has an effect with how your body works for example it's very common to have palpitations and a lot of people people get too little you know the fluttering the the the the fluttering that they get and they kind of think they're having a heart attack then you get a little anxiety you get all dizzy you start getting sweaty just as a result of coffee so as a result of these caffeinated things be aware that teas have caffeinate have a caffeine in it and a lot of the drinks that we drink a lot of sodas has caffeine in it and just be aware what you're putting inside your body me I'm very reactive to caffeine people have have written me and they said you know why don't I drink caffeine it's just I feel jittery without it and I know when I put caffeine on my body I can really am very hyper sensitive some people aren't so get to know your body and it's very very important I hope that does it gave you some understanding about the good the bad and I really recommend you know this this is healthy there's a lot of studies or studies that are coming out that it's actually increasing years to people's life long longevity a lot of health because we're preventing the neurogenic diseases or actually preventing you know a lot of diseases period with diabetes cardiovascular from coffee but the most important thing that I want you to understand behind all of this it's like anything that you put in your body is moderation alright because you know something is good it doesn't mean that you don't want to keep eating so much of it until you get sick it doesn't work that way so you still have to get your sleep but make sure you're not drinking that caffeine too close to when you go to bed because of the fact a lot of people like drinking coffee with their late lunches or early dinners and I think they drink it before they go to bed it's like nicotine nicotine is a stimulant you need that sleep because if you want to keep your your body healthy you really must understand that you know you need rest and without rest you just don't heal I asked you to subscribe if you are a new person here tuning in check out my channel many great self-help videos lots of great nutrition we've been adding I have hundreds and hundreds of self-help videos on posture poor posture biomechanics spinal related conditions hips sciatica there's just so many great stuff on there and I just want to thank our chatters for being in the chatroom here I learned so much from you I ask you to continue to leave your comments share my videos do what you want to do you don't have to ask me and again certain comments important comments you can check out a motivational doc on Facebook motivational doc on Facebook again leave your messages below too there are so many hundreds even thousands of people who are gonna read this and this is all about educating each other this is what this life is about the more we can learn from each other the healthy we're gonna be for us for our loved ones and for our family I wish lots of good health to you your loved ones and may God bless you and will continue to educate day after day continue to help better our health so we can live a more healthier life and happier one take care everyone bye-bye now
Channel: motivationaldoc
Views: 3,402,640
Rating: 4.7946563 out of 5
Keywords: coffee, caffeine, stimulant, high blood pressure, anxiety, caffeine withdrawal, diabetes, heart, brain, heartburn, insomnia, blood pressure, osteoporosis, cholesterol, alzheimers, heart disease, gout, parkinsons disease, tea, green tea, adrenaline, drug, headaches, migraines, jittery, nervousness, acid reflux, muscle ache, nausea, bones, muscle pain, pain, neck pain, back pain, heart attack, addiction, breast cystic, indigestion, allergies
Id: lVSi7vVRx-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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